2022-05-10 16:46:13 +03:00
-- | Functions to setup and run a dedicated webhook server
module Harness.Webhook
( run,
EventsQueue (..),
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.Chan qualified as Chan
import Control.Exception.Safe (bracket)
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
import Data.Parser.JSONPath (parseJSONPath)
2022-07-05 18:52:40 +03:00
import Data.Text qualified as T
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import Harness.Http qualified as Http
import Harness.TestEnvironment (Server (..), serverUrl)
import Hasura.Base.Error (iResultToMaybe)
2022-08-03 17:18:43 +03:00
import Hasura.Prelude
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import Hasura.Server.Utils (executeJSONPath)
import Network.Socket qualified as Socket
import Network.Wai.Extended qualified as Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp qualified as Warp
import Web.Spock.Core qualified as Spock
newtype EventsQueue = EventsQueue (Chan.Chan Aeson.Value)
-- | This function starts a new thread with a minimal server on the
-- first available port. It returns the corresponding 'Server'.
-- This new server serves the following routes:
-- - GET on @/@, which returns a simple 200 OK;
-- - POST on @/echo@, which extracts the event data from the body
-- of the request and inserts it into the `EventsQueue`.
-- This function performs a health check, using a GET on /, to ensure that the
-- server was started correctly, and will throw an exception if the health check
-- fails. This function does NOT attempt to kill the thread in such a case,
-- which might result in a leak if the thread is still running but the server
-- fails its health check.
run :: IO (Server, EventsQueue)
run = do
let urlPrefix = ""
port <- bracket (Warp.openFreePort) (Socket.close . snd) (pure . fst)
eventsQueueChan <- Chan.newChan
let eventsQueue = EventsQueue eventsQueueChan
threadId <- forkIO $
Spock.runSpockNoBanner port $
Spock.spockT id $ do
Spock.get "/" $
Spock.json $ Aeson.String "OK"
2022-06-29 09:45:11 +03:00
Spock.post "/hello" $
Spock.json $ Aeson.String "world"
2022-05-10 16:46:13 +03:00
Spock.post "/echo" $ do
req <- Spock.request
body <- liftIO $ Wai.strictRequestBody req
let jsonBody = Aeson.decode body
let eventDataPayload =
-- Only extract the data payload from the request body
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let mkJSONPathE = either (error . T.unpack) id . parseJSONPath
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eventJSONPath = mkJSONPathE "$.event.data"
in iResultToMaybe =<< executeJSONPath eventJSONPath <$> jsonBody
liftIO $
Chan.writeChan eventsQueueChan $
fromMaybe (error "error in parsing the event data from the body") eventDataPayload
Spock.setHeader "Content-Type" "application/json; charset=utf-8"
Spock.json $ Aeson.object ["success" Aeson..= True]
let server = Server {port = fromIntegral port, urlPrefix, threadId}
Http.healthCheck $ serverUrl server
pure (server, eventsQueue)