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-- | Multiplexed live query poller threads; see "Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery" for details.
module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery.Poll (
-- * Pollers
, PollerIOState(..)
, pollQuery
, PollerKey(..)
, PollerMap
, dumpPollerMap
, RefetchMetrics
, initRefetchMetrics
-- * Cohorts
, Cohort(..)
, CohortId
, newCohortId
, CohortVariables
, CohortKey
, CohortMap
-- * Subscribers
, Subscriber(..)
, SubscriberId
, newSinkId
, SubscriberMap
, OnChange
, LGQResponse
, LiveQueryResponse(..)
, LiveQueryMetadata(..)
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as A
import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
import qualified Control.Immortal as Immortal
import qualified Crypto.Hash as CH
import qualified Data.Aeson.Extended as J
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock
import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as UUID
import qualified ListT
import qualified StmContainers.Map as STMMap
import qualified System.Metrics.Distribution as Metrics
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
import GHC.AssertNF
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery.TMap as TMap
import Hasura.Db
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery.Options
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery.Plan
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol
backend only insert permissions (rfc #4120) (#4224) * move user info related code to Hasura.User module * the RFC #4120 implementation; insert permissions with admin secret * revert back to old RoleName based schema maps An attempt made to avoid duplication of schema contexts in types if any role doesn't possess any admin secret specific schema * fix compile errors in haskell test * keep 'user_vars' for session variables in http-logs * no-op refacto * tests for admin only inserts * update docs for admin only inserts * updated * default behaviour when admin secret is not set * fix x-hasura-role to X-Hasura-Role in pytests * introduce effective timeout in actions async tests * update docs for admin-secret not configured case * Update docs/graphql/manual/api-reference/schema-metadata-api/permission.rst Co-Authored-By: Marion Schleifer <> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Marion Schleifer <> * a complete iteration backend insert permissions accessable via 'x-hasura-backend-privilege' session variable * console changes for backend-only permissions * provide tooltip id; update labels and tooltips; * requested changes * requested changes - remove className from Toggle component - use appropriate function name (capitalizeFirstChar -> capitalize) * use toggle props from definitelyTyped * fix accidental commit * Revert "introduce effective timeout in actions async tests" This reverts commit b7a59c19d643520cfde6af579889e1038038438a. * generate complete schema for both 'default' and 'backend' sessions * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Marion Schleifer <> * remove unnecessary import, export Toggle as is * update session variable in tooltip * 'x-hasura-use-backend-only-permissions' variable to switch * update help texts * update docs * update docs * update console help text * regenerate package-lock * serve no backend schema when backend_only: false and header set to true - Few type name refactor as suggested by @0x777 * update * Update * Update * fix a merge bug where a certain entity didn't get removed Co-authored-by: Marion Schleifer <> Co-authored-by: Rishichandra Wawhal <> Co-authored-by: rikinsk <> Co-authored-by: Tirumarai Selvan <>
2020-04-24 12:10:53 +03:00
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Error
import Hasura.Session
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Subscribers
newtype Subscriber = Subscriber { _sOnChangeCallback :: OnChange }
-- | live query onChange metadata, used for adding more extra analytics data
data LiveQueryMetadata
= LiveQueryMetadata
{ _lqmExecutionTime :: !Clock.DiffTime
-- ^ Time spent waiting on the generated query to execute on postgres or the remote.
data LiveQueryResponse
= LiveQueryResponse
{ _lqrPayload :: !BL.ByteString
, _lqrExecutionTime :: !Clock.DiffTime
type LGQResponse = GQResult LiveQueryResponse
type OnChange = LGQResponse -> IO ()
newtype SubscriberId = SubscriberId { _unSinkId :: UUID.UUID }
deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable, J.ToJSON)
newSinkId :: IO SubscriberId
newSinkId = SubscriberId <$> UUID.nextRandom
type SubscriberMap = TMap.TMap SubscriberId Subscriber
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Cohorts
-- | A batched group of 'Subscriber's who are not only listening to the same query but also have
-- identical session and query variables. Each result pushed to a 'Cohort' is forwarded along to
-- each of its 'Subscriber's.
-- In SQL, each 'Cohort' corresponds to a single row in the laterally-joined @_subs@ table (and
-- therefore a single row in the query result).
-- See also 'CohortMap'.
data Cohort
= Cohort
{ _cCohortId :: !CohortId
-- ^ a unique identifier used to identify the cohort in the generated query
, _cPreviousResponse :: !(STM.TVar (Maybe ResponseHash))
-- ^ a hash of the previous query result, if any, used to determine if we need to push an updated
-- result to the subscribers or not
, _cExistingSubscribers :: !SubscriberMap
-- ^ the subscribers weve already pushed a result to; we push new results to them iff the
-- response changes
, _cNewSubscribers :: !SubscriberMap
-- ^ subscribers we havent yet pushed any results to; we push results to them regardless if the
-- result changed, then merge them in the map of existing subscribers
{- Note [Blake2b faster than SHA-256]
At the time of writing, from, it is stated,
"BLAKE2 is a cryptographic hash function faster than MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3,
yet is at least as secure as the latest standard SHA-3".
