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-- | Build expectations for GraphQL field parsers. For now it focuses on updates
-- only.
-- See 'runUpdateFieldTest'.
module Test.Parser.Expectation
( UpdateTestSetup (..),
UpdateExpectationBuilder (..),
module I,
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types (QualifiedTable)
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Types.Update (BackendUpdate (..), UpdateOpExpression (..))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Internal.Parser (FieldParser (..))
server: Metadata origin for definitions (type parameter version v2) The code that builds the GraphQL schema, and `buildGQLContext` in particular, is partial: not every value of `(ServerConfigCtx, GraphQLQueryType, SourceCache, HashMap RemoteSchemaName (RemoteSchemaCtx, MetadataObject), ActionCache, AnnotatedCustomTypes)` results in a valid GraphQL schema. When it fails, we want to be able to return better error messages than we currently do. The key thing that is missing is a way to trace back GraphQL type information to their origin from the Hasura metadata. Currently, we have a number of correctness checks of our GraphQL schema. But these correctness checks only have access to pure GraphQL type information, and hence can only report errors in terms of that. Possibly the worst is the "conflicting definitions" error, which, in practice, can only be debugged by Hasura engineers. This is terrible DX for customers. This PR allows us to print better error messages, by adding a field to the `Definition` type that traces the GraphQL type to its origin in the metadata. So the idea is simple: just add `MetadataObjId`, or `Maybe` that, or some other sum type of that, to `Definition`. However, we want to avoid having to import a `Hasura.RQL` module from `Hasura.GraphQL.Parser`. So we instead define this additional field of `Definition` through a new type parameter, which is threaded through in `Hasura.GraphQL.Parser`. We then define type synonyms in `Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Parser` that fill in this type parameter, so that it is not visible for the majority of the codebase. The idea of associating metadata information to `Definition`s really comes to fruition when combined with hasura/graphql-engine-mono#4517. Their combination would allow us to use the API of fatal errors (just like the current `MonadError QErr`) to report _inconsistencies_ in the metadata. Such inconsistencies are then _automatically_ ignored. So no ad-hoc decisions need to be made on how to cut out inconsistent metadata from the GraphQL schema. This will allow us to report much better errors, as well as improve the likelihood of a successful HGE startup. PR-URL: Co-authored-by: Samir Talwar <> GitOrigin-RevId: 728402b0cae83ae8e83463a826ceeb609001acae
2022-06-28 18:52:26 +03:00
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Variable
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp (AnnBoolExpFld (..), GBoolExp (..), OpExpG (..))
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Returning (MutationOutputG (..))
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Root (RemoteRelationshipField)
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Update (AnnotatedUpdateG (..))
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Value (UnpreparedValue)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column (ColumnInfo (..))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Instances ()
import Hasura.SQL.Backend (BackendType (Postgres), PostgresKind (Vanilla))
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as Syntax
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Parser.Internal
import Test.Parser.Internal as I (ColumnInfoBuilder (..))
import Test.Parser.Monad
type PG = 'Postgres 'Vanilla
type BoolExp = GBoolExp PG (AnnBoolExpFld PG (UnpreparedValue PG))
type Output = MutationOutputG PG (RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue PG)
type Field = Syntax.Field Syntax.NoFragments Variable
type Where = (ColumnInfoBuilder, [OpExpG PG (UnpreparedValue PG)])
type Update = (ColumnInfoBuilder, UpdateOpExpression (UnpreparedValue PG))
-- | Holds all the information required to setup and run a field parser update
-- test.
data UpdateTestSetup = UpdateTestSetup
{ -- | name of the table
utsTable :: Text,
-- | table columns
utsColumns :: [ColumnInfoBuilder],
-- | expectation
utsExpect :: UpdateExpectationBuilder,
-- | GrqphQL field, see Test.Parser.Parser
utsField :: Field
-- | Build the expected output columns, where and update clauses.
data UpdateExpectationBuilder = UpdateExpectationBuilder
{ -- | build the expected selection set/output, e.g.
