2020-05-27 18:02:58 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- | Validate input queries against remote schemas.
module Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteRelationship.Validate
( validateRemoteRelationship
, validateErrorToText
) where
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Validation
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (first)
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils (makeReasonMessage)
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Schema as GS
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
-- | An error validating the remote relationship.
data ValidationError
= RemoteSchemaNotFound !RemoteSchemaName
| CouldntFindRemoteField !G.Name !G.NamedType
| FieldNotFoundInRemoteSchema !G.Name
| NoSuchArgumentForRemote !G.Name
| MissingRequiredArgument !G.Name
| TypeNotFound !G.NamedType
| TableNotFound !QualifiedTable
| TableFieldNonexistent !QualifiedTable !FieldName
| ExpectedTypeButGot !G.GType !G.GType
| InvalidType !G.GType!T.Text
| InvalidVariable !G.Variable !(HM.HashMap G.Variable PGColumnInfo)
| NullNotAllowedHere
| InvalidGTypeForStripping !G.GType
| UnsupportedMultipleElementLists
| UnsupportedEnum
deriving (Show, Eq)
validateErrorToText :: NE.NonEmpty ValidationError -> Text
validateErrorToText (toList -> errs) =
"cannot validate remote relationship " <> makeReasonMessage errs errorToText
errorToText :: ValidationError -> Text
errorToText = \case
RemoteSchemaNotFound name ->
"remote schema with name " <> name <<> " not found"
CouldntFindRemoteField name ty ->
"remote field with name " <> name <<> " and type " <> ty <<> " not found"
FieldNotFoundInRemoteSchema name ->
"field with name " <> name <<> " not found in remote schema"
NoSuchArgumentForRemote name ->
"argument with name " <> name <<> " not found in remote schema"
MissingRequiredArgument name ->
"required argument with name " <> name <<> " is missing"
TypeNotFound ty ->
"type with name " <> ty <<> " not found"
TableNotFound name ->
"table with name " <> name <<> " not found"
TableFieldNonexistent table fieldName ->
"field with name " <> fieldName <<> " not found in table " <>> table
ExpectedTypeButGot expTy actualTy ->
2020-08-19 11:11:57 +03:00
"expected type " <> G.showGT expTy <<> " but got " <>> G.showGT actualTy
2020-05-27 18:02:58 +03:00
InvalidType ty err ->
"type " <> getBaseTy ty <<> err
InvalidVariable var _ ->
"variable " <> G.unVariable var <<> " is not found"
NullNotAllowedHere ->
"null is not allowed here"
InvalidGTypeForStripping ty ->
"type " <> getBaseTy ty <<> " is invalid for stripping"
UnsupportedMultipleElementLists ->
"multiple elements in list value is not supported"
UnsupportedEnum ->
"enum value is not supported"
-- | Validate a remote relationship given a context.
validateRemoteRelationship ::
-> RemoteSchemaMap
-> [PGColumnInfo]
-> Either (NonEmpty ValidationError) (RemoteFieldInfo, TypeMap)
validateRemoteRelationship remoteRelationship remoteSchemaMap pgColumns = do
let remoteSchemaName = rtrRemoteSchema remoteRelationship
table = rtrTable remoteRelationship
hasuraFields <- forM (toList $ rtrHasuraFields remoteRelationship) $
\fieldName -> case find ((==) fieldName . fromPGCol . pgiColumn) pgColumns of
Nothing -> Left $ pure $ TableFieldNonexistent table fieldName
Just r -> pure r
case HM.lookup remoteSchemaName remoteSchemaMap of
Nothing -> Left $ pure $ RemoteSchemaNotFound remoteSchemaName
Just (RemoteSchemaCtx _ gctx rsi) -> do
(_leafTyInfo, leafGType, (leafParamMap, leafTypeMap)) <-
(\eitherObjTyInfoAndTypes fieldCall ->
case eitherObjTyInfoAndTypes of
