2018-07-11 10:13:07 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Spec (mkSpecs) where
2018-08-10 15:05:07 +03:00
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (get)
import Network.Wai (Application)
2018-07-11 10:13:07 +03:00
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Wai
2018-08-10 15:05:07 +03:00
import Test.Hspec.Wai.Matcher
2018-07-11 10:13:07 +03:00
2018-08-10 15:05:07 +03:00
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Yaml as Y
2018-07-11 10:13:07 +03:00
2018-08-10 15:05:07 +03:00
type Headers = HM.HashMap T.Text T.Text
2018-07-11 10:13:07 +03:00
data TestCase
= TestCase
{ tcDescription :: !T.Text
, tcQuery :: !J.Value
, tcUrl :: !T.Text
2018-08-10 15:05:07 +03:00
, tcHeaders :: !(Maybe Headers)
2018-07-11 10:13:07 +03:00
, tcStatus :: !Int
2018-08-10 15:05:07 +03:00
, tcResponse :: !(Maybe J.Value)
2018-07-20 11:19:06 +03:00
-- , tcDependsOn :: !(Maybe TestCase)
2018-07-11 10:13:07 +03:00
} deriving (Show)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 2 J.snakeCase) ''TestCase)
2018-07-20 11:19:06 +03:00
2018-07-11 10:13:07 +03:00
querySpecFiles :: [FilePath]
querySpecFiles =
[ "create_tables.yaml"
, "track_tables.yaml"
, "create_author_article_relationship.yaml"
2018-07-20 11:19:06 +03:00
, "create_author_article_permissions.yaml"
2018-08-03 12:34:37 +03:00
, "create_address_resident_relationship_error.yaml"
2018-08-10 15:05:07 +03:00
, "create_user_permission_address.yaml"
2018-09-05 18:25:30 +03:00
, "reload_metadata.yaml"
2018-08-27 14:50:18 +03:00
, "create_author_permission_role_admin_error.yaml"
2018-08-29 16:41:33 +03:00
, "create_user_permission_test_table.yaml"
, "all_json_queries.yaml"
, "upsert_role_user.yaml"
, "upsert_role_user_error.yaml"
2018-07-11 10:13:07 +03:00
gqlSpecFiles :: [FilePath]
gqlSpecFiles =
2018-07-17 16:23:23 +03:00
[ "introspection.yaml"
2018-09-03 10:05:00 +03:00
, "introspection_user_role.yaml"
2018-07-20 13:51:20 +03:00
, "insert_mutation/author.yaml"
2018-07-11 10:13:07 +03:00
, "simple_select_query_author.yaml"
2018-08-27 17:17:03 +03:00
, "select_query_author_by_pkey.yaml"
2018-07-20 13:51:20 +03:00
, "insert_mutation/article.yaml"
, "insert_mutation/article_on_conflict.yaml"
2018-09-04 16:39:48 +03:00
, "insert_mutation/article_on_conflict_user_role.yaml"
, "insert_mutation/article_on_conflict_update_columns.yaml"
2018-07-20 13:51:20 +03:00
, "insert_mutation/article_on_conflict_ignore.yaml"
, "insert_mutation/article_on_conflict_ignore_constraint.yaml"
2018-09-04 16:39:48 +03:00
, "insert_mutation/article_on_conflict_empty_update_columns.yaml"
, "insert_mutation/article_on_conflict_only_constraint.yaml"
2018-07-20 13:51:20 +03:00
, "insert_mutation/article_on_conflict_error_01.yaml"
, "insert_mutation/article_on_conflict_error_02.yaml"
, "insert_mutation/article_on_conflict_error_03.yaml"
, "insert_mutation/person.yaml"
, "insert_mutation/person_array.yaml"
2018-08-07 13:43:42 +03:00
, "insert_mutation/order.yaml"
2018-08-10 15:05:07 +03:00
, "insert_mutation/address_check_constraint_error.yaml"
, "insert_mutation/address_not_null_constraint_error.yaml"
, "insert_mutation/author_unique_constraint_error.yaml"
2018-08-17 17:44:43 +03:00
, "insert_mutation/author_on_conflict_ignore_user_role.yaml"
, "insert_mutation/author_on_conflict_update_user_role.yaml"
2018-07-11 10:13:07 +03:00
, "nested_select_query_article.yaml"
2018-08-06 15:15:08 +03:00
, "select_query_article_limit_offset.yaml"
, "select_query_article_limit_offset_error_01.yaml"
, "select_query_article_limit_offset_error_02.yaml"
2018-07-20 13:51:20 +03:00
, "update_mutation/author.yaml"
, "update_mutation/person_set.yaml"
, "update_mutation/person_append.yaml"
, "update_mutation/person_prepend.yaml"
, "update_mutation/person_delete_key.yaml"
, "update_mutation/person_delete_elem.yaml"
, "update_mutation/person_delete_at_path.yaml"
, "update_mutation/person_inc.yaml"
, "update_mutation/person_error_01.yaml"
, "delete_mutation/article.yaml"
2018-08-08 10:01:49 +03:00
, "delete_mutation/article_returning.yaml"
2018-08-10 15:05:07 +03:00
, "delete_mutation/author_foreign_key_violation.yaml"
2018-07-11 10:13:07 +03:00
readTestCase :: FilePath -> IO TestCase
readTestCase fpath = do
res <- Y.decodeFileEither ("test/testcases/" ++ fpath)
case res of
Left e -> do
putStrLn $ Y.prettyPrintParseException e
error $ "Could not parse testcase YAML: " ++ fpath
Right q -> return q
mkSpec :: TestCase -> SpecWith Application
mkSpec tc = do
let desc = tcDescription tc
url = tcUrl tc
q = tcQuery tc
2018-08-10 15:05:07 +03:00
mHeaders = tcHeaders tc
statusCode = tcStatus tc
mRespBody = tcResponse tc
headers = maybe [] (map toHeader . HM.toList) mHeaders
body = maybe matchAny bodyEquals $ fmap J.encode mRespBody
resp = ResponseMatcher statusCode [] body
2018-07-20 11:19:06 +03:00
it (T.unpack desc) $
2018-08-10 15:05:07 +03:00
request "POST" (T.encodeUtf8 url) headers (J.encode q) `shouldRespondWith` resp
matchAny = MatchBody (\_ _ -> Nothing)
toHeader (k, v) = (CI.mk $ T.encodeUtf8 k, T.encodeUtf8 v)
2018-07-11 10:13:07 +03:00
2018-07-20 11:19:06 +03:00
2018-07-11 10:13:07 +03:00
mkSpecs :: IO (SpecWith Application)
mkSpecs = do
ddlTc <- mapM readTestCase querySpecFiles
gqlTc <- mapM readTestCase gqlSpecFiles
return $ do
describe "version API" $
it "responds with version" $
get "/v1/version" `shouldRespondWith` 200
2018-07-20 11:19:06 +03:00
describe "console endpoint" $
it "responds with 200" $
get "/console" `shouldRespondWith` 200
describe "CORS test" $
it "should respond with correct CORS headers" $
request "OPTIONS" "/v1/version" [("Origin", "example.com")] ""
`shouldRespondWith` 204
{matchHeaders = ["Access-Control-Allow-Origin" <:> "example.com"]}
2018-07-11 10:13:07 +03:00
describe "Query API" $ mapM_ mkSpec ddlTc
describe "GraphQL API" $ mapM_ mkSpec gqlTc