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module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Dependencies
( resolveDependencies,
import Control.Arrow.Extended
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended qualified as M
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as OMap
import Data.HashSet qualified as HS
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Monoid (First)
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Network
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission.Internal (permissionIsDefined)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Action
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Allowlist
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ComputedField
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Endpoint
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Function
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Object
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Permission
import Hasura.RQL.Types.QueryCollection
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.Local
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCacheTypes
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table
import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
-- | Processes collected 'CIDependency' values into a 'DepMap', performing integrity checking to
-- ensure the dependencies actually exist. If a dependency is missing, its transitive dependents are
-- removed from the cache, and 'InconsistentMetadata's are returned.
resolveDependencies ::
(ArrowKleisli m arr, QErrM m) =>
( BuildOutputs,
[(MetadataObject, SchemaObjId, SchemaDependency)]
`arr` (BuildOutputs, [InconsistentMetadata], DepMap)
resolveDependencies = arrM \(cache, dependencies) -> do
let dependencyMap =
& M.groupOn (view _2)
& fmap (map \(metadataObject, _, schemaDependency) -> (metadataObject, schemaDependency))
performIteration 0 cache [] dependencyMap
-- Processes dependencies using an iterative process that alternates between two steps:
-- 1. First, pruneDanglingDependents searches for any dependencies that do not exist in the
-- current cache and removes their dependents from the dependency map, returning an
-- InconsistentMetadata for each dependent that was removed. This step does not change
-- the schema cache in any way.
-- 2. Second, deleteMetadataObject drops the pruned dependent objects from the cache. It does
-- not alter (or consult) the dependency map, so transitive dependents are /not/ removed.
-- By iterating the above process until pruneDanglingDependents does not discover any new
-- inconsistencies, all missing dependencies will eventually be removed, and since dependency
-- graphs between schema objects are unlikely to be very deep, it will usually terminate in just
-- a few iterations.
performIteration ::
(QErrM m) =>
Int ->
BuildOutputs ->
[InconsistentMetadata] ->
HashMap SchemaObjId [(MetadataObject, SchemaDependency)] ->
m (BuildOutputs, [InconsistentMetadata], DepMap)
performIteration iterationNumber cache inconsistencies dependencies = do
let (newInconsistencies, prunedDependencies) = pruneDanglingDependents cache dependencies
case newInconsistencies of
[] -> pure (cache, inconsistencies, HS.fromList . map snd <$> prunedDependencies)
| iterationNumber < 100 -> do
let inconsistentIds = nub $ concatMap imObjectIds newInconsistencies
prunedCache = foldl' (flip deleteMetadataObject) cache inconsistentIds
allInconsistencies = inconsistencies <> newInconsistencies
performIteration (iterationNumber + 1) prunedCache allInconsistencies prunedDependencies
| otherwise ->
-- Running for 100 iterations without terminating is (hopefully) enormously unlikely
-- unless we did something very wrong, so halt the process and abort with some
-- debugging information.
(err500 Unexpected "schema dependency resolution failed to terminate")
{ qeInternal =
Just $
ExtraInternal $
[ "inconsistent_objects"
.= object
[ "old" .= inconsistencies,
"new" .= newInconsistencies
"pruned_dependencies" .= (map snd <$> prunedDependencies)
pruneDanglingDependents ::
BuildOutputs ->
HashMap SchemaObjId [(MetadataObject, SchemaDependency)] ->
([InconsistentMetadata], HashMap SchemaObjId [(MetadataObject, SchemaDependency)])
pruneDanglingDependents cache =
fmap (M.filter (not . null)) . traverse do
partitionEithers . map \(metadataObject, dependency) -> case resolveDependency dependency of
Right () -> Right (metadataObject, dependency)
Left errorMessage -> Left (InconsistentObject errorMessage Nothing metadataObject)
resolveDependency :: SchemaDependency -> Either Text ()
resolveDependency (SchemaDependency objectId _) = case objectId of
SOSource source ->
void $
M.lookup source (_boSources cache)
`onNothing` Left ("no such source exists: " <>> source)
SORemoteSchema remoteSchemaName ->
