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2018-09-05 14:26:46 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hasura.Events.HTTP
( HTTP(..)
, mkHTTP
, mkAnyHTTPPost
, mkHTTPMaybe
, HTTPErr(..)
, runHTTP
, default2xxParser
, noBody2xxParser
, defaultRetryPolicy
, defaultRetryFn
, defaultParser
, defaultParserMaybe
, isNetworkError
, isNetworkErrorHC
, HLogger
, mkHLogger
, ExtraContext(..)
) where
import qualified Control.Retry as R
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.TByteString as TBS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as TE
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Time
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as H
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as N
import qualified Network.Wreq as W
import qualified Network.Wreq.Session as WS
import qualified System.Log.FastLogger as FL
import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError, throwError)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader)
import Data.Has
import Hasura.Logging
-- import Data.Monoid
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Subscribe
-- import Context (HTTPSessionMgr (..))
-- import Log
type HLogger = (LogLevel, EngineLogType, J.Value) -> IO ()
data ExtraContext
= ExtraContext
{ elEventCreatedAt :: Time.UTCTime
, elEventId :: TriggerId
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 2 J.snakeCase){J.omitNothingFields=True} ''ExtraContext)
data HTTPErr
= HClient !H.HttpException
| HParse !N.Status !String
| HStatus !N.Status TBS.TByteString
| HOther !String
deriving (Show)
instance J.ToJSON HTTPErr where
toJSON err = toObj $ case err of
(HClient e) -> ("client", J.toJSON $ show e)
(HParse st e) ->
( "parse"
, J.toJSON (N.statusCode st, show e)
(HStatus st resp) ->
("status", J.toJSON (N.statusCode st, resp))
(HOther e) -> ("internal", J.toJSON $ show e)
toObj :: (T.Text, J.Value) -> J.Value
toObj (k, v) = J.object [ "type" J..= k
, "detail" J..= v]
-- encapsulates a http operation
instance ToEngineLog HTTPErr where
toEngineLog err = (LevelError, "event-trigger", J.toJSON err )
data HTTP a
{ _hMethod :: !String
, _hUrl :: !String
, _hPayload :: !(Maybe J.Value)
, _hFormData :: !(Maybe [W.FormParam])
-- options modifier
, _hOptions :: W.Options -> W.Options
-- the response parser
, _hParser :: W.Response B.ByteString -> Either HTTPErr a
-- should the operation be retried
, _hRetryFn :: Either HTTPErr a -> Bool
-- the retry policy
, _hRetryPolicy :: R.RetryPolicyM IO
-- TODO. Why this istance?
-- instance Show (HTTP a) where
-- show (HTTP m u p _ _ _ _) = show m ++ " " ++ show u ++ " : " ++ show p
isNetworkError :: HTTPErr -> Bool
isNetworkError = \case
HClient he -> isNetworkErrorHC he
_ -> False
isNetworkErrorHC :: H.HttpException -> Bool
isNetworkErrorHC = \case
H.HttpExceptionRequest _ (H.ConnectionFailure _) -> True
H.HttpExceptionRequest _ H.ConnectionTimeout -> True
H.HttpExceptionRequest _ H.ResponseTimeout -> True
_ -> False
-- retries on the typical network errors
defaultRetryFn :: Either HTTPErr a -> Bool
defaultRetryFn _ = False
2018-09-05 14:26:46 +03:00
-- full jitter backoff
defaultRetryPolicy :: (MonadIO m) => R.RetryPolicyM m
defaultRetryPolicy =
R.capDelay (120 * 1000 * 1000) (R.fullJitterBackoff (2 * 1000 * 1000))
<> R.limitRetries 15
-- a helper function
respJson :: (J.FromJSON a) => W.Response B.ByteString -> Either HTTPErr a
respJson resp =
either (Left . HParse respCode) return $
J.eitherDecode respBody
respCode = resp ^. W.responseStatus
respBody = resp ^. W.responseBody
defaultParser :: (J.FromJSON a) => W.Response B.ByteString -> Either HTTPErr a
defaultParser resp = if
| respCode == N.status200 -> respJson resp
| otherwise -> do
let val = TBS.fromLBS $ resp ^. W.responseBody
throwError $ HStatus respCode val
respCode = resp ^. W.responseStatus
-- like default parser but turns 404 into maybe
:: (J.FromJSON a) => W.Response B.ByteString -> Either HTTPErr (Maybe a)
defaultParserMaybe resp = if
| respCode == N.status200 -> Just <$> respJson resp
| respCode == N.status404 -> return Nothing
| otherwise -> do
let val = TBS.fromLBS $ resp ^. W.responseBody
throwError $ HStatus respCode val
respCode = resp ^. W.responseStatus
-- default parser which allows all 2xx responses
default2xxParser :: (J.FromJSON a) => W.Response B.ByteString -> Either HTTPErr a
default2xxParser resp = if
| respCode >= N.status200 && respCode < N.status300 -> respJson resp
| otherwise -> do
let val = TBS.fromLBS $ resp ^. W.responseBody
throwError $ HStatus respCode val
respCode = resp ^. W.responseStatus
