Hasura is an open-source product that accelerates API development by 10x by giving you [GraphQL](https://hasura.io/graphql/) or REST APIs with built-in authorization on your data, instantly.
Read more at [hasura.io](https://hasura.io) and the [docs](https://hasura.io/docs/).
* **Supported Databases**: Supports PostgreSQL (and its flavors), MS SQL Server and Big Query. Support for more [databases](https://hasura.io/graphql/database/) coming soon.
Read more at [hasura.io](https://hasura.io) and the [docs](https://hasura.io/docs/).
## Table of contents
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**Table of Contents**
- [Quickstart:](#quickstart)
- [One-click deployment on Hasura Cloud](#one-click-deployment-on-hasura-cloud)
The fastest and easiest way to try Hasura out is via [Hasura Cloud](https://hasura.io/docs/latest/graphql/cloud/getting-started/index.html).
1. Click on the following button to deploy GraphQL engine on Hasura Cloud including Postgres add-on or using an existing Postgres database:
[![Deploy to Hasura Cloud](https://graphql-engine-cdn.hasura.io/img/deploy_to_hasura.png)](https://cloud.hasura.io/signup)
2. Open the Hasura console
Click on the button "Launch console" to open the Hasura console.
3. Make your first GraphQL query
Create a table and instantly run your first query. Follow this [simple guide](https://hasura.io/docs/latest/graphql/core/getting-started/first-graphql-query.html).
### Other one-click deployment options
Check out the instructions for the following one-click deployment options:
| Heroku | [![Deploy to Heroku](https://www.herokucdn.com/deploy/button.svg)](https://heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-heroku) | [docs](https://hasura.io/docs/latest/graphql/core/guides/deployment/heroku-one-click.html) |
| DigitalOcean | [![Deploy to DigitalOcean](https://graphql-engine-cdn.hasura.io/img/create_hasura_droplet_200px.png)](https://marketplace.digitalocean.com/apps/hasura?action=deploy&refcode=c4d9092d2c48&utm_source=hasura&utm_campaign=readme) | [docs](https://hasura.io/docs/latest/graphql/core/guides/deployment/digital-ocean-one-click.html#hasura-graphql-engine-digitalocean-one-click-app) |
| Azure | [![Deploy to Azure](http://azuredeploy.net/deploybutton.png)](https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3a%2f%2fraw.githubusercontent.com%2fhasura%2fgraphql-engine%2fmaster%2finstall-manifests%2fazure-container-with-pg%2fazuredeploy.json) | [docs](https://hasura.io/docs/latest/graphql/core/guides/deployment/azure-container-instances-postgres.html) |
| Render | [![Deploy to Render](https://render.com/images/deploy-to-render-button.svg)](https://render.com/deploy?repo=https://github.com/render-examples/hasura-graphql) | [docs](https://hasura.io/docs/latest/graphql/core/guides/deployment/render-one-click.html) |
> Note: The Hasura GraphQL Engine collects anonymous telemetry to understand usage and provide the best experience. Read more [here](https://hasura.io/docs/latest/policies/telemetry/) on what data is collected and the procedure to opt out.
### Other deployment methods
For Docker-based deployment and advanced configuration options, see [deployment
guides](https://hasura.io/docs/latest/graphql/core/getting-started/index.html) or
[install manifests](install-manifests).
## Architecture
The Hasura GraphQL Engine fronts a Postgres database instance and can accept GraphQL requests from your client apps. It can be configured to work with your existing auth system and can handle access control using field-level rules with dynamic variables from your auth system.
You can also merge remote GraphQL schemas and provide a unified GraphQL API.
Hasura works with any GraphQL client. See [awesome-graphql](https://github.com/chentsulin/awesome-graphql) for a list of clients. Our [frontend tutorial series](https://hasura.io/learn/#frontend-tutorial) also have integrations with GraphQL clients for different frameworks.
## Add business logic
GraphQL Engine provides easy-to-reason, scalable and performant methods for adding custom business logic to your backend:
### Remote schemas
Add custom resolvers in a remote schema in addition to Hasura's database-based GraphQL schema. Ideal for use-cases like implementing a payment API, or querying data that is not in your database - [read more](remote-schemas.md).
### Actions
Actions are a way to extend Hasura’s schema with custom business logic using custom queries and mutations. Actions can be added to Hasura to handle various use cases such as data validation, data enrichment from external sources and any other complex business logic - [read more](https://hasura.io/docs/latest/graphql/core/actions/index.html)
### Trigger webhooks on database events
Add asynchronous business logic that is triggered based on database events.
Ideal for notifications, data-pipelines from Postgres or asynchronous
processing - [read more](event-triggers.md).
### Derived data or data transformations
Transform data in Postgres or run business logic on it to derive another dataset that can be queried using GraphQL Engine - [read more](https://hasura.io/docs/latest/graphql/core/queries/derived-data.html).
## Demos
Check out all the example applications in the [hasura/sample-apps](https://github.com/hasura/sample-apps/tree/main) repository.
### Realtime applications
- Group Chat application built with React, includes a typing indicator, online users & new
message notifications.
- [Try it out](https://realtime-chat.demo.hasura.io/)
* [Add GraphQL to a self-hosted GitLab instance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2AhxKqd82Q) (*3:44 mins*)
* [Todo app with Auth0 and GraphQL backend](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15ITBYnccgc) (*4:00 mins*)
* [GraphQL on GitLab integrated with GitLab auth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1ChRhRLq7o) (*4:05 mins*)
* [Dashboard for 10million rides with geo-location (PostGIS, Timescale)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsY573yyGWA) (*3:06 mins*)
## Support & Troubleshooting
The documentation and community will help you troubleshoot most issues. If you have encountered a bug or need to get in touch with us, you can contact us using one of the following channels:
* Support & feedback: [Discord](https://discord.gg/hasura)