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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | Representation for queries going to remote schemas. Due to the existence of
-- remote relationships from remote schemas, we can't simply reuse the GraphQL
-- document AST we define in graphql-parser-hs, and instead redefine a custom
-- structure to represent such queries.
module Hasura.RQL.IR.RemoteSchema
( -- AST
SelectionSet (..),
DeduplicatedSelectionSet (..),
Field (..),
GraphQLField (..),
-- entry points
RemoteSchemaRootField (..),
SchemaRemoteRelationshipSelect (..),
RemoteFieldArgument (..),
RemoteSchemaSelect (..),
-- AST conversion
import Control.Lens.TH (makeLenses, makePrisms)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.Extended qualified as OMap
import Data.HashSet qualified as Set
import Data.List.Extended (longestCommonPrefix)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Name as GName
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Schema (InputValue)
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common (FieldName)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.ToSchema
import Hasura.RQL.Types.RemoteSchema
import Hasura.RQL.Types.RemoteSchema qualified as RQL
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ResultCustomization
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ResultCustomization qualified as RQL
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
-- Custom AST
-- | Custom representation of a selection set.
-- Similarly to other parts of the IR, the @r@ argument is used for remote
-- relationships.
data SelectionSet r var
= SelectionSetObject !(ObjectSelectionSet r var)
| SelectionSetUnion !(DeduplicatedSelectionSet r var)
| SelectionSetInterface !(DeduplicatedSelectionSet r var)
| SelectionSetNone
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
-- | Representation of the normalized selection set of an interface/union type.
-- This representation is used to attempt to minimize the size of the GraphQL
-- query that eventually gets sent to the GraphQL server by defining as many
-- fields as possible on the abstract type.
data DeduplicatedSelectionSet r var = DeduplicatedSelectionSet
{ -- | Fields that aren't explicitly defined for member types
_dssCommonFields :: !(Set.HashSet G.Name),
-- | SelectionSets of individual member types
_dssMemberSelectionSets :: !(Map.HashMap G.Name (ObjectSelectionSet r var))
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
type ObjectSelectionSet r var = OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name (Field r var)
-- | Constructs an 'InterfaceSelectionSet' from a set of interface fields and an
-- association list of the fields. This function ensures that @__typename@ is
-- present in the set of interface fields.
mkInterfaceSelectionSet ::
-- | Member fields of the interface
Set.HashSet G.Name ->
-- | Selection sets for all the member types
[(G.Name, ObjectSelectionSet r var)] ->
DeduplicatedSelectionSet r var
mkInterfaceSelectionSet interfaceFields selectionSets =
(Set.insert GName.___typename interfaceFields)
(Map.fromList selectionSets)
-- | Constructs an 'UnionSelectionSet' from a list of the fields, using a
-- singleton set of @__typename@ for the set of common fields.
mkUnionSelectionSet ::
-- | Selection sets for all the member types
[(G.Name, ObjectSelectionSet r var)] ->
DeduplicatedSelectionSet r var
mkUnionSelectionSet selectionSets =
(Set.singleton GName.___typename)
(Map.fromList selectionSets)
-- | Representation of one individual field.
-- This particular type is the reason why we need a different representation
-- from the one in 'graphql-parser-hs': we differentiate between selection
-- fields that target the actual remote schema, and fields that, instead, are
-- remote from it and need to be treated differently.
data Field r var
= FieldGraphQL !(GraphQLField r var)
| FieldRemote !(SchemaRemoteRelationshipSelect r)
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
-- | Normalized representation of a GraphQL field.
