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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
module Autodocodec.Extended
( disjointEnumCodec,
HasObjectCodec (..),
DisjunctCodec (..),
TypeAlternative (..),
ValueWrapper (..),
ValueWrapper2 (..),
ValueWrapper3 (..),
module Autodocodec,
import Autodocodec
import Control.Lens (Prism', review, (^?))
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text qualified as T
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, Symbol, symbolVal)
import Hasura.Incremental (Cacheable)
import Hasura.Prelude
-- | A codec for an enum that can be written each with their own codec.
-- Unlike enumCodec, disjointEnumCodec assumes that each provided codec is disjoint.
-- === WARNING
-- If you don't provide a string for one of the type's constructors, the last codec in the list will be used instead.
disjointEnumCodec ::
forall enum context.
Eq enum =>
NonEmpty (enum, Codec context enum enum) ->
Codec context enum enum
disjointEnumCodec = go
go :: NonEmpty (enum, Codec context enum enum) -> Codec context enum enum
go ((e, c) :| rest) = case NE.nonEmpty rest of
Nothing -> c
Just ne -> disjointMatchChoiceCodec c (go ne) $ \i ->
if e == i
then Left e
else Right i
-- | A codec for an enum that can be written as constant string values
-- Unlike stringConstCodec, this function assumes that the provided values and strings are disjoint.
-- === Example usage
-- >>> data Fruit = Apple | Orange deriving (Show, Eq)
-- >>> let c = disjointStringConstCodec [(Apple, "foo"), (Orange, "bar")]
-- >>> toJSONVia c Orange
-- String "bar"
-- >>> JSON.parseMaybe (parseJSONVia c) (String "foo") :: Maybe Fruit
-- Just Apple
-- === WARNING
-- If you don't provide a string for one of the type's constructors, the last string in the list will be used instead:
-- >>> let c = disjointStringConstCodec [(Apple, "foo")]
-- >>> toJSONVia c Orange
-- String "foo"
disjointStringConstCodec ::
forall constant.
Eq constant =>
NonEmpty (constant, Text) ->
JSONCodec constant
disjointStringConstCodec =
( \(constant, text) ->
( constant,
literalTextValueCodec constant text
-- | Class for types that have a `JSONObjectCodec`, but not necessarily
-- a `JSONValueCodec`.
-- Used for providec codecs for sum type alternatives via `TypeAlternative`.
class HasObjectCodec a where
objectCodec :: JSONObjectCodec a
requiredTypeField :: Text -> ObjectCodec void ()
requiredTypeField typeName =
void $ lmapCodec (const typeName) $ requiredFieldWith' "type" $ literalTextCodec typeName
altCodec :: HasObjectCodec a => Text -> Text -> JSONCodec a
altCodec typeName typeFieldValue = object typeName $ requiredTypeField typeFieldValue *> objectCodec
-- | Disjoint version of matchChoiceCodec
disjointMatchChoiceCodec ::
-- | First codec
Codec context input output ->
-- | Second codec
Codec context input' output ->
-- | Rendering chooser
(newInput -> Either input input') ->
Codec context newInput output
disjointMatchChoiceCodec c1 c2 renderingChooser =
dimapCodec (either id id) renderingChooser $
disjointEitherCodec c1 c2
data DisjunctCodec context newInput output where
DisjunctCodec :: (newInput -> Maybe input) -> Codec context input output -> DisjunctCodec context newInput output
-- | A choice codec for a disjoint non-empty list of options
-- Note that this list of options must be complete.
-- There is a variant of newInput for which a DisjunctCodec is not provided
-- then encoding may fail with a call to `error` (via `fromJust`)
disjointMatchChoicesNECodec ::
-- | Codecs, each which their own rendering matcher
NonEmpty (DisjunctCodec context newInput output) ->
Codec context newInput output
disjointMatchChoicesNECodec l = go l
go (DisjunctCodec m c :| rest) = case nonEmpty rest of
Nothing -> lmapCodec (fromJust . m) c
Just l' ->
disjointMatchChoiceCodec c (go l') $ \i -> case m i of
Just j -> Left j
Nothing -> Right i
-- | Data needed to generate a codec for one alternative of a sum type `a`.
-- The existenstially quantified type `b` represents the object type
-- contained within the alternative.
data TypeAlternative a where
TypeAlternative ::
HasObjectCodec b =>
-- | Name of the object type for the alternative
Text ->
-- | Value to require in the "type" field of the object
Text ->
-- | Prism to access values of the alternative
Prism' a b ->
TypeAlternative a
-- | A codec for a sum type.
-- Note: the list of `TypeAlternative`s must cover all constructors of the sum type
-- Otherwise encoding may fail with a call to error.
-- This is not checked by the compiler.
-- Example:
-- >
-- > data Field
-- > = ColumnField (ValueWrapper "column" API.V0.ColumnName)
-- > | RelationshipField RelField
-- > deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Data)
-- >
-- > $(makePrisms ''Field)
-- >
-- > instance HasCodec Field where
-- > codec =
-- > named "Field" $
-- > sumTypeCodec
-- > [ TypeAlternative "ColumnField" "column" _ColumnField,
-- > TypeAlternative "RelationshipField" "relationship" _RelationshipField
-- > ]
sumTypeCodec :: NonEmpty (TypeAlternative a) -> JSONCodec a
sumTypeCodec l =
disjointMatchChoicesNECodec l'
l' =
l <&> \(TypeAlternative typeName typeFieldValue p) ->
DisjunctCodec (^? p) $ review p <$> altCodec typeName typeFieldValue
-- Some wrappers to help with sum types.
-- TODO: can we generalize this using HList or something?
-- TODO: add some usage examples
newtype ValueWrapper (t :: Symbol) a = ValueWrapper {getValue :: a}
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Data)
deriving anyclass (Cacheable, Hashable, NFData)
instance (KnownSymbol t, HasCodec a) => HasObjectCodec (ValueWrapper t a) where
objectCodec =
<$> requiredField' (T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy t)) .= getValue
data ValueWrapper2 (t1 :: Symbol) a1 (t2 :: Symbol) a2 = ValueWrapper2
{ getValue1 :: a1,
getValue2 :: a2
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Data)
deriving anyclass (Cacheable, Hashable, NFData)
instance (KnownSymbol t1, KnownSymbol t2, HasCodec a1, HasCodec a2) => HasObjectCodec (ValueWrapper2 t1 a1 t2 a2) where
objectCodec =
<$> requiredField' (T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy t1)) .= getValue1
<*> requiredField' (T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy t2)) .= getValue2
data ValueWrapper3 (t1 :: Symbol) a1 (t2 :: Symbol) a2 (t3 :: Symbol) a3 = ValueWrapper3
{ getValue1_ :: a1,
getValue2_ :: a2,
getValue3_ :: a3
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Data)
deriving anyclass (Cacheable, Hashable, NFData)
(KnownSymbol t1, KnownSymbol t2, KnownSymbol t3, HasCodec a1, HasCodec a2, HasCodec a3) =>
HasObjectCodec (ValueWrapper3 t1 a1 t2 a2 t3 a3)
objectCodec =
<$> requiredField' (T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy t1)) .= getValue1_
<*> requiredField' (T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy t2)) .= getValue2_
<*> requiredField' (T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy t3)) .= getValue3_