2022-06-08 19:35:44 +03:00
-- | This module defines a way to setup test fixtures which can help defining
-- tests.
-- Central types and functions are 'Fixture', 'SetupAction', and 'run'.
module Harness.Test.Fixture
( run,
Fixture (..),
FixtureName (..),
2022-08-02 21:01:34 +03:00
BackendType (..),
2022-06-08 19:35:44 +03:00
SetupAction (..),
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2022-08-02 21:01:34 +03:00
Options (..),
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2022-09-07 12:16:10 +03:00
import Data.Text qualified as T
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import Data.UUID.V4 (nextRandom)
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import Harness.Exceptions
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import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine
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import Harness.Test.BackendType
2022-08-02 21:01:34 +03:00
import Harness.Test.CustomOptions
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import Harness.Test.Hspec.Extended
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import Harness.TestEnvironment (TestEnvironment (..), testLog)
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import Hasura.Prelude
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import Test.Hspec (ActionWith, SpecWith, aroundAllWith, aroundWith, describe, pendingWith)
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import Test.Hspec.Core.Spec (mapSpecItem)
-- | Runs the given tests, for each provided 'Fixture'@ ()@.
-- Each 'Fixture' describes how to setup and teardown the state of the system being tested.
-- 'run' guarantees that state setup and teardown is exception safe, and that
-- the teardown actions are run in reverse order of the setup actions.
-- See 'Fixture' for details.
-- This function restricts the local testEnvironment parameter for 'Fixture' to be '()',
-- indicating that there should be _no_ local testEnvironment.
-- For a more general version that can run tests for any 'Fixture'@ a@, see
-- 'runWithLocalTestEnvironment'.
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run :: NonEmpty (Fixture ()) -> (Options -> SpecWith TestEnvironment) -> SpecWith TestEnvironment
run fixtures tests = do
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let mappedTests opts =
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(mapItemAction actionWithTestEnvironmentMapping)
2022-08-02 21:01:34 +03:00
(tests opts)
2022-08-11 18:03:04 +03:00
runWithLocalTestEnvironment fixtures mappedTests
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-- | Observe that there is a direct correspondance (i.e. an isomorphism) from
-- @TestEnvironment@ to @(TestEnvironment, ())@ within 'ActionWith'.
-- NOTE: 'ActionWith'@ a@ is a type alias for @a -> IO ()@; thus, the fully
-- expanded type signature here is @(TestEnvironment -> IO ()) -> (TestEnvironment, ()) -> IO ()@.
-- NOTE: This can possibly be generalized to a @Control.Lens.Iso@.
-- NOTE: This should probably be extracted to some common helper module (e.g.
-- @Harness.TestEnvironment@).
actionWithTestEnvironmentMapping :: ActionWith TestEnvironment -> ActionWith (TestEnvironment, ())
actionWithTestEnvironmentMapping actionWith (testEnvironment, _) = actionWith testEnvironment
-- | Runs the given tests, for each provided 'Fixture'@ a@.
-- Each 'Fixture' provides a list of 'SetupActions';
-- 'runWithLocalTestEnvironment' guarantees that the associated 'teardown'
-- function is always called after a setup, even if the tests fail.
-- 'Fixture's are parameterized by the type of local testEnvironment that needs
-- to be carried throughout the tests.
-- See 'Fixture' for details.
runWithLocalTestEnvironment ::
forall a.
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NonEmpty (Fixture a) ->
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(Options -> SpecWith (TestEnvironment, a)) ->
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SpecWith TestEnvironment
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runWithLocalTestEnvironment fixtures tests =
for_ fixtures \context -> do
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let n = name context
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co = customOptions context
options = fromMaybe defaultOptions co
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case skipTests options of
Just skipMsg ->
describe (show n) $ aroundWith (\_ _ -> pendingWith $ "Tests skipped: " <> T.unpack skipMsg) (tests options)
Nothing ->
describe (show n) $ aroundAllWith (fixtureBracket context) (tests options)
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-- We want to be able to report exceptions happening both during the tests
-- and at teardown, which is why we use a custom re-implementation of
-- @bracket@.
fixtureBracket :: Fixture b -> ((TestEnvironment, b) -> IO a) -> TestEnvironment -> IO ()
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fixtureBracket Fixture {name, mkLocalTestEnvironment, setupTeardown} actionWith globalTestEnvironment =
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mask \restore -> do
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-- log DB of test
testLog globalTestEnvironment $ "Testing " <> show name <> "..."
