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-- | A simple implementation of /incremental build rules/, which can be used to avoid unnecessary
-- recomputation on incrementally-changing input. See 'Rule' for more details.
module Hasura.Incremental
( Rule
, Result
, rule
, build
, rebuild
, result
, cache
, keyed
) where
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import Data.Profunctor
-- | A value of type @'Rule' m a b@ is a /build rule/: a computation that describes how to build a
-- value of type @b@ from a value of type @a@ in a monad @m@. What distinguishes @'Rule' m a b@ from
-- an ordinary function of type @a -> m b@ is that it can be made /incremental/ (in the sense of
-- “incremental compilation”) — after executing it, future executions can perform a subset of the
-- required work if only a portion of the input changed.
-- To achieve this, 'Rule's have a more restrictive interface: there is no @Monad ('Rule' m a)@
-- instance, for example. Instead, 'Rule's are composed using the 'Arrow' hierarchy of operations,
-- which ensures that the dependency graph of build rules is mostly static (though it may contain
-- conditional branches, and combinators such as 'keyed' can express restricted forms of dynamic
-- dependencies). Each atomic rule may be defined using the 'Monad' instance for @m@, but
-- incrementalization is not supported inside those rules — they are treated as a single, monolithic
-- computation.
-- Atomic rules are created with the 'rule' function, and caching can be added to a rule using the
-- 'cache' combinator. Rules can be executed using the 'build' function, which returns a 'Result'. A
-- 'Result' contains the built value, accessible via 'result', but it also allows supplying a new
-- input value using 'rebuild' to produce a new result incrementally.
newtype Rule m a b
= Rule { build :: a -> m (Result m a b) }
deriving (Functor)
-- | Creates a 'Rule' that produces an @b@ from an @a@ using the given monadic function. No caching
-- is applied by default, so the rule will be re-executed on every subsequent rebuild unless it is
-- explicitly wrapped in 'cache'.
rule :: (Functor m) => (a -> m b) -> Rule m a b
rule f = Rule $ \input -> f input <&> \result ->
Result { rebuild = build (rule f), result }
instance (Applicative m) => Applicative (Rule m a) where
pure a = Rule . const . pure $ pure a
rule1 <*> rule2 = Rule $ \input -> liftA2 (<*>) (build rule1 input) (build rule2 input)
instance (Functor m) => Profunctor (Rule m) where
dimap f g (Rule build) = Rule (fmap (dimap f g) . build . f)
instance (Functor m) => Strong (Rule m) where
first' (Rule build) = Rule $ \(a, b) -> resultFirst b <$> build a
resultFirst b Result { rebuild, result } = Result
{ rebuild = \(a, b') -> resultFirst b' <$> rebuild a
, result = (result, b)
instance (Applicative m) => Choice (Rule m) where
-- This is significantly trickier to implement than 'first'! Here’s how to think about it: the
-- first time the rule executes, we know nothing about previous runs, so if we’re given 'Left',
-- we have to call the original rule we’re given. At that point, as long as we are still given
-- 'Left' on every rebuild, we can take advantage of whatever caching happened on the previous
-- run, so we keep recursively calling 'leftResult'.
-- However, as soon as we get 'Right', we have to bail out. We return the input we’re given, and
-- we forget about any previous executions of the rule completely. If we’re given 'Left' on a
-- subsequent rebuild, we start over from the original rule again.
left' (Rule build) = Rule eitherResult
eitherResult = either (fmap leftResult . build) rightResult
leftResult Result { rebuild, result } = Result
{ rebuild = either (fmap leftResult . rebuild) rightResult
, result = Left result
rightResult input = pure $ Result
{ rebuild = eitherResult
, result = Right input
instance (Monad m) => Category (Rule m) where
id = Rule . fix $ \build -> pure . Result build
rule2 . rule1 = Rule $ \input -> do
result1 <- build rule1 input
result2 <- build rule2 (result result1)
pure $ Result
{ rebuild = build (Rule (rebuild result2) . Rule (rebuild result1))
, result = result result2
instance (Monad m) => Arrow (Rule m) where
arr f = Rule . fix $ \build -> pure . Result build . f
first = first'
instance (Monad m) => ArrowChoice (Rule m) where
left = left'
data Result m a b
= Result
{ rebuild :: !(a -> m (Result m a b))
, result :: !b
} deriving (Functor)
instance (Applicative m) => Applicative (Result m a) where
pure a = fix $ \result -> Result
{ rebuild = const $ pure result
, result = a
result1 <*> result2 = Result
{ rebuild = \input -> liftA2 (<*>) (rebuild result1 input) (rebuild result2 input)
, result = result result1 $ result result2
instance (Functor m) => Profunctor (Result m) where
dimap f g Result { rebuild, result } = Result
{ rebuild = fmap (dimap f g) . rebuild . f
, result = g result
-- | Adds equality-based caching to the given rule. After each execution of the rule, its input and
-- result values are cached. On the next rebuild, the input value is compared via '==' to the
-- previous input value. If they are the same, the previous build result is returned /without/
-- re-executing the rule. Otherwise, the old cached values are discarded, and the rule is
-- re-executed to produce a new set of cached values.
-- Note that it is important that the given rule does not perform any side-effects (other than
-- perhaps raising an error on invalid input), as they will not be re-executed if the cached result
-- is used!
-- Indescriminate use of 'cache' is likely to have little effect except to increase memory usage,
-- since the input and result of each rule execution must be retained in memory. Avoid using 'cache'
-- around rules with large input or output that is likely to change often unless profiling
-- indicates it is computationally expensive enough to be worth the memory overhead.
cache :: forall a b m. (Eq a, Applicative m) => Rule m a b -> Rule m a b
cache (Rule build) = Rule $ \input -> cacheResult input <$> build input
cacheResult :: a -> Result m a b -> Result m a b
cacheResult oldInput Result { rebuild, result } = fix $ \cachedBuild -> Result
{ rebuild = \newInput -> if
| oldInput == newInput -> pure cachedBuild
| otherwise -> cacheResult newInput <$> rebuild newInput
, result
-- | Given a 'Rule' that operates on key-value pairs, produces a 'Rule' that operates on a
-- 'M.HashMap'. If the input rule is incremental in its argument, the resulting rule will be
-- incremental as well for any entries in the map that do not change between builds.
:: forall a b k m. (Eq k, Hashable k, Applicative m)
=> Rule m (k, a) b -> Rule m (M.HashMap k a) (M.HashMap k b)
keyed baseRule = buildWith M.empty
buildWith :: M.HashMap k (Rule m a b) -> Rule m (M.HashMap k a) (M.HashMap k b)
buildWith !ruleMap = Rule $ \valueMap ->
M.traverseWithKey processEntry valueMap <&> \resultMap -> Result
{ rebuild = build (buildWith (Rule . rebuild <$> resultMap))
, result = result <$> resultMap
processEntry :: k -> a -> m (Result m a b)
processEntry k v =
let ruleForKey = case M.lookup k ruleMap of
Just existingRule -> existingRule
Nothing -> lmap (k,) baseRule
in build ruleForKey v