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{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp
( BoolExp (..),
ColExp (..),
GBoolExp (..),
GExists (..),
DWithinGeomOp (..),
DWithinGeogOp (..),
OpExpG (..),
STIntersectsNbandGeommin (..),
STIntersectsGeomminNband (..),
SessionArgumentPresence (..),
ComputedFieldBoolExp (..),
AnnComputedFieldBoolExp (..),
AnnBoolExpFld (..),
AnnColumnCaseBoolExpField (..),
PartialSQLExp (..),
RootOrCurrentColumn (..),
RootOrCurrent (..),
import Control.Lens.Plated
import Control.Lens.TH
import Data.Aeson.Extended
import Data.Aeson.Internal
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as M
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.Incremental (Cacheable)
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ComputedField
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.Local
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
import Hasura.Session
-- Boolean structure
-- | This type represents a hierarchical boolean expression. It is parametric over the actual
-- implementation of the actual boolean term values. It nonetheless leaks some information:
-- "exists" is only used in permissions, to add conditions based on another table.
data GBoolExp (b :: BackendType) a
= BoolAnd ![GBoolExp b a]
| BoolOr ![GBoolExp b a]
| BoolNot !(GBoolExp b a)
| BoolExists !(GExists b a)
| BoolFld !a
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Data, Generic)
instance (Backend b, NFData a) => NFData (GBoolExp b a)
instance (Backend b, Data a) => Plated (GBoolExp b a)
instance (Backend b, Cacheable a) => Cacheable (GBoolExp b a)
instance (Backend b, Hashable a) => Hashable (GBoolExp b a)
instance (Backend b, FromJSONKeyValue a) => FromJSON (GBoolExp b a) where
parseJSON = withObject "boolean expression" \o ->
BoolAnd <$> forM (M.toList o) \(k, v) ->
| k == "$or" -> BoolOr <$> parseJSON v <?> Key k
| k == "_or" -> BoolOr <$> parseJSON v <?> Key k
| k == "$and" -> BoolAnd <$> parseJSON v <?> Key k
| k == "_and" -> BoolAnd <$> parseJSON v <?> Key k
| k == "$not" -> BoolNot <$> parseJSON v <?> Key k
| k == "_not" -> BoolNot <$> parseJSON v <?> Key k
| k == "$exists" -> BoolExists <$> parseJSON v <?> Key k
| k == "_exists" -> BoolExists <$> parseJSON v <?> Key k
| otherwise -> BoolFld <$> parseJSONKeyValue (k, v)
instance (Backend b, ToJSONKeyValue a) => ToJSON (GBoolExp b a) where
toJSON be = case be of
-- special encoding for _and
BoolAnd bExps ->
let m = M.fromList $ map getKV bExps
in -- if the keys aren't repeated, then object encoding can be used
if length m == length bExps
then toJSON m
else object $ pure kv
_ -> object $ pure kv
kv = getKV be
getKV = \case
BoolAnd bExps -> "_and" .= map toJSON bExps
BoolOr bExps -> "_or" .= map toJSON bExps
BoolNot bExp -> "_not" .= toJSON bExp
BoolExists bExists -> "_exists" .= toJSON bExists
BoolFld a -> toJSONKeyValue a
gBoolExpTrue :: GBoolExp b a
gBoolExpTrue = BoolAnd []
-- | Represents a condition on an aribtrary table. Used as part of our permissions boolean
-- expressions. See our documentation for more information:
data GExists (b :: BackendType) a = GExists
{ _geTable :: !(TableName b),
_geWhere :: !(GBoolExp b a)
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
deriving instance (Backend b, Show a) => Show (GExists b a)
deriving instance (Backend b, Eq a) => Eq (GExists b a)
deriving instance (Backend b, Data a) => Data (GExists b a)
instance (Backend b, NFData a) => NFData (GExists b a)
instance (Backend b, Data a) => Plated (GExists b a)
instance (Backend b, Cacheable a) => Cacheable (GExists b a)
instance (Backend b, Hashable a) => Hashable (GExists b a)
instance (Backend b, FromJSONKeyValue a) => FromJSON (GExists b a) where
parseJSON = withObject "_exists" \o -> do
qt <- o .: "_table"
wh <- o .: "_where"
pure $ GExists qt wh
instance (Backend b, ToJSONKeyValue a) => ToJSON (GExists b a) where
toJSON (GExists gTable gWhere) =
[ "_table" .= gTable,
"_where" .= gWhere
makeLenses ''GExists
-- Boolean expressions in permissions
-- | We don't allow conditions across relationships in permissions: the type we use as the terms in
-- GBoolExp is this one, ColExp, which only contains a FieldName and a JSON Value.
