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2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata
( runReplaceMetadata,
module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata.Types,
import Control.Lens ((.~), (^.), (^?))
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Ordered qualified as AO
import Data.Attoparsec.Text qualified as AT
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.CaseInsensitive qualified as CI
import Data.Environment qualified as Env
import Data.Has (Has, getter)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.Extended qualified as OMap
import Data.HashSet qualified as HS
import Data.HashSet qualified as Set
import Data.List qualified as L
import Data.TByteString qualified as TBS
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as TE
import Data.Text.Extended ((<<>))
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Logging qualified as HL
import Hasura.Metadata.Class
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (first)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Action
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.ComputedField
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.CustomTypes
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Endpoint
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.EventTrigger
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.InheritedRoles
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata.Types
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Network
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteRelationship
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteSchema
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.ScheduledTrigger
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Webhook.Transform
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Webhook.Transform.Class (mkReqTransformCtx)
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Endpoint
import Hasura.RQL.Types.EventTrigger qualified as ET
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Eventing.Backend (BackendEventTrigger (..))
import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB
import Network.HTTP.Client.Transformable qualified as HTTP
runClearMetadata ::
( MonadIO m,
CacheRWM m,
MetadataM m,
MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI m,
MonadReader r m,
Has (HL.Logger HL.Hasura) r
) =>
ClearMetadata ->
runClearMetadata _ = do
metadata <- getMetadata
-- We can infer whether the server is started with `--database-url` option
-- (or corresponding env variable) by checking the existence of @'defaultSource'
-- in current metadata.
let maybeDefaultSourceMetadata = metadata ^? metaSources . ix defaultSource
emptyMetadata' = case maybeDefaultSourceMetadata of
Nothing -> emptyMetadata
Just exists ->
-- If default postgres source is defined, we need to set metadata
-- which contains only default source without any tables and functions.
let emptyDefaultSource =
AB.dispatchAnyBackend @Backend exists \(s :: SourceMetadata b) ->
AB.mkAnyBackend @b $
SourceMetadata @b defaultSource mempty mempty (_smConfiguration @b s) Nothing emptySourceCustomization
in emptyMetadata
& metaSources %~ OMap.insert defaultSource emptyDefaultSource
runReplaceMetadataV1 $ RMWithSources emptyMetadata'
{- Note [Cleanup for dropped triggers]
There was an issue (
fixed (via related to
event triggers while replacing metadata in the catalog prior to metadata
separation. The metadata separation solves the issue naturally, since the
'hdb_catalog.event_triggers' table is no more in use and new/updated event
triggers are processed in building schema cache. But we need to drop the
database trigger and archive events for dropped event triggers. This is handled
explicitly in @'runReplaceMetadata' function.
2018-06-27 16:11:32 +03:00
-- | Replace the 'current metadata' with the 'new metadata'
-- The 'new metadata' might come via the 'Import Metadata' in console
runReplaceMetadata ::
( CacheRWM m,
MetadataM m,
MonadIO m,
MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI m,
MonadReader r m,
Has (HL.Logger HL.Hasura) r
) =>
ReplaceMetadata ->
runReplaceMetadata = \case
RMReplaceMetadataV1 v1args -> runReplaceMetadataV1 v1args
RMReplaceMetadataV2 v2args -> runReplaceMetadataV2 v2args
runReplaceMetadataV1 ::
( QErrM m,
CacheRWM m,
MetadataM m,
MonadIO m,
MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI m,
MonadReader r m,
Has (HL.Logger HL.Hasura) r
) =>
ReplaceMetadataV1 ->
runReplaceMetadataV1 =
(successMsg <$) . runReplaceMetadataV2 . ReplaceMetadataV2 NoAllowInconsistentMetadata
runReplaceMetadataV2 ::
forall m r.
( QErrM m,
CacheRWM m,
MetadataM m,
MonadIO m,
MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI m,
MonadReader r m,
Has (HL.Logger HL.Hasura) r
) =>
ReplaceMetadataV2 ->
runReplaceMetadataV2 ReplaceMetadataV2 {..} = do
logger :: (HL.Logger HL.Hasura) <- asks getter
-- we drop all the future cron trigger events before inserting the new metadata
-- and re-populating future cron events below
let introspectionDisabledRoles =
case _rmv2Metadata of
RMWithSources m -> _metaSetGraphqlIntrospectionOptions m
RMWithoutSources _ -> mempty
oldMetadata <- getMetadata
(cronTriggersMetadata, cronTriggersToBeAdded) <- processCronTriggers oldMetadata
metadata <- case _rmv2Metadata of
RMWithSources m -> pure $ m {_metaCronTriggers = cronTriggersMetadata}
RMWithoutSources MetadataNoSources {..} -> do
let maybeDefaultSourceMetadata = oldMetadata ^? metaSources . ix defaultSource . toSourceMetadata
defaultSourceMetadata <-
onNothing maybeDefaultSourceMetadata $
throw400 NotSupported "cannot import metadata without sources since no default source is defined"
let newDefaultSourceMetadata =
{ _smTables = _mnsTables,
_smFunctions = _mnsFunctions
pure $
(OMap.singleton defaultSource newDefaultSourceMetadata)
(_metaRestEndpoints oldMetadata)
putMetadata metadata
case _rmv2AllowInconsistentMetadata of
AllowInconsistentMetadata ->
buildSchemaCache mempty
NoAllowInconsistentMetadata ->
-- populate future cron events for all the new cron triggers that are imported
for_ cronTriggersToBeAdded $ \CronTriggerMetadata {..} ->
populateInitialCronTriggerEvents ctSchedule ctName
-- See Note [Cleanup for dropped triggers]
dropSourceSQLTriggers logger (_metaSources oldMetadata) (_metaSources metadata)
encJFromJValue . formatInconsistentObjs . scInconsistentObjs <$> askSchemaCache
{- Note [Cron triggers behaviour with replace metadata]
When the metadata is replaced, we delete only the cron triggers
that were deleted, instead of deleting all the old cron triggers (which
existed in the metadata before it was replaced) and inserting all the
new cron triggers. This is done this way, because when a cron trigger is
dropped, the cron events associated with it will also be dropped from the DB
and when a new cron trigger is added, new cron events are generated by the
graphql-engine. So, this way we only delete and insert the data which has been changed.
The cron triggers that were deleted is calculated by getting a diff
of the old cron triggers and the new cron triggers. Note that we don't just
check the name of the trigger to calculate the diff, the whole cron trigger
definition is considered in the calculation.
Note: Only cron triggers with `include_in_metadata` set to `true` can be updated/deleted
via the replace metadata API. Cron triggers with `include_in_metadata` can only be modified
via the `create_cron_trigger` and `delete_cron_trigger` APIs.
processCronTriggers oldMetadata = do
let (oldCronTriggersIncludedInMetadata, oldCronTriggersNotIncludedInMetadata) =
OMap.partition ctIncludeInMetadata (_metaCronTriggers oldMetadata)
allNewCronTriggers =
case _rmv2Metadata of
RMWithoutSources m -> _mnsCronTriggers m
RMWithSources m -> _metaCronTriggers m
-- this function is intended to use with `Map.differenceWith`, it's used when two
-- equal keys are encountered, then the values are compared to calculate the diff.
-- see
leftIfDifferent l r
| l == r = Nothing
| otherwise = Just l
cronTriggersToBeAdded =
(OMap.toHashMap allNewCronTriggers)
(OMap.toHashMap oldCronTriggersIncludedInMetadata)
cronTriggersToBeDropped =
(OMap.toHashMap oldCronTriggersIncludedInMetadata)
(OMap.toHashMap allNewCronTriggers)
dropFutureCronEvents $ MetadataCronTriggers $ Map.keys cronTriggersToBeDropped
cronTriggers <- do
-- traverse over the new cron triggers and check if any of them
-- already exists as a cron trigger with "included_in_metadata: false"
for_ allNewCronTriggers $ \ct ->
when (ctName ct `OMap.member` oldCronTriggersNotIncludedInMetadata) $
throw400 AlreadyExists $
"cron trigger with name "
<> ctName ct
<<> " already exists as a cron trigger with \"included_in_metadata\" as false"
-- we add the old cron triggers with included_in_metadata set to false with the
-- newly added cron triggers
pure $ allNewCronTriggers <> oldCronTriggersNotIncludedInMetadata
pure $ (cronTriggers, cronTriggersToBeAdded)
dropSourceSQLTriggers ::
HL.Logger HL.Hasura ->
InsOrdHashMap SourceName BackendSourceMetadata ->
InsOrdHashMap SourceName BackendSourceMetadata ->
m ()
dropSourceSQLTriggers (HL.Logger logger) oldSources newSources = do
-- NOTE: the current implementation of this function has an edge case.
-- The edge case is that when a `SourceA` which contained some event triggers
-- is modified to point to a new database, this function will try to drop the
-- SQL triggers of the dropped event triggers on the new database which doesn't exist.
-- In the current implementation, this doesn't throw an error because the trigger is dropped
-- using `DROP IF EXISTS..` meaning this silently fails without throwing an error.
for_ (OMap.toList newSources) $ \(source, newBackendSourceMetadata) -> do
onJust (OMap.lookup source oldSources) $ \oldBackendSourceMetadata ->
compose source newBackendSourceMetadata oldBackendSourceMetadata \(newSourceMetadata :: SourceMetadata b) -> do
dispatch oldBackendSourceMetadata \oldSourceMetadata -> do
let oldTriggersMap = getTriggersMap oldSourceMetadata
newTriggersMap = getTriggersMap newSourceMetadata
droppedEventTriggers = OMap.keys $ oldTriggersMap `OMap.difference` newTriggersMap
retainedNewTriggers = newTriggersMap `OMap.intersection` oldTriggersMap
catcher e@QErr {qeCode}
| qeCode == Unexpected = pure () -- NOTE: This information should be returned by the inconsistent_metadata response, so doesn't need additional logging.
| otherwise = throwError e -- rethrow other errors
-- This will swallow Unexpected exceptions for sources if allow_inconsistent_metadata is enabled
-- This should be ok since if the sources are already missing from the cache then they should
-- not need to be removed.
