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290 lines
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import pytest
import jwt
import math
import ruamel.yaml as yaml
import json
from validate import check_query
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from context import PytestConf
if not PytestConf.config.getoption('--hge-jwt-key-file'):
pytest.skip('--hge-jwt-key-file is missing, skipping JWT tests', allow_module_level=True)
hge_jwt_conf = PytestConf.config.getoption('--hge-jwt-conf')
if not hge_jwt_conf:
pytest.skip('--hge-jwt-key-conf is missing, skipping JWT tests', allow_module_level=True)
if 'claims_map' not in hge_jwt_conf:
pytest.skip('cliams_map missing in jwt config, skipping JWT Claims Map tests', allow_module_level=True)
# The following claims_map is assumed to be set
# {
# "claims_map": {
# "x-hasura-user-id": {"path":"$.['https://myapp.com/jwt/claims'].user.id"}
# "x-hasura-allowed-roles": {"$.['https://myapp.com/jwt/claims'].role.allowed","default":["user","editor"]}
# "x-hasura-default-role": {"$.['https://myapp.com/jwt/claims'].role.default","default":"user"}
# }
# }
def clean_null_terms(d):
clean = {}
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
nested = clean_null_terms(v)
if len(nested.keys()) > 0:
clean[k] = nested
elif v is not None:
clean[k] = v
return clean
# TestJWTClaimsMapBasic will be called using two different JWT configs
# one with default values and the other without default values. The
# default values here is referred to the default value that's being
# used when a value is not found while looking up the JWT token using
# the JSON Path provided
@pytest.mark.parametrize('endpoint', ['/v1/graphql', '/v1alpha1/graphql'])
class TestJWTClaimsMapBasic():
def mk_claims(self, user_id=None, allowed_roles=None, default_role=None):
self.claims['https://myapp.com/jwt/claims'] = clean_null_terms({
'user': {
'id': user_id
'role': {
'allowed': allowed_roles,
'default': default_role
def test_jwt_claims_map_valid_claims_success(self, hge_ctx, endpoint):
self.mk_claims('1', ['user', 'editor'], 'user')
token = jwt.encode(self.claims, hge_ctx.hge_jwt_key, algorithm='RS512').decode('utf-8')
self.conf['headers']['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token
self.conf['url'] = endpoint
self.conf['status'] = 200
check_query(hge_ctx, self.conf, add_auth=False)
def test_jwt_claims_map_invalid_role_in_request_header(self, hge_ctx, endpoint):
self.mk_claims('1', ['contractor', 'editor'], 'contractor')
token = jwt.encode(self.claims, hge_ctx.hge_jwt_key, algorithm='RS512').decode('utf-8')
self.conf['headers']['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token
self.conf['response'] = {
'errors': [{
'extensions': {
'code': 'access-denied',
'path': '$'
'message': 'Your requested role is not in allowed roles'
self.conf['url'] = endpoint
if endpoint == '/v1/graphql':
self.conf['status'] = 200
if endpoint == '/v1alpha1/graphql':
self.conf['status'] = 400
check_query(hge_ctx, self.conf, add_auth=False)
def test_jwt_claims_map_no_allowed_roles_in_claim(self, hge_ctx, endpoint):
self.mk_claims('1', None, 'user')
default_allowed_roles = hge_ctx.hge_jwt_conf_dict['claims_map']['x-hasura-allowed-roles'].get('default')
token = jwt.encode(self.claims, hge_ctx.hge_jwt_key, algorithm='RS512').decode('utf-8')
self.conf['headers']['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token
if default_allowed_roles is None:
self.conf['response'] = {
'errors': [{
'extensions': {
'code': 'jwt-missing-role-claims',
'path': '$'
'message': 'JWT claim does not contain x-hasura-allowed-roles'
self.conf['url'] = endpoint
if endpoint == '/v1/graphql':
self.conf['status'] = 200
if endpoint == '/v1alpha1/graphql':
self.conf['status'] = 400
self.conf['status'] = 200
self.conf['url'] = endpoint
check_query(hge_ctx, self.conf, add_auth=False)
def test_jwt_claims_map_invalid_allowed_roles_in_claim(self, hge_ctx, endpoint):
self.mk_claims('1', 'user', 'user')
token = jwt.encode(self.claims, hge_ctx.hge_jwt_key, algorithm='RS512').decode('utf-8')
self.conf['headers']['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token
self.conf['response'] = {
'errors': [{
'extensions': {
'code': 'jwt-invalid-claims',
'path': '$'
'message': 'invalid x-hasura-allowed-roles; should be a list of roles: parsing [] failed, expected Array, but encountered String'
self.conf['url'] = endpoint
if endpoint == '/v1/graphql':
self.conf['status'] = 200
if endpoint == '/v1alpha1/graphql':
self.conf['status'] = 400
check_query(hge_ctx, self.conf, add_auth=False)
def test_jwt_claims_map_no_default_role(self, hge_ctx, endpoint):
# default_default_role is the default default role set in the JWT config
# when the lookup with the JSONPath fails, this is the value that will
# be used for the `x-hasura-default-role` claim
default_default_role = hge_ctx.hge_jwt_conf_dict['claims_map']['x-hasura-default-role'].get('default')
