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-- | This module contains functions to help with making assertions on the result
-- of parser introspection queries.
module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Introspection
( queryInputFieldsParserIntrospection,
import Data.Aeson qualified as A
import Data.Aeson.Ordered qualified as AO
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Instances.Schema ()
import Hasura.Base.ErrorMessage
import Hasura.Base.ToErrorValue (ToErrorValue (toErrorValue))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Name qualified as GName
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Introspect qualified as I
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Parser qualified as P
import Hasura.Prelude
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
import Test.Parser.Monad
-- | Produce an introspection parser for an 'InputFieldsParser'.
-- Use the "Test.Parser.Field.field" quasi-quoter to construct the introspection query.
queryInputFieldsParserIntrospection ::
forall n a.
-- | The Parser to introspect
P.InputFieldsParser n a ->
-- | The Introspection query
G.Field G.NoFragments P.Variable ->
IO A.Value
queryInputFieldsParserIntrospection parser field = do
introspectionParser <- introspectDefintions (P.ifDefinitions parser)
runParserTest $ P.fParser introspectionParser field
introspectDefintions ::
forall n a.
(P.HasTypeDefinitions a, P.MonadParse n) =>
a ->
IO (P.FieldParser n A.Value)
introspectDefintions definitions = do
let introParser :: Either P.ConflictingDefinitions (P.FieldParser n A.Value) = do
types <- P.collectTypeDefinitions [P.TypeDefinitionsWrapper definitions]
let schema =
{ sDescription = Nothing,
sTypes = types,
sQueryType =
$ P.Definition GName._String Nothing Nothing [] (P.TIObject (P.ObjectInfo [] [])),
sMutationType = Nothing,
sSubscriptionType = Nothing,
sDirectives = []
return $ (AO.fromOrdered . ($ schema)) <$> I.schema @n
onLeft introParser (error . T.unpack . fromErrorMessage . toErrorValue)