-- TODO: Determine if any errors should be thrown from askSourceConfig at all if the errors are just being discarded
return $
flip catchError catcher do
sourceConfig <- askSourceConfig @b source
for_ droppedEventTriggers $ dropTriggerAndArchiveEvents @b sourceConfig
for_ (OMap.toList retainedNewTriggers) $ \(retainedNewTriggerName, retainedNewTriggerConf) ->
case OMap.lookup retainedNewTriggerName oldTriggersMap of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just oldTriggerConf -> do
let newTriggerOps = etcDefinition retainedNewTriggerConf
oldTriggerOps = etcDefinition oldTriggerConf
isDroppedOp old new = isJust old && isNothing new
droppedOps =
[ (bool Nothing (Just INSERT) (isDroppedOp (tdInsert oldTriggerOps) (tdInsert newTriggerOps))),
(bool Nothing (Just UPDATE) (isDroppedOp (tdUpdate oldTriggerOps) (tdUpdate newTriggerOps))),
(bool Nothing (Just ET.DELETE) (isDroppedOp (tdDelete oldTriggerOps) (tdDelete newTriggerOps)))
dropDanglingSQLTrigger @b sourceConfig retainedNewTriggerName (Set.fromList $ catMaybes droppedOps)
getTriggersMap = OMap.unions . map _tmEventTriggers . OMap.elems . _smTables
dispatch = AB.dispatchAnyBackend @BackendEventTrigger
compose ::
SourceName ->
AB.AnyBackend i ->
AB.AnyBackend i ->
(forall b. BackendEventTrigger b => i b -> i b -> m ()) ->
m ()
compose sourceName x y f = AB.composeAnyBackend @BackendEventTrigger f x y (logger $ HL.UnstructuredLog HL.LevelInfo $ TBS.fromText $ "Event trigger clean up couldn't be done on the source " <> sourceName <<> " because it has changed its type")
-- | Only includes the cron triggers with `included_in_metadata` set to `True`
processCronTriggersMetadata :: Metadata -> Metadata
processCronTriggersMetadata metadata =
let cronTriggersIncludedInMetadata = OMap.filter ctIncludeInMetadata $ _metaCronTriggers metadata
in metadata {_metaCronTriggers = cronTriggersIncludedInMetadata}
runExportMetadata ::
forall m.
(QErrM m, MetadataM m) =>
ExportMetadata ->
runExportMetadata ExportMetadata {} =
encJFromOrderedValue . metadataToOrdJSON <$> (processCronTriggersMetadata <$> getMetadata)
runExportMetadataV2 ::
forall m.
(QErrM m, MetadataM m) =>
MetadataResourceVersion ->
ExportMetadata ->
runExportMetadataV2 currentResourceVersion ExportMetadata {} = do
exportMetadata <- processCronTriggersMetadata <$> getMetadata
pure $
encJFromOrderedValue $
[ ("resource_version", AO.toOrdered currentResourceVersion),
("metadata", metadataToOrdJSON exportMetadata)
runReloadMetadata :: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MetadataM m) => ReloadMetadata -> m EncJSON
runReloadMetadata (ReloadMetadata reloadRemoteSchemas reloadSources reloadRecreateEventTriggers) = do
metadata <- getMetadata
let allSources = HS.fromList $ OMap.keys $ _metaSources metadata
allRemoteSchemas = HS.fromList $ OMap.keys $ _metaRemoteSchemas metadata
checkRemoteSchema name =
unless (HS.member name allRemoteSchemas) $
throw400 NotExists $
"Remote schema with name " <> name <<> " not found in metadata"
checkSource name =
unless (HS.member name allSources) $
throw400 NotExists $
"Source with name " <> name <<> " not found in metadata"
remoteSchemaInvalidations <- case reloadRemoteSchemas of
RSReloadAll -> pure allRemoteSchemas
RSReloadList l -> mapM_ checkRemoteSchema l *> pure l
pgSourcesInvalidations <- case reloadSources of
RSReloadAll -> pure allSources
RSReloadList l -> mapM_ checkSource l *> pure l
recreateEventTriggersSources <- case reloadRecreateEventTriggers of
RSReloadAll -> pure allSources
RSReloadList l -> mapM_ checkSource l *> pure l
let cacheInvalidations =
{ ciMetadata = True,
ciRemoteSchemas = remoteSchemaInvalidations,
ciSources = pgSourcesInvalidations
buildSchemaCacheWithOptions (CatalogUpdate $ Just recreateEventTriggersSources) cacheInvalidations metadata
inconsObjs <- scInconsistentObjs <$> askSchemaCache
pure . encJFromJValue . J.object $
[ ("message" :: Text) J..= ("success" :: Text),
"is_consistent" J..= null inconsObjs
<> ["inconsistent_objects" J..= inconsObjs | not (null inconsObjs)]
runDumpInternalState ::
(QErrM m, CacheRM m) =>
DumpInternalState ->
runDumpInternalState _ =
encJFromJValue <$> askSchemaCache
runGetInconsistentMetadata ::
(QErrM m, CacheRM m) =>
GetInconsistentMetadata ->
runGetInconsistentMetadata _ = do
inconsObjs <- scInconsistentObjs <$> askSchemaCache
return $ encJFromJValue $ formatInconsistentObjs inconsObjs
formatInconsistentObjs :: [InconsistentMetadata] -> J.Value
formatInconsistentObjs inconsObjs =
[ "is_consistent" J..= null inconsObjs,
"inconsistent_objects" J..= inconsObjs
runDropInconsistentMetadata ::
(QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MetadataM m) =>
DropInconsistentMetadata ->
runDropInconsistentMetadata _ = do
sc <- askSchemaCache
let inconsSchObjs = L.nub . concatMap imObjectIds $ scInconsistentObjs sc
-- Note: when building the schema cache, we try to put dependents after their dependencies in the
-- list of inconsistent objects, so reverse the list to start with dependents first. This is not
-- perfect — a completely accurate solution would require performing a topological sort — but it
-- seems to work well enough for now.
