You can leverage relationships to define permission rules with fields from a nested object. Let's take the following example:
* An author/articles schema where an article can have one or more reviewers i.e. users with the role ``reviewer`` can only edit those articles that have been assigned to them:
* The foreign key constraint from ``reviewers`` :: ``article_id`` → ``articles`` :: ``id`` is used for an array relationship called ``reviewers`` in the ``articles`` table:
We can use this relationship in a permission rule for the ``articles`` table to limit access for users with the role ``reviewer`` to only assigned rows:
Via the relationship, we are using the ``reviewer_id`` field of the nested object ``reviewers`` in the the above permission rule that reads as "Allow updating an article if the **reviewer_id of any of the reviewers assigned to this article** is the same as the requesting user's id (*which is sent in the resolved session variable* ``X-Hasura-User-ID``)".
Let's say we have the following test data for the list of reviewers:
.. list-table:: Data in the ``reviewers`` table
:header-rows: 1
* - id
- article_id
- reviewer_id
* - 1
- 1
- 5
* - 2
- 3
- 5
* - 3
- 5
- 5
* - 4
- 2
- 6
* - 5
- 4
- 6
Applying the above permission rule for "update" to "select" operation also, let's query the ``articles`` table to watch this permission rule in action:
As we've made this query with the role ``reviewer`` and user ID ``5`` (*highlighted in the request headers in the above image*), we can only query those articles for which this user is a reviewer. This will be the case for update mutations too. As the user with id ``5`` does not have access to article with id ``2`` (*refer to the table above*), the following mutation will not update any rows of the ``articles`` table:
.. admonition:: Array and Object relationships work similarly
The above example would have worked even if the relationship were an object relationship. In our example, the corresponding rule for an object relationship would have read "*if this article's reviewer's id is the same as the requesting user's id, allow access to it*".
More about permissions
Next: :doc:`Roles and dynamic variables <roles-variables>`