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-- | This module defines a way to setup test fixtures which can help defining
-- tests.
-- Central types and functions are 'Fixture', 'SetupAction', and 'run'.
module Harness.Test.Fixture
( run,
Fixture (..),
FixtureName (..),
BackendType (..),
SetupAction (..),
Options (..),
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.UUID.V4 (nextRandom)
import Harness.Exceptions
import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine
import Harness.Test.BackendType
import Harness.Test.CustomOptions
import Harness.Test.Hspec.Extended
import Harness.TestEnvironment (TestEnvironment (..), testLog)
import Hasura.Prelude
import Test.Hspec (ActionWith, SpecWith, aroundAllWith, aroundWith, describe, pendingWith)
import Test.Hspec.Core.Spec (mapSpecItem)
-- | Runs the given tests, for each provided 'Fixture'@ ()@.
-- Each 'Fixture' describes how to setup and teardown the state of the system being tested.
-- 'run' guarantees that state setup and teardown is exception safe, and that
-- the teardown actions are run in reverse order of the setup actions.
-- See 'Fixture' for details.
-- This function restricts the local testEnvironment parameter for 'Fixture' to be '()',
-- indicating that there should be _no_ local testEnvironment.
-- For a more general version that can run tests for any 'Fixture'@ a@, see
-- 'runWithLocalTestEnvironment'.
run :: NonEmpty (Fixture ()) -> (Options -> SpecWith TestEnvironment) -> SpecWith TestEnvironment
run fixtures tests = do
let mappedTests opts =
(mapItemAction actionWithTestEnvironmentMapping)
(tests opts)
runWithLocalTestEnvironment fixtures mappedTests
-- | Observe that there is a direct correspondance (i.e. an isomorphism) from
-- @TestEnvironment@ to @(TestEnvironment, ())@ within 'ActionWith'.
-- NOTE: 'ActionWith'@ a@ is a type alias for @a -> IO ()@; thus, the fully
-- expanded type signature here is @(TestEnvironment -> IO ()) -> (TestEnvironment, ()) -> IO ()@.
-- NOTE: This can possibly be generalized to a @Control.Lens.Iso@.
-- NOTE: This should probably be extracted to some common helper module (e.g.
-- @Harness.TestEnvironment@).
actionWithTestEnvironmentMapping :: ActionWith TestEnvironment -> ActionWith (TestEnvironment, ())
actionWithTestEnvironmentMapping actionWith (testEnvironment, _) = actionWith testEnvironment
-- | Runs the given tests, for each provided 'Fixture'@ a@.
-- Each 'Fixture' provides a list of 'SetupActions';
-- 'runWithLocalTestEnvironment' guarantees that the associated 'teardown'
-- function is always called after a setup, even if the tests fail.
-- 'Fixture's are parameterized by the type of local testEnvironment that needs
-- to be carried throughout the tests.
-- See 'Fixture' for details.
runWithLocalTestEnvironment ::
forall a.
NonEmpty (Fixture a) ->
(Options -> SpecWith (TestEnvironment, a)) ->
SpecWith TestEnvironment
runWithLocalTestEnvironment fixtures tests =
for_ fixtures \context -> do
let n = name context
co = customOptions context
options = fromMaybe defaultOptions co
case skipTests options of
Just skipMsg ->
describe (show n) $ aroundWith (\_ _ -> pendingWith $ "Tests skipped: " <> T.unpack skipMsg) (tests options)
Nothing ->
describe (show n) $ aroundAllWith (fixtureBracket context) (tests options)
-- We want to be able to report exceptions happening both during the tests
-- and at teardown, which is why we use a custom re-implementation of
-- @bracket@.
fixtureBracket :: Fixture b -> ((TestEnvironment, b) -> IO a) -> TestEnvironment -> IO ()
fixtureBracket Fixture {name, mkLocalTestEnvironment, setupTeardown} actionWith globalTestEnvironment =
mask \restore -> do
-- log DB of test
testLog globalTestEnvironment $ "Testing " <> show name <> "..."
localTestEnvironment <- mkLocalTestEnvironment globalTestEnvironment
-- create a unique id to differentiate this set of tests
uniqueTestId <- nextRandom
let globalTestEnvWithUnique =
{ backendType = case name of
Backend db -> Just db
_ -> Nothing,
uniqueTestId = uniqueTestId
let testEnvironment = (globalTestEnvWithUnique, localTestEnvironment)
cleanup <- runSetupActions globalTestEnvironment (setupTeardown testEnvironment)
_ <-
(restore $ actionWith testEnvironment)
-- | A function that makes it easy to perform setup and teardown when
-- debugging/developing tests within a repl.
fixtureRepl ::
Fixture a ->
TestEnvironment ->
IO (IO ())
fixtureRepl Fixture {mkLocalTestEnvironment, setupTeardown} globalTestEnvironment = do
localTestEnvironment <- mkLocalTestEnvironment globalTestEnvironment
let testEnvironment = (globalTestEnvironment, localTestEnvironment)
cleanup <- runSetupActions globalTestEnvironment (setupTeardown testEnvironment)
return cleanup
-- | Run a list of SetupActions.