MetadataModifier {..} <- execWriterT $ mapM_ (tell . purgeMetadataObj) (reverse inconsSchObjs)
metadata <- getMetadata
putMetadata $ runMetadataModifier metadata
buildSchemaCache mempty
-- after building the schema cache, we need to check the inconsistent metadata, if any
-- are only those which are not droppable
newInconsistentObjects <- scInconsistentObjs <$> askSchemaCache
let droppableInconsistentObjects = filter droppableInconsistentMetadata newInconsistentObjects
unless (null droppableInconsistentObjects) $
(err400 Unexpected "cannot continue due to new inconsistent metadata")
{ qeInternal = Just $ ExtraInternal $ J.toJSON newInconsistentObjects
return successMsg
purgeMetadataObj :: MetadataObjId -> MetadataModifier
purgeMetadataObj = \case
MOSource source -> MetadataModifier $ metaSources %~ OMap.delete source
MOSourceObjId source exists -> AB.dispatchAnyBackend @BackendMetadata exists $ handleSourceObj source
MORemoteSchema rsn -> dropRemoteSchemaInMetadata rsn
MORemoteSchemaPermissions rsName role -> dropRemoteSchemaPermissionInMetadata rsName role
MORemoteSchemaRemoteRelationship rsName typeName relName ->
dropRemoteSchemaRemoteRelationshipInMetadata rsName typeName relName
MOCustomTypes -> clearCustomTypesInMetadata
MOAction action -> dropActionInMetadata action -- Nothing
MOActionPermission action role -> dropActionPermissionInMetadata action role
MOCronTrigger ctName -> dropCronTriggerInMetadata ctName
MOEndpoint epName -> dropEndpointInMetadata epName
MOInheritedRole role -> dropInheritedRoleInMetadata role
MOHostTlsAllowlist host -> dropHostFromAllowList host
MOQueryCollectionsQuery cName lq -> dropListedQueryFromQueryCollections cName lq
handleSourceObj :: forall b. BackendMetadata b => SourceName -> SourceMetadataObjId b -> MetadataModifier
handleSourceObj source = \case
SMOTable qt -> dropTableInMetadata @b source qt
SMOFunction qf -> dropFunctionInMetadata @b source qf
SMOFunctionPermission qf rn -> dropFunctionPermissionInMetadata @b source qf rn
SMOTableObj qt tableObj ->
MetadataModifier $
tableMetadataSetter @b source qt %~ case tableObj of
MTORel rn _ -> dropRelationshipInMetadata rn
MTOPerm rn pt -> dropPermissionInMetadata rn pt
MTOTrigger trn -> dropEventTriggerInMetadata trn
MTOComputedField ccn -> dropComputedFieldInMetadata ccn
MTORemoteRelationship rn -> dropRemoteRelationshipInMetadata rn
dropListedQueryFromQueryCollections :: CollectionName -> ListedQuery -> MetadataModifier
dropListedQueryFromQueryCollections cName lq = MetadataModifier $ removeAndCleanupMetadata
removeAndCleanupMetadata m =
let newQueryCollection = filteredCollection (_metaQueryCollections m)
-- QueryCollections = InsOrdHashMap CollectionName CreateCollection
filteredCollection :: QueryCollections -> QueryCollections
filteredCollection qc = OMap.filter (isNonEmptyCC) $ OMap.adjust (collectionModifier) (cName) qc
collectionModifier :: CreateCollection -> CreateCollection
collectionModifier cc@CreateCollection {..} =
{ _ccDefinition =
let oldQueries = _cdQueries _ccDefinition
in _ccDefinition
{ _cdQueries = filter (/= lq) oldQueries
isNonEmptyCC :: CreateCollection -> Bool
isNonEmptyCC = not . null . _cdQueries . _ccDefinition
cleanupAllowList :: MetadataAllowlist -> MetadataAllowlist
cleanupAllowList = OMap.filterWithKey (\_ _ -> OMap.member cName newQueryCollection)
cleanupRESTEndpoints :: Endpoints -> Endpoints
cleanupRESTEndpoints endpoints = OMap.filter (not . isFaultyQuery . _edQuery . _ceDefinition) endpoints
isFaultyQuery :: QueryReference -> Bool
isFaultyQuery QueryReference {..} = _qrCollectionName == cName && _qrQueryName == (_lqName lq)
in m
{ _metaQueryCollections = newQueryCollection,
_metaAllowlist = cleanupAllowList (_metaAllowlist m),
_metaRestEndpoints = cleanupRESTEndpoints (_metaRestEndpoints m)
runGetCatalogState ::
(MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI m) => GetCatalogState -> m EncJSON
runGetCatalogState _ =
encJFromJValue <$> fetchCatalogState
runSetCatalogState ::
(MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI m) => SetCatalogState -> m EncJSON
runSetCatalogState SetCatalogState {..} = do
updateCatalogState _scsType _scsState
pure successMsg
server: multitenant metadata storage The metadata storage implementation for graphql-engine-multitenant. - It uses a centralized PG database to store metadata of all tenants (instead of per tenant database) - Similarly, it uses a single schema-sync listener thread per MT worker (instead of listener thread per tenant) (PS: although, the processor thread is spawned per tenant) - 2 new flags are introduced - `--metadataDatabaseUrl` and (optional) `--metadataDatabaseRetries` Internally, a "metadata mode" is introduced to indicate an external/managed store vs a store managed by each pro-server. To run : - obtain the schema file (located at `pro/server/res/cloud/metadata_db_schema.sql`) - apply the schema on a PG database - set the `--metadataDatabaseUrl` flag to point to the above database - run the MT executable The schema (and its migrations) for the metadata db is managed outside the MT worker. ### New metadata The following is the new portion of `Metadata` added : ```yaml version: 3 metrics_config: analyze_query_variables: true analyze_response_body: false api_limits: disabled: false depth_limit: global: 5 per_role: user: 7 editor: 9 rate_limit: per_role: user: unique_params: - x-hasura-user-id - x-hasura-team-id max_reqs_per_min: 20 global: unique_params: IP max_reqs_per_min: 10 ``` - In Pro, the code around fetching/updating/syncing pro-config is removed - That also means, `hdb_pro_catalog` for keeping the config cache is not required. Hence the `hdb_pro_catalog` is also removed - The required config comes from metadata / schema cache ### New Metadata APIs - `set_api_limits` - `remove_api_limits` - `set_metrics_config` - `remove_metrics_config` #### `set_api_limits` ```yaml type: set_api_limits args: disabled: false depth_limit: global: 5 per_role: user: 7 editor: 9 rate_limit: per_role: anonymous: max_reqs_per_min: 10 unique_params: "ip" editor: max_reqs_per_min: 30 unique_params: - x-hasura-user-id user: unique_params: - x-hasura-user-id - x-hasura-team-id max_reqs_per_min: 20 global: unique_params: IP max_reqs_per_min: 10 ``` #### `remove_api_limits` ```yaml type: remove_api_limits args: {} ``` #### `set_metrics_config` ```yaml type: set_metrics_config args: analyze_query_variables: true analyze_response_body: false ``` #### `remove_metrics_config` ```yaml type: remove_metrics_config args: {} ``` #### TODO - [x] on-prem pro implementation for `MonadMetadataStorage` - [x] move the project config from Lux to pro metadata (PR: #379) - [ ] console changes for pro config/api limits, subscription workers (cc @soorajshankar @beerose) - [x] address other minor TODOs - [x] TxIso for `MonadSourceResolver` - [x] enable EKG connection pool metrics - [x] add logging of connection info when sources are added? - [x] confirm if the `buildReason` for schema cache is correct - [ ] testing - [x] 1.3 -> 1.4 cloud migration script (#465; PR: #508) - [x] one-time migration of existing metadata from users' db to centralized PG - [x] one-time migration of pro project config + api limits + regression tests from metrics API to metadata - [ ] integrate with infra team (WIP - cc @hgiasac) - [x] benchmark with 1000+ tenants + each tenant making read/update metadata query every second (PR: - [ ] benchmark with few tenants having large metadata (100+ tables etc.) - [ ] when user moves regions ( - [ ] metadata has to be migrated from one regional PG to another - [ ] migrate metrics data as well ? - [ ] operation logs - [ ] regression test runs - [ ] find a way to share the schema files with the infra team Co-authored-by: Naveen Naidu <> GitOrigin-RevId: 39e8361f2c0e96e0f9e8f8fb45e6cc14857f31f1
2021-02-11 20:54:25 +03:00
runSetMetricsConfig ::
(MonadIO m, CacheRWM m, MetadataM m, MonadError QErr m) =>
MetricsConfig ->
server: multitenant metadata storage The metadata storage implementation for graphql-engine-multitenant. - It uses a centralized PG database to store metadata of all tenants (instead of per tenant database) - Similarly, it uses a single schema-sync listener thread per MT worker (instead of listener thread per tenant) (PS: although, the processor thread is spawned per tenant) - 2 new flags are introduced - `--metadataDatabaseUrl` and (optional) `--metadataDatabaseRetries` Internally, a "metadata mode" is introduced to indicate an external/managed store vs a store managed by each pro-server. To run : - obtain the schema file (located at `pro/server/res/cloud/metadata_db_schema.sql`) - apply the schema on a PG database - set the `--metadataDatabaseUrl` flag to point to the above database - run the MT executable The schema (and its migrations) for the metadata db is managed outside the MT worker. ### New metadata The following is the new portion of `Metadata` added : ```yaml version: 3 metrics_config: analyze_query_variables: true analyze_response_body: false api_limits: disabled: false depth_limit: global: 5 per_role: user: 7 editor: 9 rate_limit: per_role: user: unique_params: - x-hasura-user-id - x-hasura-team-id max_reqs_per_min: 20 global: unique_params: IP max_reqs_per_min: 10 ``` - In Pro, the code around fetching/updating/syncing pro-config is removed - That also means, `hdb_pro_catalog` for keeping the config cache is not required. Hence the `hdb_pro_catalog` is also removed - The required config comes from metadata / schema cache ### New Metadata APIs - `set_api_limits` - `remove_api_limits` - `set_metrics_config` - `remove_metrics_config` #### `set_api_limits` ```yaml type: set_api_limits args: disabled: false depth_limit: global: 5 per_role: user: 7 editor: 9 rate_limit: per_role: anonymous: max_reqs_per_min: 10 unique_params: "ip" editor: max_reqs_per_min: 30 unique_params: - x-hasura-user-id user: unique_params: - x-hasura-user-id - x-hasura-team-id max_reqs_per_min: 20 global: unique_params: IP max_reqs_per_min: 10 ``` #### `remove_api_limits` ```yaml type: remove_api_limits args: {} ``` #### `set_metrics_config` ```yaml type: set_metrics_config args: analyze_query_variables: true analyze_response_body: false ``` #### `remove_metrics_config` ```yaml type: remove_metrics_config args: {} ``` #### TODO - [x] on-prem pro implementation for `MonadMetadataStorage` - [x] move the project config from Lux to pro metadata (PR: #379) - [ ] console changes for pro config/api limits, subscription workers (cc @soorajshankar @beerose) - [x] address