Left err -> Left err
Right (objTyInfo, _, (_, typeMap)) -> do
objFldInfo <- lookupField (fcName fieldCall) objTyInfo
case _fiLoc objFldInfo of
TLHasuraType ->
(pure (FieldNotFoundInRemoteSchema (fcName fieldCall)))
TLCustom ->
(pure (FieldNotFoundInRemoteSchema (fcName fieldCall)))
TLRemoteType {} -> do
let providedArguments =
remoteArgumentsToMap (fcArguments fieldCall)
(_fiParams objFldInfo)
(first pgColumnToVariable)
(HM.toList $ mapFromL (pgiColumn) pgColumns)))
(GS._gTypes gctx))
(newParamMap, newTypeMap) <-
(GS._gTypes gctx)
(_fiParams objFldInfo)
innerObjTyInfo <-
if isObjType (GS._gTypes gctx) objFldInfo
then getTyInfoFromField (GS._gTypes gctx) objFldInfo
else if isScalarType (GS._gTypes gctx) objFldInfo
then pure objTyInfo
else (Left
(_fiTy objFldInfo)
"only objects or scalar types expected")))
( innerObjTyInfo
, _fiTy objFldInfo
, (newParamMap, newTypeMap)))
( GS._gQueryRoot gctx
, G.toGT (_otiName $ GS._gQueryRoot gctx)
, (mempty, mempty)))
(unRemoteFields $ rtrRemoteField remoteRelationship)
( RemoteFieldInfo
{ _rfiName = rtrName remoteRelationship
, _rfiGType = leafGType
, _rfiParamMap = leafParamMap
, _rfiHasuraFields = HS.fromList hasuraFields
, _rfiRemoteFields = unRemoteFields $ rtrRemoteField remoteRelationship
, _rfiRemoteSchema = rsi
, leafTypeMap)
getTyInfoFromField types field =
let baseTy = getBaseTy (_fiTy field)
fieldName = _fiName field
typeInfo = HM.lookup baseTy types
in case typeInfo of
Just (TIObj objTyInfo) -> pure objTyInfo
_ -> Left (pure (FieldNotFoundInRemoteSchema fieldName))
isObjType types field =
let baseTy = getBaseTy (_fiTy field)
typeInfo = HM.lookup baseTy types
in case typeInfo of
Just (TIObj _) -> True
_ -> False
isScalarType types field =
let baseTy = getBaseTy (_fiTy field)
typeInfo = HM.lookup baseTy types
in case typeInfo of
Just (TIScalar _) -> True
_ -> False
remoteArgumentsToMap =
HM.fromList .
map (\field -> (G._ofName field, G._ofValue field)) .
-- | Return a map with keys deleted whose template argument is
-- specified as an atomic (variable, constant), keys which are kept
-- have their values modified by 'stripObject' or 'stripList'.
stripInMap ::
RemoteRelationship -> HM.HashMap G.NamedType TypeInfo
-> HM.HashMap G.Name InpValInfo
-> HM.HashMap G.Name G.Value
-> StateT (HM.HashMap G.NamedType TypeInfo) (Either ValidationError) (HM.HashMap G.Name InpValInfo)
stripInMap remoteRelationshipName types schemaArguments templateArguments =
(HM.mapMaybe id)
(\name inpValInfo ->
case HM.lookup name templateArguments of
Nothing -> pure (Just inpValInfo)
Just value -> do
maybeNewGType <- stripValue remoteRelationshipName types (_iviType inpValInfo) value
(\newGType -> inpValInfo {_iviType = newGType})
-- | Strip a value type completely, or modify it, if the given value
-- is atomic-ish.
stripValue ::
RemoteRelationship -> HM.HashMap G.NamedType TypeInfo
-> G.GType
-> G.Value
-> StateT (HM.HashMap G.NamedType TypeInfo) (Either ValidationError) (Maybe G.GType)
stripValue remoteRelationshipName types gtype value = do
case value of
G.VVariable {} -> pure Nothing
G.VInt {} -> pure Nothing
G.VFloat {} -> pure Nothing
G.VString {} -> pure Nothing
G.VBoolean {} -> pure Nothing
G.VNull {} -> pure Nothing
G.VEnum {} -> pure Nothing
G.VList (G.ListValueG values) ->
case values of
[] -> pure Nothing
[gvalue] -> stripList remoteRelationshipName types gtype gvalue
_ -> lift (Left UnsupportedMultipleElementLists)
G.VObject (G.unObjectValue -> keypairs) ->
fmap Just (stripObject remoteRelationshipName types gtype keypairs)
-- | Produce a new type for the list, or strip it entirely.