data ColExp = ColExp
{ ceCol :: !FieldName,
ceVal :: !Value
deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Generic)
instance NFData ColExp
instance Cacheable ColExp
instance FromJSONKeyValue ColExp where
parseJSONKeyValue (k, v) = ColExp (FieldName k) <$> parseJSON v
instance ToJSONKeyValue ColExp where
toJSONKeyValue (ColExp k v) = (getFieldNameTxt k, v)
-- | This @BoolExp@ type is a simple alias for the boolean expressions used in permissions, that
-- uses 'ColExp' as the term in GBoolExp.
newtype BoolExp (b :: BackendType) = BoolExp {unBoolExp :: GBoolExp b ColExp}
deriving newtype (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData, Cacheable, ToJSON, FromJSON)
$(makeWrapped ''BoolExp)
makePrisms ''GBoolExp
-- | Permissions get translated into boolean expressions that are threaded throuhgout the
-- parsers. For the leaf values of those permissions, we use this type, which references but doesn't
-- inline the session variables.
data PartialSQLExp (b :: BackendType)
= PSESessVar !(SessionVarType b) !SessionVariable
| PSESession
| PSESQLExp !(SQLExpression b)
deriving (Generic)
deriving instance (Backend b) => Eq (PartialSQLExp b)
deriving instance (Backend b) => Show (PartialSQLExp b)
instance (Backend b, NFData (BooleanOperators b (PartialSQLExp b))) => NFData (PartialSQLExp b)
instance (Backend b, Hashable (BooleanOperators b (PartialSQLExp b))) => Hashable (PartialSQLExp b)
instance (Backend b, Cacheable (BooleanOperators b (PartialSQLExp b))) => Cacheable (PartialSQLExp b)
instance Backend b => ToJSON (PartialSQLExp b) where
toJSON = \case
PSESessVar colTy sessVar -> toJSON (colTy, sessVar)
PSESession -> String "hasura_session"
PSESQLExp e -> toJSON e
isStaticValue :: PartialSQLExp backend -> Bool
isStaticValue = \case
PSESessVar _ _ -> False
PSESession -> False
PSESQLExp _ -> True
hasStaticExp :: Backend b => OpExpG b (PartialSQLExp b) -> Bool
hasStaticExp = getAny . foldMap (Any . isStaticValue)
-- Boolean expressions in the schema
-- | Operand for cast operator
type CastExp b a = M.HashMap (ScalarType b) [OpExpG b a]
-- | This type represents the boolean operators that can be applied on values of a column. This type
-- only contains the common core, that we expect to be ultimately entirely supported in most if not
-- all backends. Backends can extend this with the @BooleanOperators@ type in @Backend@.
data OpExpG (b :: BackendType) a
= ACast !(CastExp b a)
| AEQ !Bool !a
| ANE !Bool !a
| AIN !a
| ANIN !a
| AGT !a
| ALT !a
| AGTE !a
| ALTE !a
| ALIKE !a -- LIKE
| CEQ (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
| CNE (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
| CGT (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
| CLT (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
| CGTE (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
| CLTE (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
| ABackendSpecific !(BooleanOperators b a)
deriving (Generic)
data RootOrCurrentColumn b = RootOrCurrentColumn RootOrCurrent (Column b)
deriving (Generic)
deriving instance Backend b => Show (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
deriving instance Backend b => Eq (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
instance Backend b => NFData (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
instance Backend b => Cacheable (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
instance Backend b => Hashable (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
instance Backend b => ToJSON (RootOrCurrentColumn b)
-- | The arguments of column-operators may refer to either the so-called 'root
-- tabular value' or 'current tabular value'.
