2018-09-04 16:39:48 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
module Hasura.RQL.DML.Insert where
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
2018-08-29 16:41:33 +03:00
import qualified Data.Aeson.Text as AT
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
2018-09-04 16:39:48 +03:00
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
import qualified Data.Sequence as DS
2018-08-29 16:41:33 +03:00
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Returning
import Hasura.RQL.Instances ()
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
data ConflictTarget
= Column ![PGCol]
| Constraint !ConstraintName
deriving (Show, Eq)
data ConflictClauseP1
= CP1DoNothing !(Maybe ConflictTarget)
| CP1Update !ConflictTarget ![PGCol]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data InsertQueryP1
= InsertQueryP1
{ iqp1Table :: !QualifiedTable
, iqp1View :: !QualifiedTable
, iqp1Cols :: ![PGCol]
, iqp1Tuples :: ![[S.SQLExp]]
, iqp1Conflict :: !(Maybe ConflictClauseP1)
, iqp1MutFlds :: !MutFlds
} deriving (Show, Eq)
mkSQLInsert :: InsertQueryP1 -> S.SelectWith
2018-08-30 12:49:21 +03:00
mkSQLInsert (InsertQueryP1 tn vn cols vals c mutFlds) =
2018-11-02 17:01:01 +03:00
mkSelWith tn (S.CTEInsert insert) mutFlds False
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
insert =
2018-10-05 18:13:51 +03:00
S.SQLInsert vn cols vals (toSQLConflict <$> c) $ Just S.returningStar
toSQLConflict :: ConflictClauseP1 -> S.SQLConflict
toSQLConflict conflict = case conflict of
(CP1DoNothing Nothing) -> S.DoNothing Nothing
(CP1DoNothing (Just ct)) -> S.DoNothing $ Just $ toSQLCT ct
(CP1Update ct inpCols) -> S.Update (toSQLCT ct)
(S.buildSEWithExcluded inpCols)
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
2018-10-05 18:13:51 +03:00
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
toSQLCT ct = case ct of
Column pgCols -> S.SQLColumn pgCols
Constraint cn -> S.SQLConstraint cn
mkDefValMap :: FieldInfoMap -> HM.HashMap PGCol S.SQLExp
mkDefValMap cim =
HM.fromList $ flip zip (repeat $ S.SEUnsafe "DEFAULT") $
map (PGCol . getFieldNameTxt) $ HM.keys $ HM.filter isPGColInfo cim
:: InsertQueryP1 -> [SchemaDependency]
getInsertDeps (InsertQueryP1 tn _ _ _ _ mutFlds) =
mkParentDep tn : retDeps
retDeps = map (mkColDep "untyped" tn . fst) $
pgColsFromMutFlds mutFlds
:: (P1C m)
=> (PGColType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> HM.HashMap PGCol S.SQLExp
2018-10-26 17:58:20 +03:00
-> HM.HashMap PGCol S.SQLExp
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-> FieldInfoMap
-> InsObj
2018-09-04 16:39:48 +03:00
-> m ([PGCol], [S.SQLExp])
2018-10-26 17:58:20 +03:00
convObj prepFn defInsVals setInsVals fieldInfoMap insObj = do
2018-11-02 18:08:38 +03:00
inpInsVals <- flip HM.traverseWithKey insObj $ \c val -> do
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
let relWhenPGErr = "relationships can't be inserted"
colType <- askPGType fieldInfoMap c relWhenPGErr
2018-11-02 18:08:38 +03:00
-- if column has predefined value then throw error
when (c `elem` preSetCols) $ throwNotInsErr c
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-- Encode aeson's value into prepared value
withPathK (getPGColTxt c) $ prepFn colType val
2018-10-26 17:58:20 +03:00
let insVals = HM.union setInsVals inpInsVals
sqlExps = HM.elems $ HM.union insVals defInsVals
2018-09-04 16:39:48 +03:00
inpCols = HM.keys inpInsVals
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
2018-09-04 16:39:48 +03:00
return (inpCols, sqlExps)
2018-10-26 17:58:20 +03:00
2018-11-02 18:08:38 +03:00
preSetCols = HM.keys setInsVals
throwNotInsErr c = do