stripList ::
-> HM.HashMap G.NamedType TypeInfo
-> G.GType
-> G.Value
-> StateT (HM.HashMap G.NamedType TypeInfo) (Either ValidationError) (Maybe G.GType)
stripList remoteRelationshipName types originalOuterGType value =
case originalOuterGType of
G.TypeList nullability (G.ListType innerGType) -> do
maybeNewInnerGType <- stripValue remoteRelationshipName types innerGType value
(\newGType -> G.TypeList nullability (G.ListType newGType))
_ -> lift (Left (InvalidGTypeForStripping originalOuterGType))
-- | Produce a new type for the given InpValInfo, modified by
-- 'stripInMap'. Objects can't be deleted entirely, just keys of an
-- object.
stripObject ::
RemoteRelationship -> HM.HashMap G.NamedType TypeInfo
-> G.GType
-> [G.ObjectFieldG G.Value]
-> StateT (HM.HashMap G.NamedType TypeInfo) (Either ValidationError) G.GType
stripObject remoteRelationshipName types originalGtype keypairs =
case originalGtype of
G.TypeNamed nullability originalNamedType ->
case HM.lookup (getBaseTy originalGtype) types of
Just (TIInpObj originalInpObjTyInfo) -> do
let originalSchemaArguments = _iotiFields originalInpObjTyInfo
newNamedType =
(renameTypeForRelationship remoteRelationshipName)
newSchemaArguments <-
let newInpObjTyInfo =
{_iotiFields = newSchemaArguments, _iotiName = newNamedType}
newGtype = G.TypeNamed nullability newNamedType
modify (HM.insert newNamedType (TIInpObj newInpObjTyInfo))
pure newGtype
_ -> lift (Left (InvalidGTypeForStripping originalGtype))
_ -> lift (Left (InvalidGTypeForStripping originalGtype))
templateArguments :: HM.HashMap G.Name G.Value
templateArguments =
HM.fromList (map (\(G.ObjectFieldG key val) -> (key, val)) keypairs)
-- | Produce a new name for a type, used when stripping the schema
-- types for a remote relationship.
-- TODO: Consider a separator character to avoid conflicts.
renameTypeForRelationship :: RemoteRelationship -> Text -> Text
renameTypeForRelationship rtr text =
text <> "_remote_rel_" <> name
where name = schema <> "_" <> table <> remoteRelationshipNameToText (rtrName rtr)
QualifiedObject (SchemaName schema) (TableName table) = rtrTable rtr
-- | Rename a type.
renameNamedType :: (Text -> Text) -> G.NamedType -> G.NamedType
renameNamedType rename (G.NamedType (G.Name text)) =
G.NamedType (G.Name (rename text))
-- | Convert a field name to a variable name.
pgColumnToVariable :: PGCol -> G.Variable
pgColumnToVariable = G.Variable . G.Name . getPGColTxt
-- | Lookup the field in the schema.
lookupField ::
-> ObjTyInfo
-> Either (NonEmpty ValidationError) ObjFldInfo
lookupField name objFldInfo = viaObject objFldInfo
viaObject =
maybe (Left (pure (CouldntFindRemoteField name $ _otiName objFldInfo))) pure .
HM.lookup name .
-- | Validate remote input arguments against the remote schema.
validateRemoteArguments ::
HM.HashMap G.Name InpValInfo
-> HM.HashMap G.Name G.Value
-> HM.HashMap G.Variable PGColumnInfo
-> HM.HashMap G.NamedType TypeInfo
-> Validation (NonEmpty ValidationError) ()
validateRemoteArguments expectedArguments providedArguments permittedVariables types = do
traverse validateProvided (HM.toList providedArguments)
-- Not neccessary to validate if all required args are provided in the relationship
-- traverse validateExpected (HM.toList expectedArguments)
pure ()
validateProvided (providedName, providedValue) =
case HM.lookup providedName expectedArguments of
Nothing -> Failure (pure (NoSuchArgumentForRemote providedName))
Just (_iviType -> expectedType) ->
validateType permittedVariables providedValue expectedType types
-- validateExpected (expectedKey, expectedInpValInfo) =
-- if G.isNullable (_iviType expectedInpValInfo)
-- then pure ()
-- else case _iviDefVal expectedInpValInfo of
-- Just {} -> pure ()
-- Nothing ->
-- case HM.lookup expectedKey providedArguments of
-- Nothing ->
-- Failure (pure (MissingRequiredArgument expectedKey))
-- Just {} -> pure ()
-- | Validate a value against a type.
