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-- | Metadata related types, functions and helpers.
-- Provides a single function which loads the MSSQL database metadata.
-- See the file at src-rsr/mssql_table_metadata.sql for the SQL we use to build
-- this metadata.
-- See 'Hasura.RQL.Types.Table.DBTableMetadata' for the Haskell type we use forall
-- storing this metadata.
module Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Meta
( loadDBMetadata,
import Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 qualified as BSUTF8
import Data.FileEmbed (embedFile, makeRelativeToProject)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.HashSet qualified as HS
import Data.String
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as T
server/mssql: add cascade to mssql_run_sql <!-- Thank you for ss in the Title above ^ --> ## Description <!-- Please fill thier. --> <!-- Describe the changes from a user's perspective --> We don't have dependency reporting mechanism for `mssql_run_sql` API i.e when a database object (table, column etc.) is dropped through the API we should raise an exception if any dependencies (relationships, permissions etc.) with the database object exists in the metadata. This PR addresses the above mentioned problem by -> Integrating transaction to the API to rollback the SQL query execution if dependencies exists and exception is thrown -> Accepting `cascade` optional field in the API payload to drop the dependencies, if any -> Accepting `check_metadata_consistency` optional field to bypass (if value set to `false`) the dependency check ### Related Issues <!-- Please make surt title --> <!-- Add the issue number below (e.g. #234) --> Close #1853 ### Solution and Design <!-- How is this iss --> <!-- It's better if we elaborate --> The design/solution follows the `run_sql` API implementation for Postgres backend. ### Steps to test and verify <!-- If this is a fehis is a bug-fix, how do we verify the fix? --> - Create author - article tables and track them - Defined object and array relationships - Try to drop the article table without cascade or cascade set to `false` - The server should raise the relationship dependency exists exception ## Changelog - ✅ `` is updated with user-facing content relevant to this PR. If no changelog is required, then add the `no-changelog-required` label. ## Affected components <!-- Remove non-affected components from the list --> - ✅ Server - ❎ Console - ❎ CLI - ❎ Docs - ❎ Community Content - ❎ Build System - ✅ Tests - ❎ Other (list it) PR-URL: GitOrigin-RevId: 0ab152295394056c4ca6f02923142a1658ad25dc
2021-10-22 17:49:15 +03:00
import Database.MSSQL.Transaction qualified as Tx
import Database.ODBC.SQLServer qualified as ODBC
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Connection
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Instances.Types ()
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Types.Internal
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common (OID (..))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
-- * Loader
server/mssql: add cascade to mssql_run_sql <!-- Thank you for ss in the Title above ^ --> ## Description <!-- Please fill thier. --> <!-- Describe the changes from a user's perspective --> We don't have dependency reporting mechanism for `mssql_run_sql` API i.e when a database object (table, column etc.) is dropped through the API we should raise an exception if any dependencies (relationships, permissions etc.) with the database object exists in the metadata. This PR addresses the above mentioned problem by -> Integrating transaction to the API to rollback the SQL query execution if dependencies exists and exception is thrown -> Accepting `cascade` optional field in the API payload to drop the dependencies, if any -> Accepting `check_metadata_consistency` optional field to bypass (if value set to `false`) the dependency check ### Related Issues <!-- Please make surt title --> <!-- Add the issue number below (e.g. #234) --> Close #1853 ### Solution and Design <!-- How is this iss --> <!-- It's better if we elaborate --> The design/solution follows the `run_sql` API implementation for Postgres backend. ### Steps to test and verify <!-- If this is a fehis is a bug-fix, how do we verify the fix? --> - Create author - article tables and track them - Defined object and array relationships - Try to drop the article table without cascade or cascade set to `false` - The server should raise the relationship dependency exists exception ## Changelog - ✅ `` is updated with user-facing content relevant to this PR. If no changelog is required, then add the `no-changelog-required` label. ## Affected components <!-- Remove non-affected components from the list --> - ✅ Server - ❎ Console - ❎ CLI - ❎ Docs - ❎ Community Content - ❎ Build System - ✅ Tests - ❎ Other (list it) PR-URL: GitOrigin-RevId: 0ab152295394056c4ca6f02923142a1658ad25dc
2021-10-22 17:49:15 +03:00
loadDBMetadata :: (MonadIO m) => Tx.TxET QErr m (DBTablesMetadata 'MSSQL)
