2019-10-21 19:01:05 +03:00
-- | Migrations for the Hasura catalog.
-- To add a new migration:
-- 1. Bump the catalog version number in "Hasura.Server.Migrate.Version".
-- 2. Add a migration script in the @src-rsr/migrations/@ directory with the name
-- @<old version>_to_<new version>.sql@.
-- The Template Haskell code in this module will automatically compile the new migration script into
-- the @graphql-engine@ executable.
module Hasura.Server.Migrate
( MigrationResult(..)
, migrateCatalog
, latestCatalogVersion
, recreateSystemMetadata
, dropCatalog
) where
2019-11-27 01:49:42 +03:00
import Control.Monad.Unique
2019-10-21 19:01:05 +03:00
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Yaml.TH as Y
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Database.PG.Query.Connection as Q
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Lib as TH
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
2019-11-27 01:49:42 +03:00
import Hasura.Logging (Hasura, LogLevel (..), ToEngineLog (..))
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema
2019-10-21 19:01:05 +03:00
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Logging (StartupLog (..))
import Hasura.Server.Migrate.Version (latestCatalogVersion,
import Hasura.Server.Query
import Hasura.SQL.Types
dropCatalog :: (MonadTx m) => m ()
dropCatalog = liftTx $ Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler $ do
-- This is where the generated views and triggers are stored
Q.unitQ "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS hdb_views CASCADE" () False
Q.unitQ "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS hdb_catalog CASCADE" () False
data MigrationResult
= MRNothingToDo
| MRInitialized
| MRMigrated T.Text -- ^ old catalog version
deriving (Show, Eq)
2019-11-26 15:14:21 +03:00
instance ToEngineLog MigrationResult Hasura where
2019-10-21 19:01:05 +03:00
toEngineLog result = toEngineLog $ StartupLog
{ slLogLevel = LevelInfo
, slKind = "db_migrate"
, slInfo = A.toJSON $ case result of
MRNothingToDo ->
"Already at the latest catalog version (" <> latestCatalogVersionString
<> "); nothing to do."
MRInitialized ->
"Successfully initialized the catalog (at version " <> latestCatalogVersionString <> ")."
MRMigrated oldVersion ->
"Successfully migrated from catalog version " <> oldVersion <> " to version "
<> latestCatalogVersionString <> "."
2019-11-27 01:49:42 +03:00
-- see Note [Specialization of buildRebuildableSchemaCache]
{-# SPECIALIZE migrateCatalog :: UTCTime -> Run (MigrationResult, RebuildableSchemaCache Run) #-}
2019-10-21 19:01:05 +03:00
2019-11-20 21:21:30 +03:00
:: forall m
. ( MonadIO m
, MonadTx m
, MonadUnique m
, UserInfoM m
, HasHttpManager m
, HasSQLGenCtx m
=> UTCTime -> m (MigrationResult, RebuildableSchemaCache m)
2019-10-21 19:01:05 +03:00
migrateCatalog migrationTime = do
doesSchemaExist (SchemaName "hdb_catalog") >>= \case
False -> initialize True
True -> doesTableExist (SchemaName "hdb_catalog") (TableName "hdb_version") >>= \case
False -> initialize False
True -> migrateFrom =<< getCatalogVersion
-- initializes the catalog, creating the schema if necessary
2019-11-20 21:21:30 +03:00
initialize :: Bool -> m (MigrationResult, RebuildableSchemaCache m)
2019-10-21 19:01:05 +03:00
initialize createSchema = do
liftTx $ Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler $
when createSchema $ do
Q.unitQ "CREATE SCHEMA hdb_catalog" () False
-- This is where the generated views and triggers are stored
Q.unitQ "CREATE SCHEMA hdb_views" () False
isExtensionAvailable (SchemaName "pgcrypto") >>= \case
-- only if we created the schema, create the extension
True -> when createSchema $ liftTx $ Q.unitQE needsPGCryptoError
False -> throw500 $
"pgcrypto extension is required, but could not find the extension in the "
<> "PostgreSQL server. Please make sure this extension is available."
runTx $(Q.sqlFromFile "src-rsr/initialise.sql")
2019-11-20 21:21:30 +03:00
schemaCache <- buildCacheAndRecreateSystemMetadata
2019-10-21 19:01:05 +03:00
2019-11-20 21:21:30 +03:00
pure (MRInitialized, schemaCache)
2019-10-21 19:01:05 +03:00
needsPGCryptoError e@(Q.PGTxErr _ _ _ err) =
case err of
Q.PGIUnexpected _ -> requiredError
Q.PGIStatement pgErr -> case Q.edStatusCode pgErr of
Just "42501" -> err500 PostgresError permissionsMessage
_ -> requiredError
requiredError =
(err500 PostgresError requiredMessage) { qeInternal = Just $ A.toJSON e }
requiredMessage =
"pgcrypto extension is required, but it could not be created;"
<> " encountered unknown postgres error"
permissionsMessage =
"pgcrypto extension is required, but the current user doesn’t have permission to"
<> " create it. Please grant superuser permission, or setup the initial schema via"
<> " https://docs.hasura.io/1.0/graphql/manual/deployment/postgres-permissions.html"
-- migrates an existing catalog to the latest version from an existing verion
2019-11-20 21:21:30 +03:00
migrateFrom :: T.Text -> m (MigrationResult, RebuildableSchemaCache m)
2019-10-21 19:01:05 +03:00
migrateFrom previousVersion
2019-11-20 21:21:30 +03:00
| previousVersion == latestCatalogVersionString = do
schemaCache <- buildRebuildableSchemaCache
pure (MRNothingToDo, schemaCache)
2019-10-21 19:01:05 +03:00
| [] <- neededMigrations = throw400 NotSupported $
"Cannot use database previously used with a newer version of graphql-engine (expected"
<> " a catalog version <=" <> latestCatalogVersionString <> ", but the current version"
<> " is " <> previousVersion <> ")."