validateType ::
HM.HashMap G.Variable PGColumnInfo
-> G.Value
-> G.GType
-> HM.HashMap G.NamedType TypeInfo
-> Validation (NonEmpty ValidationError) ()
validateType permittedVariables value expectedGType types =
case value of
G.VVariable variable ->
case HM.lookup variable permittedVariables of
Nothing -> Failure (pure (InvalidVariable variable permittedVariables))
Just fieldInfo ->
(columnInfoToNamedType fieldInfo)
2020-08-20 09:04:23 +03:00
(\actualNamedType -> isTypeCoercible (G.toGT actualNamedType) expectedGType)
G.VInt {} -> isTypeCoercible (G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGInteger) expectedGType
G.VFloat {} -> isTypeCoercible (G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGFloat) expectedGType
G.VBoolean {} -> isTypeCoercible (G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGBoolean) expectedGType
2020-05-27 18:02:58 +03:00
G.VNull -> Failure (pure NullNotAllowedHere)
2020-08-20 09:04:23 +03:00
G.VString {} -> isTypeCoercible (G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGText) expectedGType
2020-05-27 18:02:58 +03:00
G.VEnum _ -> Failure (pure UnsupportedEnum)
G.VList (G.unListValue -> values) -> do
case values of
[] -> pure ()
[_] -> pure ()
_ -> Failure (pure UnsupportedMultipleElementLists)
(assertListType expectedGType)
(\val ->
validateType permittedVariables val (unwrapTy expectedGType) types))
pure ()
G.VObject (G.unObjectValue -> values) ->
(\(G.ObjectFieldG name val) ->
let expectedNamedType = getBaseTy expectedGType
case HM.lookup expectedNamedType types of
Nothing -> Failure (pure $ TypeNotFound expectedNamedType)
Just typeInfo ->
case typeInfo of
TIInpObj inpObjTypeInfo ->
case HM.lookup name (_iotiFields inpObjTypeInfo) of
Nothing -> Failure (pure $ NoSuchArgumentForRemote name)
Just (_iviType -> expectedType) ->
validateType permittedVariables val expectedType types
_ ->
(pure $
(G.toGT $ G.NamedType name)
"not an input object type"))
2020-08-20 09:04:23 +03:00
isTypeCoercible :: G.GType -> G.GType -> Validation (NonEmpty ValidationError) ()
isTypeCoercible actualType expectedType =
2020-08-19 11:11:19 +03:00
-- The GraphQL spec says that, a singleton type can be coerced into an array
-- type. Which means that if the 'actualType' is a singleton type, like
2020-08-17 12:21:11 +03:00
-- 'Int' we should be able to join this with a remote node, which expects an
-- input argument of type '[Int]'
-- http://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Type-System.List
2020-08-19 11:11:19 +03:00
let (actualBaseType, actualNestingLevel) = getBaseTyWithNestedLevelsCount actualType
(expectedBaseType, expectedNestingLevel) = getBaseTyWithNestedLevelsCount expectedType
if actualBaseType == expectedBaseType
then if (actualNestingLevel == expectedNestingLevel || actualNestingLevel == 0)
-- The check of 'actualNestedCount == 0' is the case of coercing a singleton type
-- into an array type
then pure ()
else Failure (pure $ ExpectedTypeButGot expectedType actualType)
-- we cannot coerce two types with different nesting levels,
-- for example, we cannot coerce [Int] to [[Int]]
else Failure (pure $ ExpectedTypeButGot expectedType actualType)
2020-05-27 18:02:58 +03:00
assertListType :: G.GType -> Validation (NonEmpty ValidationError) ()
assertListType actualType =
(when (not $ isListType' actualType)
(Failure (pure $ InvalidType actualType "is not a list type")))
-- | Convert a field info to a named type, if possible.
columnInfoToNamedType :: PGColumnInfo -> Validation (NonEmpty ValidationError) G.NamedType
columnInfoToNamedType pci = case pgiType pci of
PGColumnScalar scalarType -> pure $ mkScalarTy scalarType
_ -> Failure $ pure UnsupportedEnum