
135 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
module Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.DDL.Source
( resolveSource
, postDropSourceHook
, resolveSourceConfig
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newMVar)
import Data.Time.Clock.System
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Connection
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Instances.Types ()
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Meta
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Source
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Types
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
import Hasura.Server.Types (MaintenanceMode)
resolveSourceConfig ::
MonadIO m =>
SourceName ->
BigQueryConnSourceConfig ->
m (Either QErr BigQuerySourceConfig)
resolveSourceConfig _name BigQueryConnSourceConfig{..} = runExceptT $ do
env <- liftIO Env.getEnvironment
eSA <- resolveConfigurationJson env _cscServiceAccount
case eSA of
Left e -> throw400 Unexpected $ T.pack e
Right _scServiceAccount -> do
_scDatasets <- resolveConfigurationInputs env _cscDatasets
_scProjectId <- resolveConfigurationInput env _cscProjectId
trMVar <- liftIO $ newMVar Nothing -- `runBigQuery` initializes the token
pure BigQuerySourceConfig
{ _scAccessTokenMVar = trMVar
, ..
:: (MonadIO m)
=> BigQuerySourceConfig
-> MaintenanceMode
-> m (Either QErr (ResolvedSource 'BigQuery))
resolveSource sourceConfig _maintenanceMode =
runExceptT $ do
result <- getTables sourceConfig
case result of
Left err ->
throw400 Unexpected $
"unexpected exception while connecting to database: " <> tshow err
Right restTables -> do
seconds <- liftIO $ fmap systemSeconds getSystemTime
{ _rsConfig = sourceConfig
, _rsTables =
[ ( restTableReferenceToTableName tableReference
, DBTableMetadata
{ _ptmiOid = OID (fromIntegral seconds + index :: Int) -- TODO: The seconds are used for uniqueness. BigQuery doesn't support a "stable" ID for a table.
, _ptmiColumns =
[ RawColumnInfo
{ prciName = ColumnName name
, prciPosition = position
, prciType = restTypeToScalarType type'
, prciIsNullable =
case mode of
Nullable -> True
_ -> False
, prciDescription = Nothing
| (position, RestFieldSchema {name, type', mode}) <-
zip [1 ..] fields -- TODO: Same trouble as Oid above.
, _ptmiPrimaryKey = Nothing
, _ptmiUniqueConstraints = mempty
, _ptmiForeignKeys = mempty
, _ptmiViewInfo = Just $ ViewInfo False False False
, _ptmiDescription = Nothing
| (index, RestTable {tableReference, schema}) <-
zip [0 ..] restTables
, let RestTableSchema fields = schema
, _rsFunctions = mempty
, _rsPgScalars = mempty
restTypeToScalarType :: RestType -> ScalarType
restTypeToScalarType =
STRING -> StringScalarType
BYTES -> BytesScalarType
INTEGER -> IntegerScalarType
FLOAT -> FloatScalarType
BOOL -> BoolScalarType
TIMESTAMP -> TimestampScalarType
DATE -> DateScalarType
TIME -> TimeScalarType
DATETIME -> DatetimeScalarType
GEOGRAPHY -> GeographyScalarType
STRUCT -> StructScalarType
BIGDECIMAL -> BigDecimalScalarType
DECIMAL -> DecimalScalarType
-- Hierarchy: Project / Dataset / Table
-- see <>
restTableReferenceToTableName :: RestTableReference -> TableName
restTableReferenceToTableName RestTableReference {..} =
TableName {tableName = tableId, tableNameSchema = datasetId}
-- We ignore project id and push that requirement up to the top to
-- the data source level.
:: (MonadIO m)
=> BigQuerySourceConfig -> m ()
postDropSourceHook _ =
-- On BigQuery we don't keep connections open.
pure ()