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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hasura.Server.App where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Lens
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.IORef
import Crypto.Hash (Digest, SHA1, hash)
import Data.Aeson hiding (json)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI (..), original)
import qualified Data.FileEmbed as FE
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.String.Conversions as CS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import qualified Network.Connection as NC
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as H
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as HT
import Network.Wai (strictRequestBody)
import qualified Network.Wreq as Wq
import qualified Network.Wreq.Types as WqT
import Web.Spock.Core
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as N
import qualified Network.Wai.Internal as WI
import qualified Network.Wai.Middleware.Static as MS
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as TE
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute as GE
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Result as GE
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Schema as GS
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Table
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Explain
import Hasura.RQL.DML.QueryTemplate
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Init
import Hasura.Server.Logging
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (get, put)
import Hasura.Server.Middleware (corsMiddleware,
import Hasura.Server.Query
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Hasura.SQL.Types
landingPage :: String
landingPage = $(FE.embedStringFile "src-rsr/landing_page.html")
type RavenLogger = ServerLogger (BL.ByteString, Either QErr BL.ByteString)
ravenLogGen :: LogDetailG (BL.ByteString, Either QErr BL.ByteString)
ravenLogGen _ (reqBody, res) =
(status, toJSON <$> logDetail, Just qh, Just size)
status = either qeStatus (const N.status200) res
logDetail = either (Just . qErrToLogDetail) (const Nothing) res
reqBodyTxt = TL.filter (not . isSpace) $ decodeLBS reqBody
qErrToLogDetail qErr =
LogDetail reqBodyTxt $ toJSON qErr
size = BL.length $ either encode id res
qh = T.pack . show $ sha1 reqBody
sha1 :: BL.ByteString -> Digest SHA1
sha1 = hash . BL.toStrict
decodeLBS :: BL.ByteString -> TL.Text
decodeLBS = TLE.decodeUtf8With TE.lenientDecode
data AuthMode
= AMNoAuth
| AMAccessKey !T.Text
| AMAccessKeyAndHook !T.Text !T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
data ServerCtx
= ServerCtx
{ scIsolation :: Q.TxIsolation
, scPGPool :: Q.PGPool
, scLogger :: RavenLogger
, scCacheRef :: IORef (SchemaCache, GS.GCtxMap)
, scCacheLock :: MVar ()
, scServerMode :: AuthMode
data HandlerCtx
= HandlerCtx
{ hcServerCtx :: ServerCtx
, hcReqBody :: BL.ByteString
, hcHeaders :: [(T.Text, T.Text)]
type Handler = ExceptT QErr (ReaderT HandlerCtx IO)
{-# SCC parseBody #-}
parseBody :: (FromJSON a) => Handler a
parseBody = do
reqBody <- hcReqBody <$> ask
case decode' reqBody of
Just jVal -> decodeValue jVal
Nothing -> throw400 InvalidJSON "invalid json"
filterHeaders :: [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> [(T.Text, T.Text)]
filterHeaders hdrs = flip filter hdrs $ \(h, _) ->
isXHasuraTxt h && (T.toLower h /= userRoleHeader)
&& (T.toLower h /= accessKeyHeader)
parseUserInfo :: Handler UserInfo
parseUserInfo = do
headers <- hcHeaders <$> ask
let mUserRoleTuple = flip find headers $ \hdr ->
userRoleHeader == T.toLower (fst hdr)
mUserRoleV = snd <$> mUserRoleTuple
userRoleV = fromMaybe "admin" mUserRoleV
return $ UserInfo (RoleName userRoleV) $ filterHeaders headers
onlyAdmin :: Handler ()
onlyAdmin = do
(UserInfo uRole _) <- parseUserInfo
when (uRole /= adminRole) $
throw400 AccessDenied "You have to be an admin to access this endpoint"
buildQCtx :: Handler QCtx
buildQCtx = do
scRef <- scCacheRef . hcServerCtx <$> ask
userInfo <- parseUserInfo
cache <- liftIO $ readIORef scRef
return $ QCtx userInfo $ fst cache
jsonHeader :: (T.Text, T.Text)
