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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- | Postgres Connection Settings
-- This module contains types and combinators related to postgres connection,
-- pool, and replica related settings.
module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection.Settings
( PostgresPoolSettings (..),
PostgresSourceConnInfo (..),
PostgresConnConfiguration (..),
PGClientCerts (..),
CertVar (..),
CertData (..),
SSLMode (..),
DefaultPostgresPoolSettings (..),
server: polymorphic codec for metadata sources This PR expands the OpenAPI specification generated for metadata to include separate definitions for `SourceMetadata` for each native database type, and for DataConnector. For the most part the changes add `HasCodec` implementations, and don't modify existing code otherwise. The generated OpenAPI spec can be used to generate TypeScript definitions that distinguish different source metadata types based on the value of the `kind` properly. There is a problem: because the specified `kind` value for a data connector source is any string, when TypeScript gets a source with a `kind` value of, say, `"postgres"`, it cannot unambiguously determine whether the source is postgres, or a data connector. For example, ```ts function consumeSourceMetadata(source: SourceMetadata) { if (source.kind === "postgres" || source.kind === "pg") { // At this point TypeScript infers that `source` is either an instance // of `PostgresSourceMetadata`, or `DataconnectorSourceMetadata`. It // can't narrow further. source } if (source.kind === "something else") { // TypeScript infers that this `source` must be an instance of // `DataconnectorSourceMetadata` because `source.kind` does not match // any of the other options. source } } ``` The simplest way I can think of to fix this would be to add a boolean property to the `SourceMetadata` type along the lines of `isNative` or `isDataConnector`. This could be a field that only exists in serialized data, like the metadata version field. The combination of one of the native database names for `kind`, and a true value for `isNative` would be enough for TypeScript to unambiguously distinguish the source kinds. But note that in the current state TypeScript is able to reference the short `"pg"` name correctly! ~~Tests are not passing yet due to some discrepancies in DTO serialization vs existing Metadata serialization. I'm working on that.~~ The placeholders that I used for table and function metadata are not compatible with the ordered JSON serialization in use. I think the best solution is to write compatible codecs for those types in another PR. For now I have disabled some DTO tests for this PR. Here are the generated [OpenAPI spec]( based on these changes, and the generated [TypeScript client code]( based on that spec. Ticket: [MM-66]( PR-URL: GitOrigin-RevId: e1446191c6c832879db04f129daa397a3be03f62
2022-08-25 21:34:44 +03:00
import Autodocodec (HasCodec (codec), named)
import Control.Lens (makeLenses)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Casing (aesonDrop)
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Bifoldable
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Semigroup (Max (..))
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Clock.Compat ()
import Database.PG.Query qualified as Q
import Hasura.Base.Instances ()
import Hasura.Incremental (Cacheable (..))
server: polymorphic codec for metadata sources This PR expands the OpenAPI specification generated for metadata to include separate definitions for `SourceMetadata` for each native database type, and for DataConnector. For the most part the changes add `HasCodec` implementations, and don't modify existing code otherwise. The generated OpenAPI spec can be used to generate TypeScript definitions that distinguish different source metadata types based on the value of the `kind` properly. There is a problem: because the specified `kind` value for a data connector source is any string, when TypeScript gets a source with a `kind` value of, say, `"postgres"`, it cannot unambiguously determine whether the source is postgres, or a data connector. For example, ```ts function consumeSourceMetadata(source: SourceMetadata) { if (source.kind === "postgres" || source.kind === "pg") { // At this point TypeScript infers that `source` is either an instance // of `PostgresSourceMetadata`, or `DataconnectorSourceMetadata`. It // can't narrow further. source } if (source.kind === "something else") { // TypeScript infers that this `source` must be an instance of // `DataconnectorSourceMetadata` because `source.kind` does not match // any of the other options. source } } ``` The simplest way I can think of to fix this would be to add a boolean property to the `SourceMetadata` type along the lines of `isNative` or `isDataConnector`. This could be a field that only exists in serialized data, like the metadata version field. The combination of one of the native database names for `kind`, and a true value for `isNative` would be enough for TypeScript to unambiguously distinguish the source kinds. But note that in the current state TypeScript is able to reference the short `"pg"` name correctly! ~~Tests are not passing yet due to some discrepancies in DTO serialization vs existing Metadata serialization. I'm working on that.~~ The placeholders that I used for table and function metadata are not compatible with the ordered JSON serialization in use. I think the best solution is to write compatible codecs for those types in another PR. For now I have disabled some DTO tests for this PR. Here are the generated [OpenAPI spec]( based on these changes, and the generated [TypeScript client code]( based on that spec. Ticket: [MM-66]( PR-URL: GitOrigin-RevId: e1446191c6c832879db04f129daa397a3be03f62
2022-08-25 21:34:44 +03:00
import Hasura.Metadata.DTO.Placeholder (placeholderCodecViaJSON)
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common (UrlConf (..))