role <- userRole <$> askUserInfo
throw400 NotSupported $ "column " <> c <<> " is not insertable"
<> " for role " <>> role
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
:: (P1C m)
=> TableInfo
2018-09-04 16:39:48 +03:00
-> [PGCol]
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-> OnConflict
-> m ConflictClauseP1
2018-09-04 16:39:48 +03:00
buildConflictClause tableInfo inpCols (OnConflict mTCol mTCons act) =
case (mTCol, mTCons, act) of
(Nothing, Nothing, CAIgnore) -> return $ CP1DoNothing Nothing
(Just col, Nothing, CAIgnore) -> do
validateCols col
return $ CP1DoNothing $ Just $ Column $ getPGCols col
(Nothing, Just cons, CAIgnore) -> do
validateConstraint cons
return $ CP1DoNothing $ Just $ Constraint cons
(Nothing, Nothing, CAUpdate) -> throw400 UnexpectedPayload
"Expecting 'constraint' or 'constraint_on' when the 'action' is 'update'"
(Just col, Nothing, CAUpdate) -> do
validateCols col
return $ CP1Update (Column $ getPGCols col) inpCols
(Nothing, Just cons, CAUpdate) -> do
validateConstraint cons
return $ CP1Update (Constraint cons) inpCols
(Just _, Just _, _) -> throw400 UnexpectedPayload
"'constraint' and 'constraint_on' cannot be set at a time"
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
fieldInfoMap = tiFieldInfoMap tableInfo
2018-07-17 16:23:23 +03:00
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
validateCols c = do
let targetcols = getPGCols c
void $ withPathK "constraint_on" $ indexedForM targetcols $
\pgCol -> askPGType fieldInfoMap pgCol ""
2018-07-17 16:23:23 +03:00
validateConstraint c = do
let tableConsNames = map tcName $ tiConstraints tableInfo
withPathK "constraint" $
unless (c `elem` tableConsNames) $
throw400 Unexpected $ "constraint " <> getConstraintTxt c
<<> " for table " <> tiName tableInfo
<<> " does not exist"
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
:: (P1C m)
=> (Value -> m [InsObj])
-> (PGColType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> InsertQuery
-> m InsertQueryP1
convInsertQuery objsParser prepFn (InsertQuery tableName val oC mRetCols) = do
insObjs <- objsParser val
-- Get the current table information
tableInfo <- askTabInfo tableName
2018-10-12 15:06:12 +03:00
-- If table is view then check if it is insertable
mutableView tableName viIsInsertable
(tiViewInfo tableInfo) "insertable"
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-- Check if the role has insert permissions
insPerm <- askInsPermInfo tableInfo
-- Check if all dependent headers are present
validateHeaders $ ipiRequiredHeaders insPerm
let fieldInfoMap = tiFieldInfoMap tableInfo
2018-10-26 17:58:20 +03:00
setInsVals = ipiSet insPerm
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-- convert the returning cols into sql returing exp
mAnnRetCols <- forM mRetCols $ \retCols -> do
-- Check if select is allowed only if you specify returning
selPerm <- modifyErr (<> selNecessaryMsg) $
askSelPermInfo tableInfo
2018-10-05 11:56:47 +03:00
withPathK "returning" $ checkRetCols fieldInfoMap selPerm retCols
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
2018-11-02 17:01:01 +03:00
let mutFlds = mkDefaultMutFlds mAnnRetCols
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
let defInsVals = mkDefValMap fieldInfoMap
insCols = HM.keys defInsVals
insView = ipiView insPerm
insTuples <- withPathK "objects" $ indexedForM insObjs $ \obj ->
2018-10-26 17:58:20 +03:00
convObj prepFn defInsVals setInsVals fieldInfoMap obj
2018-09-04 16:39:48 +03:00
let sqlExps = map snd insTuples
inpCols = HS.toList $ HS.fromList $ concatMap fst insTuples
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
