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2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hasura.Server.Init where
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import Options.Applicative
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Utils
add support for jwt authorization (close #186) (#255) The API: 1. HGE has `--jwt-secret` flag or `HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET` env var. The value of which is a JSON. 2. The structure of this JSON is: `{"type": "<standard-JWT-algorithms>", "key": "<the-key>"}` `type` : Standard JWT algos : `HS256`, `RS256`, `RS512` etc. (see `key`: i. Incase of symmetric key, the key as it is. ii. Incase of asymmetric keys, only the public key, in a PEM encoded string or as a X509 certificate. 3. The claims in the JWT token must contain the following: i. `x-hasura-default-role` field: default role of that user ii. `x-hasura-allowed-roles` : A list of allowed roles for the user. The default role is overriden by `x-hasura-role` header. 4. The claims in the JWT token, can have other `x-hasura-*` fields where their values can only be strings. 5. The JWT tokens are sent as `Authorization: Bearer <token>` headers. --- To test: 1. Generate a shared secret (for HMAC-SHA256) or RSA key pair. 2. Goto , add the keys 3. Edit the claims to have `x-hasura-role` (mandatory) and other `x-hasura-*` fields. Add permissions related to the claims to test permissions. 4. Start HGE with `--jwt-secret` flag or `HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET` env var, which takes a JSON string: `{"type": "HS256", "key": "mylongsharedsecret"}` or `{"type":"RS256", "key": "<PEM-encoded-public-key>"}` 5. Copy the JWT token from and use it in the `Authorization: Bearer <token>` header. --- TODO: Support EC public keys. It is blocked on frasertweedale/hs-jose#61
2018-08-30 13:32:09 +03:00
import Hasura.Server.Auth
import Hasura.Server.Utils
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
add support for jwt authorization (close #186) (#255) The API: 1. HGE has `--jwt-secret` flag or `HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET` env var. The value of which is a JSON. 2. The structure of this JSON is: `{"type": "<standard-JWT-algorithms>", "key": "<the-key>"}` `type` : Standard JWT algos : `HS256`, `RS256`, `RS512` etc. (see `key`: i. Incase of symmetric key, the key as it is. ii. Incase of asymmetric keys, only the public key, in a PEM encoded string or as a X509 certificate. 3. The claims in the JWT token must contain the following: i. `x-hasura-default-role` field: default role of that user ii. `x-hasura-allowed-roles` : A list of allowed roles for the user. The default role is overriden by `x-hasura-role` header. 4. The claims in the JWT token, can have other `x-hasura-*` fields where their values can only be strings. 5. The JWT tokens are sent as `Authorization: Bearer <token>` headers. --- To test: 1. Generate a shared secret (for HMAC-SHA256) or RSA key pair. 2. Goto , add the keys 3. Edit the claims to have `x-hasura-role` (mandatory) and other `x-hasura-*` fields. Add permissions related to the claims to test permissions. 4. Start HGE with `--jwt-secret` flag or `HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET` env var, which takes a JSON string: `{"type": "HS256", "key": "mylongsharedsecret"}` or `{"type":"RS256", "key": "<PEM-encoded-public-key>"}` 5. Copy the JWT token from and use it in the `Authorization: Bearer <token>` header. --- TODO: Support EC public keys. It is blocked on frasertweedale/hs-jose#61
2018-08-30 13:32:09 +03:00
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
data InitError
= InitError !String
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Q.FromPGConnErr InitError where
fromPGConnErr = InitError . show
instance Q.FromPGTxErr InitError where
fromPGTxErr = InitError . show
initErrExit :: (Show e) => e -> IO a
initErrExit e = print e >> exitFailure
-- clear the hdb_views schema
initStateTx :: Q.Tx ()
2018-09-05 14:26:46 +03:00
initStateTx = clearHdbViews
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
data RawConnInfo =
{ connHost :: !(Maybe String)