unless (remoteSchemaName `M.member` _boRemoteSchemas cache) $
Left $ "remote schema " <> remoteSchemaName <<> " is not found"
SORemoteSchemaPermission remoteSchemaName roleName -> do
remoteSchema <-
onNothing (M.lookup remoteSchemaName $ _boRemoteSchemas cache) $
Left $ "remote schema " <> remoteSchemaName <<> " is not found"
unless (roleName `M.member` _rscPermissions (fst remoteSchema)) $
Left $
"no permission defined on remote schema " <> remoteSchemaName
<<> " for role " <>> roleName
SORemoteSchemaRemoteRelationship remoteSchemaName typeName relationshipName -> do
remoteSchema <-
fmap fst $
onNothing (M.lookup remoteSchemaName $ _boRemoteSchemas cache) $
Left $ "remote schema " <> remoteSchemaName <<> " is not found"
void $
(OMap.lookup typeName (_rscRemoteRelationships remoteSchema) >>= OMap.lookup relationshipName)
$ Left $
"remote relationship " <> relationshipName
<<> " on type " <> G.unName typeName <> " on " <> remoteSchemaName
<<> " is not found"
SOSourceObj source exists -> do
server/mssql: add cascade to mssql_run_sql <!-- Thank you for ss in the Title above ^ --> ## Description <!-- Please fill thier. --> <!-- Describe the changes from a user's perspective --> We don't have dependency reporting mechanism for `mssql_run_sql` API i.e when a database object (table, column etc.) is dropped through the API we should raise an exception if any dependencies (relationships, permissions etc.) with the database object exists in the metadata. This PR addresses the above mentioned problem by -> Integrating transaction to the API to rollback the SQL query execution if dependencies exists and exception is thrown -> Accepting `cascade` optional field in the API payload to drop the dependencies, if any -> Accepting `check_metadata_consistency` optional field to bypass (if value set to `false`) the dependency check ### Related Issues <!-- Please make surt title --> <!-- Add the issue number below (e.g. #234) --> Close #1853 ### Solution and Design <!-- How is this iss --> <!-- It's better if we elaborate --> The design/solution follows the `run_sql` API implementation for Postgres backend. ### Steps to test and verify <!-- If this is a fehis is a bug-fix, how do we verify the fix? --> - Create author - article tables and track them - Defined object and array relationships - Try to drop the article table without cascade or cascade set to `false` - The server should raise the relationship dependency exists exception ## Changelog - ✅ `` is updated with user-facing content relevant to this PR. If no changelog is required, then add the `no-changelog-required` label. ## Affected components <!-- Remove non-affected components from the list --> - ✅ Server - ❎ Console - ❎ CLI - ❎ Docs - ❎ Community Content - ❎ Build System - ✅ Tests - ❎ Other (list it) PR-URL: GitOrigin-RevId: 0ab152295394056c4ca6f02923142a1658ad25dc
2021-10-22 17:49:15 +03:00
AB.dispatchAnyBackend @Backend exists $ \sourceObjId -> do
sourceInfo <- castSourceInfo source sourceObjId
case sourceObjId of
SOITable tableName -> do
void $ resolveTable sourceInfo tableName
SOIFunction functionName ->
void $
M.lookup functionName (_siFunctions sourceInfo)
`onNothing` Left ("function " <> functionName <<> " is not tracked")
SOITableObj tableName tableObjectId -> do
tableInfo <- resolveTable sourceInfo tableName
case tableObjectId of
TOCol columnName ->
void $ resolveField tableInfo (columnToFieldName tableInfo columnName) _FIColumn "column"
TORel relName ->
void $ resolveField tableInfo (fromRel relName) _FIRelationship "relationship"
TOComputedField fieldName ->
void $ resolveField tableInfo (fromComputedField fieldName) _FIComputedField "computed field"
TORemoteRel fieldName ->
void $ resolveField tableInfo (fromRemoteRelationship fieldName) _FIRemoteRelationship "remote relationship"
TOForeignKey constraintName -> do
let foreignKeys = _tciForeignKeys $ _tiCoreInfo tableInfo
unless (isJust $ find ((== constraintName) . _cName . _fkConstraint) foreignKeys) $
Left $
"no foreign key constraint named " <> constraintName <<> " is "
<> "defined for table " <>> tableName
TOPerm roleName permType -> do
unless (maybe False (permissionIsDefined permType) (tableInfo ^? (tiRolePermInfoMap . ix roleName))) $
Left $
"no " <> permTypeToCode permType <> " permission defined on table "
<> tableName <<> " for role " <>> roleName
TOTrigger triggerName ->
unless (M.member triggerName (_tiEventTriggerInfoMap tableInfo)) $
Left $
"no event trigger named " <> triggerName <<> " is defined for table " <>> tableName
SORole roleName ->
void $
(M.lookup roleName (_boRoles cache))
`onNothing` Left ("parent role " <> roleName <<> " does not exist")
castSourceInfo ::
(Backend b) => SourceName -> SourceObjId b -> Either Text (SourceInfo b)
castSourceInfo sourceName _ =
-- TODO: if the cast returns Nothing, we should be throwing an internal error