-- This type is almost identical to 'G.Field', except for the fact that the
-- selection set is our annotated 'SelectionSet', instead of the original
-- 'G.SelectionSet'. We use this type to represent the fields of a selection
-- that do target the remote schema.
data GraphQLField r var = GraphQLField
{ _fAlias :: G.Name,
_fName :: G.Name,
_fArguments :: HashMap G.Name (G.Value var),
_fDirectives :: [G.Directive var],
_fSelectionSet :: SelectionSet r var
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
mkGraphQLField ::
Maybe G.Name ->
G.Name ->
HashMap G.Name (G.Value var) ->
[G.Directive var] ->
SelectionSet r var ->
GraphQLField r var
mkGraphQLField alias name =
GraphQLField (fromMaybe name alias) name
-- Remote schema entry points
-- | Root entry point for a remote schema.
data RemoteSchemaRootField r var = RemoteSchemaRootField
{ _rfRemoteSchemaInfo :: RQL.RemoteSchemaInfo,
_rfResultCustomizer :: RQL.ResultCustomizer,
_rfField :: GraphQLField r var
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
-- | A remote relationship's selection and fields required for its join condition.
data SchemaRemoteRelationshipSelect r = SchemaRemoteRelationshipSelect
{ -- | The fields on the table that are required for the join condition
-- of the remote relationship
_srrsLHSJoinFields :: HashMap FieldName G.Name,
-- | The field that captures the relationship
-- r ~ (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) when the AST is emitted by the parser.
-- r ~ Void when an execution tree is constructed so that a backend is
-- absolved of dealing with remote relationships.
_srrsRelationship :: r
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data RemoteFieldArgument = RemoteFieldArgument
{ _rfaArgument :: G.Name,
_rfaValue :: InputValue RemoteSchemaVariable
deriving (Eq, Show)
Enable remote joins from remote schemas in the execution engine. ### Description This PR adds the ability to perform remote joins from remote schemas in the engine. To do so, we alter the definition of an `ExecutionStep` targeting a remote schema: the `ExecStepRemote` constructor now expects a `Maybe RemoteJoins`. This new argument is used when processing the execution step, in the transport layer (either `Transport.HTTP` or `Transport.WebSocket`). For this `Maybe RemoteJoins` to be extracted from a parsed query, this PR also extends the `Execute.RemoteJoin.Collect` module, to implement "collection" from a selection set. Not only do those new functions extract the remote joins, but they also apply all necessary transformations to the selection sets (such as inserting the necessary "phantom" fields used as join keys). Finally in `Execute.RemoteJoin.Join`, we make two changes. First, we now always look for nested remote joins, regardless of whether the join we just performed went to a source or a remote schema; and second we adapt our join tree logic according to the special cases that were added to deal with remote server edge cases. Additionally, this PR refactors / cleans / documents `Execute.RemoteJoin.RemoteServer`. This is not required as part of this change and could be moved to a separate PR if needed (a similar cleanup of `Join` is done independently in #3894). It also introduces a draft of a new documentation page for this project, that will be refined in the release PR that ships the feature (either #3069 or a copy of it). While this PR extends the engine, it doesn't plug such relationships in the schema, meaning that, as of this PR, the new code paths in `Join` are technically unreachable. Adding the corresponding schema code and, ultimately, enabling the metadata API will be done in subsequent PRs. ### Keeping track of concrete type names The main change this PR makes to the existing `Join` code is to handle a new reserved field we sometimes use when targeting remote servers: the `__hasura_internal_typename` field. In short, a GraphQL selection set can sometimes "branch" based on the concrete "runtime type" of the object on which the selection happens: ```graphql query { author(id: 53478) { ... on Writer { name articles { title } } ... on Artist { name articles { title } } } } ``` If both of those `articles` are remote joins, we need to be able, when we get the answer, to differentiate between the two different cases. We do this by asking for `__typename`, to be able to decide if we're in the `Writer` or the `Artist` branch of the query. To avoid further processing / customization of results, we only insert this `__hasura_internal_typename: __typename` field in the query in the case of unions of interfaces AND if we have the guarantee that we will processing the request as part of the remote joins "folding": that is, if there's any remote join in this branch in the tree. Otherwise, we don't insert the field, and we leave that part of the response untouched. PR-URL: GitOrigin-RevId: 89aaf16274d68e26ad3730b80c2d2fdc2896b96c
2022-03-09 06:17:28 +03:00
data RemoteSchemaSelect r = RemoteSchemaSelect
{ _rselArgs :: [RemoteFieldArgument],
_rselResultCustomizer :: ResultCustomizer,