data RootOrCurrent = IsRoot | IsCurrent
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData RootOrCurrent
instance Cacheable RootOrCurrent
instance Hashable RootOrCurrent
instance ToJSON RootOrCurrent
deriving instance (Backend b) => Functor (OpExpG b)
deriving instance (Backend b) => Foldable (OpExpG b)
deriving instance (Backend b) => Traversable (OpExpG b)
deriving instance (Backend b, Show (BooleanOperators b a), Show a) => Show (OpExpG b a)
deriving instance (Backend b, Eq (BooleanOperators b a), Eq a) => Eq (OpExpG b a)
instance (Backend b, NFData (BooleanOperators b a), NFData a) => NFData (OpExpG b a)
instance (Backend b, Cacheable (BooleanOperators b a), Cacheable a) => Cacheable (OpExpG b a)
instance (Backend b, Hashable (BooleanOperators b a), Hashable a) => Hashable (OpExpG b a)
instance (Backend b, ToJSONKeyValue (BooleanOperators b a), ToJSON a) => ToJSONKeyValue (OpExpG b a) where
toJSONKeyValue = \case
ACast a -> ("_cast", toJSON $ object . map toJSONKeyValue <$> a)
AEQ _ a -> ("_eq", toJSON a)
ANE _ a -> ("_ne", toJSON a)
AIN a -> ("_in", toJSON a)
ANIN a -> ("_nin", toJSON a)
AGT a -> ("_gt", toJSON a)
ALT a -> ("_lt", toJSON a)
AGTE a -> ("_gte", toJSON a)
ALTE a -> ("_lte", toJSON a)
ALIKE a -> ("_like", toJSON a)
ANLIKE a -> ("_nlike", toJSON a)
CEQ a -> ("_ceq", toJSON a)
CNE a -> ("_cne", toJSON a)
CGT a -> ("_cgt", toJSON a)
CLT a -> ("_clt", toJSON a)
CGTE a -> ("_cgte", toJSON a)
CLTE a -> ("_clte", toJSON a)
ANISNULL -> ("_is_null", toJSON True)
ANISNOTNULL -> ("_is_null", toJSON False)
ABackendSpecific b -> toJSONKeyValue b
opExpDepCol :: OpExpG backend a -> Maybe (RootOrCurrentColumn backend)
opExpDepCol = \case
CEQ c -> Just c
CNE c -> Just c
CGT c -> Just c
CLT c -> Just c
CGTE c -> Just c
CLTE c -> Just c
_ -> Nothing
-- | The presence of session argument in the SQL function of a computed field.
-- Since we only support computed fields with SQL functions having maximum of 2 arguments in boolean expression,
-- the position (if present) is either first or second. The other mandatory argument is table row input.
