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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- TODO(SOLOMON): Module Description.
module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Webhook.Transform.Class
( -- * Transformation Interface and Utilities
Transform (..),
-- ** Error Context
TransformErrorBundle (..),
-- ** Request Transformation Context
RequestTransformCtx (..),
ResponseTransformCtx (..),
-- * Templating
TemplatingEngine (..),
Template (..),
Version (..),
-- * Unescaped
UnescapedTemplate (..),
import Control.Arrow (left)
import Control.Lens (bimap, view)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, FromJSONKey, ToJSON, ToJSONKey)
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Binary.Builder (toLazyByteString)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Builder.Scientific (scientificBuilder)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LBS
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as M
import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as TE
import Data.Validation (Validation, fromEither)
import Hasura.Incremental (Cacheable)
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.Session (SessionVariables, getSessionVariableValue, mkSessionVariable)
import Kriti (SerializedError (..), runKritiWith)
import Kriti.Error qualified as Kriti (CustomFunctionError (..), serialize)
import Kriti.Parser qualified as Kriti (parser)
import Network.HTTP.Client.Transformable qualified as HTTP
-- | 'Transform' describes how to reify a defunctionalized transformation for
-- a particular request field.
type Transform :: Type -> Constraint
class Transform a where
-- | The associated type 'TransformFn a' is the defunctionalized version
-- of some transformation that should be applied to a given request field.
-- In most cases it is some variation on a piece of template text describing
-- the transformation.
data TransformFn a :: Type
-- | 'transform' is a function which takes 'TransformFn' of @a@ and reifies
-- it into a function of the form:
-- @
-- ReqTransformCtx -> a -> m a
-- @
transform ::
MonadError TransformErrorBundle m =>
TransformFn a ->
RequestTransformCtx ->
a ->
m a
-- | We use collect all transformation failures as a '[J.Value]'.
newtype TransformErrorBundle = TransformErrorBundle
{ tebMessages :: [J.Value]
deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Show)
deriving newtype (Monoid, Semigroup, FromJSON, ToJSON)
deriving anyclass (Cacheable, NFData)
-- | A helper function for serializing transformation errors to JSON.
throwErrorBundle ::
MonadError TransformErrorBundle m =>
Text ->
Maybe J.Value ->
m a
throwErrorBundle msg val = do
let requiredCtx =
[ "error_code" J..= ("TransformationError" :: Text),
"message" J..= msg
optionalCtx =
[ ("value" J..=) <$> val
err = J.object (requiredCtx <> catMaybes optionalCtx)
throwError $ TransformErrorBundle [err]
-- | Common context that is made available to all request transformations.
data RequestTransformCtx = RequestTransformCtx
{ rtcBaseUrl :: Maybe J.Value,
rtcBody :: J.Value,
rtcSessionVariables :: J.Value,
rtcQueryParams :: Maybe J.Value,
rtcEngine :: TemplatingEngine,
rtcFunctions :: M.HashMap T.Text (J.Value -> Either Kriti.CustomFunctionError J.Value)
instance ToJSON RequestTransformCtx where
toJSON RequestTransformCtx {..} =
let required =
[ "body" J..= rtcBody,
"session_variables" J..= rtcSessionVariables
optional =
[ ("base_url" J..=) <$> rtcBaseUrl,
("query_params" J..=) <$> rtcQueryParams
in J.object (required <> catMaybes optional)
-- | A smart constructor for constructing the 'RequestTransformCtx'
mkReqTransformCtx :: T.Text -> Maybe SessionVariables -> TemplatingEngine -> HTTP.Request -> RequestTransformCtx
mkReqTransformCtx url sessionVars engine reqData =
{ rtcBaseUrl = Just $ J.toJSON url,
rtcBody = fromMaybe J.Null $ J.decode @J.Value =<< view HTTP.body reqData,
rtcSessionVariables = J.toJSON sessionVars,
rtcQueryParams = Just $ J.toJSON $ bimap TE.decodeUtf8 (fmap TE.decodeUtf8) <$> view HTTP.queryParams reqData,
rtcEngine = engine,
rtcFunctions = M.singleton "getSessionVariable" getSessionVar
getSessionVar :: J.Value -> Either Kriti.CustomFunctionError J.Value
getSessionVar inp = case inp of
J.String txt ->
case sessionVarValue of
Just x -> Right $ J.String x
Nothing -> Left . Kriti.CustomFunctionError $ "Session variable \"" <> txt <> "\" not found"
sessionVarValue = sessionVars >>= getSessionVariableValue (mkSessionVariable txt)
_ -> Left $ Kriti.CustomFunctionError "Session variable name should be a string"
-- | Common context that is made available to all response transformations.
data ResponseTransformCtx = ResponseTransformCtx
{ responseTransformBody :: J.Value,
responseTransformReqCtx :: J.Value,
responseTransformFunctions :: M.HashMap T.Text (J.Value -> Either Kriti.CustomFunctionError J.Value),
responseTransformEngine :: TemplatingEngine
-- | Available templating engines.
data TemplatingEngine
= Kriti
deriving stock (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Generic, Show)
deriving anyclass (Cacheable, NFData)
-- XXX(jkachmar): We need roundtrip tests for these instances.
instance FromJSON TemplatingEngine where
parseJSON =
{ J.tagSingleConstructors = True
-- XXX(jkachmar): We need roundtrip tests for these instances.
instance ToJSON TemplatingEngine where
toJSON =
{ J.tagSingleConstructors = True
toEncoding =
{ J.tagSingleConstructors = True
-- | Validated textual transformation template.
newtype Template = Template
{ unTemplate :: Text
deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
deriving newtype (Hashable, FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey)
deriving anyclass (Cacheable, NFData)
-- XXX(jkachmar): We need roundtrip tests for these instances.
instance J.FromJSON Template where
parseJSON = J.withText "Template" \t -> do
case Kriti.parser (encodeUtf8 t) of
-- TODO(SOLOMON): Use the parsed ValueExt in 'RequestFields' so that we
-- don't have to parse at every request.
Right _ -> pure $ Template t
Left err ->
let SerializedError {_message} = Kriti.serialize err
in fail $ T.unpack _message
-- XXX(jkachmar): We need roundtrip tests for these instances.
instance J.ToJSON Template where
toJSON = J.String . coerce
-- | A helper function for executing transformations from a 'Template'
-- and a 'RequestTrasformCtx'.
mkRequestTemplateTransform ::
Template ->
RequestTransformCtx ->
Either TransformErrorBundle J.Value
mkRequestTemplateTransform template RequestTransformCtx {rtcEngine = Kriti, ..} =
let context =
[ ("$body", rtcBody),
("$session_variables", rtcSessionVariables)
<> catMaybes
[ ("$query_params",) <$> rtcQueryParams,
("$base_url",) <$> rtcBaseUrl
eResult = runKritiWith (unTemplate $ template) context rtcFunctions
in eResult & left \kritiErr ->
let renderedErr = J.toJSON $ Kriti.serialize kritiErr
in TransformErrorBundle [renderedErr]
mkResponseTemplateTransform ::
Template ->
ResponseTransformCtx ->
Either TransformErrorBundle J.Value
mkResponseTemplateTransform template ResponseTransformCtx {responseTransformEngine = Kriti, ..} =
let context = [("$body", responseTransformBody), ("$request", responseTransformReqCtx)]
eResult = runKritiWith (unTemplate $ template) context responseTransformFunctions
in eResult & left \kritiErr ->
let renderedErr = J.toJSON $ Kriti.serialize kritiErr
in TransformErrorBundle [renderedErr]
-- | 'RequestTransform' Versioning
data Version
= V1
| V2
deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Show)
deriving anyclass (Cacheable, Hashable, NFData)
instance J.FromJSON Version where
parseJSON v = do
version :: Int <- J.parseJSON v
case version of
1 -> pure V1
2 -> pure V2
i -> fail $ "expected 1 or 2, encountered " ++ show i
instance J.ToJSON Version where
toJSON = \case
V1 -> J.toJSON @Int 1
V2 -> J.toJSON @Int 2
-- | Validated textual transformation template /for string
-- interpolation only/.
