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-- | Regression tests for issue #20
module BlockStrings
( blockTest,
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Hedgehog
( Group (..),
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Parser (blockString, runParser)
import Prelude
blockTest :: IO Bool
blockTest = do
checkParallel $
[ ("parses the specExample", "\n Hello,\n World!\n\n Yours,\n GraphQL.\n " `shouldParseTo` "Hello,\n World!\n\nYours,\n GraphQL."),
("do not remove WS from the end of lines", "\nFoo \nbar " `shouldParseTo` "Foo \nbar "),
("tabs are WS as well", "\n\t\tFoo\n\t\tbar\n\t\t\tqux" `shouldParseTo` "Foo\nbar\n\tqux"),
("tabs work with spaces", "\n\t Foo\n \tbar\n\t\t qux" `shouldParseTo` "Foo\nbar\n qux"),
("parses newline", "\n" `shouldParseTo` ""),
("parses very simples not-empty block", "x" `shouldParseTo` "x"),
("common indentation is removed", "\n a \n b \n c " `shouldParseTo` "a \n b \nc "),
("zero common indentation is possible", "\na \n b \nc " `shouldParseTo` "a \n b \nc "),
("no whitespace is removed from the first line", " abc " `shouldParseTo` " abc "),
("ignores escaping", " \\ " `shouldParseTo` " \\ "), -- this is a single \
("\n in first characters is parsed", "\n hey " `shouldParseTo` "hey "),
("simple case", "\nx\n" `shouldParseTo` "x"),
("empty single line", "" `shouldParseTo` ""),
("empty two lines", "\n" `shouldParseTo` ""),
("empty three lines", "\n\n" `shouldParseTo` ""),
("empty X lines", "\n\n\n\n\n\n" `shouldParseTo` ""),
("preserves escaped newlines", "\nhello\\nworld\n" `shouldParseTo` "hello\\nworld"),
("double-quotes are parsed normally", "\n\"\n" `shouldParseTo` "\""),
("escaped triple-quotes are ignored as block terminator", "\n \\\"\"\"hey\n friends\n" `shouldParseTo` "\"\"\"hey\nfriends"),
("fails for normal string", blockParseFail "\"hey\""),
("fails for block string that is not closed", blockParseFail "\"\"\" hey"),
("fails for block string that is not closed when there are escaped triple-quotes", blockParseFail "\"\"\" hey\\\"\"\"hey"),
("does not ignore escaping when it's part of an escaped triple-quotes", blockParseFail "\"\"\"\\\"\"\"") -- this is a single \, but it touches the """ at the end
-- | We use this function to tests cases that we know should
-- fail, when we pass a function to construct wrapped the
-- body in a delimiter, where we will probably be testing
-- for errors using it.
blockParseFail :: Text -> Property
blockParseFail unparsed = withTests 1 $
property $ do
case runParser blockString ("\"\"\"" <> unparsed <> "\"\"\"") of
Left _ -> success
Right _ -> do
footnote ("Should have failed for: " <> T.unpack ("\"\"\"" <> unparsed <> "\"\"\""))
-- | Test whether certain block string content parses to the expected value.
shouldParseTo :: Text -> Text -> Property
shouldParseTo unparsed expected = withTests 1 $
property $ do
case runParser blockString ("\"\"\"" <> unparsed <> "\"\"\"") of
Right r -> expected === r
Left l -> do
footnote $ T.unpack $ "Block parser failed: " <> l