import Hasura.SQL.Types (ExtensionsSchema (..))
import Hasura.Server.Utils (parseConnLifeTime, readIsoLevel)
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Semigroup ()
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Time ()
data PostgresPoolSettings = PostgresPoolSettings
{ _ppsMaxConnections :: Maybe Int,
_ppsIdleTimeout :: Maybe Int,
_ppsRetries :: Maybe Int,
_ppsPoolTimeout :: Maybe NominalDiffTime,
_ppsConnectionLifetime :: Maybe NominalDiffTime
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Cacheable PostgresPoolSettings
instance Hashable PostgresPoolSettings
instance NFData PostgresPoolSettings
$(deriveToJSON hasuraJSON {omitNothingFields = True} ''PostgresPoolSettings)
instance FromJSON PostgresPoolSettings where
parseJSON = withObject "PostgresPoolSettings" $ \o ->
<$> o .:? "max_connections"
<*> o .:? "idle_timeout"
<*> o .:? "retries"
<*> o .:? "pool_timeout"
<*> ((o .:? "connection_lifetime") <&> parseConnLifeTime)
data DefaultPostgresPoolSettings = DefaultPostgresPoolSettings
{ _dppsMaxConnections :: Int,
_dppsIdleTimeout :: Int,
_dppsRetries :: Int,
_dppsConnectionLifetime :: Maybe NominalDiffTime
deriving (Show, Eq)
defaultPostgresPoolSettings :: DefaultPostgresPoolSettings
defaultPostgresPoolSettings = DefaultPostgresPoolSettings 50 180 1 (Just 600)
-- Use this when you want to set only few of the PG Pool settings.
-- The values which are not set will use the default values.
setPostgresPoolSettings :: PostgresPoolSettings
setPostgresPoolSettings =
{ _ppsMaxConnections = (Just $ _dppsMaxConnections defaultPostgresPoolSettings),
_ppsIdleTimeout = (Just $ _dppsIdleTimeout defaultPostgresPoolSettings),
_ppsRetries = (Just $ _dppsRetries defaultPostgresPoolSettings),
_ppsPoolTimeout = Nothing, -- @Nothing@ is the default value of the pool timeout
_ppsConnectionLifetime = _dppsConnectionLifetime defaultPostgresPoolSettings
-- PG Pool Settings are not given by the user, set defaults
getDefaultPGPoolSettingIfNotExists :: Maybe PostgresPoolSettings -> DefaultPostgresPoolSettings -> (Int, Int, Int)
getDefaultPGPoolSettingIfNotExists connSettings defaultPgPoolSettings =
case connSettings of
-- Atleast one of the postgres pool settings is set, then set default values to other settings
Just connSettings' ->
(maxConnections connSettings', idleTimeout connSettings', retries connSettings')
-- No PG Pool settings provided by user, set default values for all
Nothing -> (defMaxConnections, defIdleTimeout, defRetries)
defMaxConnections = _dppsMaxConnections defaultPgPoolSettings
defIdleTimeout = _dppsIdleTimeout defaultPgPoolSettings
defRetries = _dppsRetries defaultPgPoolSettings
maxConnections = fromMaybe defMaxConnections . _ppsMaxConnections
idleTimeout = fromMaybe defIdleTimeout . _ppsIdleTimeout
retries = fromMaybe defRetries . _ppsRetries
data SSLMode
= Disable
| Allow
| Prefer
| Require
| VerifyCA
| VerifyFull
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Enum, Bounded)
instance Cacheable SSLMode
instance Hashable SSLMode
instance NFData SSLMode
instance Show SSLMode where
show = \case
Disable -> "disable"
Allow -> "allow"
Prefer -> "prefer"
Require -> "require"
VerifyCA -> "verify-ca"
VerifyFull -> "verify-full"
deriving via (Max SSLMode) instance Semigroup SSLMode
instance FromJSON SSLMode where
parseJSON = withText "SSLMode" $ \case
"disable" -> pure Disable
"allow" -> pure Allow
"prefer" -> pure Prefer