other minor TODOs - [x] TxIso for `MonadSourceResolver` - [x] enable EKG connection pool metrics - [x] add logging of connection info when sources are added? - [x] confirm if the `buildReason` for schema cache is correct - [ ] testing - [x] 1.3 -> 1.4 cloud migration script (#465; PR: #508) - [x] one-time migration of existing metadata from users' db to centralized PG - [x] one-time migration of pro project config + api limits + regression tests from metrics API to metadata - [ ] integrate with infra team (WIP - cc @hgiasac) - [x] benchmark with 1000+ tenants + each tenant making read/update metadata query every second (PR: - [ ] benchmark with few tenants having large metadata (100+ tables etc.) - [ ] when user moves regions ( - [ ] metadata has to be migrated from one regional PG to another - [ ] migrate metrics data as well ? - [ ] operation logs - [ ] regression test runs - [ ] find a way to share the schema files with the infra team Co-authored-by: Naveen Naidu <> GitOrigin-RevId: 39e8361f2c0e96e0f9e8f8fb45e6cc14857f31f1
2021-02-11 20:54:25 +03:00
runSetMetricsConfig mc = do
withNewInconsistentObjsCheck $
buildSchemaCache $
MetadataModifier $
metaMetricsConfig .~ mc
server: multitenant metadata storage The metadata storage implementation for graphql-engine-multitenant. - It uses a centralized PG database to store metadata of all tenants (instead of per tenant database) - Similarly, it uses a single schema-sync listener thread per MT worker (instead of listener thread per tenant) (PS: although, the processor thread is spawned per tenant) - 2 new flags are introduced - `--metadataDatabaseUrl` and (optional) `--metadataDatabaseRetries` Internally, a "metadata mode" is introduced to indicate an external/managed store vs a store managed by each pro-server. To run : - obtain the schema file (located at `pro/server/res/cloud/metadata_db_schema.sql`) - apply the schema on a PG database - set the `--metadataDatabaseUrl` flag to point to the above database - run the MT executable The schema (and its migrations) for the metadata db is managed outside the MT worker. ### New metadata The following is the new portion of `Metadata` added : ```yaml version: 3 metrics_config: analyze_query_variables: true analyze_response_body: false api_limits: disabled: false depth_limit: global: 5 per_role: user: 7 editor: 9 rate_limit: per_role: user: unique_params: - x-hasura-user-id - x-hasura-team-id max_reqs_per_min: 20 global: unique_params: IP max_reqs_per_min: 10 ``` - In Pro, the code around fetching/updating/syncing pro-config is removed - That also means, `hdb_pro_catalog` for keeping the config cache is not required. Hence the `hdb_pro_catalog` is also removed - The required config comes from metadata / schema cache ### New Metadata APIs - `set_api_limits` - `remove_api_limits` - `set_metrics_config` - `remove_metrics_config` #### `set_api_limits` ```yaml type: set_api_limits args: disabled: false depth_limit: global: 5 per_role: user: 7 editor: 9 rate_limit: per_role: anonymous: max_reqs_per_min: 10 unique_params: "ip" editor: max_reqs_per_min: 30 unique_params: - x-hasura-user-id user: unique_params: - x-hasura-user-id - x-hasura-team-id max_reqs_per_min: 20 global: unique_params: IP max_reqs_per_min: 10 ``` #### `remove_api_limits` ```yaml type: remove_api_limits args: {} ``` #### `set_metrics_config` ```yaml type: set_metrics_config args: analyze_query_variables: true analyze_response_body: false ``` #### `remove_metrics_config` ```yaml type: remove_metrics_config args: {} ``` #### TODO - [x] on-prem pro implementation for `MonadMetadataStorage` - [x] move the project config from Lux to pro metadata (PR: #379) - [ ] console changes for pro config/api limits, subscription workers (cc @soorajshankar @beerose) - [x] address other minor TODOs - [x] TxIso for `MonadSourceResolver` - [x] enable EKG connection pool metrics - [x] add logging of connection info when sources are added? - [x] confirm if the `buildReason` for schema cache is correct - [ ] testing - [x] 1.3 -> 1.4 cloud migration script (#465; PR: #508) - [x] one-time migration of existing metadata from users' db to centralized PG - [x] one-time migration of pro project config + api limits + regression tests from metrics API to metadata - [ ] integrate with infra team (WIP - cc @hgiasac) - [x] benchmark with 1000+ tenants + each tenant making read/update metadata query every second (PR: - [ ] benchmark with few tenants having large metadata (100+ tables etc.) - [ ] when user moves regions ( - [ ] metadata has to be migrated from one regional PG to another - [ ] migrate metrics data as well ? - [ ] operation logs - [ ] regression test runs - [ ] find a way to share the schema files with the infra team Co-authored-by: Naveen Naidu <> GitOrigin-RevId: 39e8361f2c0e96e0f9e8f8fb45e6cc14857f31f1
2021-02-11 20:54:25 +03:00
pure successMsg
runRemoveMetricsConfig ::
(MonadIO m, CacheRWM m, MetadataM m, MonadError QErr m) =>
