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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Backend where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Has
import qualified Hasura.RQL.IR.Select as IR
import qualified Hasura.RQL.IR.Update as IR
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser (Definition, EnumValueInfo, FieldParser,
InputFieldsParser, Kind (..), Opaque, Parser,
UnpreparedValue (..))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Class
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types hiding (EnumValueInfo)
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax (Name, Nullability)
class Backend b => BackendSchema (b :: BackendType) where
:: (MonadSchema n m, MonadError QErr m)
=> ColumnType b
-> Nullability
-> m (Parser 'Both n (Opaque (ColumnValue b)))
-- | The "path" argument for json column fields
:: MonadParse n
=> ColumnType b
-> InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (IR.ColumnOp b))
-- | Helper function to get the table GraphQL name. A table may have an
-- identifier configured with it. When the identifier exists, the GraphQL nodes
-- that are generated according to the identifier. For example: Let's say,
-- we have a table called `users address`, the name of the table is not GraphQL
-- compliant so we configure the table with a GraphQL compliant name,
-- say `users_address`
-- The generated top-level nodes of this table will be like `users_address`,
-- `insert_users_address` etc
:: MonadTableInfo b r m
=> TableName b
-> m Name
:: NonEmpty (Definition EnumValueInfo, (BasicOrderType b, NullsOrderType b))
:: (MonadSchema n m, MonadError QErr m)
=> ColumnType b
-> m (Parser 'Input n [ComparisonExp b])
:: (MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo b r m)
=> TableName b
-> UpdPermInfo b
-> m (Maybe (InputFieldsParser n [(Column b, IR.UpdOpExpG (UnpreparedValue b))]))
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> ColumnType b
-> Value
-> m (ScalarValue b)
-- while offset is exposed in the schema as a GraphQL Int, which
-- is a bounded Int32, previous versions of the code used to also
-- silently accept a string as an input for the offset as a way to
-- support int64 values (postgres bigint)
-- a much better way of supporting this would be to expose the
-- offset in the code as a postgres bigint, but for now, to avoid
-- a breaking change, we are defining a custom parser that also
-- accepts a string
offsetParser :: MonadParse n => Parser 'Both n (SQLExpression b)
mkCountType :: Maybe Bool -> Maybe [Column b] -> CountType b
aggregateOrderByCountType :: ScalarType b
-- | Computed field parser
:: (BackendSchema b, MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo b r m, MonadRole r m, Has QueryContext r)
=> ComputedFieldInfo b
-> SelPermInfo b
-> m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AnnotatedField b)))
-- | The 'node' root field of a Relay request.
:: ( BackendSchema b
, MonadSchema n m
, MonadTableInfo b r m
, MonadRole r m
, Has QueryContext r
=> m (Parser 'Output n (HashMap (TableName b) (SourceName, SourceConfig b, SelPermInfo b, PrimaryKeyColumns b, AnnotatedFields b)))
type ComparisonExp b = OpExpG b (UnpreparedValue b)