jsonHeader = ("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
:: (MonadIO m)
=> T.Text
-> [N.Header]
-> ActionT m [(T.Text, T.Text)]
fromWebHook urlT reqHeaders = do
manager <- liftIO $
H.newManager $ HT.mkManagerSettings tlsSimple Nothing
let options = Wq.defaults
{ WqT.headers = filteredHeaders
, WqT.checkResponse = Just (\_ _ -> return ())
, WqT.manager = Right manager
resp <- liftIO $ Wq.getWith options $ T.unpack urlT
let status = resp ^. Wq.responseStatus
validateStatus status
webHookResp <- decodeBS $ resp ^. Wq.responseBody
return $ M.toList webHookResp
filteredHeaders = flip filter reqHeaders $ \(n, _) ->
n /= "Content-Length" && n /= "User-Agent" && n /= "Host"
&& n /= "Origin" && n /= "Referer"
tlsSimple = NC.TLSSettingsSimple True False False
validateStatus statusCode
| statusCode == N.status200 = return ()
| statusCode == N.status401 = raiseAPIException N.status401 $
err401 AccessDenied
"Authentication hook unauthorized this request"
| otherwise = raiseAPIException N.status500 $
err500 Unexpected
"Invalid response from authorization hook"
decodeBS bs = case eitherDecode bs of
Left e -> raiseAPIException N.status500 $ err500 Unexpected $
"Invalid response from authorization hook; " <> T.pack e
Right a -> return a
raiseAPIException st qErr = do
setStatus st
uncurry setHeader jsonHeader
lazyBytes $ encode qErr
:: (MonadIO m)
=> WI.Request
-> AuthMode
-> ActionT m [(T.Text, T.Text)]
fetchHeaders req authMode =
case authMode of
AMNoAuth -> return headers
AMAccessKey accKey -> do
mReqAccessKey <- header accessKeyHeader
reqAccessKey <- maybe accessKeyAuthErr return mReqAccessKey
validateKeyAndReturnHeaders accKey reqAccessKey
AMAccessKeyAndHook accKey hook -> do
mReqAccessKey <- header accessKeyHeader
maybe (fromWebHook hook rawHeaders)
(validateKeyAndReturnHeaders accKey)
rawHeaders = WI.requestHeaders req
headers = headersTxt rawHeaders
validateKeyAndReturnHeaders key reqKey = do
when (reqKey /= key) accessKeyAuthErr
return headers
accessKeyAuthErr = do
setStatus N.status401
uncurry setHeader jsonHeader
lazyBytes $ encode accessKeyErrMsg
accessKeyErrMsg :: M.HashMap T.Text T.Text
accessKeyErrMsg = M.fromList
[ ("message", "access keys don't match or not found")
, ("code", "access-key-error")
headersTxt hdrsRaw =
flip map hdrsRaw $ \(hdrName, hdrVal) ->
(CS.cs $ original hdrName, CS.cs hdrVal)
:: (MonadIO m)
=> (T.Text -> QErr -> Value)
-> ServerCtx
-> Handler BL.ByteString
-> ActionT m ()
mkSpockAction qErrEncoder serverCtx handler = do
req <- request
reqBody <- liftIO $ strictRequestBody req
headers <- fetchHeaders req $ scServerMode serverCtx
role <- fromMaybe "admin" <$> header userRoleHeader
let handlerState = HandlerCtx serverCtx reqBody headers
t1 <- liftIO getCurrentTime -- for measuring response time purposes
result <- liftIO $ runReaderT (runExceptT handler) handlerState
t2 <- liftIO getCurrentTime -- for measuring response time purposes
liftIO $ logger req (reqBody, result) $ Just (t1, t2)
either (qErrToResp role) resToResp result
logger = scLogger serverCtx
-- encode error response
qErrToResp mRole qErr = do
setStatus $ qeStatus qErr
json $ qErrEncoder mRole qErr
resToResp resp = do
uncurry setHeader jsonHeader
lazyBytes resp
withLock :: (MonadIO m, MonadError e m)
=> MVar () -> m a -> m a
withLock lk action = do
res <- action `catchError` onError
return res
onError e = releaseLock >> throwError e
acquireLock = liftIO $ takeMVar lk
releaseLock = liftIO $ putMVar lk ()
v1ExplainHandler :: RQLExplain -> Handler BL.ByteString
v1ExplainHandler expQuery = dbAction
dbAction = do
scRef <- scCacheRef . hcServerCtx <$> ask
schemaCache <- liftIO $ readIORef scRef
pool <- scPGPool . hcServerCtx <$> ask
isoL <- scIsolation . hcServerCtx <$> ask
runExplainQuery pool isoL userInfo (fst schemaCache) selectQ
selectQ = rqleQuery expQuery
role = rqleRole expQuery
headers = M.toList $ rqleHeaders expQuery
userInfo = UserInfo role headers
v1QueryHandler :: RQLQuery -> Handler BL.ByteString
v1QueryHandler query = do
lk <- scCacheLock . hcServerCtx <$> ask
bool (fst <$> dbAction) (withLock lk dbActionReload) $
queryNeedsReload query
-- Hit postgres
dbAction = do
userInfo <- parseUserInfo
