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module Hasura.Server.ResourceChecker
( getServerResources,
ComputeResourcesResponse (..),
ResourceCheckerError (..),
-- * Exposed for testing
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (toJSON))
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (bimap))
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
import Data.Text.Read qualified as T
import GHC.Conc (getNumProcessors)
import Hasura.Prelude
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, (</>))
import System.IO.Error (catchIOError)
-- | The response data of cpu and memory resources
data ComputeResourcesResponse = ComputeResourcesResponse
{ _rcrCpu :: Maybe Int,
_rcrMemory :: Maybe Int64,
_rcrErrorCode :: Maybe ResourceCheckerError
deriving (Generic, Eq, Show)
instance J.ToJSON ComputeResourcesResponse where
toJSON :: ComputeResourcesResponse -> J.Value
toJSON = J.genericToJSON hasuraJSON {J.omitNothingFields = True}
data CGroupMode
= CGUnavailable
| CGroupV1
| CGroupV2
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ResourceCheckerError
= CGroupUnavailable
| CpuInconclusive
| MemoryInconclusive
| CpuMemoryInconclusive
| RCInternalError String
deriving (Eq)
instance Show ResourceCheckerError where
show = \case
CGroupUnavailable -> "CGROUP_UNAVAILABLE"
CpuInconclusive -> "CPU_INCONCLUSIVE"
MemoryInconclusive -> "MEMORY_INCONCLUSIVE"
CpuMemoryInconclusive -> "CPU_MEMORY_INCONCLUSIVE"
RCInternalError err -> err
instance J.ToJSON ResourceCheckerError where
toJSON = J.toJSON . show
perCpuShares :: Int
perCpuShares = 1024
-- | Determine allocated cpu and memory resources of the host server or Container Runtime.
-- because HGE mainly runs in the container runtime
-- we need to determine the max cpu and memory limit constraints
-- that are managed by cgroups or fallback to physical cpu and memory information of the server
-- Those information are stored in many files of cgroup folders,
-- the logic is simply to read them and parse number values
-- In cgroup v1 systems there are several ways in which the amount of allocated cpu resources could be presented.
-- We first try reading requests (quota & period); if that fails, we fallback to reading limits (shares);
-- if that fails, we fallback to reading the physical cpu count, which should always succeed.
-- Some cgroup v2 systems still use the cgroup v1 file structure (hybrid mode). To account for those systems,
-- we fallback to the above cgroup v1 logic if we fail to read the allocated cpu resources in the expected way.
getServerResources :: (MonadIO m) => m ComputeResourcesResponse
getServerResources = getServerResources_ "/proc/self/mountinfo"
getServerResources_ :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m ComputeResourcesResponse
getServerResources_ mountPath =
getCGroupMode >>= \case
(CGUnavailable, _) -> getPhysicalResources (Just CGroupUnavailable)
(CGroupV1, cgroupRoot) -> getCGroupV1Resources cgroupRoot
(CGroupV2, cgroupRoot) -> getCGroupV2Resources cgroupRoot
-- find the line that contains the cgroup folder path in the mount info file
-- the line should have from 9 words, for example:
-- 29 21 0:25 / /sys/fs/cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime shared:9 - cgroup2 cgroup2
-- in cgroup v1 there can be many cgroup lines with child paths
-- we need to find the root cgroup folder
-- 1269 1263 0:31 /kubepods/burstable/pod37349393 /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime master:14 - cgroup cgroup rw,blkio
getCGroupMode =
liftIO $
( T.readFile mountPath
>>= ( \contentLines ->
case find (\ls -> ("cgroup" `elem` ls || "cgroup2" `elem` ls) && length ls >= 9) contentLines of
Nothing -> return (CGUnavailable, "")
Just ls ->
let cgroupPath = T.unpack (ls !! 4)
cgroupRoot = bool (takeDirectory cgroupPath) cgroupPath ("cgroup2" `elem` ls)
in liftIO (doesFileExist (cgroupRoot </> "cgroup.controllers"))
<&> bool CGroupV1 CGroupV2
<&> (,cgroupRoot)
. map T.words
. T.lines
(return . const (CGUnavailable, ""))
-- | Compute the cpu share allocations from the number of physical CPU cores
getPhysicalCpuResource :: (MonadIO m) => m Int
getPhysicalCpuResource = liftIO getNumProcessors <&> (* perCpuShares)
-- | Compute the max physical memory size of the server
getMaxPhysicalMemory :: (MonadIO m) => m (Maybe Int64)
getMaxPhysicalMemory = liftIO $ catchIOError readMemory (return . const Nothing)
-- the value of meminfo is in KB
parseMemoryBytes l =
if length (T.words l) < 2
then Nothing
else either (const Nothing) (Just . (* 1024)) (parseUint @Int64 (T.words l !! 1))
readMemory =
T.readFile "/proc/meminfo" >>= \c ->
let l = find ("MemTotal:" `T.isPrefixOf`) (map T.strip (T.lines c))
in return $ parseMemoryBytes =<< l
getPhysicalResources :: (MonadIO m) => Maybe ResourceCheckerError -> m ComputeResourcesResponse
getPhysicalResources err = do
cpu <- getPhysicalCpuResource
maxMem <- getMaxPhysicalMemory
return $ ComputeResourcesResponse (Just cpu) maxMem err
-- | Determine cpu and memory resource allocations
-- if the OCI Container Runtime supports cgroup v1
getCGroupV1Resources :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m ComputeResourcesResponse
getCGroupV1Resources cgroupRoot = do
(cpu, cpuErr) <- catchCpuAllocation $ getCGroupV1CpuAllocation cgroupRoot
(memMax, memErr) <- catchMemoryAllocation $ getCGroupV1MemoryAllocation cgroupRoot
return $ ComputeResourcesResponse (Just cpu) memMax (mergeCpuMemoryErrors cpuErr memErr)
getCGroupV1CpuAllocation ::
(MonadIO m, MonadError ResourceCheckerError m) =>
FilePath ->
m (Int, Maybe ResourceCheckerError)
getCGroupV1CpuAllocation cgroupRoot = cpuLimits `catchError` const cpuShares
readCpuValue name = readFileUint (const CpuInconclusive) (cgroupRoot </> "cpu" </> name)
cpuShares = do
shares <- readCpuValue "cpu.shares"
when (shares <= 2 || shares == 1024) $ throwError (RCInternalError "INVALID_CPU_SHARES")
return (shares, Nothing)
cpuLimits = do
cq <- readCpuValue "cpu.cfs_quota_us"
cp <- readCpuValue "cpu.cfs_period_us"
liftEither $ deduceCpuLimits cq cp
getCGroupV1MemoryAllocation ::
(MonadIO m, MonadError ResourceCheckerError m) =>
FilePath ->
m (Maybe Int64, Maybe ResourceCheckerError)
getCGroupV1MemoryAllocation cgroupRoot =
getMemoryAllocation (cgroupRoot </> "memory" </> "memory.limit_in_bytes")
-- | Determine cpu and memory resource allocations
-- if the OCI Container Runtime supports cgroup v2
getCGroupV2Resources :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m ComputeResourcesResponse
getCGroupV2Resources cgroupRoot = do
(cpu, cpuErr) <- getCpuAllocationCGroupV2
(memMax, memErr) <- getMemoryAllocationCGroupV2
return $ ComputeResourcesResponse (Just cpu) memMax (mergeCpuMemoryErrors cpuErr memErr)
-- CPU shares (OCI) value needs to get translated into
-- a proper CGroups v2 value. See:
