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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend
( AnyBackend
, mkAnyBackend
, dispatchAnyBackend
, dispatchAnyBackend'
, dispatchAnyBackendArrow
, unpackAnyBackend
, composeAnyBackend
, runBackend
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Extended as T
import Control.Arrow.Extended (ArrowChoice)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), Value (..), withObject,
import Data.Hashable (Hashable (hashWithSalt))
import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
import Test.QuickCheck (oneof)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
-- | This type is essentially an unlabeled box for types indexed by BackendType.
-- Given some type defined as 'data T (b :: BackendType) = ...', we can define
-- 'AnyBackend T' without mentioning any 'BackendType'.
-- This is useful for having generic containers of potentially different types
-- of T.
data AnyBackend (i :: BackendType -> Type)
= PostgresValue (i 'Postgres)
| MSSQLValue (i 'MSSQL)
( Arbitrary (i 'Postgres)
, Arbitrary (i 'MSSQL)
) => Arbitrary (AnyBackend i) where
arbitrary = oneof
[ PostgresValue <$> arbitrary
, MSSQLValue <$> arbitrary
:: forall
(b :: BackendType)
(i :: BackendType -> Type)
. Backend b
=> i b
-> AnyBackend i
mkAnyBackend =
case (backendTag @b) of
PostgresTag -> PostgresValue
:: forall
(i :: BackendType -> Type)
(r :: Type)
. AnyBackend i
-> (forall (b :: BackendType). i b -> r)
-> r
runBackend b f =
case b of
PostgresValue pg -> f pg
MSSQLValue ms -> f ms
-- | Dispatch an existential using an universally quantified function while
-- also resolving a different constraint.
-- Use this to dispatch Backend* instances.
-- This is essentially a wrapper around 'runAnyBackend f . repackAnyBackend @c'.
:: forall
(c :: BackendType -> Constraint)
(i :: BackendType -> Type)
(r :: Type)
. c 'Postgres
=> c 'MSSQL
=> AnyBackend i
-> (forall (b :: BackendType). c b => i b -> r)
-> r
dispatchAnyBackend e f =
case e of
PostgresValue pg -> f pg
MSSQLValue ms -> f ms
-- | Unlike 'dispatchAnyBackend', the expected constraint has a different kind.
-- Use for classes like 'Show', 'ToJSON', etc.
:: forall
(c :: Type -> Constraint)
(i :: BackendType -> Type)
(r :: Type)
. c (i 'Postgres)
=> c (i 'MSSQL)
=> AnyBackend i
-> (forall (b :: BackendType). c (i b) => i b -> r)
-> r
dispatchAnyBackend' e f =
case e of
PostgresValue pg -> f pg
MSSQLValue ms -> f ms
-- | Sometimes we need to run operations on two backends of the same type.
-- If the backends don't contain the same type, the given 'r' value is returned.
-- Otherwise, the function is called with the two wrapped values.
:: forall
(c :: BackendType -> Constraint)
(i :: BackendType -> Type)
(r :: Type)
. c 'Postgres
=> c 'MSSQL
=> (forall (b :: BackendType). c b => i b -> i b -> r)
-> AnyBackend i
-> AnyBackend i
-> r
-> r
composeAnyBackend f e1 e2 owise =
case (e1, e2) of
(PostgresValue p1, PostgresValue p2) -> f p1 p2
(MSSQLValue m1, MSSQLValue m2) -> f m1 m2
_ -> owise
-- | Dispatch variant for use with arrow syntax. The universally quantified
-- dispatch function is an arrow instead.
-- TODO: How do we only "target" the 'i b' and ditch the tuple details (x y z).
:: forall
(c :: BackendType -> Constraint)
(i :: BackendType -> Type)
(r :: Type)
(arr :: Type -> Type -> Type)
x y z
. ArrowChoice arr
=> c 'Postgres
=> c 'MSSQL
=> (forall b. c b => arr (x, y, i b, z) r)
-> arr (x, y, AnyBackend i, z) r
dispatchAnyBackendArrow arrow = proc (x, y, exists, z) -> do
case exists of
PostgresValue pg -> arrow @'Postgres -< (x, y, pg, z)
MSSQLValue ms -> arrow @'MSSQL -< (x, y, ms, z)
-- | Try to guess the type of an existential. 'Just' means you were right.
:: forall
(b :: BackendType)
(i :: BackendType -> Type)
. Backend b
=> AnyBackend i
-> Maybe (i b)
unpackAnyBackend exists =
case (backendTag @b, exists) of
(PostgresTag, PostgresValue pg) -> Just pg
(MSSQLTag , MSSQLValue ms) -> Just ms
_ -> Nothing
instance (ToJSON (i 'Postgres), ToJSON (i 'MSSQL)) => ToJSON (AnyBackend i) where
toJSON e = dispatchAnyBackend' @ToJSON e toJSON
instance (Show (i 'Postgres), Show (i 'MSSQL)) => Show (AnyBackend i) where
show e = dispatchAnyBackend' @Show e show
instance (Eq (i 'Postgres), Eq (i 'MSSQL)) => Eq (AnyBackend i) where
e1 == e2 =
case (e1, e2) of
(PostgresValue p1, PostgresValue p2) -> p1 == p2
(MSSQLValue m1, MSSQLValue m2) -> m1 == m2
_ -> False
instance (FromJSON (i 'Postgres), FromJSON (i 'MSSQL)) => FromJSON (AnyBackend i) where
parseJSON = withObject "Object" $ \o -> do
backendKind :: Text <- fromMaybe "postgres" <$> o .:? "kind"
-- TODO: Make backendKind a concrete type or re-use `BackendType`
case backendKind of
"postgres" -> PostgresValue <$> parseJSON (Object o)
"mssql" -> MSSQLValue <$> parseJSON (Object o)
_ -> fail
$ "expected one of: "
<> T.unpack (T.commaSeparated (T.toLower <$> supportedBackends))
instance (Hashable (i 'Postgres), Hashable (i 'MSSQL)) => Hashable (AnyBackend i) where
hashWithSalt salt e = dispatchAnyBackend' @Hashable e (hashWithSalt salt)