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module Network.HTTP.Client.Transformable
( Request
, mkRequestThrow
, mkRequestEither
, url
, Network.HTTP.Client.Transformable.method
, headers
, host
, body
, port
, path
, queryParams
, timeout
, getReqSize
, getQueryStr
, performRequest
, Client.Response(..)
, Client.ResponseTimeout
, Client.HttpException(..)
, Internal.HttpExceptionContent(..)
, Client.Manager
, Client.responseTimeoutDefault
, Client.responseTimeoutMicro
, Client.newManager
, module Types
, module TLSClient
) where
import Prelude
import Control.Exception (throw)
import Control.Lens (Lens', lens, set, view)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow, fromException)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as TLSClient
import Network.HTTP.Types as Types
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as Client
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.Internal as Internal
import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit as NHS
import qualified Network.HTTP.Simple as NHS
import qualified Network.URI as URI
-- | @Network.HTTP.Client@.'Client.Request' stores the request body in a sum
-- type which has a case containing IO along with some other unwieldy cases.
-- This makes it difficult to log our requests before and after transformation.
-- In our codebase we only ever use the Lazy ByteString case. So by
-- lifting the request body out of Network.HTTP.Client.Request, we
-- make it much easier to log our Requests.
-- When executing the request we simply insert the value at `rdBody`
-- into the Request.
-- When working with Transformable Requests you should always import
-- this module qualified and use the `mkRequest*` functions for
-- constructing requests. Modification of Request should be done using
-- the provided lens API.
-- NOTE: This module is meant to be imported qualified, e.g.
-- > import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.Transformable as HTTP
-- ...or
-- > import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.Transformable as Transformable
data Request = Request
{ rdRequest :: Client.Request
, rdBody :: Maybe BL.ByteString
} deriving Show
instance J.ToJSON Request where
toJSON req@Request{..} =
[ "url" J..= view url req
, "method" J..= TE.decodeUtf8 (view method req)
, "headers" J..= fmap (bimap (TE.decodeUtf8 . CI.original) TE.decodeUtf8) (view headers req)
, "body" J..= fmap (TE.decodeUtf8 . BL.toStrict) rdBody
, "query_string" J..= TE.decodeUtf8 (Client.queryString rdRequest)
, "response_timeout" J..= serializeRT (view timeout req)
serializeRT = \case
Internal.ResponseTimeoutMicro i -> show i
Internal.ResponseTimeoutNone -> "None"
Internal.ResponseTimeoutDefault -> "default"
-- | Convert a URL into a Request value. This function can throw
-- if the URL is invalid.
mkRequestThrow :: MonadThrow m => T.Text -> m Request
mkRequestThrow url' = do
req <- Client.parseRequest $ T.unpack url'
pure $ Request req Nothing
-- | A concrete version of `mkRequestThrow` in the Either monad.
mkRequestEither :: T.Text -> Either Client.HttpException Request
mkRequestEither url' =
case mkRequestThrow url' of
Right res -> Right res
Left e -> case fromException @Client.HttpException e of
Just httpExcept -> Left httpExcept
Nothing -> throw e
-- | Url is 'materialized view' into `Request` consisting of
-- concatenation of `host`, `port`, `queryParams`, and `path`.
-- We use `Network.HTTP.Client.getUri` to `view` the value but we must
-- carefully set the subcomponents by hand during `set` operations. Be
-- careful modifying this lens and verify against the unit tests..
url :: Lens' Request T.Text
url = lens getUrl setUrl
getUrl :: Request -> T.Text
getUrl Request{rdRequest} = T.pack $ URI.uriToString id (Client.getUri rdRequest) mempty
setUrl :: Request -> T.Text -> Request
setUrl req url' = fromMaybe req $ do
uri <- URI.parseURI (T.unpack url')
URI.URIAuth{..} <- URI.uriAuthority uri
let host' = C8.pack $ uriUserInfo <> uriRegName
port' = case uriPort of
':':newPort -> read @Int newPort
_ -> 80
queryString = Types.queryTextToQuery $ Types.parseQueryText $ C8.pack $ URI.uriQuery uri
path' = C8.pack $ URI.uriPath uri
pure $ req & set host host'
& set port port'
& set queryParams queryString
& set path path'
body :: Lens' Request (Maybe BL.ByteString)
body = lens rdBody setBody
setBody :: Request -> Maybe BL.ByteString -> Request
setBody req body' = req { rdBody = body' }
headers :: Lens' Request [Types.Header]
headers = lens getHeaders setHeaders
getHeaders :: Request -> [Types.Header]
getHeaders Request{rdRequest} = Client.requestHeaders rdRequest
setHeaders :: Request -> [Types.Header] -> Request
setHeaders req@Request{rdRequest} headers' =
req { rdRequest = NHS.setRequestHeaders headers' rdRequest }
host :: Lens' Request B.ByteString
host = lens getHost setHost
getHost :: Request -> B.ByteString
getHost Request{rdRequest} = Client.host rdRequest
setHost :: Request -> B.ByteString -> Request
setHost req@Request{rdRequest} host' =
req { rdRequest = NHS.setRequestHost host' rdRequest }
method :: Lens' Request B.ByteString
method = lens getMethod setMethod
getMethod :: Request -> B.ByteString
getMethod Request{rdRequest} = Client.method rdRequest
setMethod :: Request -> B.ByteString -> Request
setMethod req@Request{rdRequest} method' = req { rdRequest = NHS.setRequestMethod method' rdRequest }
path :: Lens' Request B.ByteString
path = lens getPath setPath
getPath :: Request -> B.ByteString
getPath Request{rdRequest} = Client.path rdRequest
setPath :: Request -> B.ByteString -> Request
setPath req@Request{rdRequest} p =
req { rdRequest = rdRequest { Client.path = p } }
port :: Lens' Request Int
port = lens getPort setPort
getPort :: Request -> Int
getPort Request{rdRequest} = Client.port rdRequest
setPort :: Request -> Int -> Request
setPort req@Request{rdRequest} i =
req { rdRequest = NHS.setRequestPort i rdRequest }
getQueryStr :: Request -> ByteString
getQueryStr = Types.renderQuery True . view queryParams
queryParams :: Lens' Request NHS.Query
queryParams = lens getQueryParams setQueryParams
getQueryParams :: Request -> NHS.Query
getQueryParams Request{rdRequest} = NHS.getRequestQueryString rdRequest
setQueryParams :: Request -> NHS.Query -> Request
setQueryParams req@Request{rdRequest} params = req { rdRequest = NHS.setQueryString params rdRequest }
timeout :: Lens' Request Client.ResponseTimeout
timeout = lens getTimeout setTimeout
getTimeout :: Request -> Client.ResponseTimeout
getTimeout Request{rdRequest} = Client.responseTimeout rdRequest
setTimeout :: Request -> Client.ResponseTimeout -> Request
setTimeout req@Request{rdRequest} timeout' =
let updatedReq = rdRequest { Client.responseTimeout = timeout' }
in req { rdRequest = updatedReq }
getReqSize :: Request -> Int64
getReqSize Request{rdBody} = maybe 0 BL.length rdBody
toRequest :: Request -> Client.Request
toRequest Request{..} = case rdBody of
Nothing -> rdRequest
Just body' -> NHS.setRequestBody (Client.RequestBodyLBS body') rdRequest
performRequest :: Request -> Client.Manager -> IO (Client.Response BL.ByteString)
performRequest req manager = Client.httpLbs (toRequest req) manager