-- Use the inverse of (x == OCI value, y == cgroupsv2 value):
-- ((262142 * y - 1)/9999) + 2 = x
cpuShares = do
shares' <- readFileUint (const CpuInconclusive) (cgroupRoot </> "cpu.weight")
when (shares' <= 2 || shares' == 100) $ throwError (RCInternalError "INVALID_CPU_SHARES")
return ((262142 * (shares' - 1) `div` 9999) + 2, Nothing)
parsePeriod = mapLeft (const $ RCInternalError "INVALID_CPU_PERIOD") . parseUint
parseQuota = mapLeft (const $ RCInternalError "INVALID_CPU_QUOTA") . parseUint
cpuLimits = do
content <- readFileT (const CpuInconclusive) (cgroupRoot </> "cpu.max")
liftEither $ case map T.strip (T.words content) of
[quota, period] -> uncurry deduceCpuLimits =<< (,) <$> parseQuota quota <*> parsePeriod period
_ -> Left $ RCInternalError "INVALID_CPU_PERIOD_AND_QUOTA"
getCpuAllocationCGroupV2 =
catchCpuAllocation $
`catchError` const cpuShares
`catchError` const (getCGroupV1CpuAllocation cgroupRoot)
getMemoryAllocationCGroupV2 =
catchMemoryAllocation $
getMemoryAllocation (cgroupRoot </> "memory.max")
`catchError` const (getCGroupV1MemoryAllocation cgroupRoot)
deduceCpuLimits :: Int -> Int -> Either ResourceCheckerError (Int, Maybe ResourceCheckerError)
deduceCpuLimits quota period
| quota <= 0 = Left $ RCInternalError "INVALID_CPU_QUOTA"
| period <= 0 = Left $ RCInternalError "INVALID_CPU_PERIOD"
| otherwise = Right (ceiling (toRational quota / toRational period * toRational perCpuShares), Nothing)
getMemoryAllocation ::
(MonadIO m, MonadError ResourceCheckerError m) =>
FilePath ->
m (Maybe Int64, Maybe ResourceCheckerError)
getMemoryAllocation path =
readFileT (const MemoryInconclusive) path
>>= ( \content ->
bool (Just <$> liftEither (parseUint content)) getMaxPhysicalMemory (content == "max")
<&> (,Nothing)
. T.strip
-- catch cpu allocation error with default physical cpu resource
catchCpuAllocation ::
MonadIO m =>
ExceptT e m (Int, Maybe ResourceCheckerError) ->
m (Int, Maybe ResourceCheckerError)
catchCpuAllocation m =
runExceptT m
>>= flip onLeft (\_ -> getPhysicalCpuResource <&> (,Just CpuInconclusive))
-- catch memory allocation error with default physical memory resource
catchMemoryAllocation ::
MonadIO m =>
ExceptT ResourceCheckerError m (Maybe Int64, Maybe ResourceCheckerError) ->
m (Maybe Int64, Maybe ResourceCheckerError)
catchMemoryAllocation m =
runExceptT m
>>= flip onLeft (\e -> getMaxPhysicalMemory <&> (,Just e))
mergeCpuMemoryErrors :: Maybe ResourceCheckerError -> Maybe ResourceCheckerError -> Maybe ResourceCheckerError
mergeCpuMemoryErrors cpuErr memErr = case (cpuErr, memErr) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Just e1, Nothing) -> Just e1
(Nothing, Just e2) -> Just e2
(Just CpuInconclusive, Just MemoryInconclusive) -> Just CpuMemoryInconclusive
(Just e1, Just e2) -> Just $ RCInternalError (show e1 <> "|" <> show e2)
readFileT :: (MonadIO m, MonadError ResourceCheckerError m) => (String -> ResourceCheckerError) -> FilePath -> m T.Text
readFileT mapError path = do
eContent <- liftIO $ catchIOError (Right <$> T.readFile path) (pure . Left . show)
liftEither $ mapLeft mapError eContent
parseUint :: Integral a => T.Text -> Either ResourceCheckerError a
parseUint = bimap RCInternalError fst . T.decimal
readFileUint ::
(MonadIO m, MonadError ResourceCheckerError m, Integral a) =>
(String -> ResourceCheckerError) ->
FilePath ->
m a
readFileUint mapError p = (liftEither . parseUint) =<< readFileT mapError p