2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
{% extends "basic/layout.html" %}
2018-12-16 09:41:34 +03:00
{%- if pagename == 'index' %}
{% set is_landing_page = true %}
{%- endif %}
2021-03-18 23:11:47 +03:00
{% set ALGOLIA_INDEX = 'graphql-docs-prod' %}
{% set ALGOLIA_API_KEY = '298d448cd9d7ed93fbab395658da19e8' %}
2020-08-25 19:21:21 +03:00
{%- if pagename.startswith('graphql/core') %}
2020-08-25 14:53:25 +03:00
{% set is_core = true %}
2021-03-18 23:11:47 +03:00
{# % set ALGOLIA_INDEX = 'graphql-docs-prod' % #}
{# % set ALGOLIA_API_KEY = '298d448cd9d7ed93fbab395658da19e8' % #}
2020-08-25 19:21:21 +03:00
{%- elif pagename.startswith('graphql/cloud') %}
{% set is_cloud = true %}
2021-03-18 23:11:47 +03:00
{# % set ALGOLIA_INDEX = 'cloud-docs-prod' % #}
{# % set ALGOLIA_API_KEY = 'cf84f05a225bedb72ce472dada63d29f' % #}
2020-08-25 14:53:25 +03:00
{%- endif %}
2020-07-31 14:49:01 +03:00
{% set css_files = css_files + ['_static/graphiql/graphiql.css', '_static/styles/main.css'] %}
2020-07-14 11:29:27 +03:00
2018-12-16 09:41:34 +03:00
{%- if is_landing_page %}
2020-07-31 14:49:01 +03:00
{% set css_files = css_files + ['_static/styles/landing.css'] %}
2018-12-16 09:41:34 +03:00
{%- endif %}
2020-07-31 14:49:01 +03:00
{# NOTE: Use plain js instead of jquery which is an outdated & redundant library #}
{# Sphinx seems to have a jquery dependency. They have an open PR to remove it. #}
{# https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/7405 #}
{# TODO: replace react & graphiql imports with a custom directive #}
{# b/c we're not using any graphiql functionality, only styles #}
2021-01-12 18:36:07 +03:00
{% set deferred_script_files = ['_static/react/react.min.js', '_static/react/react-dom.min.js', '_static/graphiql/graphiql.min.js', '_static/scripts/hdocs.js'] %}
2020-07-31 14:49:01 +03:00
2020-09-08 19:36:28 +03:00
{%- if pagename.endswith('mysql-preview') %}
{% set deferred_script_files = deferred_script_files + ['_static/scripts/mysql-subscribe.js'] %}
{%- endif %}
2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
{%- macro secondnav() %}
{%- if prev %}
« < a href = "{{ prev.link|e }}" title = "{{ prev.title|e }}" > previous< / a >
{{ reldelim2 }}
{%- endif %}
{%- if next %}
< a href = "{{ next.link|e }}" title = "{{ next.title|e }}" > next< / a > »
{%- endif %}
{%- endmacro %}
2019-12-30 12:02:06 +03:00
{% block linktags %}
{{ super() }}
2021-02-23 15:28:48 +03:00
< link rel = "canonical" href = "https://hasura.io/docs/latest/{{ pagename }}{{ file_suffix }}" / >
2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
{% endblock %}
2020-07-31 14:49:01 +03:00
{% block extrahead %}
< meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" >
< link href = "https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel = "stylesheet" integrity = "sha384-wvfXpqpZZVQGK6TAh5PVlGOfQNHSoD2xbE+QkPxCAFlNEevoEH3Sl0sibVcOQVnN" crossorigin = "anonymous" >
< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docsearch.js@2/dist/cdn/docsearch.min.css" / >
{% endblock %}
2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
{% block document %}
< div class = "main_container_wrapper" >
{% include 'pages/loading.html' %}
2021-06-16 14:03:28 +03:00
< div id = "banner-stripe" class = "hasuraConBannerBg" >
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2020-06-08 11:49:19 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-05-07 17:23:00 +03:00
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2020-06-11 04:12:18 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
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2020-06-11 04:12:18 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
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2020-06-10 10:58:06 +03:00
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2020-10-05 09:12:56 +03:00
< img src = "{{ pathto('_images/layout/github-header.svg', 1) }}" alt = 'GitHub' / >
2020-06-10 10:58:06 +03:00
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2020-07-31 14:49:01 +03:00
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2020-06-10 10:58:06 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-06-16 12:47:05 +03:00
< li class = "versionTxt" >
<!-- v1.x -->
< select value = "{{ version }}" onchange = "location = this.value;" class = "selected" aria-label = "Select Version" >
< option class = "option_val" value = "https://{{ BASE_DOMAIN }}/docs/2.0/graphql/core/index.html" { % - if version = = ' 2 . 0 ' % } selected = "selected" { % endif % } > v2.x< / option >
< option class = "option_val" value = "https://{{ BASE_DOMAIN }}/docs/1.0/graphql/core/index.html" { % - if version = = ' 1 . 0 ' % } selected = "selected" { % endif % } > v1.x< / option >
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-03-02 12:26:16 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
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2020-07-08 19:03:22 +03:00
Hasura Cloud
2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-19 13:21:36 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2020-07-31 14:49:01 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-03-02 12:26:16 +03:00
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2021-06-16 12:47:05 +03:00
< span class = "versionTxt" >
2021-03-02 20:33:11 +03:00
<!-- v1.x -->
2021-06-16 12:47:05 +03:00
< select value = "{{ version }}" onchange = "location = this.value;" class = "selected" aria-label = "Select Version" >
< option class = "option_val" value = "https://{{ BASE_DOMAIN }}/docs/2.0/graphql/core/index.html" { % - if version = = ' 2 . 0 ' % } selected = "selected" { % endif % } > v2.x< / option >
< option class = "option_val" value = "https://{{ BASE_DOMAIN }}/docs/1.0/graphql/core/index.html" { % - if version = = ' 1 . 0 ' % } selected = "selected" { % endif % } > v1.x< / option >
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
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2020-09-18 00:01:40 +03:00
Hasura Cloud
2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2021-02-19 13:21:36 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
< div id = "" class = "content_wrapper" >
2018-12-16 09:41:34 +03:00
{%- if is_landing_page %}
2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
{% include 'pages/landing.html' %}
{%- else %}
{% set rootpage = 'common' %}
{% set pagenameSplit = pagename.split('/') %}
2018-12-16 09:41:34 +03:00
2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
{% block sidebarwrapper %}
2020-07-31 14:49:01 +03:00
< div class = "mobile-hide" id = "sidebar" >
