2022-02-14 20:24:24 +03:00
-- | Functions to setup and run a dedicated graphql server.
module Harness.RemoteServer
( run,
2022-02-18 16:35:32 +03:00
2022-03-17 23:53:56 +03:00
2022-02-14 20:24:24 +03:00
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Exception.Safe (bracket)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
2022-02-18 16:35:32 +03:00
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Morpheus qualified as Morpheus (interpreter)
import Data.Morpheus.Server (RootResolverConstraint)
import Data.Morpheus.Types
RootResolver (..),
Undefined (..),
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import Harness.Http qualified as Http
2022-04-20 20:15:42 +03:00
import Harness.TestEnvironment (Server (..), serverUrl)
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import Network.Socket qualified as Socket
import Network.Wai.Extended qualified as Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp qualified as Warp
import Web.Spock.Core qualified as Spock
import Prelude
2022-02-18 16:35:32 +03:00
-- | This function starts a new thread with a minimal graphql server on the
-- first available port. It returns the corresponding 'Server'.
-- This new server serves the following routes:
-- - GET on @/@, which returns a simple 200 OK;
-- - POST on @/graphql@, which applies the function given as an argument to
-- the body of the request, and returns the resulting bytestring as JSON
-- content.
-- This function performs a health check, using a GET on /, to ensure that the
-- server was started correctly, and will throw an exception if the health check
-- fails. This function does NOT attempt to kill the thread in such a case,
-- which might result in a leak if the thread is still running but the server
-- fails its health check.
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run ::
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-- | The 'Interpreter' that will be used to handle incoming GraphQL queries.
-- The given 'Interpreter' is applied to the body of POST requests on
-- @/graphql@; the JSON value it returns will be the body of the server's
-- response.
Interpreter ->
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IO Server
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run (Interpreter interpreter) = do
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let urlPrefix = ""
port <- bracket (Warp.openFreePort) (Socket.close . snd) (pure . fst)
threadId <- forkIO $
Spock.runSpockNoBanner port $
Spock.spockT id $ do
Spock.get "/" $ do
Spock.json $ Aeson.String "OK"
Spock.post "/graphql" $ do
req <- Spock.request
body <- liftIO $ Wai.strictRequestBody req
result <- liftIO $ interpreter body
Spock.setHeader "Content-Type" "application/json; charset=utf-8"
Spock.lazyBytes result
let server = Server {port = fromIntegral port, urlPrefix, threadId}
Http.healthCheck $ serverUrl server
pure server
2022-02-18 16:35:32 +03:00
-- | This function creates an 'Interpreter', able to handle incoming GraphQL
-- requests.
-- It takes as arguments two 'Morpheus.Resolver's: one that represents how to
-- handle incoming queries, and one that does the same for mutations. In most
-- cases, those two "resolvers" will respectively be the @Query@ and @Mutation@
-- data types that are generated by a call to 'Morpheus.importGQLDocument' or
-- from an inline 'Morpheus.gqlDocument'. This function is generic, as those
-- types will be different in each test file.
-- NOTE: this function does not expect a resolver for subscriptions, and the
-- resulting 'Interpreter' will therefore reject all incoming subscriptions.
-- For example, given the following schema:
-- type Point {
-- x: Int!,
-- y: Int!
-- }
-- type Query {
-- foo: Point!
-- }
-- type Mutation {
-- bar(argName: String): String
-- }
-- A call to 'Morpheus.gqlDocument' with said schema would generate the
-- following data types:
-- data Point m = Point
-- { x :: m Int
-- , y :: m Int
-- }
-- data Query m = Query
-- { foo :: m (Point m)
-- }
-- data Mutation m = Mutation
-- { bar :: Arg "argName" (Maybe Text) -> m (Maybe Text)
-- }
-- This would therefore be a valid call to 'generateInterpreter':
-- let
-- -- matches the "foo" field of Query: takes no argument, returns a
-- -- non-nullable Point
-- foo :: Monad m => m (Point m)
-- foo = pure Point
-- { x = pure 1
-- , y = pure 2
-- }
-- -- matches the "bar" field of Mutation: takes a nullable String and
-- -- returns a nullable String, both represented as a @Maybe Text@.
-- bar :: Monad m => Arg "argName" (Maybe Text) -> m (Maybe Text)
-- bar (Arg argName) = pure argName
-- in
-- generateInterpreter (Query {foo}) (Mutation {bar})
-- Each field function encodes how to resolve a field from an incoming request,
-- in an given monad; 'generateIntepreter' expects all results to be in a
-- Morpheus monad on top of 'IO', allowing for side-effects if required. For
-- queries, it will often be enough to implement fields as pure transfomations
-- from their arguments, as shown above.
-- For further reading, Morpheus' documentation shows what the generated types
-- for a schema look like, and has an example project:
-- - https://morpheusgraphql.com/server
-- - https://github.com/morpheusgraphql/mythology-api/blob/master/src/Mythology/API.hs
generateInterpreter ::
forall query mutation.
RootResolverConstraint IO () query mutation Undefined =>
query (Resolver QUERY () IO) ->
mutation (Resolver MUTATION () IO) ->
generateInterpreter queryResolver mutationResolver =
Interpreter $ Morpheus.interpreter $ RootResolver queryResolver mutationResolver Undefined
-- | This function is similar to 'generateInterpreter', but only expects a
-- resolver for queries. The resulting 'Interpreter' only supports queries, and
-- handles neither mutations nor subscriptions.
generateQueryInterpreter ::
forall query.
RootResolverConstraint IO () query Undefined Undefined =>
query (Resolver QUERY () IO) ->
generateQueryInterpreter queryResolver = generateInterpreter queryResolver Undefined
2022-03-17 23:53:56 +03:00
-- | Extracts the full GraphQL endpoint URL from a given remote server's 'Server'.
-- @
-- > graphqlEndpoint (Server 8080 "http://localhost" someThreadId)
-- "http://localhost:8080/graphql"
-- @
-- NOTE: the resulting endpoint is only relevant for a 'Server' started by this
-- module's 'run' function; the GraphQL engine doesn't have a /graphql endoint.
graphqlEndpoint :: Server -> String
graphqlEndpoint server = serverUrl server ++ "/graphql"
2022-02-18 16:35:32 +03:00
-- | An interpreter is a transformation function, applied to an incoming GraphQL
-- query, used to generate the resulting JSON answer that will be returned by
-- the server. While conceptually it expects a JSON object representing the
-- GraphQL query and returns a JSON value, it is actually represented internally
-- as a function that directly operates on 'Lazy.ByteString's.
-- That type is not exported, and the only possible way of creating an
-- 'Interpreter' is via 'generateInterpreter' and 'generateQueryInterpreter'.
newtype Interpreter = Interpreter (Lazy.ByteString -> IO Lazy.ByteString)