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{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Plan
( SourceConfig (..),
Plan (..),
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Align
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Semigroup (Any (..), Min (..))
import Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as TE
import Data.These
import Data.Vector qualified as V
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API qualified as API
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Types
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.IR.Export qualified as IR
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.IR.Expression qualified as IR.E
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.IR.OrderBy qualified as IR.O
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.IR.Query qualified as IR.Q
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.IR.Scalar.Value qualified as IR.S
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Column
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp
import Hasura.RQL.IR.OrderBy
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Select
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
import Hasura.Session
-- | A 'Plan' consists of an 'IR.Q' describing the query to be
-- performed by the Agent and a continuation for post processing the
-- response. See the 'postProcessResponseRow' haddock for more
-- information on why we need a post-processor.
data Plan = Plan
{ query :: IR.Q.Query,
postProcessor :: (API.QueryResponse -> Either ResponseError API.QueryResponse)
-- | Error type for the postProcessor continuation. Failure can occur if the Agent
-- returns bad data.
data ResponseError
= RequiredFieldMissing
| UnexpectedFields
| ExpectedObject
| ExpectedArray
| UnexpectedResponseCardinality
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Extract the 'IR.Q' from a 'Plan' and render it as 'Text'.
-- NOTE: This is for logging and debug purposes only.
renderPlan :: Plan -> Text
renderPlan =
TE.decodeUtf8 . BL.toStrict . J.encode . IR.queryToAPI . query
-- | Map a 'QueryDB 'DataConnector' term into a 'Plan'
mkPlan ::
forall m.
MonadError QErr m =>
SessionVariables ->
SourceConfig ->
QueryDB 'DataConnector Void (UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector) ->
m Plan
mkPlan session (SourceConfig {_scSchema = API.SchemaResponse {..}}) ir = translateQueryDB ir
translateQueryDB ::
QueryDB 'DataConnector Void (UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector) ->
m Plan
translateQueryDB =
traverse replaceSessionVariables >=> \case
QDBMultipleRows s -> do
query <- translateAnnSelect IR.Q.Many s
pure $
Plan query $ \API.QueryResponse {getQueryResponse = response} ->
fmap API.QueryResponse $ traverse (postProcessResponseRow srCapabilities query) response
QDBSingleRow s -> do
query <- translateAnnSelect IR.Q.OneOrZero s
pure $
Plan query $ \API.QueryResponse {getQueryResponse = response} ->
fmap API.QueryResponse $ traverse (postProcessResponseRow srCapabilities query) response
QDBAggregation {} -> throw400 NotSupported "QDBAggregation: not supported"
translateAnnSelect ::
IR.Q.Cardinality ->
AnnSimpleSelectG 'DataConnector Void IR.E.Expression ->
m IR.Q.Query
translateAnnSelect card s = do
tableName <- case _asnFrom s of
FromTable tn -> pure tn
_ -> throw400 NotSupported "SelectFromG: not supported"
fields <- translateFields card (_asnFields s)
let whereClauseWithPermissions =
case _saWhere (_asnArgs s) of
Just expr -> BoolAnd [expr, _tpFilter (_asnPerm s)]
Nothing -> _tpFilter (_asnPerm s)
whereClause <- translateBoolExp whereClauseWithPermissions
orderBy <- translateOrderBy (_saOrderBy $ _asnArgs s)
{ from = tableName,
fields = fields,
limit =
fmap getMin $
(fmap Min)
[ _saLimit (_asnArgs s),
_tpLimit (_asnPerm s)
offset = fmap fromIntegral (_saOffset (_asnArgs s)),
where_ = Just whereClause,
orderBy = orderBy,
cardinality = card
translateOrderBy ::
Maybe (NE.NonEmpty (AnnotatedOrderByItemG 'DataConnector IR.E.Expression)) ->
m [IR.O.OrderBy]
translateOrderBy = \case
Nothing -> pure []
Just orderBys ->
<$> for orderBys \OrderByItemG {..} -> case obiColumn of
AOCColumn (ColumnInfo {ciColumn = dynColumnName}) ->
{ column = dynColumnName,
-- NOTE: Picking a default ordering.
