2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
module Hasura.GraphQL.RemoteServer where
import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.Aeson ((.:), (.:?))
import Data.FileEmbed (embedStringFile)
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
2019-08-23 11:57:19 +03:00
import Hasura.HTTP
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
2019-01-28 15:38:38 +03:00
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Parser as G
2019-04-17 19:29:39 +03:00
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq
2020-04-24 12:10:53 +03:00
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Merge
2020-02-13 20:38:23 +03:00
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Headers (makeHeadersFromConf)
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
import Hasura.RQL.Types
2019-07-11 08:37:06 +03:00
import Hasura.Server.Utils (httpExceptToJSON)
2020-01-23 00:55:55 +03:00
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
2019-07-08 08:51:41 +03:00
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Context as GC
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Schema as GS
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types as VT
introspectionQuery :: BL.ByteString
introspectionQuery = $(embedStringFile "src-rsr/introspection.json")
2020-01-23 00:55:55 +03:00
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m)
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
=> HTTP.Manager
-> RemoteSchemaName
-> RemoteSchemaInfo
2019-07-08 08:51:41 +03:00
-> m GC.RemoteGCtx
2019-08-23 11:57:19 +03:00
fetchRemoteSchema manager name def@(RemoteSchemaInfo url headerConf _ timeout) = do
2020-02-13 20:38:23 +03:00
headers <- makeHeadersFromConf headerConf
let hdrsWithDefaults = addDefaultHeaders headers
2019-08-23 11:57:19 +03:00
initReqE <- liftIO $ try $ HTTP.parseRequest (show url)
initReq <- either throwHttpErr pure initReqE
let req = initReq
{ HTTP.method = "POST"
, HTTP.requestHeaders = hdrsWithDefaults
, HTTP.requestBody = HTTP.RequestBodyLBS introspectionQuery
, HTTP.responseTimeout = HTTP.responseTimeoutMicro (timeout * 1000000)
res <- liftIO $ try $ HTTP.httpLbs req manager
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
resp <- either throwHttpErr return res
let respData = resp ^. Wreq.responseBody
statusCode = resp ^. Wreq.responseStatus . Wreq.statusCode
2019-07-08 08:51:41 +03:00
when (statusCode /= 200) $ throwNon200 statusCode respData
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
introspectRes :: (FromIntrospection IntrospectionResult) <-
2019-07-08 08:51:41 +03:00
either (remoteSchemaErr . T.pack) return $ J.eitherDecode respData
2019-01-28 19:45:10 +03:00
let (sDoc, qRootN, mRootN, sRootN) =
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
fromIntrospection introspectRes
2019-01-28 19:45:10 +03:00
typMap <- either remoteSchemaErr return $ VT.fromSchemaDoc sDoc $
2019-07-08 08:51:41 +03:00
VT.TLRemoteType name def
2019-01-28 19:45:10 +03:00
let mQrTyp = Map.lookup qRootN typMap
2019-07-08 08:51:41 +03:00
mMrTyp = maybe Nothing (`Map.lookup` typMap) mRootN
mSrTyp = maybe Nothing (`Map.lookup` typMap) sRootN
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
qrTyp <- liftMaybe noQueryRoot mQrTyp
let mRmQR = VT.getObjTyM qrTyp
mRmMR = join $ VT.getObjTyM <$> mMrTyp
2018-12-12 15:01:18 +03:00
mRmSR = join $ VT.getObjTyM <$> mSrTyp
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
rmQR <- liftMaybe (err400 Unexpected "query root has to be an object type") mRmQR
2019-07-08 08:51:41 +03:00
return $ GC.RemoteGCtx typMap rmQR mRmMR mRmSR
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
noQueryRoot = err400 Unexpected "query root not found in remote schema"
2019-01-28 19:45:10 +03:00
remoteSchemaErr :: (MonadError QErr m) => T.Text -> m a
remoteSchemaErr = throw400 RemoteSchemaError
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
throwHttpErr :: (MonadError QErr m) => HTTP.HttpException -> m a
2019-07-08 08:51:41 +03:00
throwHttpErr = throwWithInternal httpExceptMsg . httpExceptToJSON
throwNon200 st = throwWithInternal (non200Msg st) . decodeNon200Resp
throwWithInternal msg v =
let err = err400 RemoteSchemaError $ T.pack msg
in throwError err{qeInternal = Just $ J.toJSON v}
httpExceptMsg =
2019-04-17 19:29:39 +03:00
"HTTP exception occurred while sending the request to " <> show url
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
2019-07-08 08:51:41 +03:00
non200Msg st = "introspection query to " <> show url
<> " has responded with " <> show st <> " status code"
decodeNon200Resp bs = case J.eitherDecode bs of
Right a -> J.object ["response" J..= (a :: J.Value)]
