2022-05-11 09:14:25 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
-- | Data Connector helpers.
module Harness.Backend.DataConnector
2022-06-25 22:05:58 +03:00
( -- * Reference Agent
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2022-06-24 09:58:25 +03:00
2022-06-25 22:05:58 +03:00
-- * Mock Agent
MockConfig (..),
MockAgentEnvironment (..),
TestCase (..),
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2022-06-25 22:05:58 +03:00
import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, killThread)
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
import Data.IORef qualified as I
import Harness.Backend.DataConnector.MockAgent
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import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine
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import Harness.Http (healthCheck)
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import Harness.Quoter.Yaml (shouldReturnYaml, yaml)
import Harness.Test.Context (BackendType (DataConnector), Options, defaultBackendTypeString)
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import Harness.TestEnvironment (TestEnvironment)
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import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API qualified as API
import Hasura.Prelude
import Test.Hspec (shouldBe)
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2022-06-25 22:05:58 +03:00
defaultBackendConfig :: Aeson.Value
defaultBackendConfig =
let backendType = defaultBackendTypeString $ DataConnector
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in [yaml|
2022-06-25 22:05:58 +03:00
uri: ""
2022-05-11 09:14:25 +03:00
2022-06-25 22:05:58 +03:00
mockBackendConfig :: Aeson.Value
mockBackendConfig =
let backendType = defaultBackendTypeString $ DataConnector
2022-06-29 10:42:51 +03:00
agentUri = "" <> show mockAgentPort <> "/"
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in [yaml|
2022-06-29 10:42:51 +03:00
uri: *agentUri
2022-05-11 09:14:25 +03:00
2022-06-25 22:05:58 +03:00
-- Chinook Agent
-- | Setup the schema given source metadata and backend config.
setupFixture :: Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Value -> (TestEnvironment, ()) -> IO ()
setupFixture sourceMetadata backendConfig (testEnvironment, _) = do
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-- Clear and reconfigure the metadata
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GraphqlEngine.setSource testEnvironment sourceMetadata (Just backendConfig)
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-- | Teardown the schema and tracking in the most expected way.
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teardown :: (TestEnvironment, ()) -> IO ()
teardown (testEnvironment, _) = do
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GraphqlEngine.clearMetadata testEnvironment
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-- Mock Agent
-- Current Design:
-- The Mock Agent receives at startup a 'I.IORef MockConfig' and an
-- empty 'I.IORef (Maybe API.Query)'.
-- The 'MockConfig' contains static responses for all the Agent
-- endpoints. When the agent handlers are called, they read from the
-- 'I.IORef MockConfig' and return the value revelevant to the handler.
-- In the case of the Query Handler, before returning the mock value,
-- the handler writes the incoming 'API.Query' value to the 'I.IORef
-- (Maybe API.Query)'.
-- The two 'I.IORef' values are constructed when we build the local
-- test environment in 'mkLocalTestEnvironmentMock' and call
-- 'runMockServer'. We return '(I.IORef MockConfig, I.IORef (Maybe
-- API.Query), ThreadId)' so that we can use the 'I.IORef' values in
-- test setups and the 'ThreadId' in teardown (to kill the agent
-- thread).
-- NOTE: In the current design we use the same agent and the same
-- 'I.IORef's for all tests. This is safe because the tests are run
-- sequentially. Parallelizing the test suite would break the testing
-- setup for 'DataConnector'.
-- If a parallelization refactor occurs, we will need to construct a
-- mock agent and corresponding 'I.IORef's for each individual
-- test. To make this work we would likely need to use hspec hooks on
-- the individual tests to spawn and destroy a mock agent and
-- associated 'I.IORef's.
data MockAgentEnvironment = MockAgentEnvironment
{ maeConfig :: I.IORef MockConfig,
maeQuery :: I.IORef (Maybe API.QueryRequest),
maeThreadId :: ThreadId
-- | Create the 'I.IORef's and launch the servant mock agent.
mkLocalTestEnvironmentMock :: TestEnvironment -> IO MockAgentEnvironment
mkLocalTestEnvironmentMock _ = do
maeConfig <- I.newIORef chinookMock
maeQuery <- I.newIORef Nothing
maeThreadId <- forkIO $ runMockServer maeConfig maeQuery
2022-06-29 10:42:51 +03:00
healthCheck $ "" <> show mockAgentPort <> "/healthz"
2022-06-25 22:05:58 +03:00
pure $ MockAgentEnvironment {..}
-- | Load the agent schema into HGE.
setupMock :: Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Value -> (TestEnvironment, MockAgentEnvironment) -> IO ()
setupMock sourceMetadata backendConfig (testEnvironment, _mockAgentEnvironment) = do
-- Clear and reconfigure the metadata
GraphqlEngine.setSource testEnvironment sourceMetadata (Just backendConfig)
-- | Teardown the schema and kill the servant mock agent.
teardownMock :: (TestEnvironment, MockAgentEnvironment) -> IO ()
teardownMock (testEnvironment, MockAgentEnvironment {..}) = do
GraphqlEngine.clearMetadata testEnvironment
killThread maeThreadId
-- | Mock Agent test case input.
data TestCase = TestCase
{ -- | The Mock configuration for the agent
_given :: MockConfig,
-- | The Graphql Query to test
_whenRequest :: Aeson.Value,
-- | The expected HGE 'API.Query' value to be provided to the
-- agent. A @Nothing@ value indicates that the 'API.Query'
-- assertion should be skipped.
_whenQuery :: Maybe API.QueryRequest,
-- | The expected GQL response and outgoing HGE 'API.Query'
_then :: Aeson.Value
-- | Test runner for the Mock Agent. 'runMockedTest' sets the mocked
-- value in the agent, fires a GQL request, then asserts on the
-- expected response and 'API.Query' value.
runMockedTest :: Options -> TestCase -> (TestEnvironment, MockAgentEnvironment) -> IO ()
runMockedTest opts TestCase {..} (testEnvironment, MockAgentEnvironment {..}) = do
-- Set the Agent with the 'MockConfig'
I.writeIORef maeConfig _given
-- Execute the GQL Query and assert on the result
( GraphqlEngine.postGraphql
-- Read the logged 'API.QueryRequest' from the Agent
query <- I.readIORef maeQuery
I.writeIORef maeQuery Nothing
-- Assert that the 'API.QueryRequest' was constructed how we expected.
onJust _whenQuery ((query `shouldBe`) . Just)