-- the type of the dependency in sources is not as recorded
(M.lookup sourceName (_boSources cache) >>= unsafeSourceInfo)
`onNothing` Left ("no such source found " <>> sourceName)
resolveTable sourceInfo tableName =
M.lookup tableName (_siTables sourceInfo)
`onNothing` Left ("table " <> tableName <<> " is not tracked")
columnToFieldName :: forall b. (Backend b) => TableInfo b -> Column b -> FieldName
columnToFieldName _ = fromCol @b
resolveField ::
Backend b =>
TableInfo b ->
FieldName ->
Getting (First a) (FieldInfo b) a ->
Text ->
Either Text a
resolveField tableInfo fieldName fieldType fieldTypeName = do
let coreInfo = _tiCoreInfo tableInfo
tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo
fieldInfo <-
M.lookup fieldName (_tciFieldInfoMap coreInfo)
`onNothing` Left
("table " <> tableName <<> " has no field named " <>> fieldName)
(fieldInfo ^? fieldType)
`onNothing` Left
("field " <> fieldName <<> "of table " <> tableName <<> " is not a " <> fieldTypeName)
deleteMetadataObject ::
MetadataObjId -> BuildOutputs -> BuildOutputs
deleteMetadataObject = \case
MOSource name -> boSources %~ M.delete name
MOSourceObjId source exists -> AB.dispatchAnyBackend @Backend exists (\sourceObjId -> boSources %~ M.adjust (deleteObjId sourceObjId) source)
MORemoteSchema name -> boRemoteSchemas %~ M.delete name
MORemoteSchemaPermissions name role -> boRemoteSchemas . ix name . _1 . rscPermissions %~ M.delete role
MORemoteSchemaRemoteRelationship remoteSchema typeName relationshipName ->
boRemoteSchemas . ix remoteSchema . _1 . rscRemoteRelationships . ix typeName %~ OMap.delete relationshipName
MOCronTrigger name -> boCronTriggers %~ M.delete name
MOCustomTypes -> boCustomTypes %~ const mempty
MOAction name -> boActions %~ M.delete name
MOEndpoint name -> boEndpoints %~ M.delete name
MOActionPermission name role -> boActions . ix name . aiPermissions %~ M.delete role
MOInheritedRole name -> boRoles %~ M.delete name
MOHostTlsAllowlist host -> removeHostFromAllowList host
MOQueryCollectionsQuery cName lq -> \bo@BuildOutputs {..} ->
{ _boEndpoints = removeEndpointsUsingQueryCollection lq _boEndpoints,
_boAllowlist = removeFromAllowList lq _boAllowlist,
_boQueryCollections = removeFromQueryCollections cName lq _boQueryCollections
MODataConnectorAgent agentName -> boDataConnectorCapabilities %~ DataConnectorCapabilities . M.delete agentName . unDataConnectorCapabilities
removeHostFromAllowList hst bo =
{ _boTlsAllowlist = filter (not . checkForHostnameInAllowlistObject hst) (_boTlsAllowlist bo)
deleteObjId :: forall b. (Backend b) => SourceMetadataObjId b -> BackendSourceInfo -> BackendSourceInfo
deleteObjId sourceObjId sourceInfo =
(AB.mkAnyBackend . deleteObjFn sourceObjId)
$ unsafeSourceInfo sourceInfo
deleteObjFn :: (Backend b) => SourceMetadataObjId b -> SourceInfo b -> SourceInfo b
deleteObjFn = \case
SMOTable name -> siTables %~ M.delete name
SMOFunction name -> siFunctions %~ M.delete name
SMOFunctionPermission functionName role ->
siFunctions . ix functionName . fiPermissions %~ M.delete role
SMOTableObj tableName tableObjectId ->
siTables . ix tableName %~ case tableObjectId of
MTORel name _ -> tiCoreInfo . tciFieldInfoMap %~ M.delete (fromRel name)
MTOComputedField name -> tiCoreInfo . tciFieldInfoMap %~ M.delete (fromComputedField name)
MTORemoteRelationship name -> tiCoreInfo . tciFieldInfoMap %~ M.delete (fromRemoteRelationship name)
MTOTrigger name -> tiEventTriggerInfoMap %~ M.delete name
MTOPerm roleName PTSelect -> tiRolePermInfoMap . ix roleName . permSel .~ Nothing
MTOPerm roleName PTInsert -> tiRolePermInfoMap . ix roleName . permIns .~ Nothing
MTOPerm roleName PTUpdate -> tiRolePermInfoMap . ix roleName . permUpd .~ Nothing
MTOPerm roleName PTDelete -> tiRolePermInfoMap . ix roleName . permDel .~ Nothing
removeFromQueryCollections :: CollectionName -> ListedQuery -> QueryCollections -> QueryCollections
removeFromQueryCollections cName lq qc =
let collectionModifier :: CreateCollection -> CreateCollection
collectionModifier cc@CreateCollection {..} =
{ _ccDefinition =
let oldQueries = _cdQueries _ccDefinition
in _ccDefinition
{ _cdQueries = filter (/= lq) oldQueries
in OMap.adjust collectionModifier cName qc
removeEndpointsUsingQueryCollection :: ListedQuery -> HashMap EndpointName (EndpointMetadata GQLQueryWithText) -> HashMap EndpointName (EndpointMetadata GQLQueryWithText)
removeEndpointsUsingQueryCollection lq endpointMap =
case maybeEndpoint of
Just (n, _) -> M.delete n endpointMap
Nothing -> endpointMap
q = _lqQuery lq
maybeEndpoint = find (\(_, def) -> (_edQuery . _ceDefinition) def == q) (M.toList endpointMap)
removeFromAllowList :: ListedQuery -> InlinedAllowlist -> InlinedAllowlist
removeFromAllowList lq aList =
let oldAList = iaGlobal aList
gqlQry = NormalizedQuery . unGQLQuery . getGQLQuery . _lqQuery $ lq
newAList = HS.delete gqlQry oldAList
in aList
{ iaGlobal = newAList