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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Hasura.RQL.DML.Select.Internal where
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal
import Hasura.RQL.GBoolExp
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
-- Conversion of SelectQ happens in 2 Stages.
-- Stage 1 : Convert input query into an annotated AST
-- Stage 2 : Convert annotated AST to SQL Select
type SelectQExt = SelectG ExtCol BoolExp Int
-- Columns in RQL
data ExtCol
= ECSimple !PGCol
| ECRel !RelName !(Maybe RelName) !SelectQExt
deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
instance ToJSON ExtCol where
toJSON (ECSimple s) = toJSON s
toJSON (ECRel rn mrn selq) =
object $ [ "name" .= rn
, "alias" .= mrn
] ++ selectGToPairs selq
instance FromJSON ExtCol where
parseJSON v@(Object o) =
<$> o .: "name"
<*> o .:? "alias"
<*> parseJSON v
parseJSON (String s) =
return $ ECSimple $ PGCol s
parseJSON _ =
fail $ mconcat
[ "A column should either be a string or an "
, "object (relationship)"
data AnnObCol
= AOCPG !PGColInfo
| AOCRel !RelInfo !S.BoolExp !AnnObCol
deriving (Show, Eq)
type AnnOrderByItem = OrderByItemG AnnObCol
data AnnRel
= AnnRel
{ arName :: !RelName -- Relationship name
, arType :: !RelType -- Relationship type (ObjRel, ArrRel)
, arMapping :: ![(PGCol, PGCol)] -- Column of the left table to join with
, arAnnSel :: !AnnSel -- Current table. Almost ~ to SQL Select
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type AnnAggSel = AnnSelG [(T.Text, TableAggFld)]
data AggSel
= AggSel
{ agColMapping :: ![(PGCol, PGCol)]
, agAnnSel :: !AnnAggSel
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data AnnFld
= FCol !PGColInfo
| FExp !T.Text
| FRel !AnnRel
| FAgg !AggSel
deriving (Show, Eq)
data TableArgs
= TableArgs
{ _taWhere :: !(Maybe (GBoolExp AnnSQLBoolExp))
, _taOrderBy :: !(Maybe (NE.NonEmpty AnnOrderByItem))
, _taLimit :: !(Maybe Int)
, _taOffset :: !(Maybe S.SQLExp)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
noTableArgs :: TableArgs
noTableArgs = TableArgs Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
data PGColFld
= PCFCol !PGCol
| PCFExp !T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
type ColFlds = [(T.Text, PGColFld)]
data AggFld
= AFCount
| AFSum !ColFlds
| AFAvg !ColFlds
| AFMax !ColFlds
| AFMin !ColFlds
| AFExp !T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
type AggFlds = [(T.Text, AggFld)]
data TableAggFld
= TAFAgg !AggFlds
| TAFNodes ![(FieldName, AnnFld)]
| TAFExp !T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
data TableFrom
= TableFrom
{ _tfTable :: !QualifiedTable
, _tfFrom :: !(Maybe S.FromItem)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data TablePerm
= TablePerm
{ _tpFilter :: !S.BoolExp
, _tpLimit :: !(Maybe Int)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data AnnSelG a
= AnnSelG
{ _asnFields :: !a
, _asnFrom :: !TableFrom
, _asnPerm :: !TablePerm
, _asnArgs :: !TableArgs
