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{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API.V0.ConfigSchema
( Config (..),
ConfigSchemaResponse (..),
import Autodocodec qualified
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Lens ((%~), (&), (.~), (^?))
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), Object, ToJSON (..), Value (..), eitherDecode, encode, object, withObject, (.:), (.=), (<?>))
import Data.Aeson.Lens (AsPrimitive (..), key, members, values)
import Data.Aeson.Types (JSONPathElement (..))
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as InsOrdHashMap
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.OpenApi (AdditionalProperties (..), Definitions, NamedSchema (..), OpenApiType (..), Reference (..), Referenced (..), Schema (..), ToParamSchema (..), ToSchema (..), ValidationError)
import Data.OpenApi qualified as OpenApi
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
import Servant.API (FromHttpApiData (..), ToHttpApiData (..))
import Prelude
newtype Config = Config {unConfig :: Object}
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Ord)
deriving newtype (Hashable, NFData, ToJSON, FromJSON)
instance FromHttpApiData Config where
parseUrlPiece = first Text.pack . eitherDecode . BSL.fromStrict . Text.encodeUtf8
parseHeader = first Text.pack . eitherDecode . BSL.fromStrict
instance ToHttpApiData Config where
toUrlPiece (Config val) = Text.decodeUtf8 . BSL.toStrict $ encode val
toHeader (Config val) = BSL.toStrict $ encode val
instance ToParamSchema Config where
toParamSchema _ =
{ _schemaType = Just OpenApiObject,
_schemaNullable = Just False,
_schemaAdditionalProperties = Just (AdditionalPropertiesAllowed True)
data ConfigSchemaResponse = ConfigSchemaResponse
{ _csrConfigSchema :: Schema,
_csrOtherSchemas :: Definitions Schema
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance FromJSON ConfigSchemaResponse where
parseJSON = withObject "ConfigSchemaResponse" $ \obj -> do
configSchemaValue <- obj .: "configSchema"
(otherSchemaValues :: Object) <- obj .: "otherSchemas"
_csrConfigSchema <- parseJSON (rewriteConfigSchemaRefsToOpenApiRefs configSchemaValue) <?> Key "configSchema"
_csrOtherSchemas <- (<?> Key "otherSchemas") . parseJSON . Object $ rewriteConfigSchemaRefsToOpenApiRefs <$> otherSchemaValues
pure ConfigSchemaResponse {..}
instance ToJSON ConfigSchemaResponse where
toJSON ConfigSchemaResponse {..} =
let configSchemaValue = rewriteOpenApiRefsToConfigSchemaRefs $ toJSON _csrConfigSchema
otherSchemasValue = rewriteOpenApiRefsToConfigSchemaRefs . toJSON <$> _csrOtherSchemas
in object
[ "configSchema" .= configSchemaValue,
"otherSchemas" .= otherSchemasValue
instance Autodocodec.HasCodec ConfigSchemaResponse where
codec = Autodocodec.codecViaAeson "Configuration schemas"
instance ToSchema ConfigSchemaResponse where
declareNamedSchema _ =
pure $ NamedSchema (Just "ConfigSchemaResponse") schema
schema :: Schema
schema =
{ _schemaType = Just OpenApiObject,
_schemaNullable = Just False,
_schemaRequired = ["configSchema", "otherSchemas"],
_schemaProperties =
[ ("configSchema", openApiSchemaSchema),
("otherSchemas", Inline otherSchemasSchema)
otherSchemasSchema :: Schema
otherSchemasSchema =
{ _schemaType = Just OpenApiObject,
_schemaNullable = Just False,
_schemaAdditionalProperties = Just $ AdditionalPropertiesSchema openApiSchemaSchema
openApiSchemaSchema :: Referenced Schema
openApiSchemaSchema =
Ref (Reference "")
-- | Rewrites the config schema internal refs to the form that openapi3 expects when it deserialized them
-- This works around a limitation of the openapi3 library where it expects that all refs will be pointing
-- to the place in the overall document where those particular things are normally stored on specifically
-- the 'OpenApi' type and nothing else.