, connPort :: !(Maybe Int)
, connUser :: !(Maybe String)
, connPassword :: !String
, connUrl :: !(Maybe String)
, connDatabase :: !(Maybe String)
, connOptions :: !(Maybe String)
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
add support for jwt authorization (close #186) (#255) The API: 1. HGE has `--jwt-secret` flag or `HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET` env var. The value of which is a JSON. 2. The structure of this JSON is: `{"type": "<standard-JWT-algorithms>", "key": "<the-key>"}` `type` : Standard JWT algos : `HS256`, `RS256`, `RS512` etc. (see `key`: i. Incase of symmetric key, the key as it is. ii. Incase of asymmetric keys, only the public key, in a PEM encoded string or as a X509 certificate. 3. The claims in the JWT token must contain the following: i. `x-hasura-default-role` field: default role of that user ii. `x-hasura-allowed-roles` : A list of allowed roles for the user. The default role is overriden by `x-hasura-role` header. 4. The claims in the JWT token, can have other `x-hasura-*` fields where their values can only be strings. 5. The JWT tokens are sent as `Authorization: Bearer <token>` headers. --- To test: 1. Generate a shared secret (for HMAC-SHA256) or RSA key pair. 2. Goto , add the keys 3. Edit the claims to have `x-hasura-role` (mandatory) and other `x-hasura-*` fields. Add permissions related to the claims to test permissions. 4. Start HGE with `--jwt-secret` flag or `HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET` env var, which takes a JSON string: `{"type": "HS256", "key": "mylongsharedsecret"}` or `{"type":"RS256", "key": "<PEM-encoded-public-key>"}` 5. Copy the JWT token from and use it in the `Authorization: Bearer <token>` header. --- TODO: Support EC public keys. It is blocked on frasertweedale/hs-jose#61
2018-08-30 13:32:09 +03:00
data CorsConfigG a
= CorsConfigG
{ ccDomain :: !a
, ccDisabled :: !Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type CorsConfigFlags = CorsConfigG (Maybe T.Text)
type CorsConfig = CorsConfigG T.Text
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
parseRawConnInfo :: Parser RawConnInfo
parseRawConnInfo =
<$> optional (strOption ( long "host" <>
metavar "HOST" <>
help "Postgres server host" ))
<*> optional (option auto ( long "port" <>
short 'p' <>
metavar "PORT" <>
help "Postgres server port" ))
<*> optional (strOption ( long "user" <>
short 'u' <>
metavar "USER" <>
help "Database user name" ))
<*> strOption ( long "password" <>
short 'p' <>
metavar "PASSWORD" <>
value "" <>
help "Password of the user" )
<*> optional (strOption ( long "database-url" <>
metavar "DATABASE-URL" <>
help "Postgres database URL. Example postgres://"))
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
<*> optional (strOption ( long "dbname" <>
short 'd' <>
metavar "NAME" <>
help "Database name to connect to" ))
<*> pure Nothing
connInfoErrModifier :: String -> String
connInfoErrModifier s = "Fatal Error : " ++ s
mkConnInfo :: Maybe String -> RawConnInfo -> Either String Q.ConnInfo
mkConnInfo mEnvDbUrl (RawConnInfo mHost mPort mUser pass mURL mDB opts) = do
let mFinalDBUrl = ifNothingTakeEnv mURL
case (mHost, mPort, mUser, mDB, mFinalDBUrl) of
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
(Just host, Just port, Just user, Just db, Nothing) ->
return $ Q.ConnInfo host port user pass db opts
(_, _, _, _, Just dbURL) -> maybe (throwError invalidUrlMsg)
return $ parseDatabaseUrl dbURL opts
_ -> throwError $ "Invalid options. "
++ "Expecting all database connection params "
++ "(host, port, user, dbname, password) or "
invalidUrlMsg = "Invalid database-url (HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL). "
++ "Example postgres://"
ifNothingTakeEnv Nothing = mEnvDbUrl
ifNothingTakeEnv t = t
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
readIsoLevel :: String -> Either String Q.TxIsolation
readIsoLevel isoS =
case isoS of
"read-comitted" -> return Q.ReadCommitted
"repeatable-read" -> return Q.RepeatableRead
"serializable" -> return Q.ReadCommitted
_ -> Left "Only expecting read-comitted / repeatable-read / serializable"
parseTxIsolation :: Parser Q.TxIsolation