-- This is necessary due to Kriti not distinguishing between string
-- literals and string templates.
newtype UnescapedTemplate = UnescapedTemplate
{ getUnescapedTemplate :: Text
deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
deriving newtype (Hashable, FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey)
deriving anyclass (Cacheable, NFData)
-- XXX(jkachmar): We need roundtrip tests for these instances.
instance J.FromJSON UnescapedTemplate where
parseJSON = J.withText "UnescapedTemplate" \t -> do
let wrapped = "\"" <> t <> "\""
-- TODO(SOLOMON): Use the parsed ValueExt in 'RequestFields' so that we
-- don't have to parse at every request.
case Kriti.parser (encodeUtf8 wrapped) of
-- NOTE: We can't simplfy use the wrapped value because the
-- 'FromJSONKey' instance uses coercion rather then this
-- instance to wrap the newtype. This means we would need to
-- handle QueryParam keys explicitly in 'mkQueryParamsTransform'
-- while values would be handled implicitliy via this aeson
-- instance. That is confusing, so we just handle everything
-- explicitly down the call stack.
Right _ -> pure $ UnescapedTemplate t
Left err ->
let SerializedError {_message} = Kriti.serialize err
in fail $ T.unpack _message
-- XXX(jkachmar): We need roundtrip tests for these instances.
instance J.ToJSON UnescapedTemplate where
toJSON = J.String . coerce
-- | Wrap an 'UnescapedTemplate' with escaped double quotes.
wrapUnescapedTemplate :: UnescapedTemplate -> Template
wrapUnescapedTemplate (UnescapedTemplate txt) = Template $ "\"" <> txt <> "\""
-- | A helper function for executing Kriti transformations from a
-- 'UnescapedTemplate' and a 'RequestTrasformCtx'. The differennce
-- from 'mkRequestTemplateTransform' is that this function will wrap
-- the template text in double quotes before running Kriti.
mkUnescapedRequestTemplateTransform ::
RequestTransformCtx ->
UnescapedTemplate ->
Either TransformErrorBundle ByteString
mkUnescapedRequestTemplateTransform context unescapedTemplate = do
result <-
(wrapUnescapedTemplate unescapedTemplate)
encodeScalar result
-- | Run a Kriti transformation with an unescaped template in
-- 'Validation' instead of 'Either'.
validateUnescapedRequestTemplateTransform ::
RequestTransformCtx ->
UnescapedTemplate ->
Validation TransformErrorBundle ByteString
validateUnescapedRequestTemplateTransform context unescapedTemplate =
fromEither $
mkUnescapedRequestTemplateTransform context unescapedTemplate
mkUnescapedResponseTemplateTransform ::
ResponseTransformCtx ->
UnescapedTemplate ->
Either TransformErrorBundle ByteString
mkUnescapedResponseTemplateTransform context unescapedTemplate = do
result <- mkResponseTemplateTransform (wrapUnescapedTemplate unescapedTemplate) context
encodeScalar result
validateUnescapedResponseTemplateTransform ::
ResponseTransformCtx ->
UnescapedTemplate ->
Validation TransformErrorBundle ByteString
validateUnescapedResponseTemplateTransform context unescapedTemplate =
fromEither $
mkUnescapedResponseTemplateTransform context unescapedTemplate
-- Utility functions.
-- | Encode a JSON Scalar Value as a 'ByteString'.
-- If a non-Scalar value is provided, will return a 'TrnasformErrorBundle'
encodeScalar ::
MonadError TransformErrorBundle m =>
J.Value ->
m ByteString
encodeScalar = \case
J.String str -> pure $ encodeUtf8 str
J.Number num ->
pure . LBS.toStrict . toLazyByteString $ scientificBuilder num
J.Bool True -> pure "true"
J.Bool False -> pure "false"
val ->
throwErrorBundle "Template must produce a String, Number, or Boolean value" (Just val)