-`serverEndpoint` - The URL at which Hasura GraphQL Engine is running. (for example: http://localhost:8080). This is required. It should also expose `/v1/query` endpoint.
In the following example, we import `hasuraDataProvider` from `ra-data-hasura` and give it the hasura server endpoint (assumed to be running at http://localhost:8080) and an optional headers object.
import React from 'react';
import PostIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Book';
import UserIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Group';
import { Admin, Resource, ListGuesser } from 'react-admin';
The above example showed a simple use case of adding static headers. In order to update headers dynamically, the data provider accepts an HTTP client function as the second argument. It uses react-admin's fetchUtils.fetchJson() as HTTP client. Hence to add custom headers to your requests, you just need to wrap the `fetchUtils.fetchJson()` call inside your own function:
const httpClient = (url, options = {}) => {
if (!options.headers) {
options.headers = new Headers({ Accept: 'application/json' });
Sometimes the table you are querying might have a primary key other than `id`. `react-admin` enforces `id` to be returned in the response by the DataProvider. But you can configure a different primary key column for specific tables using the config object as below: