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module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Diff where
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
import Hasura.Prelude
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
import Control.Lens ((.~))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.List.Extended
import Data.Text.Extended
import qualified Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend as AB
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types hiding (ConstraintName, FunctionName, TableName)
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Rename
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Table
import Hasura.RQL.Types hiding (fmFunction, tmComputedFields, tmTable)
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
data FunctionMeta b
= FunctionMeta
{ fmOid :: !OID
, fmFunction :: !(FunctionName b)
, fmType :: !FunctionVolatility
} deriving (Generic)
deriving instance (Backend b) => Show (FunctionMeta b)
deriving instance (Backend b) => Eq (FunctionMeta b)
instance (Backend b) => FromJSON (FunctionMeta b) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
instance (Backend b) => ToJSON (FunctionMeta b) where
toJSON = genericToJSON hasuraJSON
data ComputedFieldMeta b
= ComputedFieldMeta
{ ccmName :: !ComputedFieldName
, ccmFunctionMeta :: !(FunctionMeta b)
} deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
instance (Backend b) => FromJSON (ComputedFieldMeta b) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON{omitNothingFields=True}
instance (Backend b) => ToJSON (ComputedFieldMeta b) where
toJSON = genericToJSON hasuraJSON{omitNothingFields=True}
data TableMeta (b :: BackendType)
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
= TableMeta
{ tmTable :: !(TableName b)
, tmInfo :: !(DBTableMetadata b)
, tmComputedFields :: ![ComputedFieldMeta b]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data ComputedFieldDiff (b :: BackendType)
= ComputedFieldDiff
{ _cfdDropped :: [ComputedFieldName]
, _cfdAltered :: [(ComputedFieldMeta b, ComputedFieldMeta b)]
, _cfdOverloaded :: [(ComputedFieldName, FunctionName b)]
deriving instance (Backend b) => Show (ComputedFieldDiff b)
deriving instance (Backend b) => Eq (ComputedFieldDiff b)
data TableDiff (b :: BackendType)
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
= TableDiff
{ _tdNewName :: !(Maybe (TableName b))
, _tdDroppedCols :: ![Column b]
, _tdAlteredCols :: ![(RawColumnInfo b, RawColumnInfo b)]
, _tdDroppedFKeyCons :: ![ConstraintName b]
, _tdComputedFields :: !(ComputedFieldDiff b)
-- The final list of uniq/primary constraint names
-- used for generating types on_conflict clauses
-- TODO: this ideally should't be part of TableDiff
, _tdUniqOrPriCons :: ![ConstraintName b]
, _tdNewDescription :: !(Maybe PGDescription)
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:: Backend b
=> TableMeta b
-> TableMeta b
-> TableDiff b
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getTableDiff oldtm newtm =
TableDiff mNewName droppedCols alteredCols
droppedFKeyConstraints computedFieldDiff uniqueOrPrimaryCons mNewDesc
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mNewName = bool (Just $ tmTable newtm) Nothing $ tmTable oldtm == tmTable newtm
oldCols = _ptmiColumns $ tmInfo oldtm
newCols = _ptmiColumns $ tmInfo newtm
uniqueOrPrimaryCons = map _cName $
maybeToList (_pkConstraint <$> _ptmiPrimaryKey (tmInfo newtm))
<> toList (_ptmiUniqueConstraints $ tmInfo newtm)
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mNewDesc = _ptmiDescription $ tmInfo newtm
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droppedCols = map prciName $ getDifferenceOn prciPosition oldCols newCols
existingCols = getOverlapWith prciPosition oldCols newCols
alteredCols = filter (uncurry (/=)) existingCols
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-- foreign keys are considered dropped only if their oid
-- and (ref-table, column mapping) are changed
droppedFKeyConstraints = map (_cName . _fkConstraint) $ HS.toList $
droppedFKeysWithOid `HS.intersection` droppedFKeysWithUniq
tmForeignKeys = fmap unForeignKeyMetadata . toList . _ptmiForeignKeys . tmInfo
droppedFKeysWithOid = HS.fromList $
(getDifferenceOn (_cOid . _fkConstraint) `on` tmForeignKeys) oldtm newtm
droppedFKeysWithUniq = HS.fromList $
(getDifferenceOn mkFKeyUniqId `on` tmForeignKeys) oldtm newtm
mkFKeyUniqId (ForeignKey _ reftn colMap) = (reftn, colMap)
