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module Hasura.Metadata.DTO.MetadataV2 (MetadataV2 (..)) where
import Autodocodec (Autodocodec (Autodocodec), HasCodec (codec), object, optionalField, requiredField, (.=))
import Autodocodec.OpenAPI ()
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import Data.OpenApi qualified as OpenApi
import Hasura.Metadata.DTO.Placeholder (PlaceholderArray, PlaceholderObject)
import Hasura.Metadata.DTO.Utils (versionField)
import Hasura.Prelude
-- | Revision 2 of the Metadata export format. Note that values of the types,
-- 'PlaceholderArray' and 'PlaceholderObject' are placeholders that will
-- eventually be expanded to represent more detail.
data MetadataV2 = MetadataV2
{ metaV2Actions :: Maybe PlaceholderArray,
metaV2Allowlist :: Maybe PlaceholderArray,
metaV2CronTriggers :: Maybe PlaceholderArray,
metaV2CustomTypes :: Maybe PlaceholderObject,
metaV2Functions :: Maybe PlaceholderArray,
metaV2QueryCollections :: Maybe PlaceholderArray,
metaV2RemoteSchemas :: Maybe PlaceholderArray,
metaV2Tables :: PlaceholderArray
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON, OpenApi.ToSchema) via (Autodocodec MetadataV2)
instance HasCodec MetadataV2 where
codec =
object "MetadataV2" $
<$ versionField 2
<*> optionalField "actions" "action definitions which extend Hasura's schema with custom business logic using custom queries and mutations" .= metaV2Actions
<*> optionalField "allowlist" "safe GraphQL operations - when allow lists are enabled only these operations are allowed" .= metaV2Allowlist
<*> optionalField "cron_triggers" "reliably trigger HTTP endpoints to run custom business logic periodically based on a cron schedule" .= metaV2CronTriggers
<*> optionalField "custom_types" "custom type definitions" .= metaV2CustomTypes
<*> optionalField "functions" "user-defined SQL functions" .= metaV2Functions
<*> optionalField "query_collections" "group queries using query collections" .= metaV2QueryCollections
<*> optionalField "remote_schemas" "merge remote GraphQL schemas and provide a unified GraphQL API" .= metaV2RemoteSchemas
<*> requiredField "tables" "configured database tables" .= metaV2Tables