data SessionArgumentPresence a
= SAPNotPresent
| SAPFirst a
| SAPSecond a
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
instance (NFData a) => NFData (SessionArgumentPresence a)
instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (SessionArgumentPresence a)
instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (SessionArgumentPresence a)
-- | Determine the position of session argument
mkSessionArgumentPresence :: forall v a. v -> Maybe a -> FunctionTableArgument -> SessionArgumentPresence v
mkSessionArgumentPresence sessionValue = \case
Nothing -> const $ SAPNotPresent
Just _ -> \case
-- If table argument is first, then session argument will be second
FTAFirst -> SAPSecond sessionValue
-- Argument index 0 implies it is first
FTANamed _ 0 -> SAPSecond sessionValue
-- If table argument is second, then session argument will be first
FTANamed {} -> SAPFirst sessionValue
-- | This type is used to represent the kinds of boolean expression used for compouted fields
-- based on the return type of the SQL function
data ComputedFieldBoolExp (b :: BackendType) a
= CFBEScalar ![OpExpG b a] -- SQL function returning a scalar
| CFBETable !(TableName b) !(AnnBoolExp b a) -- SQL function returning SET OF table
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
deriving instance (Backend b, Eq (BooleanOperators b a), Eq a) => Eq (ComputedFieldBoolExp b a)
deriving instance (Backend b, Show (BooleanOperators b a), Show a) => Show (ComputedFieldBoolExp b a)
instance (Backend b, NFData (BooleanOperators b a), NFData a) => NFData (ComputedFieldBoolExp b a)
instance (Backend b, Cacheable (BooleanOperators b a), Cacheable a) => Cacheable (ComputedFieldBoolExp b a)
instance (Backend b, Hashable (BooleanOperators b a), Hashable a) => Hashable (ComputedFieldBoolExp b a)
-- | Using a computed field in boolean expression.
-- Example: A computed field "full_name" ("first_name" || "last_name") is defined to the "user"
-- table. Boolean expression to filter whose "full_name" is LIKE "%bob%"
-- query {
-- user(where: {full_name: {_like: "%bob%"}}){
-- id
-- first_name
-- last_name
-- full_name
-- }
-- }
-- Limitation: Computed field whose function with no input arguments are allowed in boolean
-- expression. It is complex to generate schema for `where` clause with functions having
-- input arguments.
data AnnComputedFieldBoolExp (b :: BackendType) a = AnnComputedFieldBoolExp
{ _acfbXFieldInfo :: !(XComputedField b),
_acfbName :: !ComputedFieldName,
_acfbFunction :: !(FunctionName b),
_acfbSessionArgumentPresence :: !(SessionArgumentPresence a),
_acfbBoolExp :: !(ComputedFieldBoolExp b a)
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
deriving instance (Backend b, Eq (BooleanOperators b a), Eq a) => Eq (AnnComputedFieldBoolExp b a)
deriving instance (Backend b, Show (BooleanOperators b a), Show a) => Show (AnnComputedFieldBoolExp b a)
instance (Backend b, NFData (BooleanOperators b a), NFData a) => NFData (AnnComputedFieldBoolExp b a)
instance (Backend b, Cacheable (BooleanOperators b a), Cacheable a) => Cacheable (AnnComputedFieldBoolExp b a)
instance (Backend b, Hashable (BooleanOperators b a), Hashable a) => Hashable (AnnComputedFieldBoolExp b a)
-- | This type is used for boolean terms in GBoolExp in the schema; there are two kinds boolean
-- terms:
-- - operators on a column of the current table, using the 'OpExpG' kind of operators
-- - arbitrary expressions on columns of tables in relationships (in the same source)
-- This type is parametric over the type of leaf values, the values on which we operate.
data AnnBoolExpFld (b :: BackendType) a
= AVColumn !(ColumnInfo b) ![OpExpG b a]
| AVRelationship !(RelInfo b) !(AnnBoolExp b a)
| AVComputedField !(AnnComputedFieldBoolExp b a)
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
deriving instance (Backend b, Eq (BooleanOperators b a), Eq a) => Eq (AnnBoolExpFld b a)
deriving instance (Backend b, Show (BooleanOperators b a), Show a) => Show (AnnBoolExpFld b a)
instance (Backend b, NFData (BooleanOperators b a), NFData a) => NFData (AnnBoolExpFld b a)
instance (Backend b, Cacheable (BooleanOperators b a), Cacheable a) => Cacheable (AnnBoolExpFld b a)
instance (Backend b, Hashable (BooleanOperators b a), Hashable a) => Hashable (AnnBoolExpFld b a)
instance (Backend b, ToJSONKeyValue (BooleanOperators b a), ToJSON a) => ToJSONKeyValue (AnnBoolExpFld b a) where
toJSONKeyValue = \case
AVColumn pci opExps ->
( toTxt $ ciColumn pci,
toJSON (pci, object . pure . toJSONKeyValue <$> opExps)
AVRelationship ri relBoolExp ->
( relNameToTxt $ riName ri,
toJSON (ri, toJSON relBoolExp)
AVComputedField cfBoolExp ->
( toTxt $ _acfbName cfBoolExp,
let function = _acfbFunction cfBoolExp
in case _acfbBoolExp cfBoolExp of
CFBEScalar opExps -> toJSON (function, object . pure . toJSONKeyValue <$> opExps)
CFBETable _ boolExp -> toJSON (function, toJSON boolExp)
-- | A simple alias for the kind of boolean expressions used in the schema, that ties together
-- 'GBoolExp', 'OpExpG', and 'AnnBoolExpFld'.