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type AnnSel = AnnSelG [(FieldName, AnnFld)]
data BaseNode
= BaseNode
{ _bnPrefix :: !Iden
, _bnFrom :: !S.FromItem
, _bnWhere :: !S.BoolExp
, _bnOrderBy :: !(Maybe S.OrderByExp)
, _bnLimit :: !(Maybe Int)
, _bnOffset :: !(Maybe S.SQLExp)
, _bnExtrs :: !(HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp)
, _bnObjRels :: !(HM.HashMap RelName RelNode)
, _bnArrRels :: !(HM.HashMap S.Alias RelNode)
, _bnAggs :: !(HM.HashMap S.Alias AggNode)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
txtToAlias :: Text -> S.Alias
txtToAlias = S.Alias . Iden
aggFldToExp :: AggFlds -> S.SQLExp
aggFldToExp aggFlds = jsonRow
jsonRow = S.applyJsonBuildObj (concatMap aggToFlds aggFlds)
withAls fldName sqlExp = [S.SELit fldName, sqlExp]
aggToFlds (t, fld) = withAls t $ case fld of
AFCount -> S.SEUnsafe "count(*)"
AFSum sumFlds -> colFldsToObj "sum" sumFlds
AFAvg avgFlds -> colFldsToObj "avg" avgFlds
AFMax maxFlds -> colFldsToObj "max" maxFlds
AFMin minFlds -> colFldsToObj "min" minFlds
AFExp e -> S.SELit e
colFldsToObj op flds =
S.applyJsonBuildObj $ concatMap (colFldsToExtr op) flds
colFldsToExtr op (t, PCFCol col) =
[ S.SELit t
, S.SEFnApp op [S.SEIden $ toIden col] Nothing
colFldsToExtr _ (t, PCFExp e) =
[ S.SELit t , S.SELit e]
asSingleRow :: S.Alias -> S.FromItem -> S.Select
asSingleRow col fromItem =
{ S.selExtr = [S.Extractor extr $ Just col]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [fromItem]
extr = S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [jsonAgg, S.SELit "null"] Nothing
jsonAgg = S.SEOpApp (S.SQLOp "->")
[ S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [S.SEIden $ toIden col] Nothing
, S.SEUnsafe "0"
aggNodeToSelect :: BaseNode -> S.Extractor -> S.BoolExp -> S.Select
aggNodeToSelect bn extr joinCond =
{ S.selExtr = [extr]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [selFrom]
selFrom = S.mkSelFromItem (baseNodeToSel joinCond bn) $ S.Alias $
_bnPrefix bn
withJsonAgg :: Maybe S.OrderByExp -> S.Alias -> S.FromItem -> S.Select
withJsonAgg orderByM col fromItem =
{ S.selExtr = [S.Extractor extr $ Just col]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [fromItem]
extr = S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [jsonAgg, S.SELit "[]"] Nothing
jsonAgg = S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [S.SEIden $ toIden col] orderByM
asJsonAggSel :: Bool -> S.Alias -> S.BoolExp -> BaseNode -> S.Select
asJsonAggSel singleObj als joinCond n =
let ordByM = _bnOrderBy n
fromItem = S.mkSelFromItem (baseNodeToSel joinCond n) $
S.Alias $ _bnPrefix n
in bool
(withJsonAgg ordByM als fromItem)
(asSingleRow als fromItem)
-- array relationships are not grouped, so have to be prefixed by
-- parent's alias
mkUniqArrRelAls :: FieldName -> FieldName -> Iden
mkUniqArrRelAls parAls relAls =
Iden $
getFieldNameTxt parAls <> "." <> getFieldNameTxt relAls
mkArrRelTableAls :: Iden -> FieldName -> FieldName -> Iden