Left _ -> J.object ["raw_body" J..= bsToTxt (BL.toStrict bs)]
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
2019-07-08 08:51:41 +03:00
:: (MonadError QErr m)
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
=> RemoteSchemaMap
-> GS.GCtxMap
2019-07-08 08:51:41 +03:00
-- the merged GCtxMap and the default GCtx without roles
-> m (GS.GCtxMap, GS.GCtx)
mergeSchemas rmSchemaMap gCtxMap = do
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
def <- mkDefaultRemoteGCtx remoteSchemas
merged <- mergeRemoteSchema gCtxMap def
return (merged, def)
2019-07-08 08:51:41 +03:00
remoteSchemas = map rscGCtx $ Map.elems rmSchemaMap
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
:: (MonadError QErr m)
2019-07-08 08:51:41 +03:00
=> [GC.RemoteGCtx] -> m GS.GCtx
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
mkDefaultRemoteGCtx =
2019-08-09 12:19:17 +03:00
foldlM (\combG -> mergeGCtx combG . convRemoteGCtx) GC.emptyGCtx
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
2018-12-12 15:01:18 +03:00
-- merge a remote schema `gCtx` into current `gCtxMap`
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> GS.GCtxMap
-> GS.GCtx
-> m GS.GCtxMap
2020-04-24 12:10:53 +03:00
mergeRemoteSchema ctxMap mergedRemoteGCtx =
flip Map.traverseWithKey ctxMap $ \_ schemaCtx ->
for schemaCtx $ \gCtx -> mergeGCtx gCtx mergedRemoteGCtx
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
2019-07-08 08:51:41 +03:00
convRemoteGCtx :: GC.RemoteGCtx -> GS.GCtx
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
convRemoteGCtx rmGCtx =
2019-08-09 12:19:17 +03:00
GC.emptyGCtx { GS._gTypes = GC._rgTypes rmGCtx
2019-07-08 08:51:41 +03:00
, GS._gQueryRoot = GC._rgQueryRoot rmGCtx
, GS._gMutRoot = GC._rgMutationRoot rmGCtx
, GS._gSubRoot = GC._rgSubscriptionRoot rmGCtx
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
2020-04-24 12:10:53 +03:00
-- | Parsing the introspection query result
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
newtype FromIntrospection a
= FromIntrospection { fromIntrospection :: a }
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
pErr :: (Monad m) => Text -> m a
pErr = fail . T.unpack
kindErr :: (Monad m) => Text -> Text -> m a
kindErr gKind eKind = pErr $ "Invalid `kind: " <> gKind <> "` in " <> eKind
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.Description) where
parseJSON = fmap (FromIntrospection . G.Description) . J.parseJSON
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.ScalarTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ScalarTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
when (kind /= "SCALAR") $ kindErr kind "scalar"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
r = G.ScalarTypeDefinition desc' name []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.ObjectTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ObjectTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
fields <- o .:? "fields"
interfaces <- o .:? "interfaces"
when (kind /= "OBJECT") $ kindErr kind "object"
let implIfaces = map (G.NamedType . G._itdName) $
maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) interfaces
flds = maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) fields
desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
r = G.ObjectTypeDefinition desc' name implIfaces [] flds
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.FieldDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "FieldDefinition" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
args <- o .: "args"
_type <- o .: "type"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
r = G.FieldDefinition desc' name (fmap fromIntrospection args)
(fromIntrospection _type) []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.GType) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "GType" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
mName <- o .:? "name"
mType <- o .:? "ofType"
r <- case (kind, mName, mType) of
("NON_NULL", _, Just typ) -> return $ mkNotNull (fromIntrospection typ)
("NON_NULL", _, Nothing) -> pErr "NON_NULL should have `ofType`"
("LIST", _, Just typ) ->
return $ G.TypeList (G.Nullability True)
(G.ListType $ fromIntrospection typ)
("LIST", _, Nothing) -> pErr "LIST should have `ofType`"
(_, Just name, _) -> return $ G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) name
_ -> pErr $ "kind: " <> kind <> " should have name"
return $ FromIntrospection r
mkNotNull typ = case typ of
G.TypeList _ ty -> G.TypeList (G.Nullability False) ty
G.TypeNamed _ n -> G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) n
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.InputValueDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "InputValueDefinition" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