2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
< div id = 'sidebar-close' class = 'mobile-only closeIcon' >
< img src = "{{ pathto('_images/layout/close-icon.svg', 1) }}" alt = "Close" / >
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2020-06-22 19:18:04 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
< a href = "{{ pathto('graphql/core/index.html', 1) }}" { % - if is_core % } class = "tracked tabbarTabActive" data-label = "Tabs: Core" { % - endif % } >
2020-06-22 19:18:04 +03:00
< span >
Hasura Core
< / span >
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
< a href = "{{ pathto('graphql/cloud/index.html', 1) }}" { % - if is_cloud % } class = "tracked tabbarTabActive" data-label = "Tabs: Cloud" { % - endif % } >
2020-06-22 19:18:04 +03:00
< span >
Hasura Cloud
< / span >
< / a >
< / div >
2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
{{ sidebar() }}
< / div >
{% endblock %}
2018-12-16 09:41:34 +03:00
2020-07-31 14:49:01 +03:00
< div id = "content_inner_wrapper" >
2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
< div role = "main" parent = {{ rootpage } } >
2018-12-16 09:41:34 +03:00
2018-12-15 08:07:47 +03:00
< div id = "docs-header" >
2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
2018-12-15 08:07:47 +03:00
< div class = "mobile-only" id = "mobile-logo" >
2019-12-30 12:02:06 +03:00
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2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
< div class = "img_wrapper inline-block" >
2019-12-30 12:02:06 +03:00
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2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
< / div >
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2020-02-27 13:13:07 +03:00
< a href = "https://{{ BASE_DOMAIN }}/docs" class = "docs_label mobile-logo-docs" > DOCS v{{version}}< / a >
2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
2018-12-15 08:07:47 +03:00
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2020-07-17 22:17:29 +03:00
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2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
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2019-01-08 20:09:05 +03:00
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2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
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2020-07-17 22:17:29 +03:00
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2021-02-22 10:36:01 +03:00
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2020-10-05 09:12:56 +03:00
< img src = "{{ pathto('_images/layout/github-32.png', 1) }}" alt = 'GitHub' / >
2020-07-17 22:17:29 +03:00
< span > Edit on GitHub< / span >
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2020-06-06 13:12:14 +03:00
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2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
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2018-12-15 08:07:47 +03:00
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2018-12-16 09:41:34 +03:00
2018-12-15 08:07:47 +03:00
< div id = "docs-content" >
2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
< div id = "{{ pagename|replace('/', '-') }}" >
{% block body %}{% endblock %}
< / div >
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2018-12-16 09:41:34 +03:00
2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
< div class = "nav" > {{ secondnav() }}< / div >
2018-12-16 09:41:34 +03:00
2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
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2020-07-31 14:49:01 +03:00
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2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
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2020-07-31 14:49:01 +03:00
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2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
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2020-07-31 14:49:01 +03:00
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2019-12-30 12:02:06 +03:00
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2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
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2020-07-31 14:49:01 +03:00
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2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
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2020-07-31 14:49:01 +03:00
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2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
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2020-07-31 14:49:01 +03:00
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2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
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2020-06-08 14:15:37 +03:00
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2021-01-12 18:36:07 +03:00
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2020-06-08 14:15:37 +03:00
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2020-06-11 04:55:07 +03:00
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2020-06-08 14:15:37 +03:00
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2020-07-15 17:16:30 +03:00
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2020-09-08 19:36:28 +03:00
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2020-07-15 17:16:30 +03:00
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2020-09-08 19:36:28 +03:00
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2020-06-12 13:52:22 +03:00
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2020-09-08 19:36:28 +03:00
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2020-06-12 13:52:22 +03:00
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2020-06-08 14:15:37 +03:00
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2020-07-15 17:16:30 +03:00
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2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
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2019-01-23 18:06:37 +03:00
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2019-01-29 18:54:56 +03:00
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2019-12-30 12:02:06 +03:00
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2019-01-23 18:06:37 +03:00
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2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
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2019-01-08 20:09:05 +03:00
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2018-09-11 14:11:24 +03:00
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