-- > MOutMultirowFields [("affected_rows", MCount)]
utbOutput :: Output,
-- | expected where condition(s), e.g. given a @nameColumn ::
-- ColumnInfoBuilder@ and @oldValue :: UnpreparedValue PG@:
-- > [(nameColumn, [AEQ true oldvalue])]
utbWhere :: [Where],
-- | expected update clause(s), e.g. given a @nameColumn ::
-- ColumnInfoBuilder@ and @newValue :: UnpreparedValue PG@:
-- > [(namecolumn, UpdateSet newValue)]
utbUpdate :: [Update]
-- | Run a test given the schema and field.
runUpdateFieldTest :: UpdateTestSetup -> Expectation
runUpdateFieldTest UpdateTestSetup {..} =
case mkParser table utsColumns of
SchemaTestT [] -> expectationFailure "expected at least one parser"
SchemaTestT (FieldParser {fParser} : _xs) ->
case fParser utsField of
ParserTestT (Right annUpdate) -> do
coerce annUpdate `shouldBe` expected
ParserTestT (Left err) -> err
UpdateExpectationBuilder {..} = utsExpect
table :: QualifiedTable
table = mkTable utsTable
expected :: AnnotatedUpdateG PG (RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue PG)
expected =
{ aubTable = table,
aubOutput = utbOutput,
aubColumns = mkColumnInfo <$> utsColumns,
aubWhere = first mkColumnInfo <$> utbWhere,
aubUpdate = first mkColumnInfo <$> utbUpdate
-- | Internal use only. The intended use is through 'runUpdateFieldTest'.
-- Build an 'AnnotatedUpdateG', to be used with 'mkAnnotatedUpdate'.
data AnnotatedUpdateBuilder = AnnotatedUpdateBuilder
{ -- | the main table for the update
aubTable :: QualifiedTable,
-- | the 'Output' clause, e.g., selection set, affected_rows, etc.
aubOutput :: Output,
-- | the table columns (all of them)
aubColumns :: [ColumnInfo PG],
-- | the where clause(s)
aubWhere :: [(ColumnInfo PG, [OpExpG PG (UnpreparedValue PG)])],
-- | the update statement(s)
aubUpdate :: [(ColumnInfo PG, UpdateOpExpression (UnpreparedValue PG))]
-- | 'RemoteRelationshipField' cannot have Eq/Show instances, so we're wrapping
-- it.
newtype RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper vf = RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper (RemoteRelationshipField vf)
instance Show (RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper vf) where
show =
error "Test.Parser.Expectation: no Show implementation for RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper"
instance Eq (RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper vf) where
(==) =
error "Test.Parser.Expectation: no Eq implementation for RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper"
-- | Internal use, see 'runUpdateFieldTest'.
mkAnnotatedUpdate ::
AnnotatedUpdateBuilder ->
AnnotatedUpdateG PG (RemoteRelationshipFieldWrapper UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue PG)
mkAnnotatedUpdate AnnotatedUpdateBuilder {..} = AnnotatedUpdateG {..}
_auTable :: QualifiedTable
_auTable = aubTable
_auWhere :: (BoolExp, BoolExp)
_auWhere =
( column [],
BoolAnd $ fmap (\(c, ops) -> BoolFld $ AVColumn c ops) aubWhere
_auCheck :: BoolExp
_auCheck = BoolAnd []
_auBackend :: BackendUpdate (UnpreparedValue PG)
_auBackend =
{ updateOperations =
HM.fromList $ fmap (bimap ciColumn id) aubUpdate
_auOutput :: Output
_auOutput = aubOutput
_auAllCols :: [ColumnInfo PG]
_auAllCols = aubColumns
column :: [OpExpG PG (UnpreparedValue PG)] -> BoolExp
column stuff =
. fmap (\c -> BoolFld . AVColumn c $ stuff)
$ aubColumns