mkArrRelTableAls pfx parAls relAls =
pfx <> Iden ".ar." <> uniqArrRelAls
uniqArrRelAls = mkUniqArrRelAls parAls relAls
mkObjRelTableAls :: Iden -> RelName -> Iden
mkObjRelTableAls pfx relName =
pfx <> Iden ".or." <> toIden relName
mkAggAls :: Iden -> FieldName -> Iden
mkAggAls pfx fldAls =
pfx <> Iden ".agg." <> toIden fldAls
mkBaseTableAls :: Iden -> Iden
mkBaseTableAls pfx =
pfx <> Iden ".base"
mkBaseTableColAls :: Iden -> PGCol -> Iden
mkBaseTableColAls pfx pgCol =
pfx <> Iden ".pg." <> toIden pgCol
-- posttgres ignores anything beyond 63 chars for an iden
-- in this case, we'll need to use json_build_object function
-- json_build_object is slower than row_to_json hence it is only
-- used when needed
:: Iden -> FieldName
-> [(FieldName, AnnFld)] -> (S.Alias, S.SQLExp)
buildJsonObject pfx parAls flds =
if any ( (> 63) . T.length . getFieldNameTxt . fst ) flds
then withJsonBuildObj parAls jsonBuildObjExps
else withRowToJSON parAls rowToJsonExtrs
jsonBuildObjExps = concatMap (toSQLFld withAlsExp) flds
rowToJsonExtrs = map (toSQLFld withAlsExtr) flds
withAlsExp fldName sqlExp =
[S.SELit $ getFieldNameTxt fldName, sqlExp]
withAlsExtr fldName sqlExp =
S.Extractor sqlExp $ Just $ S.toAlias fldName
toSQLFld f (fldAls, fld) = f fldAls $ case fld of
FCol col -> toJSONableExp (pgiType col) $
S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAls pfx) $ pgiName col
FExp e -> S.SELit e
FRel annRel ->
let qual = case arType annRel of
ObjRel -> mkObjRelTableAls pfx $ arName annRel
ArrRel -> mkArrRelTableAls pfx parAls fldAls
in S.mkQIdenExp qual fldAls
FAgg _ -> S.mkQIdenExp (mkAggAls pfx fldAls) fldAls
-- uses row_to_json to build a json object
:: FieldName -> [S.Extractor] -> (S.Alias, S.SQLExp)
withRowToJSON parAls extrs =
(S.toAlias parAls, jsonRow)
jsonRow = S.applyRowToJson extrs
-- uses json_build_object to build a json object
:: FieldName -> [S.SQLExp] -> (S.Alias, S.SQLExp)
withJsonBuildObj parAls exps =
(S.toAlias parAls, jsonRow)
jsonRow = S.applyJsonBuildObj exps
:: Iden
-> AnnOrderByItem
-- the extractors which will select the needed columns
-> ( (S.Alias, S.SQLExp)
-- the sql order by item that is attached to the final select
, S.OrderByItem
-- optionally we may have to add an obj rel node
, Maybe (RelName, RelNode)
processAnnOrderByItem pfx (OrderByItemG obTyM annObCol obNullsM) =
( (obColAls, obColExp)
, sqlOrdByItem
, relNodeM
((obColAls, obColExp), relNodeM) = processAnnOrderByCol pfx annObCol
sqlOrdByItem =
S.OrderByItem (S.SEIden $ toIden obColAls) obTyM obNullsM
:: Iden
-> AnnObCol
-- the extractors which will select the needed columns
-> ( (S.Alias, S.SQLExp)
-- optionally we may have to add an obj rel node
, Maybe (RelName, RelNode)
processAnnOrderByCol pfx = \case
AOCPG colInfo ->
qualCol = S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAls pfx) (toIden $ pgiName colInfo)
obColAls = mkBaseTableColAls pfx $ pgiName colInfo
in ( (S.Alias obColAls, qualCol)