-- This means that it cannot understand refs like #/otherSchemas/Thing, and must see #/components/schemas/Thing
-- to correctly deserialise
rewriteConfigSchemaRefsToOpenApiRefs :: Value -> Value
rewriteConfigSchemaRefsToOpenApiRefs = rewriteSchemaRefs configSchemaToOpenApiSchemaRef
configSchemaToOpenApiSchemaRef :: Text -> Text
configSchemaToOpenApiSchemaRef = \case
(Text.stripPrefix "#/otherSchemas/" -> Just suffix) -> "#/components/schemas/" <> suffix
other -> other
-- | Rewrites the refs that openapi3 serializes to their proper pathing given their actual location
-- in the 'ConfigSchemaResponse' type.
-- This works around a limitation of the openapi3 library where it expects that all refs will be pointing
-- to the place in the overall document where those particular things are normally stored on specifically
-- the 'OpenApi' type and nothing else.
rewriteOpenApiRefsToConfigSchemaRefs :: Value -> Value
rewriteOpenApiRefsToConfigSchemaRefs = rewriteSchemaRefs openApiSchemaToConfigSchemaRef
openApiSchemaToConfigSchemaRef :: Text -> Text
openApiSchemaToConfigSchemaRef = \case
(Text.stripPrefix "#/components/schemas/" -> Just suffix) -> "#/otherSchemas/" <> suffix
other -> other
rewriteSchemaRefs :: (Text -> Text) -> Value -> Value
rewriteSchemaRefs rewriteRefText schemaObj =
& key "allOf" . values %~ rewriteRef
& key "oneOf" . values %~ rewriteRef
& key "not" %~ rewriteRef
& key "anyOf" . values %~ rewriteRef
& key "properties" . members %~ rewriteRef
& key "additionalProperties" %~ rewriteRef
& key "items" %~ rewriteRef -- if its an Object
& key "items" . values %~ rewriteRef -- if its an Array
rewriteRef :: Value -> Value
rewriteRef refOrInlineSchema =
-- If its $ref rewrite it, otherwise it's an inline schema, so recurse
fromMaybe (rewriteSchemaRefs rewriteRefText refOrInlineSchema) $ tryRewriteRef refOrInlineSchema
tryRewriteRef :: Value -> Maybe Value
tryRewriteRef refOrInlineSchema = do
refText <- refOrInlineSchema ^? key "$ref" . _String
pure $ refOrInlineSchema & key "$ref" . _String .~ rewriteRefText refText
validateConfigAgainstConfigSchema :: ConfigSchemaResponse -> Config -> [ValidationError]
validateConfigAgainstConfigSchema ConfigSchemaResponse {..} (Config config) =
OpenApi.validateJSON _csrOtherSchemas _csrConfigSchema (Object config)
-- | Fixes any refs in schemas that are external refs to an http-based URL.
-- Note that this is limited to schemas in the components/schemas section.
-- This is used to specifically address the external refs defined by the
-- OpenAPI schema spec of the 'ConfigSchemaResponse' type.
-- This works around a limitation in the openapi3 library where it does not
-- understand the concept of external refs and will always assume any defined
-- ref refers to a schema inside the top level OpenApi document itself.
-- Practically, this means that #/components/schemas/ gets mashed onto the
-- front of any external ref :(
fixExternalSchemaRefsInComponentSchemas :: Value -> Value
fixExternalSchemaRefsInComponentSchemas openApiObj =
& key "components" . key "schemas" . members %~ fixExternalSchemaRefsInSchema
fixExternalSchemaRefsInSchema :: Value -> Value
fixExternalSchemaRefsInSchema = rewriteSchemaRefs fixExternalHttpSchemaRef
fixExternalHttpSchemaRef :: Text -> Text
fixExternalHttpSchemaRef = \case
(Text.stripPrefix "#/components/schemas/http" -> Just suffix) -> "http" <> suffix
other -> other