server: multitenant metadata storage The metadata storage implementation for graphql-engine-multitenant. - It uses a centralized PG database to store metadata of all tenants (instead of per tenant database) - Similarly, it uses a single schema-sync listener thread per MT worker (instead of listener thread per tenant) (PS: although, the processor thread is spawned per tenant) - 2 new flags are introduced - `--metadataDatabaseUrl` and (optional) `--metadataDatabaseRetries` Internally, a "metadata mode" is introduced to indicate an external/managed store vs a store managed by each pro-server. To run : - obtain the schema file (located at `pro/server/res/cloud/metadata_db_schema.sql`) - apply the schema on a PG database - set the `--metadataDatabaseUrl` flag to point to the above database - run the MT executable The schema (and its migrations) for the metadata db is managed outside the MT worker. ### New metadata The following is the new portion of `Metadata` added : ```yaml version: 3 metrics_config: analyze_query_variables: true analyze_response_body: false api_limits: disabled: false depth_limit: global: 5 per_role: user: 7 editor: 9 rate_limit: per_role: user: unique_params: - x-hasura-user-id - x-hasura-team-id max_reqs_per_min: 20 global: unique_params: IP max_reqs_per_min: 10 ``` - In Pro, the code around fetching/updating/syncing pro-config is removed - That also means, `hdb_pro_catalog` for keeping the config cache is not required. Hence the `hdb_pro_catalog` is also removed - The required config comes from metadata / schema cache ### New Metadata APIs - `set_api_limits` - `remove_api_limits` - `set_metrics_config` - `remove_metrics_config` #### `set_api_limits` ```yaml type: set_api_limits args: disabled: false depth_limit: global: 5 per_role: user: 7 editor: 9 rate_limit: per_role: anonymous: max_reqs_per_min: 10 unique_params: "ip" editor: max_reqs_per_min: 30 unique_params: - x-hasura-user-id user: unique_params: - x-hasura-user-id - x-hasura-team-id max_reqs_per_min: 20 global: unique_params: IP max_reqs_per_min: 10 ``` #### `remove_api_limits` ```yaml type: remove_api_limits args: {} ``` #### `set_metrics_config` ```yaml type: set_metrics_config args: analyze_query_variables: true analyze_response_body: false ``` #### `remove_metrics_config` ```yaml type: remove_metrics_config args: {} ``` #### TODO - [x] on-prem pro implementation for `MonadMetadataStorage` - [x] move the project config from Lux to pro metadata (PR: #379) - [ ] console changes for pro config/api limits, subscription workers (cc @soorajshankar @beerose) - [x] address other minor TODOs - [x] TxIso for `MonadSourceResolver` - [x] enable EKG connection pool metrics - [x] add logging of connection info when sources are added? - [x] confirm if the `buildReason` for schema cache is correct - [ ] testing - [x] 1.3 -> 1.4 cloud migration script (#465; PR: #508) - [x] one-time migration of existing metadata from users' db to centralized PG - [x] one-time migration of pro project config + api limits + regression tests from metrics API to metadata - [ ] integrate with infra team (WIP - cc @hgiasac) - [x] benchmark with 1000+ tenants + each tenant making read/update metadata query every second (PR: - [ ] benchmark with few tenants having large metadata (100+ tables etc.) - [ ] when user moves regions ( - [ ] metadata has to be migrated from one regional PG to another - [ ] migrate metrics data as well ? - [ ] operation logs - [ ] regression test runs - [ ] find a way to share the schema files with the infra team Co-authored-by: Naveen Naidu <> GitOrigin-RevId: 39e8361f2c0e96e0f9e8f8fb45e6cc14857f31f1
2021-02-11 20:54:25 +03:00
runRemoveMetricsConfig = do
withNewInconsistentObjsCheck $
buildSchemaCache $
MetadataModifier $
metaMetricsConfig .~ emptyMetricsConfig
server: multitenant metadata storage The metadata storage implementation for graphql-engine-multitenant. - It uses a centralized PG database to store metadata of all tenants (instead of per tenant database) - Similarly, it uses a single schema-sync listener thread per MT worker (instead of listener thread per tenant) (PS: although, the processor thread is spawned per tenant) - 2 new flags are introduced - `--metadataDatabaseUrl` and (optional) `--metadataDatabaseRetries` Internally, a "metadata mode" is introduced to indicate an external/managed store vs a store managed by each pro-server. To run : - obtain the schema file (located at `pro/server/res/cloud/metadata_db_schema.sql`) - apply the schema on a PG database - set the `--metadataDatabaseUrl` flag to point to the above database - run the MT executable The schema (and its migrations) for the metadata db is managed outside the MT worker. ### New metadata The following is the new portion of `Metadata` added : ```yaml version: 3 metrics_config: analyze_query_variables: true analyze_response_body: false api_limits: disabled: false depth_limit: global: 5 per_role: user: 7 editor: 9 rate_limit: per_role: user: unique_params: - x-hasura-user-id - x-hasura-team-id max_reqs_per_min: 20 global: unique_params: IP max_reqs_per_min: 10 ``` - In Pro, the code around fetching/updating/syncing pro-config is removed - That also means, `hdb_pro_catalog` for keeping the config cache is not required. Hence the `hdb_pro_catalog` is also removed - The required config comes from metadata / schema cache ### New Metadata APIs - `set_api_limits` - `remove_api_limits` - `set_metrics_config` - `remove_metrics_config` #### `set_api_limits` ```yaml type: set_api_limits args: disabled: false