_This manifest is about using Hasura with an existing database. If you're looking for a manifest that provisions a new Postgres server also, checkout [`../azure-container-with-pg`](../azure-container-with-pg) directory._
[![Deploy to Azure Button](https://azuredeploy.net/deploybutton.png)](https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3a%2f%2fraw.githubusercontent.com%2fhasura%2fgraphql-engine%2fmaster%2finstall-manifests%2fazure-container%2fazuredeploy.json)
- **Postgres Host (Server Name)**: enter the Postgres server name, obtained from Azure Portal or otherwise. Typically, it would look like pg-server.postgres.database.azure.com.
- **Postgres Port**: choose the PostgreSQL port, default is 5432.
- **Postgres Username (Server Admin Login Name)**: enter the login name for Postgres server, typically of the form hasura@pg-server for Azure.
- **Postgres Password**: enter the password for Postgres user.
- **Postgres Database Name**: enter the name of database that Hasura should connect to.
_(Note: Make sure you’ve allowed access for Azure services to the Postgres Server. This setting can be found under the connection security tab on Azure Portal.)_
Once you open the console, switch to Data tab and you’ll be able to see the tables in the database. You might have to switch the schema (dropdown on the top of sidebar) if your tables are not in the default public schema.