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{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- | Postgres Instances Metadata
-- Defines a 'Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Backend.BackendMetadata' type class instance for Postgres.
module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Instances.Metadata () where
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.DDL qualified as PG
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types (QualifiedTable)
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Types.CitusExtraTableMetadata
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend (Backend)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.Local
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
-- PostgresMetadata
-- | We differentiate the handling of metadata between Citus and Vanilla
-- Postgres because Citus imposes limitations on the types of joins that it
-- permits, which then limits the types of relations that we can track.
class PostgresMetadata (pgKind :: PostgresKind) where
-- TODO: find a better name
validateRel ::
MonadError QErr m =>
TableCache ('Postgres pgKind) ->
QualifiedTable ->
Either (ObjRelDef ('Postgres pgKind)) (ArrRelDef ('Postgres pgKind)) ->
m ()
instance PostgresMetadata 'Vanilla where
validateRel _ _ _ = pure ()
instance PostgresMetadata 'Citus where
validateRel ::
forall m.
MonadError QErr m =>
TableCache ('Postgres 'Citus) ->
QualifiedTable ->
Either (ObjRelDef ('Postgres 'Citus)) (ArrRelDef ('Postgres 'Citus)) ->
m ()
validateRel tableCache sourceTable relInfo = do
sourceTableInfo <- lookupTableInfo sourceTable
case relInfo of
Left (RelDef _ obj _) ->
case obj of
RUFKeyOn (SameTable _) -> pure ()
RUFKeyOn (RemoteTable targetTable _) -> checkObjectRelationship sourceTableInfo targetTable
RUManual RelManualConfig {} -> pure ()
Right (RelDef _ obj _) ->
case obj of
RUFKeyOn (ArrRelUsingFKeyOn targetTable _col) -> checkArrayRelationship sourceTableInfo targetTable
RUManual RelManualConfig {} -> pure ()
lookupTableInfo tableName =
Map.lookup tableName tableCache
`onNothing` throw400 NotFound ("no such table " <>> tableName)
checkObjectRelationship sourceTableInfo targetTable = do
targetTableInfo <- lookupTableInfo targetTable
let notSupported = throwNotSupportedError sourceTableInfo targetTableInfo "object"
case ( _tciExtraTableMetadata $ _tiCoreInfo sourceTableInfo,
_tciExtraTableMetadata $ _tiCoreInfo targetTableInfo
) of
(Distributed {}, Local) -> notSupported
(Distributed {}, Reference) -> pure ()
(Distributed {}, Distributed {}) -> pure ()
(_, Distributed {}) -> notSupported
(_, _) -> pure ()
checkArrayRelationship sourceTableInfo targetTable = do
targetTableInfo <- lookupTableInfo targetTable
let notSupported = throwNotSupportedError sourceTableInfo targetTableInfo "array"
case ( _tciExtraTableMetadata $ _tiCoreInfo sourceTableInfo,
_tciExtraTableMetadata $ _tiCoreInfo targetTableInfo
) of
(Distributed {}, Distributed {}) -> pure ()
(Distributed {}, _) -> notSupported
(_, Distributed {}) -> notSupported
(_, _) -> pure ()
showDistributionType :: ExtraTableMetadata -> Text
showDistributionType = \case
Local -> "local"
Distributed _ -> "distributed"
Reference -> "reference"
throwNotSupportedError :: TableInfo ('Postgres 'Citus) -> TableInfo ('Postgres 'Citus) -> Text -> m ()
throwNotSupportedError sourceTableInfo targetTableInfo t =
let tciSrc = _tiCoreInfo sourceTableInfo
tciTgt = _tiCoreInfo targetTableInfo
in throw400
( showDistributionType (_tciExtraTableMetadata tciSrc)
<> " tables ("
<> toTxt (_tciName tciSrc)
<> ") cannot have an "
<> t
<> " relationship against a "
<> showDistributionType (_tciExtraTableMetadata $ _tiCoreInfo targetTableInfo)
<> " table ("
<> toTxt (_tciName tciTgt)
<> ")"
instance PostgresMetadata 'Cockroach where
validateRel _ _ _ = pure ()
-- BackendMetadata instance
( Backend ('Postgres pgKind),
PostgresMetadata pgKind,
PG.FetchTableMetadata pgKind,
PG.FetchFunctionMetadata pgKind,
PG.ToMetadataFetchQuery pgKind
) =>
BackendMetadata ('Postgres pgKind)
prepareCatalog = PG.prepareCatalog
buildComputedFieldInfo = PG.buildComputedFieldInfo
fetchAndValidateEnumValues = PG.fetchAndValidateEnumValues
resolveSourceConfig = const PG.resolveSourceConfig
resolveDatabaseMetadata = PG.resolveDatabaseMetadata
parseBoolExpOperations = PG.parseBoolExpOperations
buildFunctionInfo = PG.buildFunctionInfo
updateColumnInEventTrigger = PG.updateColumnInEventTrigger
parseCollectableType = PG.parseCollectableType
postDropSourceHook = PG.postDropSourceHook
validateRelationship = validateRel @pgKind
buildComputedFieldBooleanExp = PG.buildComputedFieldBooleanExp