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-- | Functions and datatypes for interpreting MSSQL database errors.
module Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.SQL.Error
( ErrorClass (..),
-- * Exposed for testing
ErrorSubclass (..),
DataExceptionSubclass (..),
SyntaxErrorOrAccessViolationSubclass (..),
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Database.MSSQL.Transaction
import Database.ODBC.SQLServer qualified as ODBC
import Hasura.Base.Error qualified as Error
import Hasura.Prelude
-- | The top-level error class. Errors in MSSQL are divided into different /classes/, which
-- are further subdivided into individual error subclasses. It is useful to determine the class of
-- database exception and handle it appropriately.
data ErrorClass
= DataException (ErrorSubclass DataExceptionSubclass)
| IntegrityConstraintViolation
| SyntaxErrorOrAccessViolation (ErrorSubclass SyntaxErrorOrAccessViolationSubclass)
deriving (Eq)
instance Show ErrorClass where
show = \case
DataException subclass -> withSubclass "Data exception." subclass
IntegrityConstraintViolation -> "Integrity constraint violation."
SyntaxErrorOrAccessViolation subclass -> withSubclass "Syntax error or access violation." subclass
withSubclass :: (Show a) => String -> ErrorSubclass a -> String
withSubclass classError = \case
NoSubclass -> classError
Subclass subclass -> classError <> " " <> show subclass
data ErrorSubclass a
= -- | represents non-specific @000@ subclass code
| -- | represents known, more specific sub class
Subclass a
deriving (Eq)
data DataExceptionSubclass
= StringDataRightTruncated
| NumericValueOutOfRange
| InvalidDatetimeFormat
| DatetimeFieldOverflow
| IntervalFieldOverflow
| InvalidEscapeCharacter
| InvalidEscapeSequence
deriving (Eq)
instance Show DataExceptionSubclass where
show = \case
StringDataRightTruncated -> "String data, right-truncated."
NumericValueOutOfRange -> "Numeric value out of range."
InvalidDatetimeFormat -> "Invalid datetime format."
DatetimeFieldOverflow -> "Datetime field overflow."
IntervalFieldOverflow -> "Interval field overflow."
InvalidEscapeCharacter -> "Invalid escape character."
InvalidEscapeSequence -> "Invalid escape sequence."
data SyntaxErrorOrAccessViolationSubclass
= TableOrViewAlreadyExists
| TableOrViewNotFound
| IndexAlreadyExists
| IndexNotFound
| ColumnAlreadyExists
| ColumnNotFound
deriving (Eq)
instance Show SyntaxErrorOrAccessViolationSubclass where
show = \case
TableOrViewAlreadyExists -> "Table or view already exists."
TableOrViewNotFound -> "Table or view not found."
IndexAlreadyExists -> "Index already exists."
IndexNotFound -> "Index not found."
ColumnAlreadyExists -> "Column already exists."
ColumnNotFound -> "Column not found."
-- | Assign each error class' subclasses an appropriate API error code
errorClassCode :: ErrorClass -> Error.Code
errorClassCode = \case
DataException _ -> Error.DataException
IntegrityConstraintViolation -> Error.ConstraintViolation
SyntaxErrorOrAccessViolation NoSubclass -> Error.BadRequest
SyntaxErrorOrAccessViolation (Subclass subclass) -> case subclass of
TableOrViewAlreadyExists -> Error.AlreadyExists
TableOrViewNotFound -> Error.NotFound
IndexAlreadyExists -> Error.AlreadyExists
IndexNotFound -> Error.NotFound
ColumnAlreadyExists -> Error.AlreadyExists
ColumnNotFound -> Error.NotFound
-- | Parsing error class and subclass information from a SQLSTATE code.
-- SQLSTATE provides detailed information about the cause of a warning or error.
-- A SQLSTATE consists of 5 chars. They are divided into two parts: the first and
-- second chars contain a class and the following three a subclass.