2019-11-20 21:21:30 +03:00
| otherwise = do
traverse_ snd neededMigrations
schemaCache <- buildCacheAndRecreateSystemMetadata
pure (MRMigrated previousVersion, schemaCache)
2019-10-21 19:01:05 +03:00
neededMigrations = dropWhile ((/= previousVersion) . fst) migrations
migrations :: [(T.Text, m ())]
migrations =
-- We need to build the list of migrations at compile-time so that we can compile the SQL
-- directly into the executable using `Q.sqlFromFile`. The GHC stage restriction makes
-- doing this a little bit awkward (we can’t use any definitions in this module at
-- compile-time), but putting a `let` inside the splice itself is allowed.
$(let migrationFromFile from to =
let path = "src-rsr/migrations/" <> from <> "_to_" <> to <> ".sql"
in [| runTx $(Q.sqlFromFile path) |]
migrationsFromFile = map $ \(to :: Integer) ->
let from = to - 1
in [| ( $(TH.lift $ T.pack (show from))
, $(migrationFromFile (show from) (show to))
) |]
in TH.listE
-- version 0.8 is the only non-integral catalog version
$ [| ("0.8", $(migrationFromFile "08" "1")) |]
: migrationsFromFile [2..3]
++ [| ("3", from3To4) |]
: migrationsFromFile [5..latestCatalogVersion])
2019-11-20 21:21:30 +03:00
buildCacheAndRecreateSystemMetadata :: m (RebuildableSchemaCache m)
buildCacheAndRecreateSystemMetadata = do
schemaCache <- buildRebuildableSchemaCache
snd <$> runCacheRWT schemaCache do
2019-10-21 19:01:05 +03:00
-- the old 0.8 catalog version is non-integral, so we store it in the database as a string
getCatalogVersion = liftTx $ runIdentity . Q.getRow <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler
[Q.sql| SELECT version FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_version |] () False
updateCatalogVersion = liftTx $ Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_version (version, upgraded_on) VALUES ($1, $2)
DO UPDATE SET version = $1, upgraded_on = $2
|] (latestCatalogVersionString, migrationTime) False
doesSchemaExist schemaName =
liftTx $ (runIdentity . Q.getRow) <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.schemata
WHERE schema_name = $1
) |] (Identity schemaName) False
doesTableExist schemaName tableName =
liftTx $ (runIdentity . Q.getRow) <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
( SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables
WHERE schemaname = $1 AND tablename = $2
) |] (schemaName, tableName) False
isExtensionAvailable schemaName =
liftTx $ (runIdentity . Q.getRow) <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
( SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_available_extensions
WHERE name = $1
) |] (Identity schemaName) False
from3To4 = liftTx $ Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler $ do
Q.unitQ [Q.sql|
ALTER TABLE hdb_catalog.event_triggers
ADD COLUMN configuration JSON |] () False
eventTriggers <- map uncurryEventTrigger <$> Q.listQ [Q.sql|
SELECT e.name, e.definition::json, e.webhook, e.num_retries, e.retry_interval, e.headers::json
FROM hdb_catalog.event_triggers e |] () False
forM_ eventTriggers updateEventTrigger3To4
Q.unitQ [Q.sql|
ALTER TABLE hdb_catalog.event_triggers
DROP COLUMN definition,
DROP COLUMN webhook,
DROP COLUMN num_retries,
DROP COLUMN retry_interval,
DROP COLUMN headers |] () False
uncurryEventTrigger (trn, Q.AltJ tDef, w, nr, rint, Q.AltJ headers) =
EventTriggerConf trn tDef (Just w) Nothing (RetryConf nr rint Nothing) headers
updateEventTrigger3To4 etc@(EventTriggerConf name _ _ _ _ _) = Q.unitQ [Q.sql|
UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_triggers
configuration = $1
WHERE name = $2
|] (Q.AltJ $ A.toJSON etc, name) True
2019-11-20 21:21:30 +03:00
:: ( MonadIO m
, MonadTx m
2019-10-21 19:01:05 +03:00
, CacheRWM m
, UserInfoM m
2019-11-20 21:21:30 +03:00
, HasHttpManager m
2019-10-21 19:01:05 +03:00
, HasSQLGenCtx m
=> m ()
recreateSystemMetadata = do
runTx $(Q.sqlFromFile "src-rsr/clear_system_metadata.sql")
2019-11-20 21:21:30 +03:00
2019-10-21 19:01:05 +03:00
void . runHasSystemDefinedT (SystemDefined True) $
runQueryM $$(Y.decodeFile "src-rsr/hdb_metadata.yaml")
runTx :: (MonadTx m) => Q.Query -> m ()
runTx = liftTx . Q.multiQE defaultTxErrorHandler