, Nothing
-- "pfx.or.relname"."" AS ""
AOCRel (RelInfo rn _ colMapping relTab _ _) relFltr rest ->
let relPfx = mkObjRelTableAls pfx rn
((nesAls, nesCol), nesNodeM) = processAnnOrderByCol relPfx rest
qualCol = S.mkQIdenExp relPfx nesAls
relBaseNode =
BaseNode relPfx (S.FISimple relTab Nothing) relFltr
Nothing Nothing Nothing
(HM.singleton nesAls nesCol)
(maybe HM.empty (uncurry HM.singleton) nesNodeM)
HM.empty HM.empty
relNode = RelNode rn (fromRel rn) colMapping relBaseNode
in ( (nesAls, qualCol)
, Just (rn, relNode)
mkEmptyBaseNode :: Iden -> TableFrom -> BaseNode
mkEmptyBaseNode pfx tableFrom =
BaseNode pfx fromItem (S.BELit True) Nothing Nothing Nothing
selOne HM.empty HM.empty HM.empty
selOne = HM.singleton (S.Alias $ pfx <> Iden "__one") (S.SEUnsafe "1")
TableFrom tn fromItemM = tableFrom
fromItem = fromMaybe (S.FISimple tn Nothing) fromItemM
-- If query limit > permission limit then consider permission limit Else consider query limit
:: Maybe Int -- Permission limit
-> Maybe Int -- Query limit
-> Maybe Int -- Return SQL exp
applyPermLimit mPermLimit mQueryLimit =
maybe mQueryLimit compareWithPermLimit mPermLimit
compareWithPermLimit pLimit =
maybe (Just pLimit) (compareLimits pLimit) mQueryLimit
compareLimits pLimit qLimit = Just $
if qLimit > pLimit then pLimit else qLimit
aggSelToAggNode :: Iden -> FieldName -> AggSel -> AggNode
aggSelToAggNode pfx als aggSel =
AggNode colMapping extr mergedBN
AggSel colMapping annSel = aggSel
AnnSelG aggFlds tabFrm tabPerm tabArgs = annSel
fldAls = S.Alias $ toIden als
extr = flip S.Extractor (Just fldAls) $ S.applyJsonBuildObj $
concatMap selFldToExtr aggFlds
ordBy = _bnOrderBy mergedBN
allBNs = map mkAggBaseNode aggFlds
emptyBN = mkEmptyBaseNode pfx tabFrm
mergedBN = foldr mergeBaseNodes emptyBN allBNs
mkAggBaseNode (t, selFld) =
mkBaseNode pfx (FieldName t) selFld tabFrm tabPerm tabArgs
selFldToExtr (t, fld) = (:) (S.SELit t) $ pure $ case fld of
TAFAgg flds -> aggFldToExp flds
TAFNodes _ ->
let jsonAgg = S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [S.SEIden $ Iden t] ordBy
in S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [jsonAgg, S.SELit "[]"] Nothing
TAFExp e ->
-- bool_or to force aggregation
S.SEFnApp "coalesce"
[ S.SELit e , S.SEUnsafe "bool_or('true')::text"] Nothing
:: Iden -> FieldName -> TableAggFld -> TableFrom
-> TablePerm -> TableArgs -> BaseNode
mkBaseNode pfx fldAls annSelFlds tableFrom tablePerm tableArgs =
BaseNode pfx fromItem finalWhere ordByExpM finalLimit offsetM
allExtrs allObjsWithOb allArrs aggs
TableFrom tn fromItemM = tableFrom
TablePerm fltr permLimitM = tablePerm
TableArgs whereM orderByM limitM offsetM = tableArgs
(allExtrs, allObjsWithOb, allArrs, aggs) = case annSelFlds of
TAFNodes flds ->
let selExtr = buildJsonObject pfx fldAls flds
-- all the relationships
(allObjs, allArrRels) =
foldl' addRel (HM.empty, HM.empty) $
mapMaybe (\(als, f) -> (als,) <$> getAnnRel f) flds
allObjRelsWithOb =
