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{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | Define and handle v1/metadata API operations to track, untrack, and get logical models.
module Hasura.LogicalModel.API
( GetLogicalModel (..),
TrackLogicalModel (..),
UntrackLogicalModel (..),
CreateLogicalModelPermission (..),
DropLogicalModelPermission (..),
module Hasura.LogicalModel.Types,
import Autodocodec (HasCodec)
import Autodocodec qualified as AC
import Control.Lens (Traversal', has, preview, (^?))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Environment qualified as Env
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.Extended qualified as OMap
import Data.Text.Extended (toTxt, (<<>))
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.CustomReturnType.API (getCustomTypes)
import Hasura.CustomReturnType.Metadata (CustomReturnTypeName)
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.LogicalModel.Metadata (LogicalModelArgumentName, LogicalModelMetadata (..), lmmSelectPermissions, parseInterpolatedQuery)
import Hasura.LogicalModel.Types (LogicalModelName, NullableScalarType)
import Hasura.Metadata.DTO.Utils (codecNamePrefix)
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend (Backend, SourceConnConfiguration)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common (SourceName, defaultSource, sourceNameToText, successMsg)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Object
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Permission (PermDef (_pdRole), SelPerm)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache.Build
import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
import Hasura.Server.Init.FeatureFlag as FF
import Hasura.Server.Types (HasServerConfigCtx (..), ServerConfigCtx (..))
import Hasura.Session (RoleName)
-- | Default implementation of the 'track_logical_model' request payload.
data TrackLogicalModel (b :: BackendType) = TrackLogicalModel
{ tlmSource :: SourceName,
tlmRootFieldName :: LogicalModelName,
tlmCode :: Text,
tlmArguments :: HashMap LogicalModelArgumentName (NullableScalarType b),
tlmDescription :: Maybe Text,
tlmReturns :: CustomReturnTypeName
instance (Backend b) => HasCodec (TrackLogicalModel b) where
codec =
("A request to track a logical model")
$ AC.object (codecNamePrefix @b <> "TrackLogicalModel")
$ TrackLogicalModel
<$> AC.requiredField "source" sourceDoc
AC..= tlmSource
<*> AC.requiredField "root_field_name" rootFieldDoc
AC..= tlmRootFieldName
<*> AC.requiredField "code" codeDoc
AC..= tlmCode
<*> AC.optionalFieldWithDefault "arguments" mempty argumentsDoc
AC..= tlmArguments
<*> AC.optionalField "description" descriptionDoc
AC..= tlmDescription
<*> AC.requiredField "returns" returnsDoc
AC..= tlmReturns
sourceDoc = "The source in which this logical model should be tracked"
rootFieldDoc = "Root field name for the logical model"
codeDoc = "Native code expression (SQL) to run"
argumentsDoc = "Free variables in the expression and their types"
returnsDoc = "Return type (table) of the expression"
descriptionDoc = "A description of the query which appears in the graphql schema"
deriving via
(AC.Autodocodec (TrackLogicalModel b))
(Backend b) => FromJSON (TrackLogicalModel b)
deriving via
(AC.Autodocodec (TrackLogicalModel b))
(Backend b) => ToJSON (TrackLogicalModel b)
-- | Validate a logical model and extract the logical model info from the request.
logicalModelTrackToMetadata ::
forall b m.
( BackendMetadata b,
MetadataM m,
MonadIO m,
MonadError QErr m
) =>
Env.Environment ->
SourceConnConfiguration b ->
TrackLogicalModel b ->
m (LogicalModelMetadata b)
logicalModelTrackToMetadata env sourceConnConfig TrackLogicalModel {..} = do
code <- parseInterpolatedQuery tlmCode `onLeft` \e -> throw400 ParseFailed e
let logicalModelMetadata =
{ _lmmRootFieldName = tlmRootFieldName,
_lmmCode = code,
_lmmReturns = tlmReturns,
_lmmArguments = tlmArguments,
_lmmSelectPermissions = mempty,
_lmmDescription = tlmDescription
metadata <- getMetadata
-- lookup custom return type in existing metadata
case metadata ^? getCustomTypes tlmSource . ix tlmReturns of
Just customReturnType ->
validateLogicalModel @b env sourceConnConfig customReturnType logicalModelMetadata
Nothing -> throw400 NotFound ("Custom return type " <> tlmReturns <<> " not found.")
pure logicalModelMetadata
-- | API payload for the 'get_logical_model' endpoint.
data GetLogicalModel (b :: BackendType) = GetLogicalModel
{ glmSource :: SourceName
deriving instance Backend b => Show (GetLogicalModel b)
deriving instance Backend b => Eq (GetLogicalModel b)
instance Backend b => FromJSON (GetLogicalModel b) where
parseJSON = withObject "GetLogicalModel" $ \o -> do
glmSource <- o .: "source"
pure GetLogicalModel {..}
instance Backend b => ToJSON (GetLogicalModel b) where
toJSON GetLogicalModel {..} =
[ "source" .= glmSource
-- | Handler for the 'get_logical_model' endpoint.
runGetLogicalModel ::
forall b m.