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localTestEnvironment <- mkLocalTestEnvironment globalTestEnvironment
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-- create a unique id to differentiate this set of tests
uniqueTestId <- nextRandom
let globalTestEnvWithUnique =
{ backendType = case name of
Backend db -> Just db
_ -> Nothing,
uniqueTestId = uniqueTestId
let testEnvironment = (globalTestEnvWithUnique, localTestEnvironment)
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2022-08-30 11:52:19 +03:00
cleanup <- runSetupActions globalTestEnvironment (setupTeardown testEnvironment)
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_ <-
(restore $ actionWith testEnvironment)
-- | A function that makes it easy to perform setup and teardown when
-- debugging/developing tests within a repl.
fixtureRepl ::
Fixture a ->
TestEnvironment ->
IO (IO ())
fixtureRepl Fixture {mkLocalTestEnvironment, setupTeardown} globalTestEnvironment = do
localTestEnvironment <- mkLocalTestEnvironment globalTestEnvironment
let testEnvironment = (globalTestEnvironment, localTestEnvironment)
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cleanup <- runSetupActions globalTestEnvironment (setupTeardown testEnvironment)
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return cleanup
-- | Run a list of SetupActions.
-- * If all setup steps complete, return an IO action that runs the teardown actions in reverse order.
-- * If a setup step fails, the steps that were executed are torn down in reverse order.
-- * Teardown always collects all the exceptions that are thrown.
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runSetupActions :: TestEnvironment -> [SetupAction] -> IO (IO ())
runSetupActions testEnv acts = go acts []
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go :: [SetupAction] -> [IO ()] -> IO (IO ())
go actions cleanupAcc = case actions of
[] -> return (rethrowAll cleanupAcc)
SetupAction {setupAction, teardownAction} : rest -> do
a <- try setupAction
-- It would be nice to be able to log the execution of setup actions
-- into a logfile or similar. Using `putStrLn` interferes with the
-- default Hspec test runner's output, so the lines below have been left
-- commented out.
case a of
Left (exn :: SomeException) -> do
2022-08-30 11:52:19 +03:00
testLog testEnv $ "Setup failed for step " ++ show (length cleanupAcc) ++ "."
( throwIO exn :
( testLog testEnv ("Teardown failed for step " ++ show (length cleanupAcc) ++ ".")
>> teardownAction Nothing
) :
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return (return ())
Right x -> do
2022-08-30 11:52:19 +03:00
testLog testEnv $ "Setup for step " ++ show (length cleanupAcc) ++ " succeeded."
( ( testLog testEnv ("Teardown for step " ++ show (length cleanupAcc) ++ " succeeded.")
>> teardownAction (Just x)
) :
2022-06-08 19:35:44 +03:00
-- | A fixture represents the state of the system-under-test which a set of
-- tests rely on; this could be an individual backend, or a setup of several of
-- them to test relationships.
-- The @a@ parameter defines the local testEnvironment, in addition to the
-- global testEnvironment. A test that doesn't require additional local
-- testEnvironment can indicate this with '()'.
-- Test-system state is setup via a list of 'SetupAction's.
data Fixture a = Fixture
{ -- | A name describing the given context.
-- e.g. @Postgres@ or @MySQL@
name :: FixtureName,
-- | Setup actions associated with creating a local testEnvironment for this
-- 'Fixture'; for example:
-- * starting remote servers
-- If any of those resources need to be threaded throughout the tests
-- themselves they should be returned here. Otherwise, a ()
mkLocalTestEnvironment :: TestEnvironment -> IO a,
-- | Setup actions associated with this 'Fixture'; for example:
-- * running SQL commands
-- * sending metadata commands
-- Takes the global 'TestEnvironment' and any local testEnvironment (i.e. @a@) as arguments.
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setupTeardown :: (TestEnvironment, a) -> [SetupAction],
-- | Options which modify the behavior of a given testing 'Fixture'; when
-- this field is 'Nothing', tests are given the 'defaultOptions'.
customOptions :: Maybe Options
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-- | A simple smart constructor for a 'Fixture'.
fixture :: FixtureName -> Fixture ()
fixture name = Fixture {..}
setupTeardown = const []
mkLocalTestEnvironment = noLocalTestEnvironment
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customOptions = Nothing
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-- | a 'SetupAction' encodes how to setup and tear down a single piece of test
-- system state.
-- The value produced by a 'setupAction' is to be input into the corresponding
-- 'teardownAction', if the 'setupAction' completed without throwing an
-- exception.
data SetupAction = forall a.
{ setupAction :: IO a,
teardownAction :: Maybe a -> IO ()
2022-08-29 03:20:00 +03:00
-- | Setup a test action without any initialization then reset the
-- metadata in the teardown. This is useful for running tests on the Metadata API.
emptySetupAction :: TestEnvironment -> SetupAction
emptySetupAction testEnvironment =
{ setupAction = pure (),
teardownAction = const $ GraphqlEngine.clearMetadata testEnvironment
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-- | A name describing the given context.
data FixtureName
= Backend BackendType
| RemoteGraphQLServer
| Combine FixtureName FixtureName
instance Show FixtureName where
show (Backend backend) = show backend
show RemoteGraphQLServer = "RemoteGraphQLServer"
show (Combine name1 name2) = show name1 ++ "-" ++ show name2
-- | Default function for 'mkLocalTestEnvironment' when there's no local testEnvironment.
noLocalTestEnvironment :: TestEnvironment -> IO ()
noLocalTestEnvironment _ = pure ()