loadDBMetadata = do
let queryBytes = $(makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/mssql_table_metadata.sql" >>= embedFile)
odbcQuery :: ODBC.Query = fromString . BSUTF8.toString $ queryBytes
server/mssql: add cascade to mssql_run_sql <!-- Thank you for ss in the Title above ^ --> ## Description <!-- Please fill thier. --> <!-- Describe the changes from a user's perspective --> We don't have dependency reporting mechanism for `mssql_run_sql` API i.e when a database object (table, column etc.) is dropped through the API we should raise an exception if any dependencies (relationships, permissions etc.) with the database object exists in the metadata. This PR addresses the above mentioned problem by -> Integrating transaction to the API to rollback the SQL query execution if dependencies exists and exception is thrown -> Accepting `cascade` optional field in the API payload to drop the dependencies, if any -> Accepting `check_metadata_consistency` optional field to bypass (if value set to `false`) the dependency check ### Related Issues <!-- Please make surt title --> <!-- Add the issue number below (e.g. #234) --> Close #1853 ### Solution and Design <!-- How is this iss --> <!-- It's better if we elaborate --> The design/solution follows the `run_sql` API implementation for Postgres backend. ### Steps to test and verify <!-- If this is a fehis is a bug-fix, how do we verify the fix? --> - Create author - article tables and track them - Defined object and array relationships - Try to drop the article table without cascade or cascade set to `false` - The server should raise the relationship dependency exists exception ## Changelog - ✅ `` is updated with user-facing content relevant to this PR. If no changelog is required, then add the `no-changelog-required` label. ## Affected components <!-- Remove non-affected components from the list --> - ✅ Server - ❎ Console - ❎ CLI - ❎ Docs - ❎ Community Content - ❎ Build System - ✅ Tests - ❎ Other (list it) PR-URL: GitOrigin-RevId: 0ab152295394056c4ca6f02923142a1658ad25dc
2021-10-22 17:49:15 +03:00
sysTablesText <- runIdentity <$> Tx.singleRowQueryE fromMSSQLTxError odbcQuery
case Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict (T.encodeUtf8 sysTablesText) of
Left e -> throw500 $ T.pack $ "error loading sql server database schema: " <> e
Right sysTables -> pure $ HM.fromList $ map transformTable sysTables
-- * Local types
data SysTable = SysTable
{ staName :: Text,
staObjectId :: Int,
staJoinedSysColumn :: [SysColumn],
staJoinedSysSchema :: SysSchema,
staJoinedSysPrimaryKey :: Maybe SysPrimaryKey
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON SysTable where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
newtype SysPrimaryKeyColumn = SysPrimaryKeyColumn
{spkcName :: Text}
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON SysPrimaryKeyColumn where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
data SysPrimaryKey = SysPrimaryKey
{ spkName :: Text,
spkIndexId :: Int,
spkColumns :: NESeq SysPrimaryKeyColumn
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON SysPrimaryKey where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
data SysSchema = SysSchema
{ ssName :: Text,
ssSchemaId :: Int
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON SysSchema where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
data SysColumn = SysColumn
{ scName :: Text,
scColumnId :: Int,
scUserTypeId :: Int,
scIsNullable :: Bool,
scIsIdentity :: Bool,
scJoinedSysType :: SysType,
scJoinedForeignKeyColumns :: [SysForeignKeyColumn]
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON SysColumn where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
data SysType = SysType
{ styName :: Text,
stySchemaId :: Int,
styUserTypeId :: Int
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON SysType where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
data SysForeignKeyColumn = SysForeignKeyColumn
{ sfkcConstraintObjectId :: Int,
sfkcConstraintColumnId :: Int,
sfkcParentObjectId :: Int,
sfkcParentColumnId :: Int,
sfkcReferencedObjectId :: Int,
sfkcReferencedColumnId :: Int,
sfkcJoinedReferencedTableName :: Text,
sfkcJoinedReferencedColumnName :: Text,
sfkcJoinedReferencedSysSchema :: SysSchema
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON SysForeignKeyColumn where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
-- * Transform
transformTable :: SysTable -> (TableName, DBTableMetadata 'MSSQL)
transformTable tableInfo =
let schemaName = ssName $ staJoinedSysSchema tableInfo
tableName = TableName (staName tableInfo) schemaName
tableOID = OID $ staObjectId tableInfo
(columns, foreignKeys) = unzip $ transformColumn <$> staJoinedSysColumn tableInfo
foreignKeysMetadata = HS.fromList $ map ForeignKeyMetadata $ coalesceKeys $ concat foreignKeys
primaryKey = transformPrimaryKey <$> staJoinedSysPrimaryKey tableInfo
identityColumns =
map (ColumnName . scName) $
filter scIsIdentity $ staJoinedSysColumn tableInfo
in ( tableName,
HS.empty -- no unique constraints?