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-- calculate computed field diff
oldComputedFieldMeta = tmComputedFields oldtm
newComputedFieldMeta = tmComputedFields newtm
droppedComputedFields = map ccmName $
getDifferenceOn (fmOid . ccmFunctionMeta) oldComputedFieldMeta newComputedFieldMeta
alteredComputedFields =
getOverlapWith (fmOid . ccmFunctionMeta) oldComputedFieldMeta newComputedFieldMeta
overloadedComputedFieldFunctions =
let getFunction = fmFunction . ccmFunctionMeta
getSecondElement (_ NE.:| list) = listToMaybe list
in mapMaybe (fmap ((&&&) ccmName getFunction) . getSecondElement) $
flip NE.groupBy newComputedFieldMeta $ \l r ->
ccmName l == ccmName r && getFunction l == getFunction r
computedFieldDiff = ComputedFieldDiff droppedComputedFields alteredComputedFields
:: forall b m
. (QErrM m, CacheRM m, Backend b)
=> SourceName
-> TableName b
-> TableDiff b
-> m [SchemaObjId]
getTableChangeDeps source tn tableDiff = do
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
sc <- askSchemaCache
-- for all the dropped columns
droppedColDeps <- fmap concat $ forM droppedCols $ \droppedCol -> do
let objId = SOSourceObj source
$ AB.mkAnyBackend
$ SOITableObj @b tn
$ TOCol @b droppedCol
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
return $ getDependentObjs sc objId
-- for all dropped constraints
droppedConsDeps <- fmap concat $ forM droppedFKeyConstraints $ \droppedCons -> do
let objId = SOSourceObj source
$ AB.mkAnyBackend
$ SOITableObj @b tn
$ TOForeignKey @b droppedCons
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return $ getDependentObjs sc objId
return $ droppedConsDeps <> droppedColDeps <> droppedComputedFieldDeps
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TableDiff _ droppedCols _ droppedFKeyConstraints computedFieldDiff _ _ = tableDiff
droppedComputedFieldDeps =
(SOSourceObj source
. AB.mkAnyBackend
. SOITableObj @b tn
. TOComputedField)
$ _cfdDropped computedFieldDiff
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data SchemaDiff (b :: BackendType)
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= SchemaDiff
{ _sdDroppedTables :: ![TableName b]
, _sdAlteredTables :: ![(TableName b, TableDiff b)]
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:: (Backend b) => [TableMeta b] -> [TableMeta b] -> SchemaDiff b
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getSchemaDiff oldMeta newMeta =
SchemaDiff droppedTables survivingTables
droppedTables = map tmTable $ getDifferenceOn (_ptmiOid . tmInfo) oldMeta newMeta
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survivingTables =
flip map (getOverlapWith (_ptmiOid . tmInfo) oldMeta newMeta) $ \(oldtm, newtm) ->
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(tmTable oldtm, getTableDiff oldtm newtm)
:: forall b m
. (QErrM m, CacheRM m, Backend b)
=> SourceName
-> SchemaDiff b
-> m [SchemaObjId]
getSchemaChangeDeps source schemaDiff = do
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sc <- askSchemaCache
let tableIds = SOSourceObj source . AB.mkAnyBackend . SOITable @b <$> droppedTables
tableDropDeps = concatMap (getDependentObjs sc) tableIds
tableModDeps <- concat <$> traverse (uncurry (getTableChangeDeps source)) alteredTables
pure $ filter isIndirectDep $ HS.toList $ HS.fromList $ tableDropDeps <> tableModDeps
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SchemaDiff droppedTables alteredTables = schemaDiff
-- we keep all table objects that are not tied to a deleted table
isIndirectDep :: SchemaObjId -> Bool
isIndirectDep = \case
-- table objects in the same source
SOSourceObj s obj
| s == source
, Just (SOITableObj tn _) <- AB.unpackAnyBackend @b obj
-> not $ tn `HS.member` HS.fromList droppedTables
-- table objects in any other source
SOSourceObj _ obj
-> AB.runBackend obj \case
SOITableObj {} -> True
_ -> False
-- any other kind of schema object
_ -> False
data FunctionDiff b
= FunctionDiff
{ fdDropped :: ![FunctionName b]
, fdAltered :: ![(FunctionName b, FunctionVolatility)]
deriving instance (Backend b) => Show (FunctionDiff b)
deriving instance (Backend b) => Eq (FunctionDiff b)
getFuncDiff :: [FunctionMeta b] -> [FunctionMeta b] -> FunctionDiff b
getFuncDiff oldMeta newMeta =
FunctionDiff droppedFuncs alteredFuncs
droppedFuncs = map fmFunction $ getDifferenceOn fmOid oldMeta newMeta
alteredFuncs = mapMaybe mkAltered $ getOverlapWith fmOid oldMeta newMeta
mkAltered (oldfm, newfm) =
let isTypeAltered = fmType oldfm /= fmType newfm
