2020-01-30 02:03:49 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
2019-12-09 01:17:39 +03:00
-- | Types/functions shared between modules that implement "Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache". Other
-- modules should not import this module directly.
module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Common where
import Hasura.Prelude
2020-01-31 02:55:09 +03:00
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended as M
2019-12-09 01:17:39 +03:00
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Control.Arrow.Extended
import Control.Lens
import qualified Hasura.Incremental as Inc
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Catalog
import Hasura.RQL.Types.QueryCollection
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Run
import Hasura.SQL.Types
2020-01-30 02:03:49 +03:00
-- | 'InvalidationKeys' used to apply requested 'CacheInvalidations'.
2020-01-29 23:15:53 +03:00
data InvalidationKeys = InvalidationKeys
{ _ikMetadata :: !Inc.InvalidationKey
, _ikRemoteSchemas :: !(HashMap RemoteSchemaName Inc.InvalidationKey)
2020-03-26 14:52:20 +03:00
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
2020-01-29 23:15:53 +03:00
instance Inc.Cacheable InvalidationKeys
instance Inc.Select InvalidationKeys
$(makeLenses ''InvalidationKeys)
initialInvalidationKeys :: InvalidationKeys
initialInvalidationKeys = InvalidationKeys Inc.initialInvalidationKey mempty
2019-12-09 01:17:39 +03:00
2020-01-30 02:03:49 +03:00
invalidateKeys :: CacheInvalidations -> InvalidationKeys -> InvalidationKeys
invalidateKeys CacheInvalidations{..} InvalidationKeys{..} = InvalidationKeys
{ _ikMetadata = if ciMetadata then Inc.invalidate _ikMetadata else _ikMetadata
, _ikRemoteSchemas = foldl' (flip invalidateRemoteSchema) _ikRemoteSchemas ciRemoteSchemas }
invalidateRemoteSchema = M.alter $ Just . maybe Inc.initialInvalidationKey Inc.invalidate
2019-12-09 01:17:39 +03:00
data BuildInputs
= BuildInputs
{ _biReason :: !BuildReason
, _biCatalogMetadata :: !CatalogMetadata
2020-01-29 23:15:53 +03:00
, _biInvalidationMap :: !InvalidationKeys
2019-12-09 01:17:39 +03:00
} deriving (Eq)
-- | The direct output of 'buildSchemaCacheRule'. Contains most of the things necessary to build a
-- schema cache, but dependencies and inconsistent metadata objects are collected via a separate
-- 'MonadWriter' side channel.
data BuildOutputs
= BuildOutputs
2020-01-29 23:15:53 +03:00
{ _boTables :: !TableCache
2020-02-13 20:38:23 +03:00
, _boActions :: !ActionCache
2020-01-29 23:15:53 +03:00
, _boFunctions :: !FunctionCache
2020-01-31 02:55:09 +03:00
, _boRemoteSchemas :: !(HashMap RemoteSchemaName (RemoteSchemaCtx, MetadataObject))
-- ^ We preserve the 'MetadataObject' from the original catalog metadata in the output so we can
-- reuse it later if we need to mark the remote schema inconsistent during GraphQL schema
2020-01-29 23:15:53 +03:00
-- generation (because of field conflicts).
, _boAllowlist :: !(HS.HashSet GQLQuery)
2020-02-13 20:38:23 +03:00
, _boCustomTypes :: !(NonObjectTypeMap, AnnotatedObjects)
2019-12-09 01:17:39 +03:00
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(makeLenses ''BuildOutputs)
data RebuildableSchemaCache m
= RebuildableSchemaCache
{ lastBuiltSchemaCache :: !SchemaCache
2020-01-29 23:15:53 +03:00
, _rscInvalidationMap :: !InvalidationKeys
, _rscRebuild :: !(Inc.Rule (ReaderT BuildReason m) (CatalogMetadata, InvalidationKeys) SchemaCache)
2019-12-09 01:17:39 +03:00
$(makeLenses ''RebuildableSchemaCache)
type CacheBuildM = ReaderT BuildReason Run
type CacheBuildA = WriterA (Seq CollectedInfo) (Inc.Rule CacheBuildM)
:: (ArrowChoice arr, ArrowKleisli m arr, ArrowError e arr, MonadError e m)
=> arr (m a) a
2019-12-09 07:18:53 +03:00
bindErrorA = liftEitherA <<< arrM \m -> (Right <$> m) `catchError` (pure . Left)
2019-12-11 04:46:34 +03:00
{-# INLINE bindErrorA #-}
2019-12-09 01:17:39 +03:00
:: (ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr)
=> WriterA (Seq SchemaDependency) arr (e, s) a
-> arr (e, (MetadataObject, (SchemaObjId, s))) a
withRecordDependencies f = proc (e, (metadataObject, (schemaObjectId, s))) -> do
(result, dependencies) <- runWriterA f -< (e, s)
recordDependencies -< (metadataObject, schemaObjectId, toList dependencies)
returnA -< result
{-# INLINABLE withRecordDependencies #-}
:: (ArrowChoice arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr)
=> (a -> MetadataObject)
-> [a] `arr` Maybe a
noDuplicates mkMetadataObject = proc values -> case values of
[] -> returnA -< Nothing
[value] -> returnA -< Just value
value:_ -> do
let objectId = _moId $ mkMetadataObject value
definitions = map (_moDefinition . mkMetadataObject) values
tellA -< Seq.singleton $ CIInconsistency (DuplicateObjects objectId definitions)
returnA -< Nothing
{-# INLINABLE noDuplicates #-}
2020-01-31 02:55:09 +03:00
-- | Processes a list of catalog metadata into a map of processed information, marking any duplicate
-- entries inconsistent.
:: ( ArrowChoice arr, Inc.ArrowDistribute arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr
, Eq k, Hashable k )
=> (a -> k)
-> (a -> MetadataObject)
-> (e, a) `arr` Maybe b
-> (e, [a]) `arr` HashMap k b
buildInfoMap extractKey mkMetadataObject buildInfo = proc (e, infos) ->
(M.groupOn extractKey infos >- returnA)
>-> (| Inc.keyed (\_ duplicateInfos ->
(duplicateInfos >- noDuplicates mkMetadataObject)
>-> (| traverseA (\info -> (e, info) >- buildInfo) |)
>-> (\info -> join info >- returnA)) |)
>-> (\infoMap -> M.catMaybes infoMap >- returnA)
{-# INLINABLE buildInfoMap #-}
-- | Like 'buildInfo', but includes each processed info’s associated 'MetadataObject' in the result.
-- This is useful if the results will be further processed, and the 'MetadataObject' is still needed
-- to mark the object inconsistent.
:: ( ArrowChoice arr, Inc.ArrowDistribute arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr
, Eq k, Hashable k )
=> (a -> k)
-> (a -> MetadataObject)
-> (e, a) `arr` Maybe b
-> (e, [a]) `arr` HashMap k (b, MetadataObject)
buildInfoMapPreservingMetadata extractKey mkMetadataObject buildInfo =
buildInfoMap extractKey mkMetadataObject proc (e, info) ->
((e, info) >- buildInfo) >-> \result -> result <&> (, mkMetadataObject info) >- returnA
{-# INLINABLE buildInfoMapPreservingMetadata #-}
2019-12-09 01:17:39 +03:00
addTableContext :: QualifiedTable -> Text -> Text
addTableContext tableName e = "in table " <> tableName <<> ": " <> e