parseErrorClass :: String -> Maybe ErrorClass
parseErrorClass sqlStateCode =
[ withClass
[ withSubclass "001" StringDataRightTruncated,
withSubclass "003" NumericValueOutOfRange,
withSubclass "007" InvalidDatetimeFormat,
withSubclass "008" DatetimeFieldOverflow,
withSubclass "015" IntervalFieldOverflow,
withSubclass "019" InvalidEscapeCharacter,
withSubclass "025" InvalidEscapeSequence
withClass "23" (const IntegrityConstraintViolation) [],
[ withSubclass "S01" TableOrViewAlreadyExists,
withSubclass "S02" TableOrViewNotFound,
withSubclass "S11" IndexAlreadyExists,
withSubclass "S12" IndexNotFound,
withSubclass "S21" ColumnAlreadyExists,
withSubclass "S22" ColumnNotFound
(classText, subclassText) = T.splitAt 2 $ T.pack sqlStateCode
withClass ::
Text ->
(ErrorSubclass a -> ErrorClass) ->
[Maybe (ErrorSubclass a)] ->
Maybe ErrorClass
withClass expectedClassText mkClass subclasses = do
guard (classText == expectedClassText)
<$> if subclassText == "000"
then Just NoSubclass
else choice subclasses
withSubclass :: Text -> a -> Maybe (ErrorSubclass a)
withSubclass expectedSubclassText subclassValue =
guard (subclassText == expectedSubclassText) $> Subclass subclassValue
-- | A default transaction error handler where all errors are unexpected.
defaultMSSQLTxErrorHandler :: MSSQLTxError -> Error.QErr
defaultMSSQLTxErrorHandler = mkMSSQLTxErrorHandler (const False)
-- | A transaction error handler to be used in constructing mutation transactions,
-- i.e INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. We expect data exception and integrity constraint violation.
mutationMSSQLTxErrorHandler :: MSSQLTxError -> Error.QErr
mutationMSSQLTxErrorHandler = mkMSSQLTxErrorHandler $ \case
DataException _ -> True
IntegrityConstraintViolation -> True
SyntaxErrorOrAccessViolation _ -> False
-- | Constructs a transaction error handler given a predicate that determines which error
-- classes (and subclasses) are expected and should be reported to the user. All other errors
-- are considered internal errors.
-- Example:-
-- Consider a insert mutation where we insert some data into columns of a table.
-- Except for the basic data type, such as Boolean, String, Float, Int etc.
-- we cannot invalidate data any further, such as validating timestamp string format.
-- In this case, a @'DataException' is expected from the database and it is handled and
-- thrown with proper error message.
mkMSSQLTxErrorHandler :: (ErrorClass -> Bool) -> MSSQLTxError -> Error.QErr
mkMSSQLTxErrorHandler isExpectedError = \case
MSSQLQueryError query exception ->
let unexpectedQueryError =
(Error.internalError "database query error")
{ Error.qeInternal =
Just $
Error.ExtraInternal $
[ "query" .= ODBC.renderQuery query,
"exception" .= odbcExceptionToJSONValue exception
in fromMaybe unexpectedQueryError $
asExpectedError exception
<&> \err -> err {Error.qeInternal = Just $ Error.ExtraInternal $ object ["query" .= ODBC.renderQuery query]}
MSSQLConnError exception ->
let unexpectedConnError =
(Error.internalError "mssql connection error")
{ Error.qeInternal =
Just $
Error.ExtraInternal $
object ["exception" .= odbcExceptionToJSONValue exception]
in fromMaybe unexpectedConnError $ asExpectedError exception
MSSQLInternal err ->
(Error.internalError "mssql internal error")
{ Error.qeInternal = Just $ Error.ExtraInternal $ object ["error" .= err]
asExpectedError :: ODBC.ODBCException -> Maybe Error.QErr
asExpectedError = \case
ODBC.UnsuccessfulReturnCode _ _ databaseMessage sqlState -> do
errorClass <- parseErrorClass =<< sqlState
guard $ isExpectedError errorClass
let errorMessage = show errorClass <> " " <> databaseMessage
pure $ Error.err400 (errorClassCode errorClass) $ T.pack errorMessage
_ -> Nothing
-- | The @'ODBC.ODBCException' type has no @'ToJSON' instance.
-- This is an attempt to convert the odbc exception to a JSON @'Value'
odbcExceptionToJSONValue :: ODBC.ODBCException -> Value
odbcExceptionToJSONValue exception =
let (ty, message) = decodeODBCException exception
in object ["type" .= ty, "message" .= message]
decodeODBCException :: ODBC.ODBCException -> (String, String)
decodeODBCException = \case
ODBC.UnsuccessfulReturnCode _ _ errMessage _ -> ("unsuccessful_return_code", errMessage)
ODBC.AllocationReturnedNull _ -> ("allocation_returned_null", "allocating an ODBC resource failed")
ODBC.UnknownDataType _ _ -> ("unknown_data_type", "An unsupported/unknown data type was returned from the ODBC driver")
ODBC.DatabaseIsClosed _ -> ("database_is_closed", "Using database connection that is no longer available")
ODBC.DatabaseAlreadyClosed -> ("database_already_closed", "The database is already closed")
ODBC.NoTotalInformation _ -> ("no_total_information", "No total length information for column")
ODBC.DataRetrievalError errMessage -> ("data_retrieval_error", errMessage)