parseTxIsolation =
option (eitherReader readIsoLevel) ( long "tx-iso" <>
short 'i' <>
value Q.ReadCommitted <>
metavar "TXISO" <>
help "transaction isolation. read-committed / repeatable-read / serializable" )
parseRootDir :: Parser (Maybe String)
parseRootDir =
optional $ strOption ( long "root-dir" <>
metavar "STATIC-DIR" <>
help "this static dir is served at / and takes precedence over all routes" )
parseConnParams :: Parser Q.ConnParams
parseConnParams =
<$> option auto ( long "stripes" <>
short 's' <>
metavar "NO OF STRIPES" <>
value 1 <>
help "Number of stripes" )
<*> option auto ( long "connections" <>
short 'c' <>
metavar "NO OF CONNS" <>
value 50 <>
help "Number of conns that need to be opened to Postgres" )
<*> option auto ( long "timeout" <>
short 'c' <>
metavar "SECONDS" <>
value 180 <>
help "Each connection's idle time before it is closed" )
parseServerPort :: Parser Int
parseServerPort =
option auto ( long "server-port" <>
metavar "PORT" <>
value 8080 <>
showDefault <>
help "Port on which graphql-engine should be served")
parseAccessKey :: Parser (Maybe AccessKey)
add support for jwt authorization (close #186) (#255) The API: 1. HGE has `--jwt-secret` flag or `HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET` env var. The value of which is a JSON. 2. The structure of this JSON is: `{"type": "<standard-JWT-algorithms>", "key": "<the-key>"}` `type` : Standard JWT algos : `HS256`, `RS256`, `RS512` etc. (see `key`: i. Incase of symmetric key, the key as it is. ii. Incase of asymmetric keys, only the public key, in a PEM encoded string or as a X509 certificate. 3. The claims in the JWT token must contain the following: i. `x-hasura-default-role` field: default role of that user ii. `x-hasura-allowed-roles` : A list of allowed roles for the user. The default role is overriden by `x-hasura-role` header. 4. The claims in the JWT token, can have other `x-hasura-*` fields where their values can only be strings. 5. The JWT tokens are sent as `Authorization: Bearer <token>` headers. --- To test: 1. Generate a shared secret (for HMAC-SHA256) or RSA key pair. 2. Goto , add the keys 3. Edit the claims to have `x-hasura-role` (mandatory) and other `x-hasura-*` fields. Add permissions related to the claims to test permissions. 4. Start HGE with `--jwt-secret` flag or `HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET` env var, which takes a JSON string: `{"type": "HS256", "key": "mylongsharedsecret"}` or `{"type":"RS256", "key": "<PEM-encoded-public-key>"}` 5. Copy the JWT token from and use it in the `Authorization: Bearer <token>` header. --- TODO: Support EC public keys. It is blocked on frasertweedale/hs-jose#61
2018-08-30 13:32:09 +03:00
parseAccessKey =
optional $ AccessKey <$>
strOption ( long "access-key" <>
metavar "SECRET ACCESS KEY" <>
help "Secret access key, required to access this instance"
parseWebHook :: Parser (Maybe Webhook)
parseWebHook =
optional $ Webhook <$>
strOption ( long "auth-hook" <>
help "The authentication webhook, required to authenticate requests"
parseJwtSecret :: Parser (Maybe Text)
parseJwtSecret =
optional $ strOption ( long "jwt-secret" <>
metavar "JWK" <>
help jwtSecretHelp
jwtSecretHelp :: String
jwtSecretHelp = "The JSON containing type and the JWK used for verifying. e.g: "
<> "`{\"type\": \"HS256\", \"key\": \"<your-hmac-shared-secret>\", \"claims_namespace\": \"<optional-custom-claims-key-name>\"}`,"
<> "`{\"type\": \"RS256\", \"key\": \"<your-PEM-RSA-public-key>\", \"claims_namespace\": \"<optional-custom-claims-key-name>\"}`"
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
parseCorsConfig :: Parser CorsConfigFlags
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
parseCorsConfig =
<$> optional (strOption ( long "cors-domain" <>
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
metavar "CORS DOMAIN" <>
help "The domain, including scheme and port, to allow CORS for"
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
<*> switch ( long "disable-cors" <>
help "Disable CORS handling"
parseEnableConsole :: Parser Bool
parseEnableConsole = switch ( long "enable-console" <>
help "Enable API Console"