-- | A hash used to determine if the result changed without having to keep the entire result in
-- memory. Using a cryptographic hash ensures that a hash collision is almost impossible: with 256
-- bits, even if a subscription changes once per second for an entire year, the probability of a
-- hash collision is ~4.294417×10-63. See Note [Blake2b faster than SHA-256].
newtype ResponseHash = ResponseHash { unResponseHash :: CH.Digest CH.Blake2b_256 }
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance J.ToJSON ResponseHash where
toJSON = J.toJSON . show . unResponseHash
mkRespHash :: BS.ByteString -> ResponseHash
mkRespHash = ResponseHash . CH.hash
-- | A key we use to determine if two 'Subscriber's belong in the same 'Cohort' (assuming they
-- already meet the criteria to be in the same 'Poller'). Note the distinction between this and
-- 'CohortId'; the latter is a completely synthetic key used only to identify the cohort in the
-- generated SQL query.
type CohortKey = CohortVariables
-- | This has the invariant, maintained in 'removeLiveQuery', that it contains no 'Cohort' with
-- zero total (existing + new) subscribers.
type CohortMap = TMap.TMap CohortKey Cohort
dumpCohortMap :: CohortMap -> IO J.Value
dumpCohortMap cohortMap = do
cohorts <- STM.atomically $ TMap.toList cohortMap
fmap J.toJSON . forM cohorts $ \(variableValues, cohort) -> do
cohortJ <- dumpCohort cohort
return $ J.object
[ "variables" J..= variableValues
, "cohort" J..= cohortJ
dumpCohort (Cohort respId respTV curOps newOps) =
STM.atomically $ do
prevResHash <- STM.readTVar respTV
curOpIds <- TMap.toList curOps
newOpIds <- TMap.toList newOps
return $ J.object
[ "resp_id" J..= respId
, "current_ops" J..= map fst curOpIds
, "new_ops" J..= map fst newOpIds
, "previous_result_hash" J..= prevResHash
data CohortSnapshot
= CohortSnapshot
{ _csVariables :: !CohortVariables
, _csPreviousResponse :: !(STM.TVar (Maybe ResponseHash))
, _csExistingSubscribers :: ![Subscriber]
, _csNewSubscribers :: ![Subscriber]
:: GQResult EncJSON
-> Maybe ResponseHash
-> LiveQueryMetadata
-> CohortSnapshot
-> IO ()
pushResultToCohort result !respHashM (LiveQueryMetadata dTime) cohortSnapshot = do
prevRespHashM <- STM.readTVarIO respRef
-- write to the current websockets if needed
sinks <-
if isExecError result || respHashM /= prevRespHashM
then do
$assertNFHere respHashM -- so we don't write thunks to mutable vars
STM.atomically $ STM.writeTVar respRef respHashM
return (newSinks <> curSinks)
return newSinks
pushResultToSubscribers sinks
CohortSnapshot _ respRef curSinks newSinks = cohortSnapshot
response = result <&> \payload -> LiveQueryResponse (encJToLBS payload) dTime
pushResultToSubscribers = A.mapConcurrently_ $ \(Subscriber action) -> action response
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Pollers
-- | A unique, multiplexed query. Each 'Poller' has its own polling thread that periodically polls
-- Postgres and pushes results to each of its listening 'Cohort's.
-- In SQL, an 'Poller' corresponds to a single, multiplexed query, though in practice, 'Poller's
-- with large numbers of 'Cohort's are batched into multiple concurrent queries for performance
-- reasons.
data Poller
= Poller
{ _pCohorts :: !CohortMap
, _pIOState :: !(STM.TMVar PollerIOState)
-- ^ This is in a separate 'STM.TMVar' because its important that we are able to construct
-- 'Poller' values in 'STM.STM' --- we need the insertion into the 'PollerMap' to be atomic to
-- ensure that we dont accidentally create two for the same query due to a race. However, we
-- cant spawn the worker thread or create the metrics store in 'STM.STM', so we insert it into
-- the 'Poller' only after were certain we wont create any duplicates.
-- This var is "write once", moving monotonically from empty to full.