type AnnBoolExp b a = GBoolExp b (AnnBoolExpFld b a)
[Preview] Inherited roles for postgres read queries fixes #3868 docker image - `hasura/graphql-engine:inherited-roles-preview-48b73a2de` Note: To be able to use the inherited roles feature, the graphql-engine should be started with the env variable `HASURA_GRAPHQL_EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES` set to `inherited_roles`. Introduction ------------ This PR implements the idea of multiple roles as presented in this [paper]( The multiple roles feature in this PR can be used via inherited roles. An inherited role is a role which can be created by combining multiple singular roles. For example, if there are two roles `author` and `editor` configured in the graphql-engine, then we can create a inherited role with the name of `combined_author_editor` role which will combine the select permissions of the `author` and `editor` roles and then make GraphQL queries using the `combined_author_editor`. How are select permissions of different roles are combined? ------------------------------------------------------------ A select permission includes 5 things: 1. Columns accessible to the role 2. Row selection filter 3. Limit 4. Allow aggregation 5. Scalar computed fields accessible to the role Suppose there are two roles, `role1` gives access to the `address` column with row filter `P1` and `role2` gives access to both the `address` and the `phone` column with row filter `P2` and we create a new role `combined_roles` which combines `role1` and `role2`. Let's say the following GraphQL query is queried with the `combined_roles` role. ```graphql query { employees { address phone } } ``` This will translate to the following SQL query: ```sql select (case when (P1 or P2) then address else null end) as address, (case when P2 then phone else null end) as phone from employee where (P1 or P2) ``` The other parameters of the select permission will be combined in the following manner: 1. Limit - Minimum of the limits will be the limit of the inherited role 2. Allow aggregations - If any of the role allows aggregation, then the inherited role will allow aggregation 3. Scalar computed fields - same as table column fields, as in the above example APIs for inherited roles: ---------------------- 1. `add_inherited_role` `add_inherited_role` is the [metadata API]( to create a new inherited role. It accepts two arguments `role_name`: the name of the inherited role to be added (String) `role_set`: list of roles that need to be combined (Array of Strings) Example: ```json { "type": "add_inherited_role", "args": { "role_name":"combined_user", "role_set":[ "user", "user1" ] } } ``` After adding the inherited role, the inherited role can be used like single roles like earlier Note: An inherited role can only be created with non-inherited/singular roles. 2. `drop_inherited_role` The `drop_inherited_role` API accepts the name of the inherited role and drops it from the metadata. It accepts a single argument: `role_name`: name of the inherited role to be dropped Example: ```json { "type": "drop_inherited_role", "args": { "role_name":"combined_user" } } ``` Metadata --------- The derived roles metadata will be included under the `experimental_features` key while exporting the metadata. ```json { "experimental_features": { "derived_roles": [ { "role_name": "manager_is_employee_too", "role_set": [ "employee", "manager" ] } ] } } ``` Scope ------ Only postgres queries and subscriptions are supported in this PR. Important points: ----------------- 1. All columns exposed to an inherited role will be marked as `nullable`, this is done so that cell value nullification can be done. TODOs ------- - [ ] Tests - [ ] Test a GraphQL query running with a inherited role without enabling inherited roles in experimental features - [] Tests for aggregate queries, limit, computed fields, functions, subscriptions (?) - [ ] Introspection test with a inherited role (nullability changes in a inherited role) - [ ] Docs - [ ] Changelog Co-authored-by: Vamshi Surabhi <> GitOrigin-RevId: 3b8ee1e11f5ceca80fe294f8c074d42fbccfec63
2021-03-08 14:14:13 +03:00
-- Type aliases for common use cases:
type AnnBoolExpFldSQL b = AnnBoolExpFld b (SQLExpression b)
type AnnBoolExpSQL b = AnnBoolExp b (SQLExpression b)
type AnnBoolExpPartialSQL b = AnnBoolExp b (PartialSQLExp b)
annBoolExpTrue :: AnnBoolExp backend a