foldl' (\objs (rn, relNode) -> HM.insertWith mergeRelNodes rn relNode objs)
allObjs $ catMaybes $ maybe [] _3 procOrdByM
aggItems = HM.fromList $ map mkAggItem $
mapMaybe (\(als, f) -> (als,) <$> getAggFld f) flds
in ( HM.fromList $ selExtr:obExtrs
, allObjRelsWithOb
, allArrRels
, aggItems
TAFAgg aggFlds ->
let extrs = concatMap (fetchExtrFromAggFld . snd) aggFlds
in ( HM.fromList $ extrs <> obExtrs
, HM.empty
, HM.empty
, HM.empty
TAFExp _ -> (HM.fromList obExtrs, HM.empty, HM.empty, HM.empty)
fetchExtrFromAggFld AFCount = []
fetchExtrFromAggFld (AFSum sumFlds) = colFldsToExps sumFlds
fetchExtrFromAggFld (AFAvg avgFlds) = colFldsToExps avgFlds
fetchExtrFromAggFld (AFMax maxFlds) = colFldsToExps maxFlds
fetchExtrFromAggFld (AFMin minFlds) = colFldsToExps minFlds
fetchExtrFromAggFld (AFExp _) = []
colFldsToExps = mapMaybe (mkColExp . snd)
mkColExp (PCFCol c) =
let qualCol = S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAls pfx) (toIden c)
colAls = toIden c
in Just (S.Alias colAls, qualCol)
mkColExp _ = Nothing
finalWhere = maybe fltr (S.BEBin S.AndOp fltr . cBoolExp) whereM
finalLimit = applyPermLimit permLimitM limitM
fromItem = fromMaybe (S.FISimple tn Nothing) fromItemM
_1 (a, _, _) = a
_2 (_, b, _) = b
_3 (_, _, c) = c
procOrdByM = unzip3 . map (processAnnOrderByItem pfx) . toList <$> orderByM
ordByExpM = S.OrderByExp . _2 <$> procOrdByM
-- the columns needed for orderby
obExtrs = maybe [] _1 procOrdByM
mkRelPfx rTy rn relAls = case rTy of
ObjRel -> mkObjRelTableAls pfx rn
ArrRel -> mkArrRelTableAls pfx fldAls relAls
-- process a relationship
addRel (objs, arrs) (relAls, annRel) =
let relName = arName annRel
relNodePfx = mkRelPfx (arType annRel) relName relAls
relNode = mkRelNode relNodePfx (relAls, annRel)
in case arType annRel of
-- in case of object relationships, we merge
ObjRel ->
(HM.insertWith mergeRelNodes relName relNode objs, arrs)
ArrRel ->
let arrRelTableAls = S.Alias $ mkUniqArrRelAls fldAls relAls
in (objs, HM.insert arrRelTableAls relNode arrs)
-- process agg field
mkAggItem (f, aggSel) =
let aggPfx = mkAggAls pfx f
aggAls = S.Alias aggPfx
aggNode = aggSelToAggNode aggPfx f aggSel
in (aggAls, aggNode)
getAnnRel = \case
FRel ar -> Just ar
_ -> Nothing
getAggFld = \case
FAgg af -> Just af
_ -> Nothing
annSelToBaseNode :: Iden -> FieldName -> AnnSel -> BaseNode
annSelToBaseNode pfx fldAls annSel =
mkBaseNode pfx fldAls (TAFNodes selFlds) tabFrm tabPerm tabArgs
AnnSelG selFlds tabFrm tabPerm tabArgs = annSel
mergeBaseNodes :: BaseNode -> BaseNode -> BaseNode
mergeBaseNodes lNodeDet rNodeDet =
BaseNode pfx f whr ordBy limit offset
(HM.union lExtrs rExtrs)
(HM.unionWith mergeRelNodes lObjs rObjs)
(HM.union lArrs rArrs)
(HM.union lAggs rAggs)
(BaseNode pfx f whr ordBy limit offset lExtrs lObjs lArrs lAggs) = lNodeDet
(BaseNode _ _ _ _ _ _ rExtrs rObjs rArrs rAggs) = rNodeDet
-- should only be used to merge obj rel nodes
mergeRelNodes :: RelNode -> RelNode -> RelNode