scRef <- scCacheRef . hcServerCtx <$> ask
schemaCache <- liftIO $ readIORef scRef
pool <- scPGPool . hcServerCtx <$> ask
isoL <- scIsolation . hcServerCtx <$> ask
runQuery pool isoL userInfo (fst schemaCache) query
-- Also update the schema cache
dbActionReload = do
(resp, newSc) <- dbAction
newGCtxMap <- GS.mkGCtxMap $ scTables newSc
scRef <- scCacheRef . hcServerCtx <$> ask
liftIO $ writeIORef scRef (newSc, newGCtxMap)
return resp
v1Alpha1GQHandler :: GE.GraphQLRequest -> Handler BL.ByteString
v1Alpha1GQHandler query = do
userInfo <- parseUserInfo
scRef <- scCacheRef . hcServerCtx <$> ask
cache <- liftIO $ readIORef scRef
pool <- scPGPool . hcServerCtx <$> ask
isoL <- scIsolation . hcServerCtx <$> ask
GE.runGQ pool isoL userInfo (snd cache) query
-- v1Alpha1GQSchemaHandler :: Handler BL.ByteString
-- v1Alpha1GQSchemaHandler = do
-- scRef <- scCacheRef . hcServerCtx <$> ask
-- schemaCache <- liftIO $ readIORef scRef
-- onlyAdmin
-- GS.generateGSchemaH schemaCache
newtype QueryParser
= QueryParser { getQueryParser :: QualifiedTable -> Handler RQLQuery }
queryParsers :: M.HashMap T.Text QueryParser
queryParsers =
[ ("select", mkQueryParser RQSelect)
, ("insert", mkQueryParser RQInsert)
, ("update", mkQueryParser RQUpdate)
, ("delete", mkQueryParser RQDelete)
, ("count", mkQueryParser RQCount)
mkQueryParser f =
QueryParser $ \qt -> do
obj <- parseBody
let val = Object $ M.insert "table" (toJSON qt) obj
q <- decodeValue val
return $ f q
legacyQueryHandler :: TableName -> T.Text -> Handler BL.ByteString
legacyQueryHandler tn queryType =
case M.lookup queryType queryParsers of
Just queryParser -> getQueryParser queryParser qt >>= v1QueryHandler
Nothing -> throw404 NotFound "No such resource exists"
qt = QualifiedTable publicSchema tn
:: Q.TxIsolation
-> Maybe String
-> RavenLogger
-> Q.PGPool
-> AuthMode
-> CorsConfig
-> SpockT IO ()
app isoLevel mRootDir logger pool mode corsCfg = do
cacheRef <- lift $ do
pgResp <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ Q.runTx pool (Q.Serializable, Nothing) $ do
Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler initStateTx
sc <- buildSchemaCache
(,) sc <$> GS.mkGCtxMap (scTables sc)
either initErrExit return pgResp >>= newIORef
cacheLock <- lift $ newMVar ()
let serverCtx = ServerCtx isoLevel pool logger cacheRef cacheLock mode
liftIO $ putStrLn "HasuraDB is now waiting for connections"
maybe (return ()) (middleware . MS.staticPolicy . MS.addBase) mRootDir
-- cors middleware
unless (ccDisabled corsCfg) $
middleware $ corsMiddleware (mkDefaultCorsPolicy $ ccDomain corsCfg)
get root $ html $ T.pack landingPage
get ("v1/template" <//> var) $ tmpltGetOrDeleteH serverCtx
post ("v1/template" <//> var) $ tmpltPutOrPostH serverCtx
put ("v1/template" <//> var) $ tmpltPutOrPostH serverCtx
delete ("v1/template" <//> var) $ tmpltGetOrDeleteH serverCtx
post "v1/query" $ mkSpockAction encodeQErr serverCtx $ do
query <- parseBody
v1QueryHandler query
post "v1/query/explain" $ mkSpockAction encodeQErr serverCtx $ do
expQuery <- parseBody
v1ExplainHandler expQuery
post "v1alpha1/graphql" $ mkSpockAction GE.encodeGQErr serverCtx $ do
query <- parseBody
v1Alpha1GQHandler query
-- get "v1alpha1/graphql/schema" $
-- mkSpockAction encodeQErr serverCtx v1Alpha1GQSchemaHandler
post ("api/1/table" <//> var <//> var) $ \tableName queryType ->
mkSpockAction encodeQErr serverCtx $ legacyQueryHandler (TableName tableName) queryType
hookAny GET $ \_ -> mkSpockAction encodeQErr serverCtx $
throw404 NotFound "resource does not exist"
tmpltGetOrDeleteH serverCtx tmpltName = do
tmpltArgs <- tmpltArgsFromQueryParams
mkSpockAction encodeQErr serverCtx $ mkQTemplateAction tmpltName tmpltArgs
tmpltPutOrPostH serverCtx tmpltName = do
tmpltArgs <- tmpltArgsFromQueryParams
mkSpockAction encodeQErr serverCtx $ do
bodyTmpltArgs <- parseBody
mkQTemplateAction tmpltName $ M.union bodyTmpltArgs tmpltArgs
tmpltArgsFromQueryParams = do
qparams <- params
return $ M.fromList $ flip map qparams $
\(a, b) -> (TemplateParam a, String b)
mkQTemplateAction tmpltName tmpltArgs =
v1QueryHandler $ RQExecuteQueryTemplate $
ExecQueryTemplate (TQueryName tmpltName) tmpltArgs