depth_limit: global: 5 per_role: user: 7 editor: 9 rate_limit: per_role: anonymous: max_reqs_per_min: 10 unique_params: "ip" editor: max_reqs_per_min: 30 unique_params: - x-hasura-user-id user: unique_params: - x-hasura-user-id - x-hasura-team-id max_reqs_per_min: 20 global: unique_params: IP max_reqs_per_min: 10 ``` #### `remove_api_limits` ```yaml type: remove_api_limits args: {} ``` #### `set_metrics_config` ```yaml type: set_metrics_config args: analyze_query_variables: true analyze_response_body: false ``` #### `remove_metrics_config` ```yaml type: remove_metrics_config args: {} ``` #### TODO - [x] on-prem pro implementation for `MonadMetadataStorage` - [x] move the project config from Lux to pro metadata (PR: #379) - [ ] console changes for pro config/api limits, subscription workers (cc @soorajshankar @beerose) - [x] address other minor TODOs - [x] TxIso for `MonadSourceResolver` - [x] enable EKG connection pool metrics - [x] add logging of connection info when sources are added? - [x] confirm if the `buildReason` for schema cache is correct - [ ] testing - [x] 1.3 -> 1.4 cloud migration script (#465; PR: #508) - [x] one-time migration of existing metadata from users' db to centralized PG - [x] one-time migration of pro project config + api limits + regression tests from metrics API to metadata - [ ] integrate with infra team (WIP - cc @hgiasac) - [x] benchmark with 1000+ tenants + each tenant making read/update metadata query every second (PR: - [ ] benchmark with few tenants having large metadata (100+ tables etc.) - [ ] when user moves regions ( - [ ] metadata has to be migrated from one regional PG to another - [ ] migrate metrics data as well ? - [ ] operation logs - [ ] regression test runs - [ ] find a way to share the schema files with the infra team Co-authored-by: Naveen Naidu <> GitOrigin-RevId: 39e8361f2c0e96e0f9e8f8fb45e6cc14857f31f1
2021-02-11 20:54:25 +03:00
pure successMsg
data TestTransformError
= RequestInitializationError HTTP.HttpException
| RequestTransformationError HTTP.Request TransformErrorBundle
runTestWebhookTransform ::
(QErrM m) =>
TestWebhookTransform ->
runTestWebhookTransform (TestWebhookTransform env headers urlE payload rt _ sv) = do
url <- case urlE of
URL url' -> interpolateFromEnv env url'
EnvVar var ->
let err = throwError $ err400 NotFound "Missing Env Var"
in maybe err (pure . T.pack) $ Env.lookupEnv env var
headers' <- traverse (traverse (fmap TE.encodeUtf8 . interpolateFromEnv env . TE.decodeUtf8)) headers
result <- runExceptT $ do
initReq <- hoistEither $ first RequestInitializationError $ HTTP.mkRequestEither url
let req = initReq & HTTP.body .~ pure (J.encode payload) & HTTP.headers .~ headers'
reqTransform = requestFields rt
engine = templateEngine rt
reqTransformCtx = mkReqTransformCtx url sv engine
hoistEither $ first (RequestTransformationError req) $ applyRequestTransform reqTransformCtx reqTransform req
case result of
Right transformed ->
pure $ packTransformResult $ Right transformed
Left (RequestTransformationError _ err) -> pure $ packTransformResult (Left err)
-- NOTE: In the following case we have failed before producing a valid request.
Left (RequestInitializationError err) ->
let errorBundle =
TransformErrorBundle $
pure $
J.object ["error_code" J..= J.String "Request Initialization Error", "message" J..= J.String (tshow err)]
in pure $ encJFromJValue $ J.toJSON errorBundle
interpolateFromEnv :: MonadError QErr m => Env.Environment -> Text -> m Text
interpolateFromEnv env url =
case AT.parseOnly parseEnvTemplate url of
Left _ -> throwError $ err400 ParseFailed "Invalid Url Template"
Right xs ->
let lookup' var = maybe (Left var) (Right . T.pack) $ Env.lookupEnv env (T.unpack var)
result = traverse (fmap indistinct . bitraverse lookup' pure) xs
err e = throwError $ err400 NotFound $ "Missing Env Var: " <> e
in either err (pure . fold) result
-- | Deserialize a JSON or X-WWW-URL-FORMENCODED body from an
-- 'HTTP.Request' as 'J.Value'.
decodeBody :: Maybe BL.ByteString -> J.Value
decodeBody Nothing = J.Null
decodeBody (Just bs) = fromMaybe J.Null $ jsonToValue bs <|> formUrlEncodedToValue bs
-- | Attempt to encode a 'ByteString' as an Aeson 'Value'
jsonToValue :: BL.ByteString -> Maybe J.Value
jsonToValue bs = J.decode bs
-- | Quote a 'ByteString' then attempt to encode it as a JSON
-- String. This is necessary for 'x-www-url-formencoded' bodies. They
-- are a list of key/value pairs encoded as a raw 'ByteString' with no
-- quoting whereas JSON Strings must be quoted.
formUrlEncodedToValue :: BL.ByteString -> Maybe J.Value
formUrlEncodedToValue bs = J.decode ("\"" <> bs <> "\"")
parseEnvTemplate :: AT.Parser [Either T.Text T.Text]
parseEnvTemplate = AT.many1 $ pEnv <|> pLit <|> fmap Right "{"
pEnv = fmap (Left) $ "{{" *> AT.takeWhile1 (/= '}') <* "}}"
pLit = fmap Right $ AT.takeWhile1 (/= '{')
indistinct :: Either a a -> a
indistinct = either id id
packTransformResult :: Either TransformErrorBundle HTTP.Request -> EncJSON
packTransformResult = \case
Right req ->
encJFromJValue $
[ "webhook_url" J..= (req ^. HTTP.url),
"method" J..= (req ^. HTTP.method),
"headers" J..= (first CI.foldedCase <$> (req ^. HTTP.headers)),
"body" J..= decodeBody (req ^. HTTP.body)
Left err -> encJFromJValue $ J.toJSON err