alteredFunc = (fmFunction oldfm, fmType newfm)
in bool Nothing (Just alteredFunc) isTypeAltered
:: (Backend b) => [FunctionName b] -> [FunctionMeta b] -> [FunctionName b]
getOverloadedFuncs trackedFuncs newFuncMeta =
toList $ duplicates $ map fmFunction trackedMeta
trackedMeta = flip filter newFuncMeta $ \fm ->
fmFunction fm `elem` trackedFuncs
:: forall b m
. ( MonadError QErr m
, CacheRM m
, MonadWriter MetadataModifier m
, BackendMetadata b
=> SourceName
-> TableCache b
-> SchemaDiff b
-> m ()
processSchemaDiff source preActionTables schemaDiff = do
-- Purge the dropped tables
dropTablesInMetadata @b source droppedTables
for_ alteredTables $ \(oldQtn, tableDiff) -> do
ti <- onNothing
(M.lookup oldQtn preActionTables)
(throw500 $ "old table metadata not found in cache : " <>> oldQtn)
alterTableInMetadata source (_tiCoreInfo ti) tableDiff
SchemaDiff droppedTables alteredTables = schemaDiff
:: forall m b
. ( MonadError QErr m
, CacheRM m
, MonadWriter MetadataModifier m
, BackendMetadata b
=> SourceName -> TableCoreInfo b -> TableDiff b -> m ()
alterTableInMetadata source ti tableDiff = do
-- If table rename occurs then don't replace constraints and
-- process dropped/added columns, because schema reload happens eventually
sc <- askSchemaCache
let tn = _tciName ti
withOldTabName = do
alterColumnsInMetadata source alteredCols tableFields sc tn
withNewTabName :: TableName b -> m ()
withNewTabName newTN = do
-- check for GraphQL schema conflicts on new name
liftEither (tableGraphQLName @b newTN) >>= checkConflictingNode sc . G.unName
alterColumnsInMetadata source alteredCols tableFields sc tn
-- update new table in metadata
renameTableInMetadata @b source newTN tn
-- Process computed field diff
processComputedFieldDiff tn
-- Drop custom column names for dropped columns
alterCustomColumnNamesInMetadata source droppedCols ti
maybe withOldTabName withNewTabName mNewName
TableDiff mNewName droppedCols alteredCols _ computedFieldDiff _ _ = tableDiff
tableFields = _tciFieldInfoMap ti
processComputedFieldDiff :: TableName b -> m ()
processComputedFieldDiff table = do
let ComputedFieldDiff _ altered overloaded = computedFieldDiff
getFunction = fmFunction . ccmFunctionMeta
forM_ overloaded $ \(columnName, function) ->
throw400 NotSupported $ "The function " <> function
<<> " associated with computed field" <> columnName
<<> " of table " <> table <<> " is being overloaded"
forM_ altered $ \(old, new) ->
if | (fmType . ccmFunctionMeta) new == FTVOLATILE ->
throw400 NotSupported $ "The type of function " <> getFunction old
<<> " associated with computed field " <> ccmName old
<<> " of table " <> table <<> " is being altered to \"VOLATILE\""
| otherwise -> pure ()
:: forall b m
. ( MonadWriter MetadataModifier m
, BackendMetadata b
=> SourceName
-> [TableName b]
-> m ()
dropTablesInMetadata source droppedTables =
forM_ droppedTables $
\tn -> tell $ MetadataModifier $ metaSources.ix source.toSourceMetadata.(smTables @b) %~ OMap.delete tn
:: forall b m
. ( MonadError QErr m
, CacheRM m
, MonadWriter MetadataModifier m
, BackendMetadata b
=> SourceName
-> [(RawColumnInfo b, RawColumnInfo b)]
-> FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b)
-> SchemaCache
-> TableName b
-> m ()
alterColumnsInMetadata source alteredCols fields sc tn = for_ alteredCols $
\( RawColumnInfo oldName _ oldType _ _
, RawColumnInfo newName _ newType _ _ ) -> do
if | oldName /= newName ->
renameColumnInMetadata oldName newName source tn fields
| oldType /= newType -> do
let colId =
SOSourceObj source
$ AB.mkAnyBackend
$ SOITableObj @b tn
$ TOCol @b oldName
typeDepObjs = getDependentObjsWith (== DROnType) sc colId
unless (null typeDepObjs) $ throw400 DependencyError $
"cannot change type of column " <> oldName <<> " in table "
<> tn <<> " because of the following dependencies : " <>
reportSchemaObjs typeDepObjs
| otherwise -> pure ()
:: forall b m
. (MonadWriter MetadataModifier m, BackendMetadata b)
=> SourceName
-> [Column b]
-> TableCoreInfo b
-> m ()
alterCustomColumnNamesInMetadata source droppedCols ti = do
let TableConfig customFields customColumnNames customName = _tciCustomConfig ti
tn = _tciName ti
modifiedCustomColumnNames = foldl' (flip M.delete) customColumnNames droppedCols
when (modifiedCustomColumnNames /= customColumnNames) $
tell $ MetadataModifier $
tableMetadataSetter @b source tn.tmConfiguration .~
TableConfig @b customFields modifiedCustomColumnNames customName