( BackendMetadata b,
MetadataM m,
HasServerConfigCtx m,
MonadIO m,
MonadError QErr m
) =>
GetLogicalModel b ->
runGetLogicalModel q = do
metadata <- getMetadata
let logicalModel :: Maybe (LogicalModels b)
logicalModel = metadata ^? metaSources . ix (glmSource q) . toSourceMetadata . smLogicalModels @b
pure (encJFromJValue (OMap.elems <$> logicalModel))
-- | Handler for the 'track_logical_model' endpoint. The type 'TrackLogicalModel b'
-- (appearing here in wrapped as 'BackendTrackLogicalModel b' for 'AnyBackend'
-- compatibility) is defined in 'class LogicalModelMetadata'.
runTrackLogicalModel ::
forall b m.
( BackendMetadata b,
CacheRWM m,
MetadataM m,
MonadError QErr m,
HasServerConfigCtx m,
MonadIO m
) =>
Env.Environment ->
TrackLogicalModel b ->
runTrackLogicalModel env trackLogicalModelRequest = do
sourceMetadata <-
maybe (throw400 NotFound $ "Source " <> sourceNameToText source <> " not found.") pure
. preview (metaSources . ix source . toSourceMetadata @b)
=<< getMetadata
let sourceConnConfig = _smConfiguration sourceMetadata
(metadata :: LogicalModelMetadata b) <- do
logicalModelTrackToMetadata @b env sourceConnConfig trackLogicalModelRequest
let fieldName = _lmmRootFieldName metadata
metadataObj =
MOSourceObjId source $
AB.mkAnyBackend $
SMOLogicalModel @b fieldName
existingLogicalModels = OMap.keys (_smLogicalModels sourceMetadata)
when (fieldName `elem` existingLogicalModels) do
throw400 AlreadyTracked $ "Logical model '" <> toTxt fieldName <> "' is already tracked."
buildSchemaCacheFor metadataObj $
MetadataModifier $
(metaSources . ix source . toSourceMetadata @b . smLogicalModels)
%~ OMap.insert fieldName metadata
pure successMsg
source = tlmSource trackLogicalModelRequest
-- | API payload for the 'untrack_logical_model' endpoint.
data UntrackLogicalModel (b :: BackendType) = UntrackLogicalModel
{ utlmSource :: SourceName,
utlmRootFieldName :: LogicalModelName
deriving instance Show (UntrackLogicalModel b)
deriving instance Eq (UntrackLogicalModel b)
instance FromJSON (UntrackLogicalModel b) where
parseJSON = withObject "UntrackLogicalModel" $ \o -> do
utlmSource <- o .: "source"
utlmRootFieldName <- o .: "root_field_name"
pure UntrackLogicalModel {..}
instance ToJSON (UntrackLogicalModel b) where
toJSON UntrackLogicalModel {..} =
[ "source" .= utlmSource,
"root_field_name" .= utlmRootFieldName
-- | Handler for the 'untrack_logical_model' endpoint.
runUntrackLogicalModel ::
forall b m.
( BackendMetadata b,
MonadError QErr m,
CacheRWM m,
MetadataM m
) =>
UntrackLogicalModel b ->
runUntrackLogicalModel q = do
-- we do not check for feature flag here as we always want users to be able
-- to remove logical models if they'd like
assertLogicalModelExists @b source fieldName
let metadataObj =
MOSourceObjId source $
AB.mkAnyBackend $
SMOLogicalModel @b fieldName
buildSchemaCacheFor metadataObj $
dropLogicalModelInMetadata @b source fieldName
pure successMsg
source = utlmSource q
fieldName = utlmRootFieldName q
dropLogicalModelInMetadata :: forall b. BackendMetadata b => SourceName -> LogicalModelName -> MetadataModifier
dropLogicalModelInMetadata source rootFieldName = do
MetadataModifier $
metaSources . ix source . toSourceMetadata @b . smLogicalModels
%~ OMap.delete rootFieldName
-- | check feature flag is enabled before carrying out any actions
throwIfFeatureDisabled :: (HasServerConfigCtx m, MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m) => m ()
throwIfFeatureDisabled = do
configCtx <- askServerConfigCtx
let CheckFeatureFlag runCheckFeatureFlag = _sccCheckFeatureFlag configCtx
enableLogicalModels <- liftIO (runCheckFeatureFlag FF.logicalModelInterface)
unless enableLogicalModels (throw500 "LogicalModels is disabled!")