Enable remote joins from remote schemas in the execution engine. ### Description This PR adds the ability to perform remote joins from remote schemas in the engine. To do so, we alter the definition of an `ExecutionStep` targeting a remote schema: the `ExecStepRemote` constructor now expects a `Maybe RemoteJoins`. This new argument is used when processing the execution step, in the transport layer (either `Transport.HTTP` or `Transport.WebSocket`). For this `Maybe RemoteJoins` to be extracted from a parsed query, this PR also extends the `Execute.RemoteJoin.Collect` module, to implement "collection" from a selection set. Not only do those new functions extract the remote joins, but they also apply all necessary transformations to the selection sets (such as inserting the necessary "phantom" fields used as join keys). Finally in `Execute.RemoteJoin.Join`, we make two changes. First, we now always look for nested remote joins, regardless of whether the join we just performed went to a source or a remote schema; and second we adapt our join tree logic according to the special cases that were added to deal with remote server edge cases. Additionally, this PR refactors / cleans / documents `Execute.RemoteJoin.RemoteServer`. This is not required as part of this change and could be moved to a separate PR if needed (a similar cleanup of `Join` is done independently in #3894). It also introduces a draft of a new documentation page for this project, that will be refined in the release PR that ships the feature (either #3069 or a copy of it). While this PR extends the engine, it doesn't plug such relationships in the schema, meaning that, as of this PR, the new code paths in `Join` are technically unreachable. Adding the corresponding schema code and, ultimately, enabling the metadata API will be done in subsequent PRs. ### Keeping track of concrete type names The main change this PR makes to the existing `Join` code is to handle a new reserved field we sometimes use when targeting remote servers: the `__hasura_internal_typename` field. In short, a GraphQL selection set can sometimes "branch" based on the concrete "runtime type" of the object on which the selection happens: ```graphql query { author(id: 53478) { ... on Writer { name articles { title } } ... on Artist { name articles { title } } } } ``` If both of those `articles` are remote joins, we need to be able, when we get the answer, to differentiate between the two different cases. We do this by asking for `__typename`, to be able to decide if we're in the `Writer` or the `Artist` branch of the query. To avoid further processing / customization of results, we only insert this `__hasura_internal_typename: __typename` field in the query in the case of unions of interfaces AND if we have the guarantee that we will processing the request as part of the remote joins "folding": that is, if there's any remote join in this branch in the tree. Otherwise, we don't insert the field, and we leave that part of the response untouched. PR-URL: GitOrigin-RevId: 89aaf16274d68e26ad3730b80c2d2fdc2896b96c
2022-03-09 06:17:28 +03:00
_rselSelection :: SelectionSet r RemoteSchemaVariable,
_rselFieldCall :: NonEmpty FieldCall,
_rselRemoteSchema :: RemoteSchemaInfo
-- Conversion back to a GraphQL document
-- | Converts a normalized selection set back into a selection set as defined in
-- GraphQL spec, in order to send it to a remote server.
-- This function expects a 'SelectionSet' for which @r@ is 'Void', which
-- guarantees that there is no longer any remote join field in the selection
-- set.
convertSelectionSet ::
forall var.
Eq var =>
SelectionSet Void var ->
G.SelectionSet G.NoFragments var
convertSelectionSet = \case
SelectionSetObject s -> convertObjectSelectionSet s
SelectionSetUnion s -> convertAbstractTypeSelectionSet s
SelectionSetInterface s -> convertAbstractTypeSelectionSet s
SelectionSetNone -> mempty
convertField :: Field Void var -> G.Field G.NoFragments var
convertField = \case
FieldGraphQL f -> convertGraphQLField f
convertObjectSelectionSet =
map (G.SelectionField . convertField . snd) . OMap.toList
convertAbstractTypeSelectionSet abstractSelectionSet =
let (base, members) = reduceAbstractTypeSelectionSet abstractSelectionSet
commonFields = convertObjectSelectionSet base
concreteTypeSelectionSets =
Map.toList members <&> \(concreteType, selectionSet) ->
{ G._ifTypeCondition = Just concreteType,
G._ifDirectives = mempty,
G._ifSelectionSet = convertObjectSelectionSet selectionSet
in -- The base selection set first and then the more specific member
-- selection sets. Note that the rendering strategy here should be
-- inline with the strategy used in `mkAbstractTypeSelectionSet`
commonFields <> map G.SelectionInlineFragment concreteTypeSelectionSets
convertGraphQLField :: Eq var => GraphQLField Void var -> G.Field G.NoFragments var
convertGraphQLField GraphQLField {..} =
{ -- add the alias only if it is different from the field name. This
-- keeps the outbound request more readable
G._fAlias = if _fAlias /= _fName then Just _fAlias else Nothing,
G._fName = _fName,
G._fArguments = _fArguments,
G._fDirectives = mempty,
G._fSelectionSet = convertSelectionSet _fSelectionSet
-- | Builds the selection set for an abstract type.