"require" -> pure Require
"verify-ca" -> pure VerifyCA
"verify-full" -> pure VerifyFull
err -> fail $ "Invalid SSL Mode " <> unpack err
newtype CertVar
= CertVar String
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Cacheable CertVar
instance Hashable CertVar
instance NFData CertVar
instance ToJSON CertVar where
toJSON (CertVar var) = (object ["from_env" .= var])
instance FromJSON CertVar where
parseJSON = withObject "CertVar" (\o -> CertVar <$> o .: "from_env")
newtype CertData = CertData {unCert :: Text}
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance ToJSON CertData where
toJSON = String . unCert
data PGClientCerts p a = PGClientCerts
{ pgcSslCert :: Maybe a,
pgcSslKey :: Maybe a,
pgcSslRootCert :: Maybe a,
pgcSslMode :: SSLMode,
pgcSslPassword :: Maybe p
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
$(deriveFromJSON (aesonDrop 3 (fmap toLower)) ''PGClientCerts)
$(deriveToJSON (aesonDrop 3 (fmap toLower)) {omitNothingFields = True} ''PGClientCerts)
instance Bifunctor PGClientCerts where
bimap f g oldCerts@(PGClientCerts {pgcSslPassword}) =
let certs = oldCerts {pgcSslPassword = f <$> pgcSslPassword}
in g <$> certs
instance Bifoldable PGClientCerts where
bifoldMap f g PGClientCerts {..} =
let gs = foldMap (foldMap g) [pgcSslCert, pgcSslKey, pgcSslRootCert]
fs = foldMap f pgcSslPassword
in gs <> fs
instance Bitraversable PGClientCerts where
bitraverse f g PGClientCerts {..} =
<$> traverse g pgcSslCert
<*> traverse g pgcSslKey
<*> traverse g pgcSslRootCert
<*> pure pgcSslMode
<*> traverse f pgcSslPassword
instance (Cacheable p, Cacheable a) => Cacheable (PGClientCerts p a)
instance (Hashable p, Hashable a) => Hashable (PGClientCerts p a)
instance (NFData p, NFData a) => NFData (PGClientCerts p a)
instance ToJSON SSLMode where
toJSON = String . tshow
deriving instance Generic Q.TxIsolation
instance Cacheable Q.TxIsolation
instance NFData Q.TxIsolation
instance Hashable Q.TxIsolation
instance FromJSON Q.TxIsolation where
parseJSON = withText "Q.TxIsolation" $ \t ->
onLeft (readIsoLevel $ T.unpack t) fail
instance ToJSON Q.TxIsolation where
toJSON Q.ReadCommitted = "read-committed"
toJSON Q.RepeatableRead = "repeatable-read"
toJSON Q.Serializable = "serializable"
data PostgresSourceConnInfo = PostgresSourceConnInfo
{ _psciDatabaseUrl :: UrlConf,
_psciPoolSettings :: Maybe PostgresPoolSettings,
_psciUsePreparedStatements :: Bool,
_psciIsolationLevel :: Q.TxIsolation,
_psciSslConfiguration :: Maybe (PGClientCerts CertVar CertVar)
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Cacheable PostgresSourceConnInfo
instance Hashable PostgresSourceConnInfo
instance NFData PostgresSourceConnInfo
$(deriveToJSON hasuraJSON {omitNothingFields = True} ''PostgresSourceConnInfo)
$(makeLenses ''PostgresSourceConnInfo)
instance FromJSON PostgresSourceConnInfo where
parseJSON = withObject "PostgresSourceConnInfo" $ \o ->
<$> o .: "database_url"
<*> o .:? "pool_settings"
<*> o .:? "use_prepared_statements" .!= False -- By default, preparing statements is OFF for postgres source
<*> o .:? "isolation_level" .!= Q.ReadCommitted
<*> o .:? "ssl_configuration"
defaultPostgresExtensionsSchema :: ExtensionsSchema
defaultPostgresExtensionsSchema = ExtensionsSchema "public"
data PostgresConnConfiguration = PostgresConnConfiguration
{ _pccConnectionInfo :: PostgresSourceConnInfo,
_pccReadReplicas :: Maybe (NonEmpty PostgresSourceConnInfo),
