2022-03-28 12:12:27 +03:00
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// Note: type annotations allow type checking and IDEs autocompletion
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2022-03-28 12:12:27 +03:00
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2022-03-30 19:36:36 +03:00
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2022-03-28 12:12:27 +03:00
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2022-03-28 12:12:27 +03:00
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2022-06-23 12:35:20 +03:00
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2022-03-28 12:12:27 +03:00
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2022-06-23 12:35:20 +03:00
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2022-03-28 12:12:27 +03:00
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// title: 'Hasura',
// items: [
// {
// label: 'About Us',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/about/',
// },
// {
// label: 'Press',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/press/',
// },
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// label: 'Careers',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/careers/',
// },
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// to: 'https://hasura.io/contact-us/',
// },
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// to: 'https://hasura.io/legal/',
// },
// ],
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// items: [
// {
// label: 'Documentation',
// to: '/latest/graphql/core/index',
// },
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// to: 'https://discordapp.com/invite/hasura',
// },
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// to: 'https://github.com/hasura',
// },
// {
// label: 'Hasura Cloud Status',
// to: 'https://status.hasura.io/',
// },
// ],
// },
// {
// title: 'Tools',
// items: [
// {
// label: 'Graphqurl',
// to: 'https://github.com/hasura/graphqurl',
// },
// {
// label: 'Firebase2GraphQL',
// to: 'https://github.com/hasura/firebase2graphql',
// },
// {
// label: 'JSON2GraphQL',
// to: 'https://github.com/hasura/json2graphql',
// },
// {
// label: 'GraphQL2ChartJS',
// to: 'https://github.com/hasura/graphql2chartjs',
// },
// ],
// },
// {
// title: 'Product',
// items: [
// {
// label: 'Hasura Open Source',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/opensource/',
// },
// {
// label: 'Hasura Cloud',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/cloud/',
// },
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// label: 'Hasura Enterprise',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/enterprise/',
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// label: 'Pricing',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/pricing/',
// },
// {
// label: 'Changelog',
// to: 'https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/releases',
// },
// ],
// },
// {
// title: 'Resources',
// items: [
// {
// label: 'Blog',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/blog/',
// },
// {
// label: 'Case Studies',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/case-studies/',
// },
// {
// label: '3Factor Apps',
// to: 'https://3factor.app/',
// },
// {
// label: 'Event Driven Programming',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/event-driven-programming/',
// },
// {
// label: 'React GraphQL',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/react-graphql/',
// },
// {
// label: 'Vue GraphQL',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/vue-graphql/',
// },
// {
// label: 'DIY GraphQL BaaS',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/diy-graphql-baas/',
// },
// {
// label: 'GraphQL & Hasura',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/graphql/',
// },
// {
// label: 'Hasura Cloud Security',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/security/',
// },
// ],
// },
// {
// title: 'Community',
// items: [
// {
// label: 'Community Resources',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/community/',
// },
// {
// label: 'GraphQL Tutorials',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/learn/',
// },
// {
// label: 'Community Wiki',
// to: 'https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/wiki',
// },
// {
// label: 'Sample Apps',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/sample-apps/',
// },
// {
// label: 'Partnership Program',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/partner-agencies/',
// },
// {
// label: 'HasuraCon 2021',
// to: 'https://hasura.io/events/hasura-con-2021/',
// },
// {
// label: 'GraphQL Asia',
// to: 'https://graphql.asia/',
// },
// ],
// },
// ],
// copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} Hasura Inc. All rights reserved`,
// },
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} ;
module . exports = config ;