-- * If all setup steps complete, return an IO action that runs the teardown actions in reverse order.
-- * If a setup step fails, the steps that were executed are torn down in reverse order.
-- * Teardown always collects all the exceptions that are thrown.
runSetupActions :: TestEnvironment -> [SetupAction] -> IO (IO ())
runSetupActions testEnv acts = go acts []
go :: [SetupAction] -> [IO ()] -> IO (IO ())
go actions cleanupAcc = case actions of
[] -> return (rethrowAll cleanupAcc)
SetupAction {setupAction, teardownAction} : rest -> do
a <- try setupAction
-- It would be nice to be able to log the execution of setup actions
-- into a logfile or similar. Using `putStrLn` interferes with the
-- default Hspec test runner's output, so the lines below have been left
-- commented out.
case a of
Left (exn :: SomeException) -> do
testLog testEnv $ "Setup failed for step " ++ show (length cleanupAcc) ++ "."
( throwIO exn :
( testLog testEnv ("Teardown failed for step " ++ show (length cleanupAcc) ++ ".")
>> teardownAction Nothing
) :
return (return ())
Right x -> do
testLog testEnv $ "Setup for step " ++ show (length cleanupAcc) ++ " succeeded."
( ( testLog testEnv ("Teardown for step " ++ show (length cleanupAcc) ++ " succeeded.")
>> teardownAction (Just x)
) :
-- | A fixture represents the state of the system-under-test which a set of
-- tests rely on; this could be an individual backend, or a setup of several of
-- them to test relationships.
-- The @a@ parameter defines the local testEnvironment, in addition to the
-- global testEnvironment. A test that doesn't require additional local
-- testEnvironment can indicate this with '()'.
-- Test-system state is setup via a list of 'SetupAction's.
data Fixture a = Fixture
{ -- | A name describing the given context.
-- e.g. @Postgres@ or @MySQL@
name :: FixtureName,
-- | Setup actions associated with creating a local testEnvironment for this
-- 'Fixture'; for example:
-- * starting remote servers
-- If any of those resources need to be threaded throughout the tests
-- themselves they should be returned here. Otherwise, a ()
mkLocalTestEnvironment :: TestEnvironment -> IO a,
-- | Setup actions associated with this 'Fixture'; for example:
-- * running SQL commands
-- * sending metadata commands
-- Takes the global 'TestEnvironment' and any local testEnvironment (i.e. @a@) as arguments.
setupTeardown :: (TestEnvironment, a) -> [SetupAction],
-- | Options which modify the behavior of a given testing 'Fixture'; when
-- this field is 'Nothing', tests are given the 'defaultOptions'.
customOptions :: Maybe Options
-- | A simple smart constructor for a 'Fixture'.
fixture :: FixtureName -> Fixture ()
fixture name = Fixture {..}
setupTeardown = const []
mkLocalTestEnvironment = noLocalTestEnvironment
customOptions = Nothing
-- | a 'SetupAction' encodes how to setup and tear down a single piece of test
-- system state.
-- The value produced by a 'setupAction' is to be input into the corresponding
-- 'teardownAction', if the 'setupAction' completed without throwing an
-- exception.
data SetupAction = forall a.
{ setupAction :: IO a,
teardownAction :: Maybe a -> IO ()
-- | Setup a test action without any initialization then reset the
-- metadata in the teardown. This is useful for running tests on the Metadata API.
emptySetupAction :: TestEnvironment -> SetupAction
emptySetupAction testEnvironment =
{ setupAction = pure (),
teardownAction = const $ GraphqlEngine.clearMetadata testEnvironment
-- | A name describing the given context.
data FixtureName
= Backend BackendType
| RemoteGraphQLServer
| Combine FixtureName FixtureName
instance Show FixtureName where
show (Backend backend) = show backend
show RemoteGraphQLServer = "RemoteGraphQLServer"
show (Combine name1 name2) = show name1 ++ "-" ++ show name2
-- | Default function for 'mkLocalTestEnvironment' when there's no local testEnvironment.
noLocalTestEnvironment :: TestEnvironment -> IO ()
noLocalTestEnvironment _ = pure ()