-- Let's consider this query on starwars API:
-- The type `Node` an interface is implemented by `Film`, `Species`, `Planet`,
-- `Person`, `Starship`, `Vehicle`
-- query f {
-- node(id: "ZmlsbXM6MQ==") {
-- __typename
-- id
-- ... on Film {
-- title
-- }
-- ... on Species {
-- name
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- When we parse this, it gets normalized into this query:
-- query f {
-- node(id: "ZmlsbXM6MQ==") {
-- ... on Film {
-- __typename: __typename
-- id
-- title
-- }
-- ... on Species {
-- __typename: __typename
-- id
-- name
-- }
-- ... on Planet {
-- __typename: __typename
-- id
-- }
-- ... on Person {
-- __typename: __typename
-- id
-- }
-- ... on Starship {
-- __typename: __typename
-- id
-- }
-- ... on Vehicle {
-- __typename: __typename
-- id
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- `__typename` and `id` get pushed to each of the member types. From the above
-- normalized selection set, we want to costruct a query as close to the
-- original as possible. We do this as follows:
-- 1. find the longest common set of fields that each selection set starts with
-- (in the above case, they are `__typename` and `id`)
-- 2. from the above list of fields, find the first field that cannot be
-- defined on the abstract type. The fields that can be defined on the
-- abstract type are all the fields that occur before the first non abstract
-- type field (in the above case, both` __typename` and `id` can be defined
-- on the `Node` type)
-- 3. Strip the base selection set fields from all the member selection sets and
-- filter out the member type selection sets that are subsumed by the base
-- selection set
-- The above query now translates to this:
-- query f {
-- node(id: "ZmlsbXM6MQ==") {
-- __typename: __typename
-- id
-- ... on Film {
-- title
-- }
-- ... on Species {
-- name
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- Note that it is not always possible to get the same shape as the original
-- query and there is more than one approach to this. For example, we could
-- have picked the selection set (that can be defined on the abstract type)
-- that is common across all the member selection sets and used that as the
-- base selection.
reduceAbstractTypeSelectionSet ::
(Eq var) =>
DeduplicatedSelectionSet Void var ->
(ObjectSelectionSet Void var, Map.HashMap G.Name (ObjectSelectionSet Void var))
reduceAbstractTypeSelectionSet (DeduplicatedSelectionSet baseMemberFields selectionSets) =
(baseSelectionSet, Map.fromList memberSelectionSets)
sharedSelectionSetPrefix = longestCommonPrefix $ map (OMap.toList . snd) $ Map.toList selectionSets
baseSelectionSet = OMap.fromList $ takeWhile (shouldAddToBase . snd) sharedSelectionSetPrefix
shouldAddToBase = \case
FieldGraphQL f -> Set.member (_fName f) baseMemberFields
memberSelectionSets =
-- remove member selection sets that are subsumed by base selection set
filter (not . null . snd) $
-- remove the common prefix from member selection sets
map (second (OMap.fromList . drop (OMap.size baseSelectionSet) . OMap.toList)) $ Map.toList selectionSets
-- TH lens generation
$(makePrisms ''Field)
$(makeLenses ''GraphQLField)
$(makeLenses ''DeduplicatedSelectionSet)