conflictClause <- withPathK "on_conflict" $ forM oC $ \c -> do
roleName <- askCurRole
unless (ipiAllowUpsert insPerm) $ throw400 PermissionDenied $
"upsert is not allowed for role" <>> roleName
2018-09-04 16:39:48 +03:00
buildConflictClause tableInfo inpCols c
2018-08-29 16:41:33 +03:00
2018-09-04 16:39:48 +03:00
return $ InsertQueryP1 tableName insView insCols sqlExps
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
conflictClause mutFlds
selNecessaryMsg =
"; \"returning\" can only be used if the role has "
<> "\"select\" permission on the table"
decodeInsObjs :: (P1C m) => Value -> m [InsObj]
decodeInsObjs v = do
objs <- decodeValue v
when (null objs) $ throw400 UnexpectedPayload "objects should not be empty"
return objs
convInsQ :: InsertQuery -> P1 (InsertQueryP1, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg)
convInsQ insQ =
flip runStateT DS.empty $ convInsertQuery
(withPathK "objects" . decodeInsObjs) binRHSBuilder insQ
insertP2 :: (InsertQueryP1, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) -> Q.TxE QErr RespBody
insertP2 (u, p) =
runIdentity . Q.getRow
<$> Q.rawQE dmlTxErrorHandler (Q.fromBuilder insertSQL) (toList p) True
insertSQL = toSQL $ mkSQLInsert u
2018-09-04 16:39:48 +03:00
data ConflictCtx
= CCUpdate !ConstraintName ![PGCol]
| CCDoNothing !(Maybe ConstraintName)
deriving (Show, Eq)
2018-08-29 16:41:33 +03:00
nonAdminInsert :: (InsertQueryP1, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) -> Q.TxE QErr RespBody
nonAdminInsert (insQueryP1, args) = do
conflictCtxM <- mapM extractConflictCtx conflictClauseP1
setConflictCtx conflictCtxM
insertP2 (withoutConflictClause, args)
withoutConflictClause = insQueryP1{iqp1Conflict=Nothing}
conflictClauseP1 = iqp1Conflict insQueryP1
extractConflictCtx :: (MonadError QErr m) => ConflictClauseP1 -> m ConflictCtx
extractConflictCtx cp =
case cp of
(CP1DoNothing mConflictTar) -> do
mConstraintName <- mapM extractConstraintName mConflictTar
2018-09-04 16:39:48 +03:00
return $ CCDoNothing mConstraintName
(CP1Update conflictTar inpCols) -> do
2018-08-29 16:41:33 +03:00
constraintName <- extractConstraintName conflictTar
2018-09-04 16:39:48 +03:00
return $ CCUpdate constraintName inpCols
2018-08-29 16:41:33 +03:00
extractConstraintName (Constraint cn) = return cn
extractConstraintName _ = throw400 NotSupported
"\"constraint_on\" not supported for non admin insert. use \"constraint\" instead"
setConflictCtx :: Maybe ConflictCtx -> Q.TxE QErr ()
setConflictCtx conflictCtxM = do
let t = maybe "null" conflictCtxToJSON conflictCtxM
setVal = toSQL $ S.SELit t
2018-10-19 05:15:28 +03:00
setVar = "SET LOCAL hasura.conflict_clause = "
2018-08-29 16:41:33 +03:00
q = Q.fromBuilder $ setVar <> setVal
Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler q () False
2018-09-04 16:39:48 +03:00
encToText = LT.toStrict . AT.encodeToLazyText
conflictCtxToJSON (CCDoNothing constrM) =
encToText $ InsertTxConflictCtx CAIgnore constrM Nothing
conflictCtxToJSON (CCUpdate constr updCols) =
encToText $ InsertTxConflictCtx CAUpdate (Just constr) $
2018-09-29 08:42:47 +03:00
Just $ toSQLTxt $ S.buildSEWithExcluded updCols
2018-08-29 16:41:33 +03:00
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
instance HDBQuery InsertQuery where
type Phase1Res InsertQuery = (InsertQueryP1, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg)
phaseOne = convInsQ
2018-08-29 16:41:33 +03:00
phaseTwo _ p1Res = do
role <- userRole <$> ask
liftTx $
bool (nonAdminInsert p1Res) (insertP2 p1Res) $ isAdmin role
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
schemaCachePolicy = SCPNoChange