Nothing -- no views, only tables
Nothing -- no description
transformColumn ::
SysColumn ->
(RawColumnInfo 'MSSQL, [ForeignKey 'MSSQL])
transformColumn columnInfo =
let prciName = ColumnName $ scName columnInfo
prciPosition = scColumnId columnInfo
prciIsNullable = scIsNullable columnInfo
prciDescription = Nothing
prciType = parseScalarType $ styName $ scJoinedSysType columnInfo
foreignKeys =
scJoinedForeignKeyColumns columnInfo <&> \foreignKeyColumn ->
let _fkConstraint = Constraint "fk_mssql" $ OID $ sfkcConstraintObjectId foreignKeyColumn
schemaName = ssName $ sfkcJoinedReferencedSysSchema foreignKeyColumn
_fkForeignTable = TableName (sfkcJoinedReferencedTableName foreignKeyColumn) schemaName
_fkColumnMapping = HM.singleton prciName $ ColumnName $ sfkcJoinedReferencedColumnName foreignKeyColumn
in ForeignKey {..}
prciMutability = ColumnMutability {_cmIsInsertable = True, _cmIsUpdatable = True}
in (RawColumnInfo {..}, foreignKeys)
transformPrimaryKey :: SysPrimaryKey -> PrimaryKey 'MSSQL (Column 'MSSQL)
transformPrimaryKey (SysPrimaryKey {..}) =
let constraint = Constraint spkName $ OID spkIndexId
columns = (ColumnName . spkcName) <$> spkColumns
in PrimaryKey constraint columns
-- * Helpers
coalesceKeys :: [ForeignKey 'MSSQL] -> [ForeignKey 'MSSQL]
coalesceKeys = HM.elems . foldl' coalesce HM.empty
coalesce mapping fk@(ForeignKey constraint tableName _) = HM.insertWith combine (constraint, tableName) fk mapping
combine oldFK newFK = oldFK {_fkColumnMapping = (HM.union `on` _fkColumnMapping) oldFK newFK}
parseScalarType :: Text -> ScalarType
parseScalarType = \case
"char" -> CharType
"numeric" -> NumericType
"decimal" -> DecimalType
"money" -> DecimalType
"smallmoney" -> DecimalType
"int" -> IntegerType
"smallint" -> SmallintType
"float" -> FloatType
"real" -> RealType
"date" -> DateType
"time" -> Ss_time2Type
"varchar" -> VarcharType
"nchar" -> WcharType
"nvarchar" -> WvarcharType
"ntext" -> WtextType
"timestamp" -> TimestampType
"text" -> TextType
"binary" -> BinaryType
"bigint" -> BigintType
"tinyint" -> TinyintType
"varbinary" -> VarbinaryType
"bit" -> BitType
"uniqueidentifier" -> GuidType
"geography" -> GeographyType
"geometry" -> GeometryType
t -> UnknownType t