annBoolExpTrue = gBoolExpTrue
andAnnBoolExps :: AnnBoolExp backend a -> AnnBoolExp backend a -> AnnBoolExp backend a
andAnnBoolExps l r = BoolAnd [l, r]
-- Operands for specific operators
[Preview] Inherited roles for postgres read queries fixes #3868 docker image - `hasura/graphql-engine:inherited-roles-preview-48b73a2de` Note: To be able to use the inherited roles feature, the graphql-engine should be started with the env variable `HASURA_GRAPHQL_EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES` set to `inherited_roles`. Introduction ------------ This PR implements the idea of multiple roles as presented in this [paper]( The multiple roles feature in this PR can be used via inherited roles. An inherited role is a role which can be created by combining multiple singular roles. For example, if there are two roles `author` and `editor` configured in the graphql-engine, then we can create a inherited role with the name of `combined_author_editor` role which will combine the select permissions of the `author` and `editor` roles and then make GraphQL queries using the `combined_author_editor`. How are select permissions of different roles are combined? ------------------------------------------------------------ A select permission includes 5 things: 1. Columns accessible to the role 2. Row selection filter 3. Limit 4. Allow aggregation 5. Scalar computed fields accessible to the role Suppose there are two roles, `role1` gives access to the `address` column with row filter `P1` and `role2` gives access to both the `address` and the `phone` column with row filter `P2` and we create a new role `combined_roles` which combines `role1` and `role2`. Let's say the following GraphQL query is queried with the `combined_roles` role. ```graphql query { employees { address phone } } ``` This will translate to the following SQL query: ```sql select (case when (P1 or P2) then address else null end) as address, (case when P2 then phone else null end) as phone from employee where (P1 or P2) ``` The other parameters of the select permission will be combined in the following manner: 1. Limit - Minimum of the limits will be the limit of the inherited role 2. Allow aggregations - If any of the role allows aggregation, then the inherited role will allow aggregation 3. Scalar computed fields - same as table column fields, as in the above example APIs for inherited roles: ---------------------- 1. `add_inherited_role` `add_inherited_role` is the [metadata API]( to create a new inherited role. It accepts two arguments `role_name`: the name of the inherited role to be added (String) `role_set`: list of roles that need to be combined (Array of Strings) Example: ```json { "type": "add_inherited_role", "args": { "role_name":"combined_user", "role_set":[ "user", "user1" ] } } ``` After adding the inherited role, the inherited role can be used like single roles like earlier Note: An inherited role can only be created with non-inherited/singular roles. 2. `drop_inherited_role` The `drop_inherited_role` API accepts the name of the inherited role and drops it from the metadata. It accepts a single argument: `role_name`: name of the inherited role to be dropped Example: ```json { "type": "drop_inherited_role", "args": { "role_name":"combined_user" } } ``` Metadata --------- The derived roles metadata will be included under the `experimental_features` key while exporting the metadata. ```json { "experimental_features": { "derived_roles": [ { "role_name": "manager_is_employee_too", "role_set": [ "employee", "manager" ] } ] } } ``` Scope ------ Only postgres queries and subscriptions are supported in this PR. Important points: ----------------- 1. All columns exposed to an inherited role will be marked as `nullable`, this is done so that cell value nullification can be done. TODOs ------- - [ ] Tests - [ ] Test a GraphQL query running with a inherited role without enabling inherited roles in experimental features - [] Tests for aggregate queries, limit, computed fields, functions, subscriptions (?) - [ ] Introspection test with a inherited role (nullability changes in a inherited role) - [ ] Docs - [ ] Changelog Co-authored-by: Vamshi Surabhi <> GitOrigin-RevId: 3b8ee1e11f5ceca80fe294f8c074d42fbccfec63
2021-03-08 14:14:13 +03:00
-- Arguably, most of those should be moved elsewhere, since not all of the corresponding operators
-- are part of the common core of operators.