_pccExtensionsSchema :: ExtensionsSchema
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Cacheable PostgresConnConfiguration
instance Hashable PostgresConnConfiguration
instance NFData PostgresConnConfiguration
instance FromJSON PostgresConnConfiguration where
parseJSON = withObject "PostgresConnConfiguration" $ \o ->
<$> o .: "connection_info"
<*> o .:? "read_replicas"
<*> o .:? "extensions_schema" .!= defaultPostgresExtensionsSchema
instance ToJSON PostgresConnConfiguration where
toJSON PostgresConnConfiguration {..} =
object $
["connection_info" .= _pccConnectionInfo]
<> maybe mempty (\readReplicas -> ["read_replicas" .= readReplicas]) _pccReadReplicas
<> bool mempty (["extensions_schema" .= _pccExtensionsSchema]) (_pccExtensionsSchema /= defaultPostgresExtensionsSchema)
server: polymorphic codec for metadata sources This PR expands the OpenAPI specification generated for metadata to include separate definitions for `SourceMetadata` for each native database type, and for DataConnector. For the most part the changes add `HasCodec` implementations, and don't modify existing code otherwise. The generated OpenAPI spec can be used to generate TypeScript definitions that distinguish different source metadata types based on the value of the `kind` properly. There is a problem: because the specified `kind` value for a data connector source is any string, when TypeScript gets a source with a `kind` value of, say, `"postgres"`, it cannot unambiguously determine whether the source is postgres, or a data connector. For example, ```ts function consumeSourceMetadata(source: SourceMetadata) { if (source.kind === "postgres" || source.kind === "pg") { // At this point TypeScript infers that `source` is either an instance // of `PostgresSourceMetadata`, or `DataconnectorSourceMetadata`. It // can't narrow further. source } if (source.kind === "something else") { // TypeScript infers that this `source` must be an instance of // `DataconnectorSourceMetadata` because `source.kind` does not match // any of the other options. source } } ``` The simplest way I can think of to fix this would be to add a boolean property to the `SourceMetadata` type along the lines of `isNative` or `isDataConnector`. This could be a field that only exists in serialized data, like the metadata version field. The combination of one of the native database names for `kind`, and a true value for `isNative` would be enough for TypeScript to unambiguously distinguish the source kinds. But note that in the current state TypeScript is able to reference the short `"pg"` name correctly! ~~Tests are not passing yet due to some discrepancies in DTO serialization vs existing Metadata serialization. I'm working on that.~~ The placeholders that I used for table and function metadata are not compatible with the ordered JSON serialization in use. I think the best solution is to write compatible codecs for those types in another PR. For now I have disabled some DTO tests for this PR. Here are the generated [OpenAPI spec]( based on these changes, and the generated [TypeScript client code]( based on that spec. Ticket: [MM-66]( PR-URL: GitOrigin-RevId: e1446191c6c832879db04f129daa397a3be03f62
2022-08-25 21:34:44 +03:00
instance HasCodec PostgresConnConfiguration where
codec = named "PostgresConnConfiguration" $ placeholderCodecViaJSON
$(makeLenses ''PostgresConnConfiguration)