2023-03-07 04:31:50 +03:00
module Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Plan.RemoteRelationshipPlan
( mkRemoteRelationshipPlan ,
import Control.Lens ( ( ?~ ) )
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.CPS qualified as CPS
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Encoding qualified as JE
import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as K
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KM
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
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import Data.Set qualified as Set
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import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Extended ( toTxt )
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API qualified as API
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Types
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Plan.Common
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Plan.QueryPlan qualified as QueryPlan
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Select
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Value
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import Hasura.RQL.Types.BackendType
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import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.Session
import Witch qualified
mkRemoteRelationshipPlan ::
forall m .
2023-05-24 16:51:56 +03:00
( MonadError QErr m ) =>
2023-03-07 04:31:50 +03:00
SessionVariables ->
SourceConfig ->
-- | List of join json objects, each of which contains IDs to be laterally-joined against
-- as well as an argument ID that identifies the particular set of IDs (ie 'row' to join against).
-- This the response to the query constructed by this function is expected to contain a list
-- of result objects, one per item in this list.
-- Each object looks like: @{"__argument_id__": 1, "SomeIdColumn": 123}@
NonEmpty J . Object ->
-- | Schema of the IDs in the join json objects, excluding the argument ID
HashMap FieldName ( ColumnName , ScalarType ) ->
-- | The name of the argument ID property in the join json object. This property name and associated
-- value must be in the result object
FieldName ->
-- | The field name the result of the join should be stored in the result object
FieldName ->
SourceRelationshipSelection 'DataConnector Void UnpreparedValue ->
m ( Plan API . QueryRequest API . QueryResponse )
mkRemoteRelationshipPlan sessionVariables _sourceConfig joinIds joinIdsSchema argumentIdFieldName resultFieldName ir = do
foreachRowFilter <- traverse ( translateForeachRowFilter argumentIdFieldName joinIdsSchema ) joinIds
argumentIds <- extractArgumentIds argumentIdFieldName joinIds
queryRequest <- translateSourceRelationshipSelection foreachRowFilter ir
pure $ Plan queryRequest ( reshapeResponseToRemoteRelationshipQueryShape argumentIdFieldName argumentIds resultFieldName ir )
translateSourceRelationshipSelection ::
NonEmpty ( HashMap API . ColumnName API . ScalarValue ) ->
SourceRelationshipSelection 'DataConnector Void UnpreparedValue ->
m API . QueryRequest
translateSourceRelationshipSelection foreachRowFilter = \ case
SourceRelationshipObject objectSelect ->
translateAnnObjectSelectToQueryRequest foreachRowFilter objectSelect
SourceRelationshipArray simpleSelect ->
QueryPlan . translateAnnSimpleSelectToQueryRequest sessionVariables simpleSelect
<&> ( API . qrForeach ?~ foreachRowFilter )
SourceRelationshipArrayAggregate aggregateSelect ->
QueryPlan . translateAnnAggregateSelectToQueryRequest sessionVariables aggregateSelect
<&> ( API . qrForeach ?~ foreachRowFilter )
translateAnnObjectSelectToQueryRequest ::
NonEmpty ( HashMap API . ColumnName API . ScalarValue ) ->
AnnObjectSelectG 'DataConnector Void ( UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector ) ->
m API . QueryRequest
translateAnnObjectSelectToQueryRequest foreachRowFilter AnnObjectSelectG { .. } = do
2023-05-10 18:13:56 +03:00
let tableName = case _aosTarget of
FromTable table -> Witch . from table
other -> error $ " translateAnnObjectSelectToQueryRequest: " <> show other
2023-03-07 04:31:50 +03:00
( ( fields , whereClause ) , ( TableRelationships tableRelationships ) ) <- CPS . runWriterT $ do
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fields <- QueryPlan . translateAnnFields sessionVariables noPrefix ( TableNameKey tableName ) _aosFields
whereClause <- translateBoolExpToExpression sessionVariables ( TableNameKey tableName ) _aosTargetFilter
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pure ( fields , whereClause )
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let apiTableRelationships = Set . fromList $ tableRelationshipsToList tableRelationships
2023-05-24 16:51:56 +03:00
$ API . QRTable
$ API . TableRequest
{ _trTable = tableName ,
_trRelationships = apiTableRelationships ,
_trQuery =
API . Query
{ _qFields = Just $ mapFieldNameHashMap fields ,
_qAggregates = Nothing ,