-- | Operand for STDWithin opoerator
data DWithinGeomOp a = DWithinGeomOp
{ dwgeomDistance :: !a,
dwgeomFrom :: !a
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic, Data)
instance (NFData a) => NFData (DWithinGeomOp a)
instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (DWithinGeomOp a)
instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (DWithinGeomOp a)
$(deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''DWithinGeomOp)
-- | Operand for STDWithin opoerator
data DWithinGeogOp a = DWithinGeogOp
{ dwgeogDistance :: !a,
dwgeogFrom :: !a,
dwgeogUseSpheroid :: !a
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic, Data)
instance (NFData a) => NFData (DWithinGeogOp a)
instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (DWithinGeogOp a)
instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (DWithinGeogOp a)
$(deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''DWithinGeogOp)
-- | Operand for STIntersect
data STIntersectsNbandGeommin a = STIntersectsNbandGeommin
{ singNband :: !a,
singGeommin :: !a
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic, Data)
instance (NFData a) => NFData (STIntersectsNbandGeommin a)
instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (STIntersectsNbandGeommin a)
instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (STIntersectsNbandGeommin a)
$(deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''STIntersectsNbandGeommin)
-- | Operand for STIntersect
data STIntersectsGeomminNband a = STIntersectsGeomminNband
{ signGeommin :: !a,
signNband :: !(Maybe a)
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic, Data)
instance (NFData a) => NFData (STIntersectsGeomminNband a)
instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (STIntersectsGeomminNband a)
instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (STIntersectsGeomminNband a)
2019-04-17 12:48:41 +03:00
$(deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''STIntersectsGeomminNband)
[Preview] Inherited roles for postgres read queries fixes #3868 docker image - `hasura/graphql-engine:inherited-roles-preview-48b73a2de` Note: To be able to use the inherited roles feature, the graphql-engine should be started with the env variable `HASURA_GRAPHQL_EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES` set to `inherited_roles`. Introduction ------------ This PR implements the idea of multiple roles as presented in this [paper]( The multiple roles feature in this PR can be used via inherited roles. An inherited role is a role which can be created by combining multiple singular roles. For example, if there are two roles `author` and `editor` configured in the graphql-engine, then we can create a inherited role with the name of `combined_author_editor` role which will combine the select permissions of the `author` and `editor` roles and then make GraphQL queries using the `combined_author_editor`. How are select permissions of different roles are combined? ------------------------------------------------------------ A select permission includes 5 things: 1. Columns accessible to the role 2. Row selection filter 3. Limit 4. Allow aggregation 5. Scalar computed fields accessible to the role Suppose there are two roles, `role1` gives access to the `address` column with row filter `P1` and `role2` gives access to both the `address` and the `phone` column with row filter `P2` and we create a new role `combined_roles` which combines `role1` and `role2`. Let's say the following GraphQL query is queried with the `combined_roles` role. ```graphql query { employees { address phone } } ``` This will translate to the following SQL query: ```sql select (case when (P1 or P2) then address else null end) as address, (case when P2 then phone else null end) as phone from employee where (P1 or P2) ``` The other parameters of