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-- | This module defines `SchemaName`, for naming DB schemas/datasets used in
-- tests
module Harness.Test.SchemaName (SchemaName (..), getSchemaName) where
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..))
import Data.Char qualified
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.UUID
import Harness.Constants qualified as Constants
import Harness.Quoter.Graphql
import Harness.Quoter.Yaml
import Harness.Test.BackendType
import Harness.TestEnvironment
import Prelude
newtype SchemaName = SchemaName {unSchemaName :: Text}
deriving newtype (Semigroup)
instance ToJSON SchemaName where
toJSON (SchemaName sn) = toJSON sn
instance IsString SchemaName where
fromString s = SchemaName (T.pack s)
instance ToGraphqlString SchemaName where
showGql (SchemaName sn) = T.unpack sn
instance ToYamlString SchemaName where
showYml (SchemaName sn) = T.unpack sn
-- | Given a `TestEnvironment`, returns a `SchemaName` to use in the test, used
-- to separate out different test suites
-- This is used both in setup and teardown, and in individual tests
-- The `TestEnvironment` contains a `uniqueTestId` and `backendType`, from
-- which we decide what the `SchemaName` should be.
-- The backendType is only required so we make changes for BigQuery for now,
-- once we do this for all backends we'll just need the unique id.
-- For all other backends, we fall back to the Constants that were used before
getSchemaName :: TestEnvironment -> SchemaName
getSchemaName testEnv = case backendType testEnv of
Nothing -> SchemaName "hasura" -- the `Nothing` case is for tests with multiple schemas
Just db -> case db of
Postgres -> SchemaName $ T.pack Constants.postgresDb
MySQL -> SchemaName $ T.pack Constants.mysqlDb
SQLServer -> SchemaName $ T.pack Constants.sqlserverDb
BigQuery ->
SchemaName $
T.pack $
<> showUUID (uniqueTestId testEnv)
Citus -> SchemaName $ T.pack Constants.citusDb
DataConnector -> SchemaName $ T.pack Constants.dataConnectorDb
-- | Sanitise UUID for use in BigQuery dataset name
-- must be alphanumeric (plus underscores)
showUUID :: UUID -> String
showUUID =
( \a ->
if Data.Char.isAlphaNum a
then a
else '_'
. show