mergeRelNodes lNode rNode =
RelNode rn rAls rMapn $ mergeBaseNodes lNodeDet rNodeDet
(RelNode rn rAls rMapn lNodeDet) = lNode
(RelNode _ _ _ rNodeDet) = rNode
data RelNode
= RelNode
{ _rnRelName :: !RelName
, _rnRelAlias :: !FieldName
, _rnRelMapping :: ![(PGCol, PGCol)]
, _rnNodeDet :: !BaseNode
} deriving (Show, Eq)
mkRelNode :: Iden -> (FieldName, AnnRel) -> RelNode
mkRelNode pfx (relAls, AnnRel rn _ rMapn rAnnSel) =
RelNode rn relAls rMapn $ annSelToBaseNode pfx relAls rAnnSel
data AggNode
= AggNode
{ _anColMapping :: ![(PGCol, PGCol)]
, _anExtr :: !S.Extractor
, _anNodeDet :: !BaseNode
} deriving (Show, Eq)
injectJoinCond :: S.BoolExp -- ^ Join condition
-> S.BoolExp -- ^ Where condition
-> S.WhereFrag -- ^ New where frag
injectJoinCond joinCond whereCond =
S.WhereFrag $ S.simplifyBoolExp $ S.BEBin S.AndOp joinCond whereCond
mkJoinCond :: S.Alias -> [(PGCol, PGCol)] -> S.BoolExp
mkJoinCond baseTableAls colMapn =
foldl' (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True) $ flip map colMapn $
\(lCol, rCol) ->
S.BECompare S.SEQ (S.mkQIdenExp baseTableAls lCol) (S.mkSIdenExp rCol)
baseNodeToSel :: S.BoolExp -> BaseNode -> S.Select
baseNodeToSel joinCond (BaseNode pfx fromItem whr ordByM limitM offsetM extrs objRels arrRels aggs) =
{ S.selExtr = [S.Extractor e $ Just a | (a, e) <- HM.toList extrs]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [joinedFrom]
, S.selOrderBy = ordByM
, S.selLimit = S.LimitExp . S.intToSQLExp <$> limitM
, S.selOffset = S.OffsetExp <$> offsetM
-- this is the table which is aliased as "pfx.base"
baseSel = S.mkSelect
{ S.selExtr = [S.Extractor S.SEStar Nothing]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [fromItem]
, S.selWhere = Just $ injectJoinCond joinCond whr
baseSelAls = S.Alias $ mkBaseTableAls pfx
baseFromItem = S.FISelect (S.Lateral False) baseSel baseSelAls
-- function to create a joined from item from two from items
leftOuterJoin current new =
S.FIJoin $ S.JoinExpr current S.LeftOuter new $
S.JoinOn $ S.BELit True
-- this is the from eexp for the final select
joinedFrom :: S.FromItem
joinedFrom = foldl' leftOuterJoin baseFromItem $
map objRelToFromItem (HM.elems objRels) <>
map arrRelToFromItem (HM.elems arrRels) <>
map aggToFromItem (HM.toList aggs)
objRelToFromItem :: RelNode -> S.FromItem
objRelToFromItem (RelNode _ _ relMapn relBaseNode) =
let als = S.Alias $ _bnPrefix relBaseNode
sel = baseNodeToSel (mkJoinCond baseSelAls relMapn) relBaseNode
in S.mkLateralFromItem sel als
arrRelToFromItem :: RelNode -> S.FromItem
arrRelToFromItem (RelNode _ relFld relMapn relBaseNode) =
let als = S.Alias $ _bnPrefix relBaseNode
fldAls = S.Alias $ toIden relFld
sel = asJsonAggSel False fldAls (mkJoinCond baseSelAls relMapn) relBaseNode
in S.mkLateralFromItem sel als
aggToFromItem :: (S.Alias, AggNode) -> S.FromItem
aggToFromItem (als, AggNode colMapn extr bn) =
let sel = aggNodeToSelect bn extr (mkJoinCond baseSelAls colMapn)
in S.mkLateralFromItem sel als