the select permission will be combined in the following manner: 1. Limit - Minimum of the limits will be the limit of the inherited role 2. Allow aggregations - If any of the role allows aggregation, then the inherited role will allow aggregation 3. Scalar computed fields - same as table column fields, as in the above example APIs for inherited roles: ---------------------- 1. `add_inherited_role` `add_inherited_role` is the [metadata API]( to create a new inherited role. It accepts two arguments `role_name`: the name of the inherited role to be added (String) `role_set`: list of roles that need to be combined (Array of Strings) Example: ```json { "type": "add_inherited_role", "args": { "role_name":"combined_user", "role_set":[ "user", "user1" ] } } ``` After adding the inherited role, the inherited role can be used like single roles like earlier Note: An inherited role can only be created with non-inherited/singular roles. 2. `drop_inherited_role` The `drop_inherited_role` API accepts the name of the inherited role and drops it from the metadata. It accepts a single argument: `role_name`: name of the inherited role to be dropped Example: ```json { "type": "drop_inherited_role", "args": { "role_name":"combined_user" } } ``` Metadata --------- The derived roles metadata will be included under the `experimental_features` key while exporting the metadata. ```json { "experimental_features": { "derived_roles": [ { "role_name": "manager_is_employee_too", "role_set": [ "employee", "manager" ] } ] } } ``` Scope ------ Only postgres queries and subscriptions are supported in this PR. Important points: ----------------- 1. All columns exposed to an inherited role will be marked as `nullable`, this is done so that cell value nullification can be done. TODOs ------- - [ ] Tests - [ ] Test a GraphQL query running with a inherited role without enabling inherited roles in experimental features - [] Tests for aggregate queries, limit, computed fields, functions, subscriptions (?) - [ ] Introspection test with a inherited role (nullability changes in a inherited role) - [ ] Docs - [ ] Changelog Co-authored-by: Vamshi Surabhi <> GitOrigin-RevId: 3b8ee1e11f5ceca80fe294f8c074d42fbccfec63
2021-03-08 14:14:13 +03:00
-- Miscellaneous
2019-04-17 12:48:41 +03:00
-- | This is a simple newtype over AnnBoolExpFld. At time of writing, I do not know why we want
-- this, and why it exists. It might be a relic of a needed differentiation, now lost?
-- TODO: can this be removed?
newtype AnnColumnCaseBoolExpField (b :: BackendType) a = AnnColumnCaseBoolExpField {_accColCaseBoolExpField :: AnnBoolExpFld b a}
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
deriving instance (Backend b, Eq (BooleanOperators b a), Eq a) => Eq (AnnColumnCaseBoolExpField b a)
deriving instance (Backend b, Show (BooleanOperators b a), Show a) => Show (AnnColumnCaseBoolExpField b a)
instance (Backend b, NFData (BooleanOperators b a), NFData a) => NFData (AnnColumnCaseBoolExpField b a)
instance (Backend b, Cacheable (BooleanOperators b a), Cacheable a) => Cacheable (AnnColumnCaseBoolExpField b a)
instance (Backend b, Hashable (BooleanOperators b a), Hashable a) => Hashable (AnnColumnCaseBoolExpField b a)
2019-04-17 12:48:41 +03:00
instance (Backend b, ToJSONKeyValue (BooleanOperators b a), ToJSON a) => ToJSONKeyValue (AnnColumnCaseBoolExpField b a) where
toJSONKeyValue = toJSONKeyValue . _accColCaseBoolExpField
-- | Similar to AnnBoolExp, this type alias ties together
-- 'GBoolExp', 'OpExpG', and 'AnnColumnCaseBoolExpFld'.
type AnnColumnCaseBoolExp b a = GBoolExp b (AnnColumnCaseBoolExpField b a)
-- misc type aliases
type AnnColumnCaseBoolExpPartialSQL b = AnnColumnCaseBoolExp b (PartialSQLExp b)
type PreSetColsG b v = M.HashMap (Column b) v
type PreSetColsPartial b = M.HashMap (Column b) (PartialSQLExp b)