-- | A permission for logical models is tied to a specific root field name and
-- source. This wrapper adds both of those things to the JSON object that
-- describes the permission.
data CreateLogicalModelPermission a (b :: BackendType) = CreateLogicalModelPermission
{ clmpSource :: SourceName,
clmpRootFieldName :: LogicalModelName,
clmpInfo :: PermDef b a
deriving stock (Generic)
FromJSON (PermDef b a) =>
FromJSON (CreateLogicalModelPermission a b)
parseJSON = withObject "CreateLogicalModelPermission" \obj -> do
clmpSource <- obj .:? "source" .!= defaultSource
clmpRootFieldName <- obj .: "root_field_name"
clmpInfo <- parseJSON (Object obj)
pure CreateLogicalModelPermission {..}
runCreateSelectLogicalModelPermission ::
forall b m.
(Backend b, CacheRWM m, MetadataM m, MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m, HasServerConfigCtx m) =>
CreateLogicalModelPermission SelPerm b ->
runCreateSelectLogicalModelPermission CreateLogicalModelPermission {..} = do
assertLogicalModelExists @b clmpSource clmpRootFieldName
let metadataObj :: MetadataObjId
metadataObj =
MOSourceObjId clmpSource $
AB.mkAnyBackend $
SMOLogicalModel @b clmpRootFieldName
buildSchemaCacheFor metadataObj $
MetadataModifier $
logicalModelMetadataSetter @b clmpSource clmpRootFieldName . lmmSelectPermissions
%~ OMap.insert (_pdRole clmpInfo) clmpInfo
pure successMsg
-- | To drop a permission, we need to know the source and root field name of
-- the logical model, as well as the role whose permission we want to drop.
data DropLogicalModelPermission (b :: BackendType) = DropLogicalModelPermission
{ dlmpSource :: SourceName,
dlmpRootFieldName :: LogicalModelName,
dlmpRole :: RoleName
deriving stock (Generic)
instance FromJSON (DropLogicalModelPermission b) where
parseJSON = withObject "DropLogicalModelPermission" \obj -> do
dlmpSource <- obj .:? "source" .!= defaultSource
dlmpRootFieldName <- obj .: "root_field_name"
dlmpRole <- obj .: "role"
pure DropLogicalModelPermission {..}
runDropSelectLogicalModelPermission ::
forall b m.
(Backend b, CacheRWM m, MetadataM m, MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m, HasServerConfigCtx m) =>
DropLogicalModelPermission b ->
runDropSelectLogicalModelPermission DropLogicalModelPermission {..} = do
assertLogicalModelExists @b dlmpSource dlmpRootFieldName
let metadataObj :: MetadataObjId
metadataObj =
MOSourceObjId dlmpSource $
AB.mkAnyBackend $
SMOLogicalModel @b dlmpRootFieldName
buildSchemaCacheFor metadataObj $
MetadataModifier $
logicalModelMetadataSetter @b dlmpSource dlmpRootFieldName . lmmSelectPermissions
%~ OMap.delete dlmpRole
pure successMsg
-- | Check whether a logical model with the given root field name exists for
-- the given source.
assertLogicalModelExists :: forall b m. (Backend b, MetadataM m, MonadError QErr m) => SourceName -> LogicalModelName -> m ()
assertLogicalModelExists sourceName rootFieldName = do
metadata <- getMetadata
let sourceMetadataTraversal :: Traversal' Metadata (SourceMetadata b)
sourceMetadataTraversal = metaSources . ix sourceName . toSourceMetadata @b
sourceMetadata <-
preview sourceMetadataTraversal metadata
`onNothing` throw400 NotFound ("Source " <> sourceName <<> " not found.")
let desiredLogicalModel :: Traversal' (SourceMetadata b) (LogicalModelMetadata b)
desiredLogicalModel = smLogicalModels . ix rootFieldName
unless (has desiredLogicalModel sourceMetadata) do
throw400 NotFound ("Logical model " <> rootFieldName <<> " not found in source " <> sourceName <<> ".")