self.mk_claims('1', ['user'])
token = jwt.encode(self.claims, hge_ctx.hge_jwt_key, algorithm='RS512').decode('utf-8')
self.conf['headers']['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token
if default_default_role is None:
self.conf['response'] = {
'errors': [{
'extensions': {
'code': 'jwt-missing-role-claims',
'path': '$'
'message': 'JWT claim does not contain x-hasura-default-role'
if endpoint == '/v1/graphql':
self.conf['status'] = 200
if endpoint == '/v1alpha1/graphql':
self.conf['status'] = 400
self.conf['status'] = 200
self.conf['url'] = endpoint
check_query(hge_ctx, self.conf, add_auth=False)
def test_jwt_claims_map_claim_not_found(self, hge_ctx, endpoint):
default_user_id = hge_ctx.hge_jwt_conf_dict['claims_map']['x-hasura-user-id'].get('default')
self.mk_claims(None, ['user', 'editor'], 'user')
token = jwt.encode(self.claims, hge_ctx.hge_jwt_key, algorithm='RS512').decode('utf-8')
self.conf['headers']['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token
if default_user_id is None:
self.conf['response'] = {
'errors': [{
'extensions': {
'code': 'jwt-invalid-claims',
'path': '$'
'message': 'JWT claim from claims_map, x-hasura-user-id not found'
if endpoint == '/v1/graphql':
self.conf['status'] = 200
if endpoint == '/v1alpha1/graphql':
self.conf['status'] = 400
self.conf['status'] = 200
self.conf['url'] = endpoint
check_query(hge_ctx, self.conf, add_auth=False)
def transact(self, setup):
self.dir = 'queries/graphql_query/permissions'
with open(self.dir + '/user_select_query_unpublished_articles.yaml') as c:
self.conf = yaml.safe_load(c)
curr_time = datetime.now()
exp_time = curr_time + timedelta(hours=1)
self.claims = {
'sub': '1234567890',
'name': 'John Doe',
'iat': math.floor(curr_time.timestamp()),
'exp': math.floor(exp_time.timestamp())
def setup(self, request, hge_ctx):
self.dir = 'queries/graphql_query/permissions'
st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q_f(self.dir + '/setup.yaml')
assert st_code == 200, resp
st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q_f(self.dir + '/teardown.yaml')
assert st_code == 200, resp
# The values of 'x-hasura-allowed-roles' and 'x-hasura-default-role' has
# been set in the JWT config
@pytest.mark.parametrize('endpoint', ['/v1/graphql', '/v1alpha1/graphql'])
class TestJWTClaimsMapWithStaticHasuraClaimsMapValues():
def mk_claims(self, user_id=None):
self.claims['https://myapp.com/jwt/claims'] = clean_null_terms({
'user': {
'id': user_id
def test_jwt_claims_map_valid_claims_success(self, hge_ctx, endpoint):
token = jwt.encode(self.claims, hge_ctx.hge_jwt_key, algorithm='RS512').decode('utf-8')
self.conf['headers']['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token
self.conf['headers']['x-hasura-custom-header'] = 'custom-value'
self.conf['url'] = endpoint
self.conf['status'] = 200
check_query(hge_ctx, self.conf, add_auth=False)
def test_jwt_claims_map_invalid_role_in_request_header(self, hge_ctx, endpoint):
token = jwt.encode(self.claims, hge_ctx.hge_jwt_key, algorithm='RS512').decode('utf-8')
self.conf['headers']['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token
self.conf['headers']['X-Hasura-Role'] = 'random_string'
self.conf['response'] = {
'errors': [{
'extensions': {
'code': 'access-denied',
'path': '$'
'message': 'Your requested role is not in allowed roles'
self.conf['url'] = endpoint
if endpoint == '/v1/graphql':
self.conf['status'] = 200
if endpoint == '/v1alpha1/graphql':
self.conf['status'] = 400
check_query(hge_ctx, self.conf, add_auth=False)
def test_jwt_claims_map_claim_not_found(self, hge_ctx, endpoint):
token = jwt.encode(self.claims, hge_ctx.hge_jwt_key, algorithm='RS512').decode('utf-8')
self.conf['headers']['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token
self.conf['response'] = {
'errors': [{
'extensions': {
'code': 'jwt-invalid-claims',
'path': '$'
'message': 'JWT claim from claims_map, x-hasura-user-id not found'
self.conf['url'] = endpoint
if endpoint == '/v1/graphql':
self.conf['status'] = 200
if endpoint == '/v1alpha1/graphql':
self.conf['status'] = 400
check_query(hge_ctx, self.conf, add_auth=False)
def transact(self, setup):
self.dir = 'queries/graphql_query/permissions'
with open(self.dir + '/user_select_query_unpublished_articles.yaml') as c:
self.conf = yaml.safe_load(c)
curr_time = datetime.now()
exp_time = curr_time + timedelta(hours=1)
self.claims = {
'sub': '1234567890',
'name': 'John Doe',
'iat': math.floor(curr_time.timestamp()),
'exp': math.floor(exp_time.timestamp())
def setup(self, request, hge_ctx):
self.dir = 'queries/graphql_query/permissions'
st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q_f(self.dir + '/setup.yaml')
assert st_code == 200, resp
st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q_f(self.dir + '/teardown.yaml')
assert st_code == 200, resp