ordering = fromMaybe IR.O.Ascending obiType
_ -> throw400 NotSupported "translateOrderBy: references unsupported in the Data Connector backend"
translateFields ::
IR.Q.Cardinality ->
AnnFieldsG 'DataConnector Void IR.E.Expression ->
m (HashMap Text IR.Q.Field)
translateFields card xs = do
fields <- traverse (traverse (translateField card)) xs
pure $
HashMap.fromList $
( [ (getFieldNameTxt f, field)
| (f, field) <- fields
translateField ::
IR.Q.Cardinality ->
AnnFieldG 'DataConnector Void IR.E.Expression ->
m (Maybe IR.Q.Field)
translateField _card (AFColumn colField) =
-- TODO: make sure certain fields in colField are not in use, since we don't
-- support them
pure $ Just $ IR.Q.Column (IR.Q.ColumnContents $ _acfColumn colField)
translateField card (AFObjectRelation objRel) = do
fields <- translateFields card (_aosFields (_aarAnnSelect objRel))
whereClause <- translateBoolExp (_aosTableFilter (_aarAnnSelect objRel))
pure $
Just $
IR.Q.Relationship $
(HashMap.mapKeys IR.Q.PrimaryKey $ fmap IR.Q.ForeignKey $ _aarColumnMapping objRel)
( IR.Q.Query
{ fields = fields,
from = _aosTableFrom (_aarAnnSelect objRel),
where_ = Just whereClause,
limit = Nothing,
offset = Nothing,
orderBy = [],
cardinality = card
translateField _card (AFArrayRelation (ASSimple arrRel)) = do
query <- translateAnnSelect IR.Q.Many (_aarAnnSelect arrRel)
pure $ Just $ IR.Q.Relationship $ IR.Q.RelationshipContents (HashMap.mapKeys IR.Q.PrimaryKey $ fmap IR.Q.ForeignKey $ _aarColumnMapping arrRel) query
translateField _card (AFExpression _literal) =
pure Nothing
translateField _ _ = throw400 NotSupported "translateField: field type not supported"
replaceSessionVariables ::
UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector ->
m IR.E.Expression
replaceSessionVariables (UVLiteral e) = pure e
replaceSessionVariables (UVParameter _ e) = pure (IR.E.Literal (cvValue e))
replaceSessionVariables UVSession = throw400 NotSupported "replaceSessionVariables: UVSession"
replaceSessionVariables (UVSessionVar _ v) =
case getSessionVariableValue v session of
Nothing -> throw400 NotSupported "session var not found"
Just s -> pure (IR.E.Literal (IR.S.String s))
translateBoolExp ::
AnnBoolExp 'DataConnector IR.E.Expression ->
m IR.E.Expression
translateBoolExp (BoolAnd xs) =
IR.E.And <$> traverse translateBoolExp xs
translateBoolExp (BoolOr xs) =
IR.E.Or <$> traverse translateBoolExp xs
translateBoolExp (BoolNot x) =
IR.E.Not <$> translateBoolExp x
translateBoolExp (BoolFld (AVColumn c xs)) =
<$> sequence
[translateOp (IR.E.Column (ciColumn c)) x | x <- xs]
translateBoolExp _ =
throw400 NotSupported "An expression type is not supported by the Data Connector backend"
translateOp ::
IR.E.Expression ->
OpExpG 'DataConnector IR.E.Expression ->
m IR.E.Expression
translateOp lhs = \case
AEQ _ rhs ->
pure $ IR.E.ApplyOperator IR.E.Equal lhs rhs
ANE _ rhs ->
pure $ IR.E.Not (IR.E.ApplyOperator IR.E.Equal lhs rhs)
AGT rhs ->
pure $ IR.E.ApplyOperator IR.E.GreaterThan lhs rhs
ALT rhs ->
pure $ IR.E.ApplyOperator IR.E.LessThan lhs rhs
AGTE rhs ->
pure $ IR.E.ApplyOperator IR.E.GreaterThanOrEqual lhs rhs
ALTE rhs ->
pure $ IR.E.ApplyOperator IR.E.LessThanOrEqual lhs rhs
pure $ IR.E.IsNull lhs
pure $ IR.E.Not (IR.E.IsNull lhs)
AIN (IR.E.Array rhs) -> pure $ IR.E.In lhs rhs
ANIN (IR.E.Array rhs) -> pure $ IR.E.Not $ IR.E.In lhs rhs
_ ->
throw400 NotSupported "An operator is not supported by the Data Connector backend"
-- | We need to modify any JSON substructures which appear as a result
-- of fetching object relationships, to peel off the outer array sent
-- by the backend.
-- This function takes a response object, and the 'Plan' used to
-- fetch it, and modifies any such arrays accordingly.
postProcessResponseRow ::
API.Capabilities ->
IR.Q.Query ->
J.Object ->
Either ResponseError J.Object
postProcessResponseRow capabilities IR.Q.Query {fields} row =
sequenceA $ alignWith go fields row
go :: These IR.Q.Field J.Value -> Either ResponseError J.Value
go (This field) =
case field of
IR.Q.Literal literal ->
pure (J.String literal)
_ ->
Left RequiredFieldMissing
go That {} =
Left UnexpectedFields
go (These field value) =
case field of
IR.Q.Literal {} ->
Left UnexpectedFields
IR.Q.Column {} ->
pure value
IR.Q.Relationship (IR.Q.RelationshipContents _ subquery@IR.Q.Query {cardinality}) ->
case value of
J.Array rows -> do
processed <- traverse (postProcessResponseRow capabilities subquery <=< parseObject) (toList rows)
applyCardinalityToResponse cardinality processed
| API.dcRelationships capabilities ->
Left ExpectedArray
| otherwise ->
pure other
parseObject :: J.Value -> Either ResponseError J.Object
parseObject = \case
J.Object obj -> pure obj
_ -> Left ExpectedObject
-- | If a fk-to-pk lookup comes from an object relationship then we
-- expect 0 or 1 items in the response and we should return it as an object.
-- if it's an array, we have to send back all of the results
applyCardinalityToResponse :: IR.Q.Cardinality -> [J.Object] -> Either ResponseError J.Value
applyCardinalityToResponse IR.Q.OneOrZero = \case
[] -> pure J.Null
[x] -> pure $ J.Object x
_ -> Left UnexpectedResponseCardinality
applyCardinalityToResponse IR.Q.Many =
pure . J.Array . V.fromList . fmap J.Object
-- | Validate if a 'IR.Q' contains any relationships.
queryHasRelations :: IR.Q.Query -> Bool
queryHasRelations IR.Q.Query {fields} = getAny $ flip foldMap fields \case
IR.Q.Relationship _ -> Any True
_ -> Any False