_type <- o .: "type"
2019-01-28 15:38:38 +03:00
defVal <- o .:? "defaultValue"
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
2019-01-28 15:38:38 +03:00
let defVal' = fmap fromIntrospection defVal
r = G.InputValueDefinition desc' name (fromIntrospection _type) defVal'
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
return $ FromIntrospection r
2019-01-28 15:38:38 +03:00
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.ValueConst) where
parseJSON = J.withText "defaultValue" $ \t -> fmap FromIntrospection
$ either (fail . T.unpack) return $ G.parseValueConst t
2018-11-23 16:02:46 +03:00
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.InterfaceTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "InterfaceTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
fields <- o .:? "fields"
let flds = maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) fields
desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
when (kind /= "INTERFACE") $ kindErr kind "interface"
let r = G.InterfaceTypeDefinition desc' name [] flds
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.UnionTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "UnionTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
possibleTypes <- o .: "possibleTypes"
let memberTys = map (G.NamedType . G._otdName) $
fmap fromIntrospection possibleTypes
desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
when (kind /= "UNION") $ kindErr kind "union"
let r = G.UnionTypeDefinition desc' name [] memberTys
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "EnumTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
vals <- o .: "enumValues"
when (kind /= "ENUM") $ kindErr kind "enum"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
let r = G.EnumTypeDefinition desc' name [] (fmap fromIntrospection vals)
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumValueDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "EnumValueDefinition" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
let r = G.EnumValueDefinition desc' name []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.InputObjectTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "InputObjectTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
mInputFields <- o .:? "inputFields"
let inputFields = maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) mInputFields
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
when (kind /= "INPUT_OBJECT") $ kindErr kind "input_object"
let r = G.InputObjectTypeDefinition desc' name [] inputFields
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.TypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "TypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind :: Text <- o .: "kind"
r <- case kind of
G.TypeDefinitionScalar . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
G.TypeDefinitionObject . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
G.TypeDefinitionInterface . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
"UNION" ->
G.TypeDefinitionUnion . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
"ENUM" ->
G.TypeDefinitionEnum . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
_ -> pErr $ "unknown kind: " <> kind
return $ FromIntrospection r
type IntrospectionResult = ( G.SchemaDocument
, G.NamedType
, Maybe G.NamedType
, Maybe G.NamedType
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection IntrospectionResult) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "SchemaDocument" $ \o -> do
_data <- o .: "data"
schema <- _data .: "__schema"
-- the list of types
types <- schema .: "types"
-- query root
queryType <- schema .: "queryType"
queryRoot <- queryType .: "name"
-- mutation root
mMutationType <- schema .:? "mutationType"
mutationRoot <- case mMutationType of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just mutType -> do
mutRoot <- mutType .: "name"
return $ Just mutRoot
-- subscription root
mSubsType <- schema .:? "subscriptionType"
subsRoot <- case mSubsType of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just subsType -> do
subRoot <- subsType .: "name"
return $ Just subRoot
let r = ( G.SchemaDocument (fmap fromIntrospection types)
, queryRoot
, mutationRoot
, subsRoot
return $ FromIntrospection r
getNamedTyp :: G.TypeDefinition -> G.Name
getNamedTyp ty = case ty of
G.TypeDefinitionScalar t -> G._stdName t
G.TypeDefinitionObject t -> G._otdName t
G.TypeDefinitionInterface t -> G._itdName t
G.TypeDefinitionUnion t -> G._utdName t
G.TypeDefinitionEnum t -> G._etdName t
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject t -> G._iotdName t