_qAggregatesLimit = Nothing ,
_qLimit = Nothing ,
_qOffset = Nothing ,
_qWhere = whereClause ,
_qOrderBy = Nothing
} ,
_trForeach = Just foreachRowFilter
2023-05-19 07:47:12 +03:00
tableRelationshipsToList :: HashMap TableRelationshipsKey ( HashMap API . RelationshipName API . Relationship ) -> [ API . Relationships ]
tableRelationshipsToList m = map ( either ( API . RFunction . uncurry API . FunctionRelationships ) ( API . RTable . uncurry API . TableRelationships ) . tableRelationshipsKeyToEither ) ( HashMap . toList m )
tableRelationshipsKeyToEither :: ( TableRelationshipsKey , c ) -> Either ( API . FunctionName , c ) ( API . TableName , c )
tableRelationshipsKeyToEither ( FunctionNameKey f , x ) = Left ( f , x )
tableRelationshipsKeyToEither ( TableNameKey t , x ) = Right ( t , x )
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2023-05-24 16:51:56 +03:00
translateForeachRowFilter :: ( MonadError QErr m ) => FieldName -> HashMap FieldName ( ColumnName , ScalarType ) -> J . Object -> m ( HashMap API . ColumnName API . ScalarValue )
2023-03-07 04:31:50 +03:00
translateForeachRowFilter argumentIdFieldName joinIdsSchema joinIds =
& KM . toList
-- Exclude the argument ID field
-- The argument ID field and its value is added back to the result during response reshaping
& mapMaybe
( \ ( propertyKey , value ) ->
let propertyKeyText = Text . pack $ K . toString propertyKey
joinIdField = FieldName propertyKeyText
in if joinIdField == argumentIdFieldName
then Nothing
else Just ( joinIdField , value )
& traverse
( \ ( joinIdField , value ) -> do
( columnName , scalarType ) <-
HashMap . lookup joinIdField joinIdsSchema
` onNothing ` throw500 ( " translateForeachRowFilter: Unable to find join id field " <> toTxt joinIdField <> " in join id schema " )
let scalarValue = API . ScalarValue value ( Witch . from scalarType )
pure ( Witch . from columnName , scalarValue )
& fmap HashMap . fromList
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extractArgumentIds :: ( MonadError QErr m ) => FieldName -> NonEmpty J . Object -> m ( NonEmpty J . Value )
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extractArgumentIds argumentIdFieldName joinIds =
let argumentIdPropertyKey = K . fromText $ getFieldNameTxt argumentIdFieldName
in joinIds
& traverse
( \ joinIdsObj ->
KM . lookup argumentIdPropertyKey joinIdsObj
` onNothing ` throw500 ( " translateForeachRowFilter: Unable to find argument id field " <> toTxt argumentIdFieldName <> " in join id object " )
reshapeResponseToRemoteRelationshipQueryShape ::
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( MonadError QErr m ) =>
2023-03-07 04:31:50 +03:00
FieldName ->
NonEmpty J . Value ->
FieldName ->
SourceRelationshipSelection 'DataConnector Void v ->
API . QueryResponse ->
m J . Encoding
reshapeResponseToRemoteRelationshipQueryShape argumentIdFieldName argumentIdValues resultFieldName sourceRelationshipSelection API . QueryResponse { .. } = do
2023-05-24 16:51:56 +03:00
when ( actualRowCount /= expectedRowCount )
$ throw500 ( " Data Connector agent returned " <> tshow actualRowCount <> " foreach query response rows, but " <> tshow expectedRowCount <> " were expected " )
2023-03-07 04:31:50 +03:00
argumentResultObjects <- forM ( zip rows ( NE . toList argumentIdValues ) ) $ \ ( row , argumentId ) -> do
queryFieldValue <-
HashMap . lookup ( API . FieldName " query " ) row
` onNothing ` throw500 " Data Connector agent returned foreach query response row without expected 'query' field "
foreachQueryResponse <-
API . deserializeAsRelationshipFieldValue queryFieldValue
` onLeft ` ( \ err -> throw500 $ " Found column field value where relationship field value was expected in foreach query response field returned by Data Connector agent: " <> err )
reshapedForeachQueryResponse <- reshapeForeachQueryResponse sourceRelationshipSelection foreachQueryResponse
let argumentResponseWrapperFields =
[ ( getFieldNameTxt resultFieldName , reshapedForeachQueryResponse ) ,
( getFieldNameTxt argumentIdFieldName , J . toEncoding argumentId )
pure $ encodeAssocListAsObject argumentResponseWrapperFields
pure $ JE . list id argumentResultObjects
rows = fromMaybe mempty _qrRows
actualRowCount = length rows
expectedRowCount = length argumentIdValues
reshapeForeachQueryResponse ::
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( MonadError QErr m ) =>
2023-03-07 04:31:50 +03:00
SourceRelationshipSelection 'DataConnector Void v ->
API . QueryResponse ->
m J . Encoding
reshapeForeachQueryResponse sourceRelationshipSelection response =
case sourceRelationshipSelection of
SourceRelationshipObject objectSelect -> QueryPlan . reshapeSimpleSelectRows Single ( _aosFields objectSelect ) response
SourceRelationshipArray simpleSelect -> QueryPlan . reshapeSimpleSelectRows Many ( _asnFields simpleSelect ) response
SourceRelationshipArrayAggregate aggregateSelect -> QueryPlan . reshapeTableAggregateFields ( _asnFields aggregateSelect ) response