2021-08-04 14:42:24 +03:00
module Hasura.Backends.MySQL.Connection
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
( runJSONPathQuery,
2022-04-11 14:24:11 +03:00
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
2021-10-12 14:33:33 +03:00
2021-10-23 14:42:20 +03:00
2021-08-04 14:42:24 +03:00
2021-07-13 16:32:15 +03:00
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
import Data.Aeson hiding (Result)
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
2022-06-08 18:31:28 +03:00
import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as K
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KM
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
import Data.Aeson.Text (encodeToTextBuilder)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Environment qualified as Env
2021-10-12 14:33:33 +03:00
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as OMap
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
import Data.Pool
import Data.Scientific (fromFloatDigits)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (toLazyText)
2021-10-12 14:33:33 +03:00
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Vector qualified as V
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
import Database.MySQL.Base
import Database.MySQL.Base.Types (Field (..))
import Database.MySQL.Simple.Result qualified as MySQL
2021-10-12 14:33:33 +03:00
import Hasura.Backends.MySQL.DataLoader.Plan qualified as DataLoaderPlan
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
import Hasura.Backends.MySQL.Meta (getMetadata)
import Hasura.Backends.MySQL.ToQuery (Query (..))
import Hasura.Backends.MySQL.Types
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Prelude
2022-04-29 05:13:13 +03:00
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend (BackendConfig)
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source
2021-10-29 17:42:07 +03:00
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SourceCustomization
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
2021-07-23 15:25:16 +03:00
2022-04-29 05:13:13 +03:00
resolveSourceConfig :: (MonadIO m) => SourceName -> ConnSourceConfig -> BackendSourceKind 'MySQL -> BackendConfig 'MySQL -> Env.Environment -> m (Either QErr SourceConfig)
resolveSourceConfig _name csc@ConnSourceConfig {_cscPoolSettings = ConnPoolSettings {..}, ..} _backendKind _backendConfig _env = do
2021-07-13 16:32:15 +03:00
let connectInfo =
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
{ connectHost = T.unpack _cscHost,
connectPort = _cscPort,
connectUser = T.unpack _cscUser,
connectPassword = T.unpack _cscPassword,
connectDatabase = T.unpack _cscDatabase
2021-07-13 16:32:15 +03:00
2021-07-23 15:25:16 +03:00
runExceptT $
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
SourceConfig csc
<$> liftIO
( createPool
(connect connectInfo)
(fromIntegral _cscIdleTimeout)
(fromIntegral _cscMaxConnections)
2021-08-04 14:42:24 +03:00
2021-10-29 17:42:07 +03:00
resolveDatabaseMetadata :: (MonadIO m) => SourceConfig -> SourceTypeCustomization -> m (Either QErr (ResolvedSource 'MySQL))
resolveDatabaseMetadata sc@SourceConfig {..} sourceCustomization =
2021-07-15 15:44:26 +03:00
runExceptT $ do
metadata <- liftIO $ withResource scConnectionPool (getMetadata scConfig)
2021-10-29 17:42:07 +03:00
pure $ ResolvedSource sc sourceCustomization metadata mempty mempty
2021-08-04 14:42:24 +03:00
2022-04-11 14:24:11 +03:00
postDropSourceHook ::
(MonadIO m) =>
SourceConfig ->
m ()
postDropSourceHook _ =
-- As of now, we do not add any Hasura related stuff to source DB hence
-- no need to clean things up.
pure ()
2021-08-04 14:42:24 +03:00
parseFieldResult :: Field -> Maybe ByteString -> Value
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
parseFieldResult f@Field {..} mBs =
2021-08-04 14:42:24 +03:00
case fieldType of
Long ->
let fvalue :: Double = MySQL.convert f mBs
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
in Number $ fromFloatDigits fvalue
2021-08-04 14:42:24 +03:00
VarString ->
let fvalue :: Text = MySQL.convert f mBs
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
in J.String fvalue
2021-10-22 02:50:18 +03:00
Blob ->
let fvalue :: Text = MySQL.convert f mBs
in J.String fvalue
2021-08-04 14:42:24 +03:00
DateTime -> maybe J.Null (J.String . decodeUtf8) mBs
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
_ -> error $ "parseResult: not implemented yet " <> show f <> " " <> show mBs
2021-08-04 14:42:24 +03:00
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
-- TODO: handle remaining cases
2021-08-04 14:42:24 +03:00
fieldsToAeson :: [Field] -> [[Maybe ByteString]] -> [Value]
fieldsToAeson column rows =
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
[ Object $
2022-06-08 18:31:28 +03:00
KM.fromList $
[ (K.fromText (decodeUtf8 (fieldName c))) .= (parseFieldResult c r)
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
| (c, r) <- (zip column row :: [(Field, Maybe ByteString)])
| row <- (rows :: [[Maybe ByteString]])
2021-08-04 14:42:24 +03:00
2021-09-24 01:56:37 +03:00
runJSONPathQuery ::
(MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m) =>
(Pool Connection) ->
Query ->
m Text
2021-08-04 14:42:24 +03:00
runJSONPathQuery pool (Query querySql) = do
result <- liftIO $
withResource pool $ \conn -> do
query conn querySql
result <- storeResult conn
fields <- fetchFields result
rows <- fetchAllRows result
pure $ fieldsToAeson fields rows
pure $ toStrict $ toLazyText $ encodeToTextBuilder $ toJSON result
2021-10-12 14:33:33 +03:00
-- | Used by the dataloader to produce rows of records. Those rows of
-- records are then manipulated by the dataloader to do Haskell-side
-- joins. Is a Vector of HashMaps the most efficient choice? A
-- pandas-style data frame could also be more efficient,
-- dependingly. However, this is a legible approach; efficiency
-- improvements can be added later.
parseAndCollectRows ::
[Field] ->
[[Maybe ByteString]] ->
Vector (InsOrdHashMap DataLoaderPlan.FieldName J.Value)
parseAndCollectRows columns rows =
[ OMap.fromList
[ (DataLoaderPlan.FieldName . decodeUtf8 . fieldName $ column, parseFieldResult column value)
| (column, value) <- zip columns row :: [(Field, Maybe ByteString)]
| row <- rows :: [[Maybe ByteString]]
-- | Run a query immediately and parse up the results into a vector.
runQueryYieldingRows ::
(MonadIO m) =>
Pool Connection ->
Query ->
m (Vector (InsOrdHashMap DataLoaderPlan.FieldName J.Value))
runQueryYieldingRows pool (Query querySql) = do
liftIO $
withResource pool $ \conn -> do
query conn querySql
result <- storeResult conn
fields <- fetchFields result
rows <- fetchAllRows result
pure (parseAndCollectRows fields rows)
2021-08-04 14:42:24 +03:00
fetchAllRows :: Result -> IO [[Maybe ByteString]]
fetchAllRows r = reverse <$> go [] r
go acc res =
fetchRow res >>= \case
[] -> pure acc
r' -> go (r' : acc) res
2021-10-23 14:42:20 +03:00
parseTextRows :: [Field] -> [[Maybe ByteString]] -> [[Text]]
parseTextRows columns rows = map (\(column, row) -> map (MySQL.convert column) row) (zip columns rows)
withMySQLPool :: (MonadIO m) => Pool Connection -> (Connection -> IO a) -> m a
withMySQLPool pool = liftIO . withResource pool