noBody2xxParser :: W.Response B.ByteString -> Either HTTPErr ()
noBody2xxParser resp = if
| respCode >= N.status200 && respCode < N.status300 -> return ()
| otherwise -> do
let val = TBS.fromLBS $ resp ^. W.responseBody
throwError $ HStatus respCode val
respCode = resp ^. W.responseStatus
anyBodyParser :: W.Response B.ByteString -> Either HTTPErr B.ByteString
anyBodyParser resp = if
| respCode >= N.status200 && respCode < N.status300 -> return $ resp ^. W.responseBody
| otherwise -> do
let val = TBS.fromLBS $ resp ^. W.responseBody
throwError $ HStatus respCode val
respCode = resp ^. W.responseStatus
mkHTTP :: (J.FromJSON a) => String -> String -> HTTP a
mkHTTP method url =
HTTP method url Nothing Nothing id defaultParser
defaultRetryFn defaultRetryPolicy
mkAnyHTTPPost :: String -> Maybe J.Value -> HTTP B.ByteString
mkAnyHTTPPost url payload =
HTTP "POST" url payload Nothing id anyBodyParser
defaultRetryFn defaultRetryPolicy
mkHTTPMaybe :: (J.FromJSON a) => String -> String -> HTTP (Maybe a)
mkHTTPMaybe method url =
HTTP method url Nothing Nothing id defaultParserMaybe
defaultRetryFn defaultRetryPolicy
-- internal logging related types
data HTTPReq
{ _hrqMethod :: !String
, _hrqUrl :: !String
, _hrqPayload :: !(Maybe J.Value)
, _hrqTry :: !Int
, _hrqDelay :: !(Maybe Int)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 4 J.snakeCase){J.omitNothingFields=True} ''HTTPReq)
instance ToEngineLog HTTPReq where
toEngineLog req = (LevelInfo, "event-trigger", J.toJSON req )
instance ToEngineLog HTTPResp where
toEngineLog resp = (LevelInfo, "event-trigger", J.toJSON resp )
data HTTPResp
= HTTPResp
{ _hrsStatus :: !Int
, _hrsHeaders :: ![T.Text]
, _hrsBody :: !TL.Text
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 4 J.snakeCase){J.omitNothingFields=True} ''HTTPResp)
data HTTPRespExtra
= HTTPRespExtra
{ _hreResponse :: HTTPResp
, _hreContext :: Maybe ExtraContext
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 4 J.snakeCase){J.omitNothingFields=True} ''HTTPRespExtra)
instance ToEngineLog HTTPRespExtra where
toEngineLog resp = (LevelInfo, "event-trigger", J.toJSON resp )
mkHTTPResp :: W.Response B.ByteString -> HTTPResp
mkHTTPResp resp =
(resp ^. W.responseStatus.W.statusCode)
(map decodeHeader $ resp ^. W.responseHeaders)
(decodeLBS $ resp ^. W.responseBody)
decodeBS = TE.decodeUtf8With TE.lenientDecode
decodeLBS = TLE.decodeUtf8With TE.lenientDecode
decodeHeader (hdrName, hdrVal)
= decodeBS (CI.original hdrName) <> " : " <> decodeBS hdrVal
:: ( MonadReader r m
, MonadError HTTPErr m
, MonadIO m
, Has WS.Session r
, Has HLogger r
=> W.Options -> HTTP a -> Maybe ExtraContext -> m a
runHTTP opts http exLog = do
-- try the http request
res <- R.retrying retryPol' retryFn' $ httpWithLogging opts http exLog
-- process the result
either throwError return res
retryPol' = R.RetryPolicyM $ liftIO . R.getRetryPolicyM (_hRetryPolicy http)
retryFn' _ = return . _hRetryFn http
:: ( MonadReader r m
, MonadIO m
, Has WS.Session r
, Has HLogger r
=> W.Options -> HTTP a -> Maybe ExtraContext -> R.RetryStatus -> m (Either HTTPErr a)
-- the actual http action
httpWithLogging opts (HTTP method url mPayload mFormParams optsMod bodyParser _ _) exLog retryStatus = do
(logF:: HLogger) <- asks getter
-- log the request
liftIO $ logF $ toEngineLog $ HTTPReq method url mPayload
(R.rsIterNumber retryStatus) (R.rsPreviousDelay retryStatus)
session <- asks getter
res <- finallyRunHTTPPlz session
case res of
Left e -> liftIO $ logF $ toEngineLog $ HClient e
Right resp ->
--liftIO $ print "=======================>"
liftIO $ logF $ toEngineLog $ HTTPRespExtra (mkHTTPResp resp) exLog
--liftIO $ print "<======================="
-- return the processed response
return $ either (Left . HClient) bodyParser res
-- set wreq options to ignore status code exceptions
ignoreStatusCodeExceptions _ _ = return ()
finalOpts = optsMod opts
& W.checkResponse ?~ ignoreStatusCodeExceptions
-- the actual function which makes the relevant Wreq calls
finallyRunHTTPPlz sessMgr =
liftIO $ try $
case (mPayload, mFormParams) of
(Just payload, _) -> WS.customPayloadMethodWith method finalOpts sessMgr url payload
(Nothing, Just fps) -> WS.customPayloadMethodWith method finalOpts sessMgr url fps
(Nothing, Nothing) -> WS.customMethodWith method finalOpts sessMgr url
mkHLogger :: LoggerCtx -> HLogger
mkHLogger (LoggerCtx loggerSet serverLogLevel timeGetter) (logLevel, logTy, logDet) = do
localTime <- timeGetter
when (logLevel >= serverLogLevel) $
FL.pushLogStrLn loggerSet $ FL.toLogStr $
J.encode $ EngineLog localTime logLevel logTy logDet