-- This migration checks for the type of the `locked` column
-- before applying the migration is due to an edge case. The
-- edge case is:
-- 1. User is using v1 hasura with no event triggers
-- 2. User upgrades to v2, since there are no event triggers in the metadata, source catalog migrations won't be run.
-- 3. User downgrades from v2 to v1, now since the 41_to_42 migration is
-- moved to `pg_source_migrations/0_to_1.sql` the
-- `hdb_catalog.event_log` exists as of the catalog version of v1.3.3,
-- which means we would be trying to downgrade something which was
-- never upgraded.
IF(SELECTEXISTS(SELECT1frominformation_schema.columnswheretable_name='event_log'andtable_schema='hdb_catalog'andcolumn_name='locked'anddata_type='timestamp with time zone'))THEN