-- TODO this could probably be tightened up to something like :: STM PollerIOState
data PollerIOState
= PollerIOState
{ _pThread :: !Immortal.Thread
-- ^ a handle on the pollers worker thread that can be used to 'Immortal.stop' it if all its
-- cohorts stop listening
, _pMetrics :: !RefetchMetrics
data RefetchMetrics
= RefetchMetrics
{ _rmSnapshot :: !Metrics.Distribution
, _rmPush :: !Metrics.Distribution
, _rmQuery :: !Metrics.Distribution
, _rmTotal :: !Metrics.Distribution
initRefetchMetrics :: IO RefetchMetrics
initRefetchMetrics = RefetchMetrics <$> <*> <*> <*>
data PollerKey
-- we don't need operation name here as a subscription will
-- only have a single top level field
= PollerKey
{ _lgRole :: !RoleName
, _lgQuery :: !MultiplexedQuery
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable PollerKey
instance J.ToJSON PollerKey where
toJSON (PollerKey role query) =
J.object [ "role" J..= role
, "query" J..= query
type PollerMap = STMMap.Map PollerKey Poller
dumpPollerMap :: Bool -> PollerMap -> IO J.Value
dumpPollerMap extended lqMap =
fmap J.toJSON $ do
entries <- STM.atomically $ ListT.toList $ STMMap.listT lqMap
forM entries $ \(PollerKey role query, Poller cohortsMap ioState) -> do
PollerIOState threadId metrics <- STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar ioState
metricsJ <- dumpRefetchMetrics metrics
cohortsJ <-
if extended
then Just <$> dumpCohortMap cohortsMap
else return Nothing
return $ J.object
[ "role" J..= role
, "thread_id" J..= show (Immortal.threadId threadId)
, "multiplexed_query" J..= query
, "cohorts" J..= cohortsJ
, "metrics" J..= metricsJ
dumpRefetchMetrics metrics = do
snapshotS <- $ _rmSnapshot metrics
queryS <- $ _rmQuery metrics
pushS <- $ _rmPush metrics
totalS <- $ _rmTotal metrics
return $ J.object
[ "snapshot" J..= dumpStats snapshotS
, "query" J..= dumpStats queryS
, "push" J..= dumpStats pushS
, "total" J..= dumpStats totalS
dumpStats stats =
[ "mean" J..= Metrics.mean stats
, "variance" J..= Metrics.variance stats
, "count" J..= Metrics.count stats
, "min" J..= Metrics.min stats
, "max" J..= Metrics.max stats
-- | Where the magic happens: the top-level action run periodically by each active 'Poller'.
-- This needs to be async exception safe.
:: RefetchMetrics
-> BatchSize
-> PGExecCtx
-> MultiplexedQuery
-> Poller
-> IO ()
pollQuery metrics batchSize pgExecCtx pgQuery handler =
void $ timing _rmTotal $ do
(_, (cohortSnapshotMap, queryVarsBatches)) <- timing _rmSnapshot $ do
-- get a snapshot of all the cohorts
-- this need not be done in a transaction
cohorts <- STM.atomically $ TMap.toList cohortMap
cohortSnapshotMap <- Map.fromList <$> mapM (STM.atomically . getCohortSnapshot) cohorts
let queryVarsBatches = chunksOf (unBatchSize batchSize) $ getQueryVars cohortSnapshotMap
return (cohortSnapshotMap, queryVarsBatches)
flip A.mapConcurrently_ queryVarsBatches $ \queryVars -> do
(dt, mxRes) <- timing _rmQuery $
runExceptT $ runLazyTx' pgExecCtx $ executeMultiplexedQuery pgQuery queryVars
let lqMeta = LiveQueryMetadata $ convertDuration dt
operations = getCohortOperations cohortSnapshotMap lqMeta mxRes
void $ timing _rmPush $
-- concurrently push each unique result
A.mapConcurrently_ (uncurry4 pushResultToCohort) operations
timing :: (RefetchMetrics -> Metrics.Distribution) -> IO b -> IO (DiffTime, b)
timing f m = do
(dt, a) <- withElapsedTime m
Metrics.add (f metrics) $ realToFrac dt
return (dt, a)
Poller cohortMap _ = handler
uncurry4 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> (a, b, c, d) -> e
uncurry4 f (a, b, c, d) = f a b c d
getCohortSnapshot (cohortVars, handlerC) = do
let Cohort resId respRef curOpsTV newOpsTV = handlerC
curOpsL <- TMap.toList curOpsTV
newOpsL <- TMap.toList newOpsTV
forM_ newOpsL $ \(k, action) -> TMap.insert action k curOpsTV
TMap.reset newOpsTV
let cohortSnapshot = CohortSnapshot cohortVars respRef (map snd curOpsL) (map snd newOpsL)
return (resId, cohortSnapshot)
getQueryVars cohortSnapshotMap =
Map.toList $ fmap _csVariables cohortSnapshotMap
getCohortOperations cohortSnapshotMap actionMeta = \case
Left e ->
-- TODO: this is internal error
let resp = GQExecError [encodeGQLErr False e]
in [ (resp, Nothing, actionMeta, snapshot)
| (_, snapshot) <- Map.toList cohortSnapshotMap
Right responses ->
flip mapMaybe responses $ \(respId, result) ->
-- TODO: change it to use bytestrings directly
let -- No reason to use lazy bytestrings here, since (1) we fetch the entire result set
-- from Postgres strictly and (2) even if we didnt, hashing will have to force the
-- whole thing anyway.
respHash = mkRespHash (encJToBS result)
in (GQSuccess result, Just $! respHash, actionMeta,) <$> Map.lookup respId cohortSnapshotMap